Of Photographs

Of Photographs

INDEX - Historical Papers and CPSA photographs and pictorial material Please use in conjunction with the Guide to Photographs. A Abantu Batho Ltd: See: Newspapers Abrahams, Rupert: A2054/Kb2 Abrahams, Yvonne: A2054/Ka-b Adams, Jerry (Sinn Fein): A3345 Adler, Taffy: AH2065/J11-12, 41-43 Advertisements: African: A427Fol Early Johannesburg: A2638/9, 10.28, 22.31, 28.6,8, 34, 35.57; A2794/B Africa: East Coast, c.1900: A1655/F1.259-95; AB2032; A2717 Travel in central, east, north and southern Africa, c.1885-1935: A77; A100; AB188; AB707; AB2032 See also: Lesotho; Mozambique; Malawi; Namibia; Zambesi Valley; Zimbabwe African Methodist Episcopal Church: A1618/Be, Gb African National Congress (ANC): Delegation to England - 1914: A1384f Delegation to England - 1919: A979/Fcb6; A2945/E.5 History of the ANC and of resistance: A2094/Eb1.38 1912 -1950: A1618/Gb; AG2738/Fa16; A2794/23A; A2945/E 1950 - c.1970: AD1788/14; A1984/F23-27 Post-1994: A3359/2 African National Congress Women’s League, c.1950: A1985/A9.1.79; A2794/28F.2 African Yearly Register: See: Newspapers Afrikaner nationalism: Afrikaner Weerstands Beweeging (AWB): A3359/56 Cultural events, 1960s: AG2738/Fa1.1; A2794/1.1-4 Voortrekker Centenary, 1938: A1307; A2794/1.4 Voortrekker Monument: AB2365 Voortrekker Wagon, 1938: AB2259/Gm2 Aggett, Neil Hudson: A2410/B8 Funeral: AB2952/A Alberts, Paul: Photographic work: AG2738/Fa32.2 Alexander, Rachel (Ray): AD1137/Ac1.7.1; AH1426/Ay2.1; AG2386/C113; A2794/21.1-2 Alexandra Clinic: See: Health Alexandra Township: See: Urban areas Alexandra Youth Congress (violence): AK2131/B All Saints’ Church, Clifton, Jhb: AB2822/1-2 All Saints’ Church, Durbanville, Cape: AB1839/2-4 All Saints’ Church, Helmsley, England (Charles Gray): AB1607f Andersson, Charles John: A3; A1982 Anglican Church in South Africa: See: Church of the Province of South Africa (CPSA) Anglican Church, Swakopmund: AB2140/9-10 Anglican Students’ Federation: A1985/A9.1 Anglican Women’s Fellowship (AWF): See: Women’s organisations within the CPSA Anglo-Boer Wars: 1880-1881: A1909fol; A2102/Ah3.10.5; AB2116/20,21; A2201/E10.1-3, 32-37; A3085/12.5-6 1899-1902: A3311 Black people involved in the War: A1562; A2638/31.29 Blockhouses: AG2738/Fa2.1 Bloemfontein: A1559 Bridges destroyed: A2201/E10.58-64 British commanders: A2201/E10.18-19 Camps (concentration, refugee): A2201/E10.29-31, 108-112; AG2738/Fa2.2 Cape Colony: A884 Explosive devices (shells): A2201/E10.44-6 Johannesburg: A1562; A2638/31.29; A2779/4; A2794/2 Kimberley: A1199/C130,137b; A1559; A2201/E10.4-5 Ladysmith: A59; A1262; AB890; A2201/E10.10-11; A2206 Mafeking: A1559; A2201/E10.40-42, F1 Medical services: A86/14; A884; A1559; A2201/E10.102-7; A2203/D20,22,24 British Military Hospitals: A663/Eb; A884 Miscellaneous photos: A1/kd5.4; A31; A59; A86/1-24; A839; A884Fol; AB890; A967/4-38; A1199/C127-37,165; A1203; A1262; A1559; A1562; A1655/F1.25-41,193-5, F2.16-22; AB2116; A2201/E10; A2360/Ca-b; A2400/F2-3; A2638/31.29; AG2738/Fa2; A2794/2 Natal campaign: A86; A1262; A1562; A2201/E10.80-93; A2360/Ca-b Orange Free State: A1562; A2360/Ca-b Postcards: A967/4-38; A2201/E10; A2400/F3 Prisoners of War: A1199/C127-9, C165a-c; A2201/E10.8; A2400/F3 Sketch maps, Eastern Tvl: A839/Hb1-3 