Record No. 3186 In the Supren1e Court of Appeals of Virginia at Richmond VIRGINIA ST AGE LINES, INC., V. COMMONWEALTH OF, VIRGINIA, ETC. FROM 1'F1 I~ S'J'ATE COR.P OR,\ TlON COMMISSION OF VIBOlNIA, RULE 14. ~5. N Ul\lBER OF COPms ·1·0 n~ P rum AND D ELIVF.Rl•:O TO Orros­ I~G Cou~sm.. Twenty <.:opiC>s of earb brief shall be filed with the cl('rk of the eourt, and nt least two copies mailed or de­ livered to opposing counsC'l 011 or before the clay on wltid1 the brief is fi led. ~.G. S1 zr-: A~'i) 'fYPF. Bric>fs 8-hall lie nine inehes in length ::md six inches in width, so as to <·onforrn in dimensions to t he printc•d re('ord, a nd ~lrnll he pl'intt1 d in type not less in size, ns to height a nd wid U1, than the• type in wltieli the reeonl is printc•tl. The record umubc>r of the. case and 1rnmes. of coun­ sel shall he pr inted OH 1hL' front <:'O\'C' t' of all brief~. :i\I. B. \\TNl'TS, Clerk. Court opens at S :30 a. m. ; Adjourns at 1 :00 p. m. 11, VA-JObfo RULE 14-BRIEFS 1. Form and contents of a ppellant's brief. T h e ope n ing brief o f t he appellan t ( or the petit ion for appeal wl!c u adopted as the opening brief) shall con tain : (a) A s u bjec t inc.lex and tal1lc oi c ita t ions w ith cas es alphabetically arranged. Citations of V irginia cas es mus t refer to t he Virginia Repor b and, in addition, m ay r d <!r to o t he r reports containing s uch case!'. (b) ,\ brief s tattmcu t of tlie mater ial pr oceedings in the .lower court, th e errors as:;ig nt'd, a nd the lJllc~t ion,- involved iu the appeal. ( c) A clea r a n d concis e s tat ement of the facts, wit h references to the pages oi th e recor1 w her e there i~ any pos~il>ility that t he othe r side may q ues tion the s ta te­ ment. \\ hen : the fac ts :.re conu·ovcrted it s hou ld be so stated . ( d ) A r g ument i11 s upl',>-or t of t h e p ositio u of appella nt. T h e brief , hall be sigued by a t leas t one a tto rney p ract icing in th is cou r t. giving his add res,. The a ppellan t mar adopt the pl't ition ior appeal as Ii i~ open ing br ief by so s ta ting in t he petit ion, o r by giving to oppllsi11g co tll1scl wr it ten notict! o f s uc h intention within fi ,·e d a ys of the r eceipt by ap1Jella 11 t o f t he printed r ecord, a nd by fil ing a c upy of su ch notice with th<' clerk of the court. :--/o a lJ.,gcd error not s pecifi ed in the opening hri,· f or petitio n fur a ppeal s hall be aclmitted as a ground fo r a rgument by a1,pc1lant <m the IH'aring of the caus e. 2. Form and contents of appellee's brief. The brief for the a p pelln · sha ll contain: (a) A s uhj o;:c t inckx and tahlc o f citat ions with ca,;es alphabetically a r ranged . C itacio 11 ; oi Virginia ,·a,1:s m u, t refe r to t he Vir ginia R <: port~ aii d, i11 a dditio n, m a)' n·1u to other report, cn11 1ai11h1g such ca,c, . (hJ :\ :. tatl'lllt:llt (1f the cas,· a n d o f the 11oint,; invo ln' d. if the ,1ppellee rl b agrces with t ht ,-ta tem,·nt oi appellant. (c) A s taternl'llt of th e iact~ which arc neccs~ary to correc t o r a m plify th e: s tate­ me n t in appclla11t\ briei in ,.o far a, it is <kem cc.1 erroneous or inadequak, wit h ap­ prop r iate refrrrncc to the pages of the reco1·d. ( di Argument in , uppor t ot tht: po,itio n c,f appdlee. T hl· brici shall be "igncd by a t k as t on<= a ttorney practicing in th i" rourt, giving hi,- nddrf's:,. 3. Reply brief. T h e r eply bdcf (i f any) oi the appell ant shall con tain all th e a u­ th oritie ,, r elied o n by hin1. no t referred lO in h is pl'lition or ope ning brid. In 01h('r rc:"p ects it ,-hall conform to the: requir em e11 t s for appd l ,e's brief. 