mmm jj f WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY. I f SUGAR--96 Teat Centrifugals, 3.75 r Light northerly winds and ftir weather, j T cents. t . r ESTABLISHED JULY 2, 185&. 4 t 4 t 4 EDL. XXXVIII. NO. 6640. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS PART OF COUNTY DEATH OF MRS. HIRAM AMERICANS BINGHAM AFTER AN ACT IS MADE ILLNESS OF TEN YEARS SALUTE NEW NULL AND VOID PANAMA FLAG 1 : I The Supreme Court Expunges the Imposing Ceremonies Mark the Full d Proposed Board of Public Recognition of the Young Institutions. Republic. fl Legality of Whole Act Not Considered Grounds Dominican Insurgents Fire on an American of Decision Are That Act Embraces Steamer The Texan Makes a Record Run. More Than One Subject. Gen. MacArthur Coming to Honolulu. 'V..- - S "'V The Board of Public Institutions created by the County Act is (ASSOCIATED PRESS CABLEGRAMS.) no more. Aesterday afternoon the Supreme Court rendered a PANAMA, Nov. 18. The United States cruiser Marblehead unanimous decision making the County Act, so ar as it relates to hoisted the flag of the new republic and saluted with 21 guns. the Board of Public Institutions, null and void. it A Superintendent Henry E. Cooper, it happens, has officially lived Panama gunboat and the forts reciprocated by raising and saluting just long enough to enjoy one evening's triumph over the Legisla- the American flag. After the ceremonies Rear Admiral Glass offi- ture's to deprive the THE LATE MRS. BINGHAM AND HER HUSBAND, THE REV. well-wishe- attempt Superintendent of Public Works of the cially called on the Junta and expressed his s. President greater part of the functions the Organic Act prescribed he HIRAM BINGHAM. that Arias responded in terms of gratitude to the United States and there should exercise. The case now decided arose from the resistance Mr. oooso$oeoa was great popular enthusiasm. of Cooper to the authority of the Board of Public Institutions. fter an illness that had lasted for that na1 le, starting on a long honev- - Gear Judge decided that the Board of Public Institutions was ten years, one contracted through the moon voyage around Cape Horn to an illegal body in that its members were not appointed as such by hardships of early missionary work Hawaii and the islands of Micronesia. the Governor, the Organic Act placing the appointment of all boards They reached Honolulu on April 24th DOMINICAN REBELS among natives of Micronesia, Mrs. of a public character among the duties the Governor should perform. the of the following year and within a few He touched upon other points raised, but found it unnecessary to Minerva Clarissa Bingham, wife of the montlis were at Ponape, where an as- FIRE ON CLYDE LINER decide the one Rev. Hiram Bingham, died at the sembly of missionaries decided that the attacking the validity of the entire statute namely, ' that the bill had not passed the three readings in each house of the family home in Alexander street last young couple should take up their la bors at Apiang. They commenced their Legislature which the Organic Act requires. evening 18. work at the latter point on Nov. 18, WASHINGTON, Nov. The Government has refused to The Supreme Court finds the County Act to be illegal, so far as Mrs. Bingham had been a sufferer for 1857, and the hardships they had to en- recognize the Dominican revolutionists and has protested A Board" be-caus- e, against it relates in title and text to the of Public Institutions, ten years from paralysis agitans. Ev- dure there for manv years, living on contrary to the Organic Act, it embraces more- - than one ery care has been taken of her during the food 01 the South Seas and in quar- the blockade. San Domingo is completely invested and is now Subject. It not only provides for "the organization and govern that time but she had been gradually ters verv unlike a comfortable New being bombarded. A general attack is expected momentarily. ment of counties and districts," but for "the management and failing in health until last May she fell England home, undermined the health The revolutionists fired on the American Clyde liner as she control of public works public a victim to the dengue fever. Since of Mrs. Bingham and also of the Rev. and institutions therein" that is, was entering Samana bay but the vessel was uninjured. in the counties and districts. then she has been confined to her bed. Mr. Bingham. While mentioning Mrs. Bingham was well known as Nearly half a century ago missionary the several lines of attack on the Board of The Clyde line of steamers running from New York to Domin- Public Institutions which Mr. Cooper's counsel took in resisting a woman of high character and lofty life in Micronesia was a verv strenuous ideals. Throughout the small islands undertaking. Sometime ago Mr. Bing- ican ports are unpopular with a