Spioen Kop: A86/18; A1262; A2201/E10.90-93 Surrender, 1902: A2201/E10.27 Transvaal: A31; AB890; A1075/H15; A1203 See also: names of individual generals Animals: See: Hunting; South Africans for the Abolition of Vivisection (SAAV); Tuli elephants; Veterinary services; Zoological illustrations Anti-Apartheid Ephemera (badges, banners, stickers, T-shirts): AG2918/11.15; A3239 Anti-Apartheid Movement (international): A1985/A9.1.398-416; A2094/Bf4; Anti-Pass campaign: See: Resistance Apartheid: Illustrations of S A society during Apartheid: A2094/Ba; AB2546/B11.1-16 Personalities in the struggle against Apartheid: AD1788/15 See also: Influx Control; names of individuals; Segregation Arms: Armaments factories, World War 2: A2794/41.13-21 Arms caches, 1980s: Hammanskraal: AK2333/C5 Natal: AK2426/Ac Pretoria area: AK2334/C11-33; AK2426Ac Witwatersrand: AK2426/Ac Explosive devices/weapons, 1980s: AK2228/B.37-39; AK2334/C32,34; AK2379/A149; AK2426/Ac See also: Anglo-Boer War, 1899 -1902; Landmines Armscor: A3345/L4.22 Armstrong Chapel, Grahamstown: AB1431f Army: See: Military Art: Bernstein, Hilda – photos of paintings and etchings: A3299 Church and mission paintings, artefacts and carvings: AB750/Gbc2; AB851/Gc; AB1001; AD1788/1.1-2; AB3008; AB3181/C Miscellaneous S A art: AD1788/1.1-5; A2102/Ah3.8; A2355/C5.3-23; A2794/3.3 Ndebele decorative art: AD1788/1.3-5 See also: San: Rock paintings Association for Community rural Advancement: AG3246 Aviation (early): A2201/E7.70-72 B Baard, Frances: A1984/F20; A1985/A9.1.116,386; A2794/28F.2 Baden-Powell, Lord Robert: AB890; A1559; AD1788/21.1,3-5; A2201/E7.53 Badsha, Omar: Photographic work: AG2738/Fa31 Bailey, Sir Abe: A1546/3; A2440 Bailey, Rev. Gerard Chilton: AB895 Bakgatla chiefs, c.1910: A1655/F1.130-1 Ballinger, Margaret and William: A410/A5 Bantu World: See: Newspapers "Bantustans”: See: Homelands Bar Council of Pretoria (Advocates), 1954, 1960, 1964: A1199/C519 Baragwanath, Mr / daughters: AG2613/P11 Barberton district, c.1880 -1916: A1546/10-13; A1563; A1564 See also: Mining Barker, Dr. Anthony: A1199/C545-6 Barnato, Barney: A22/E Barnett brothers: Photographic work, c.1890 -1905: A1203; A1563; A1565; A2201/E3-4,10,15; A3311 Barnett-Clarke, Bishop R: AB2364/4 Batlokwa people: See: Relocations Bavin, Bishop Timothy: AB1979/F30; AB1805/1-5; AB2404/2 Bechuanaland: A3311 Beer: Beer brewing in townships, 1930s: A1419/31, 35 Beer halls, Soweto, 1960s: A1434/1.2G Police disposing of illegal beer, c.1910: A2794/22.3 Belson, Rev. W E: AB1964 Belvidere Church, Knysna: See: Holy Trinity Church Berkland, Alfred M: A1061 Berman, Rodney: AJ1916/D2.6.2.1-3 Bernstein Family: A3299 Bernstein, Hilda: A3299 Bernstein, Lionel (Rusty): AD1844/34.6; A1984/F12; A3299 Bethal Project, History Workshop – CD44/45 Beyleveld, Pieter: AD1788/15A.1 Biko, Bantu Stephen (Steve): AJ1916/D1.19; AG2386/C61-62 Bill of Rights: A3296 (CD no.49) Bisho massacre: A3345/L3.6 Bishop’s House, Johannesburg: AB2391/1-6 Bishopscourt, Cape Town: AB1733; AB2072f; AB2162/1-3; AB2237; AB2297; AB2383; AB3008/5,8 Bishopstowe, KwaZulu Natal (site of Colenso’s house): AB2140/11-14 Bizos, George: A2674/A1.19 Black people: Leaders, c.1900 – 1950: AD843/P; A1618/Gb; AD1788/15 See also: names of individual leaders Rural