'A* aW-V* P*' V 'j •’ - 4-. H Avoram Dally Nat Prass Run Tha Waathar TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1966 Ver the Week Bnded I e< U. K W m Hhi KACB TWENTY-FOUR iManrljrater lEofnittg 1|waU> ■ n ei Brtii 4. m s , 13,893 lEuTtittig Isnr IB aas. the Aadlt wgfes !■ um la a Abo^t Town PINK STREET AT OlwBlaUoa Mmehsttm* • A City of VtUafo Charm n « Kutar'a Club of Piiend- HARTFORD ROAD (Olaaelfled AdvertMng ea Fage M), ■hlp Lodffa of M uons will TOL. LXXXIV, NO. 288 ;(THIRTY.SDL PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1965 PRICE SEVEN CEVm kKve lU first fall msotlng MANCHESTER. Thursday at 7 p.m. In the small lodge room of the Ma­ sonic Temple. There will be ■/'"'.I' games and refreshments after a short ' business meeting. Moves Members are reminded to a bring prospective members. Two~Pronged Strike OM<in iO !• < t Temple Chapter. Order of Toward BJutem Star, will meet to­ ^ -1 morrow at 8 p.m. at the Ma­ sonic Temple and observe Rob­ Peace ert Morris night. Officers are reminded to wear colored Launched by India GENEVA (AP)— U.N. govms. Refreshments will be Secretary-General U Thant served after the meeting. NEW DELHI, Indian said today he will put his Mountain Laurel Chapter of B ack-to^ (AP) — I n d i a’8 army own peace proposals before Sweet Adelines, Inc. will per­ launched two new attacks the Indian and Pakistan form "njursday at 8 p.m. for governments. the Holy Rosary Confraternity Commissioned into West Pakistan today and claimed it had forced During a one-hour stopover at of St. Gabriel's Chvirch. Wind­ James F. Lockwood, son of Geneva en route to Pakistan, sor. There will be a rehearsal Mr. and Mrs. Graj^on F. Ml tehien fw Mcml a Pakistani withdrawal on at 8 p.m. at the church. Thant told newsmen; “ I have Lockwood of 9 Margaret Rd., the Kashmir front. certain suggestloiui to put to has recently been commission­ India reported Pakistani St; Mary’s Episcopal Guild both sides.” ed a second lieutenant in the bombers wore driven off In an He declined to elaborate but w ill. meet Thursday at 11 U.S. Air Force. He graduated J attempt to attack New Delhi. An a.m. In the Guild Hall at St. from Officer Ti'alnlng School BOYS' added: "M y primary objective Mary’s Church. Members are air force spokesman in Pakistan Is to comply with the two reso­ at Lackland AFB, Tex. said the report was “ completely reminded to bring sandwiches. Lt. Lockwood was selected lutions of the Security Council.” Dessert and beverages will be false.” Hurrying to Pakistan and In­ for Officer Training School Belfast Defense Minister Y. B. Oha- served by the executive com­ through competitive examina­ dia on his peace mission, he mittee. van told Parliament one Indian stopped over briefly In London tion. He is being assigned to spearhead already was five Laughlin AFB, Tex., for pilot SELF-KONING and conferred with Foreign Sec­ Manchesler Aren Council of miles deep into southeastern retary Michael Stewart. training. He is a g^duate of Pakistan. Beta Sigma Phi soroity will Manchester High School and The two men delved Into the meet tonight at 8 at Mott’s received a B.A. degree in Eng­ SHIRTS Reports reaching New Delhi problem of stopping the fighting Community Hall. All council lish from the University of said this force c a ^ r e d Qadra, between India and Pakistan. members are invited. Refresh­ Connecticut. six miles Inside the frontier Stewart was able to reassure ments will be served by Beta about 220 mUes east of Karachi, Thant that Prime Minister Har­ XI Chapter members after the Pakistan’s main port and naval old Wilson’s government was meeting. Machinist’s Mate S.C Kirk base. These accounts said the firmly behind the secretary-gen­ F. Belcher, U.S. Navy, son of army was advancing toward eral’s peacekeeping mission. Chapman Court, Order of Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Belcher 1.97 Khaprapar, 15 miles Inside Pak> After a 25-mlnute conference, Amarsinth, will sponsor a Fash­ of 26 W. Middle Tpke., is pres­ M EN'S 100% cotton dries wrinkle-free. Istan. The Defense Ministry Stewart and Thant emerged ion Show Friday at 8 p.m. at ently serving aboard the de­ could not confirm these reports. smiling. Both said they had the Masonic Temple. Clothes stroyer tender USS Isle Roy- Shrinkage permanently con­ Chavan said another force found the discussion usefiil. will be furnished by Burton’s. ale, which is on a five-month PERMANENT trolled. Stay or snap tab collar. crossed the northern frontier ’The public is Invited. Tliere will deployment from Long Beach, White. Sizes 6 to 18. near the sector in southwestern WASHINGTON (AP) — With­ Calif., to Pearl Harbor, out saying so directly, the Unit­ be entertainment