4. Time of filing. ( a) Ch,i! wscs. The op e ning br ief of t he appella nt (if there be o ne in addition to thl· p<:titi<,n for app eal) , hall be fi led in thi: clerk',, oflicc wit hm fi itt'en days a i1 c· r tlw n ·ceip t by cn1111 :<el for app ellant of the p ri'nt ed record. but in 110 e\'cnt lc5S than thirty day, b efore th <' fi rs t day of th e st·s~iou a t whic h the ca,e i~ to bt: heard. The brief of th1.: appelli:c shall he filed in th e derk·s ofilci: n ot la ter t ha n fift een day,-, a n d th<: n .:p ly brid oi tlit· a ppella11l not later than o ne day, before t he fir,,t day o i the bl' s~i,,n a t whkh the ca i-,, i~ to be heard. lb) Crim111al Casrs. In rrimin al c;1$ C:,. bril·fr m ust b,· fi led w ithin the time specified in civil cas es ; p ro\'idt·d. h n\\'ever. that in thost' case~ in \\'hic h the 1·ecord;; h ave not l) t't'll pri nll·d aud deliYC· red to coun ::el at lea~! twentJ·fi\'e clay,; bd ore the beg innin g­ o f t he ncxt ,1:s~io11 of the cou rt. ,-uch ca;;c, s ha ll b<' placed at thl' foot o f the docket for tha t ~c,.,ion o i tlic co u rt, a11d the: C0mmo11wcalth', Jn·ief shall be ti led a t i<- as t ten <l,,ys prior to th e calling ,,f the. ,a~e. a nd the reply brief for th e plaintiff in er ror n ot later t ha n the day before tin· case is call ed. (c) Stipu/otio ,i of cnw1 sc/ os /(I fi/i119. Counsd for oppo,ing parties m ay ti le with the clerk a w ritten ;;tipulation changin g the time for fi ling brief, in an y ca!>e ; p ro­ vided, howe \'er, th;tt all brief; mu,,t be tiled nm later tha n t he day hcforc such case is to he h ea r d . 5. Number of copies to be filed and delivered to opposing counsel. Twenty copid o f each hrief sh all be fi led with the ckrk o f the court. and al least t wo copic~ mail ed or delivcr ecl to oppo,ing coun sel on o r bd orc t i1c: clay 011 which t he brid i, fi led. 6. Size and Type. B rief, shall b<' n ine in ches in length and s ix inr hcs in \Yidt h , ~o ::is to t·on form in climen,- iou~ to th e p rin red reco rcl. a nd ~hall be printed in type not Jr~, in s ize, as to ht'ight all() width . than the typ~ in whic h the recc,rd i,; printed. The rtcord m 1mb1:r of th e ca,e a 11 d 1Hmic, o i counsd s hall b e p r intt:d on the front cover of a ll b rief~. 7. Non-compliance, effect of.. T he c k rk ,,f this court is directed n ot to rccdl' c 0 r file- a b rief which faib to comply with t he requ ir ement,; oi t h is rule. If n either side has fil ed a proper brief the cau se will not be h ear~I. If on e of th e parties fails t,) hk a proper bri,,f lie ca nnot be h eard, bu t thl' ca,;,· will be h eard ,•.r p11 rll! upon t he a rg u­ ment of rlw party by \\'horn the hrief ha, be<?n filed. ' INDEX TO PETITION Record No. 3186 Page Statement of Facts and Proceedings. 2* The Issue in· this Case. 9 * Jurisdiction ......... : . 10* Assignments of Error. 11 * Prayer and Conclusion. 11 *. IN THE Supreme Court ·of Appeals of Virginia AT RICHMOND. Record No. 3186 VIRGINIA STAGE LINES, INCORPORATED, Appellant, versus COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, AT THE RELATION OF STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION, ETC., Ap­ pellee PETITION FOR APPEAL. To the Honorable Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the -Su­ preme Court of Appeals of Virginia: Your petitioner, Virginia Stage Lines, Incorporated, (a cor~ poration organized and existing under the laws of Virginia with its principal office in the City of Charlottesville, Virginia) respect­ fully represents that it is aggrieved by a final order entered by the State Corporation Commission of Virginia on the 12th day of June, 1946, in Case No.
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