people, c.1900 – 1950: A86/35-46; A837; A2102/Ah3.9.30-32 Social life of town-dwellers, c.1930-1970: AD1788/3A.1-3,6; A2638/18, 19.12,23, 27.20, 23.14; AG2738/Fa21.6 See also: Tribal customs Black Sash: AE862/K1-4; AD1457/B1.14; A2346/1.1-16; AG2523/G22.1-2; AG3014/A37 Blackburn, Molly: A1984/F34.1-2 Bloemfontein: See: Urban areas Boer Generals (of 1881): A2102/Ah3.10.5 See also: names of individual Generals involved in the wars of 1881 and 1899 -1902 Boesak, Rev. Allan: AC623/12.17.1-2; AB1966/5-8; AG2613/P; AG3014/A40 Boipatong Massacre: AK2672/C2 Bomb blasts, 1980 - 1990: Electrical sub-stations: AK2291/Ae1-8; AK2333/C4 Krugersdorp post office: AG2543/6.F1 Police stations: Booysens: AK2333/C1 Moroka, Orlando, Wonderboomspruit: AK2291/Ae1-8; Railway lines/trains: AK2333/C1,3; AK2334/C10 Pretoria (central and surrounding areas, inclu. Mamelodi, Sterland, Juicy Lucy): AK2334/C1-10 Vehicles: AK2333/C1; AK2334/C8 Walvis Bay: AK2276/A2.21-23 West Rand Administration offices: AK2333/C1 See also: Landmines; Violence: victims Bopape, David: A1984/F15; A2794/21.3-4, 28C.4 Bophuthatswana: AD1788/2A.1-4; A3217 Botha, Gen. Louis: A842/Fa, Fb7; A1479/6.B20; A2102/Ah3.11.4,6-7; A2201/E7.60-62; A2360/Ca-b; A2794/21.7-8 Botha, Pieter Willem (P W): AC623/12.17.39; A2794/21.6 Botha, Roelof Frederik (Pik): AJ1916/D1.20.4; A3359/45.15 Bousfield, Bishop Henry Brougham: AB890; AB1691; AB1979/F Boxing, SA: AJ1916/D2.6 Boy Scout Movement: See: Scouts Boycotts: Alexandra bus boycott, 1957: A2102/Ah3.11.16; A2794/28G.31-33 Johannesburg bus boycott: A2638/14.13 British troops in South Africa: A3311 Broom, Robert: A2102/Ah3.11.1 Buchanan, Bishop Duncan: AC623/12.17.6,12 Bunting, Brian: A1984/F25 Burchell, William John: A437/S1,24,35 Photographs/postcards of paintings: A342.5; A437; A1982 (No original Burchell paintings in HP) Burnett, Archbishop Bill Bendyshe: AB978; AB1569/19.1.5; AB1805/1-5; AB2115/1-5; AB2795 Bushmen: See: San Buthelezi, Mangosuthu: AB2493/P1.64; A3359 C Cachalia, Amina: A1984/F31-32; A1985/A9.33-37, A9.1.128,219,242,345,390-1 Cachalia, Yusuf: A1985/A9.1.349,391; A2794/21.101, 28B.5 Calata, Fort: Funeral: AE862/K2.49 Calata, Rev. James Arthur: AD843/B51.6; A1729/A8; A2794/21.9 Callaway, Bishop Henry: AB2044/1 Callaway, Fr. Godfrey: AB894; AB1653/Ee2.1; AB1886/S1 Cameron, Archdeacon G H: AB3008/3 Campbell, Roy: A431f Cape Colony: Map c.1779: A1503 Maps c.1815: A437/S2, S36-50 Parliament, 1854, 1876: A842/Fb8 Cape Flats, 1940s: A2102/Ah3.11.15 Cape Mounted Rifles: A1655/F1.16,19-23, F2.13-15 Cardoso, Carlos: A2084/P6.9 Carmichael, Fr. James Thomas: AB2259/Gcb Carmichael, Canon Michael: AB3366/2-15 Carnegie post card collection – CD43 Carneson, Fred: A1984/F25 Carter, Archbp. William Marlborough: AB186; AB786; AB2364/4 Cartoons: Early Johannesburg: A2638/1,2,4,5,7,19,21-24,33; AG2738/Fa12.4; A2794/16A.1-16 Political (c.1940 -1960): AJ1916/D; A2102/Ah3.8.37-43; A2794/16A.17-27 See also: Graffiti; Posters Castro, Fidel: A3345 Cato Manor / Durban Beer Hall Protests 1959 – CD46, A3264 “Centres of Concern”, 1980s: AG3014/B29-31 Chamberlain, Joseph: A2201/E7.58 Champion, Allison Wessels George: AG2738/Fa14.43-7, Fa16.1,15 Charleston reoccupation: AG3246 Chikane, Rev.

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