and refreah- Kashmir where the Pakistani (AP ve e U tm O ments. Hawaii. He is a 1961 graduate army invasion began a week ed States is warning India and of Manchester High School. ago. He said this attack was Pakistan that they stand to lose Miami’s famous royal palm trees lining Biscayne Boulevard $||^w the fury of Hurricane CREASE their substantial American eco­ BeSay, Wunee Chapter of Questers BOYS’ forcing Pakistani units in the *1 will meet tonight at 8 at the Recent guests of Mrs. G. K. Chhamb area of Kashmir to nomic aid if they continue to home of Mrs. Herman Marshall, FPresman of 20 Pitkin St. were withdraw. tight. Mrs. Robert H. Bailey and Mr. Girls'. Misses' Rt. 31, Coventry. Final plans Permanent Thus India opened three The State Department an­ for a booth at the Brimfield, and Mrs. Alvah Woodward, all nounced Tuesday a halt in mili­ of St. Petersburg, Fla. fronts In West Pakistan, the Mass. Flea Market will be dis- Child one being in the Lahore tary assistance to the two coun­ SLACKS Crease Orion-Nylon tries, claiming they both were 'bssed. aector about 110 miles south of ’The British American Club using U.S. equipment in their Betsy Lashes Miami Chhamb. Hartford A i«a Licensed Prac- will meet tonight at 8 at the war over Kashmir. clubhouse. KNEE SO X Reports from Pakistan, how­ „ - n l Nurses Association, Inc. of ever, said all Indian troops had The threat of a suspension of Connecticut will have its first teen driven from Pakistani soil econotnic assistance is implicit meeting of this season tomor­ Eighth District firemen put in word from officials thed the a brush fiire near Scott Dr. yes­ m on the Lahore front. row at 8 p.m. at rooms 662 and SLACKS The object of the multiple In­ matter is still being considered. terday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Trooper of an advance brigade headquarters of 663, Hartford Hospital. The dian attacks appeared to be to A halt in aid appears to be meeting is open to aU licensed Firemen used Indian tanks to the Indian army plots position, left, as another Washington’s trump card at the quell the woods blaze in 20 min­ 3.99 force the small Pakistani army With 105 mph Winds practical nurses. moment. Otherwise, the United utes. NEVER NEED IRONING! to withdrawal from southwest­ gives orders over loud speaker. (AP Photofax.) ern Kashmir in order to defend States has put its power and Fire Control 'Teclhnlclal 8.C Amazing Fabric! 76% orlon acrylic - 25% nylon. now fronts. influence behind the peace mis­ MTAMT F la YAP^ -,_^ of 1928, wWch sent Miami set-^south of Miami. “ We told them^otroyor. Along OoHIna Avemia, Phll^ P. Klemas, U.S. Navy, Long wearing, sox In navy, char­ A New Delhi spokesman said sion of U.N. Secretary-General tiers streaming back northward to aband<Hi the boats,” a Coast Miami Beach’a tamed "hotel son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Felonies Head coal, red, cordovan, hunter. Also the thrust into West Pakistan in U Thant. Hurricane Betsy pushed a and broke the back of the great Guard officer said. “ They row” was hit hard by the (idea. Klemas of 485 Adams St. is black In big girls’ sizes. Sizes 6 to the southeast was in reprisal for Senate Democratic Leader six-foot wall of water Florida land boom, had a hurri­ waved us off.” Water flowed three feet deep serving aboard the guided mls- Plain front, belt loop 11. entirely across Key Biscayne, a August Arrests or continental adjust­ a Pakistani naval bombardment Visit UN, Mike Mansfield of Montana de­ across Florida’s lower east cane driven so much seawater A« Betsy raged on westward sllle cruiser TIBS Chicago, par­ 3.97 of the port of Dwarka, about 240 scribed President Johnson today ashore. across the nkrrow bottom of the resort and residential island off able hip model. 50% coast todoy — the highest ticipating In First Fleet strike wfmmmif. miles down the coast from Kar­ as hopeful the United Nations The metropoliton areas of the Florida peninsula, aiming for the mainland at MlamL Three exercises off the coast of South­ TTie Manchester Police Dept, Fortrel polyester Never-press-again slacks of 65% Dacron achi. could bring about a cease-fire. since the disastrous flood Florida Gold Ooaat apparently (he OuU of Mexico and other barges tom loose from thatr ern Califoriila. reports 22 arrests were made - 50% cotton slacks. moorings by the wind knocked in August for felonies and 43 Black olive, black, tan. polyester, 35% combed cotton. Slim, regular This aroused speculation Chat Mansfield and other '^Demo- of 1926— arid battered the escaped major damage from coastlines ahead, word came Karachi was the Indian target.
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