portion of the people of the country. the writ of mandamus, the Supreme Coutr contents itself with de- of The Clyde line had a claim against the Dominican government for ciding the main issue raised in the petition for the writ. that dof the seas of Micronesia she is ham gave a brief account of some As the known to the natives as a friend and the haDpenines incident to labors of $350,000 for refund of wharfage and other port dues and unable Circuit Judge had done, it leaves the validity of the County Act as helper. Had she lived until next Oc- himself and wife in Micronesia from to get satisfaction from the government finally secured a presenta- a whole an open question. There is nobody or nothing in the world tober she would have been seventy the time that! they settled at Apiang. tion of their claim through the United government. Minister more steadfast of $tates than courts justice in observing the principle of years old. She was born at Northamp- One year's work, contending with cli- Powell demanded the settlement of the claim but the mater was not crossing a bridge before it is reached. ton. Mass., on October 19, 1834, and re- mate, bad food and other evils, was still in the air at the time the present revolution broke out. The was a This test case, so far as it went, for which the outcome ceived her education there. It was in enough to break down Mr. Bingham's port of Samana, in which the New York was fired upon, is being has been eagerly that she met the then health, and he returned to Boston, awaited by the people of the Territory, who have Ma.achusetts greedily watched by European powers that wish to secure for in young Hiram Bingham, son of one of where he supperintended the building it just participated the first elections under the County Act. There- a coaling station. fore the decision of the Supreme the earliest Hawaiian missionaries, who of the second "Morning Star." Court in full is here presentedto 1 the readers of the Advertiser: was in the East receiving an education When that vessel was built, he went preparatory to leading a life of reli- in command of her on another voyage the Attorney General of the Territory gious activity in the South Pacific. Her to Micronesia until his health broke GENERAL COUNTY ACT CASE and to prescribe powers MACARTHUR its and duties. marriage to Mr. Bingham solemniz- down again It purports to transfer to it many pow- was and he came to Honolulu. DECISION IN FULL ers and duties which have hitherto be- ed on Nov. 18, 1856. only nine days Here he remained for some time, re- EN ROUTE TO HONOLULU longed to the Superintendent of Public after he had been ordained a minister. turning to the Gilberts in 1868. Works. The defense is that this chap- The young couple immediate!' made The Gilbert Islands when Mr. Bingham In the Supreme Court of the Territory ter is null and void because con- it preparations for their trip to Hawaii first went' there was a very undesirable of Hawaii. October term, 1903. flicts with the Organic Act and more SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 18. General MacArthur, CoL Prow-- In the matter of the application of particularly with (1) Sec. 80 which pro. and a couple of weeks after the mar- place. The inhabitants were warlike Sanford B. Dole, Governor, George R. vides that the Governor shall appoint riage were on board the brig "Morning and jealousies among the chiefs excit-(Continu- ed est, Mrs. S. B. Terry and Collector Stackable have sailed for Hono- (Continued on Page 2). page 4.) Carter, Secretary, A. N. Kepolkai, Star," the first missionary vessel of on y Treasurer, J. H. Fisher, Auditor, A. T. lulu on the Korea, Atkinson. Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Lorrin Andrews, At- torney General, as the Board of Public Institutions of the Territory, for a TEXAN MAKES RECORD Writ of Mandamus against Henry E. Connor, as Superintendent or .fUDtic f Works of the Territory. RUN TO PHILADELPHIA " Appeal from Circuit Judge, First Circuit. Submitted November 6. 1903. Decided November 17, 1903. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 18. The steamship Texan, with 58,-8- 84 FREAR, C. J., GADBRAITH AND PERRY, JJ. bags of sugar from Honolulu, has made a record run to this port An act entitled "An Act providing from Tacoma. for the organization and government of counties and districts, and the man- agement and control of public works The trip of the well-know- n American-Hawaiia- n freighter Texan, therein," is invalid as Washington, through and institutions purports to Captain Morrison, from Tacoma, the Straits to so much thereof as Philadelphia, in fifty days is one of most re- create a Territorial Board of Public of Magellan, to the Institutions and to transfer to it mat- markable passages on record.
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