PORTLAND VOLUME II. PORTLAND, ME., SATURDAY WHOLE NO 430 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, EDUCATIONAL, FOR SALE & TO LET. STOVES. BUSINESS CARDS. I MISCELLANEOUS. JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor. LEGAfc & OFFICIAL. U published at No. 82} EXCHANGE BKIDGTON Counting Boom to Lot. STREET, by ACADGNV, Office of N. A. ROOM over No. 90 Commercial St. Collector of Internal Revenue, FOSTER* CO. AT NORTH BRIDGTOX, Me. HOWARD & STOCK \8«». L. N. Nanhal’g Notice. CIOUNTIKO/ Thomas Block, to let. Apply to NOYES, CO, l'Al.i. First Collection District of State of Maine, L'xitkd state* ok i mill. W iiitrr IVrin of eleven wcekta will rommrnro N. J. MILLER, America. I Tun Portlanu Daily “■ t Paresis published at M.fO J- on Tupadiy, 1),T. l«t. 1S»B, umlcrllio conllnui'ii mchll dtf Over 92 Commercial Street. No. St*l Exchange Slreel. MrfftJir per year in or 2‘J Exchange Street, KSlAXr to Monitions advance, *7.00 at the end ol the year. carp of CHARLES K. A from the Hou.AAI.ur HILTON, M.. IViucipal. SSS 8S Pi »t Uk l single copies three cents. H. 1863. 0. L. SANBORN & uited States Di-trict TheM THOMAS MEAD, Stc>. Olfirc to Let. Portland, July 17th, CO, s. Uurt, withinr,tlnJ?l,fer and (or the AIKS State Pkkhs is published every Tliurs- novGeodAw3w21 SSS SSSS District of Maine, I here second floor. Middle situated •M Mrcci Portland by give notice ** 92.00 per anuum, in advauce; 92-26 sss ss Exrlinngc public that the Libel aaa ? Morning,at and Street,centrally informations have following la paid within six months; and 92.50, if payment be ON easy of access. Apply at No. 72 Exchange sss ss liilmi.il Revenue been r.led in -aid Coart *lV Street. Stamps. Have now in store more than their usual A Librl 1 he delayed beyoud the year. Higliland Boa I'diug School forBoys Jyl7 tl sss against Scuooerr 'Hattie tw, Transient for in ad» sss wired by the Collector of the District advertisements must be paid IN BETHEL, .MAINE. 11I1S Office been made a of o”c«Gc? on vance sss having depository LARGE QUANTITIES AND FULL VARIETIES °r To be Let. Revenue the will bo at UC,0bfrP“’" “ Winter Term of this School will commence sss 1 Stamps, public supplied lidd’Diluict"1" F. Traveling Agent. in the second 98 the rates: Bengo^n Tracy, THEon the first in December, and continue story, over Store following of in the An Tuesday Middle sss Less than at everything fn/m-mniinn against TwoCasks o» Rag^^* eleven weeks, bend for a < ircular to CHAMBERSstreet—Mitchell's Building. Possession *50 par. 4 v-^. ss sss Lightkkx Casks or Bottled Giw. seized by the given immediately Inquire of 950to 91000, 4 percent, discount. « X. T. TRUE, A M., ss sss ollector of the District of Portland and Falmouth Oc20eod4w jan2tf A. T. DOLE. 91000 and upward?, 5 per cent.di count. on COMMUNICATIONS. Proprietor and Priucipa SSSS sss the second day of October last pa«t, at Port’an.i 7 ss sss NATH’L J. MILLER. Collector. KdOK AMI STATIOVERV LI\E, in said district. To Let. An Information against Tbibty-bihe Balks o» Rags U ny-slde Thoughts. Uorliam Seminary. OFFICES, single or in suites, over Stores No. StiS Slreel. all of which will be told at the LOWEST A'KW and Fortt-mxb Casks rpp Old Ibox. telrsd Non. 152 and 154 street, the Exchange by ttie Collector 01 the District of BY M. M. PATTKKKOX. ITIOUR Exchange opposite Without a Portland aud I ai- Wiutor Term of this Institution will com- Chimney! on tlie International House. Apply on the premises to T rrTTTT ITTTTn YORK JOBBIXO PRICES. moutli, sdcumi day of ihttoher last past, at To thr Editor of the Pretf, THEmence on TUESDAY, Dec. 1st, and contiuuc oc2dtf T. S. HATCH. TfrrnTrnrnT Portland in raid District. ten weeks. J. A. WATER MAX, I T TT TRITTIX S KEROSENE Bl Pei/urt* were lor inline, was the of Secretary, IT TT RXER ! Whk;h breeches ef the laws o; year wonders in exits novllcodOw tho nited .Mates, and Is Cor Sale or to Let. IT TTTT H' BURNER is the best of it* kind now in the more particularly apt forth from theology to science, from Genesis to Ge- Diaries in and TTTT market. It is remarkable for its of for 180-1, Maidjoibel Informations; that a brans* aa«i CLIFF COTTAGE, containing over 20 THIS superiority trial w ill bo had had not 1861 as luminous a from TTTT thereon at Portland on ology, light .'-table and sheds—situated two light; for its facility of moving about, and for its aforesaid, of wisdom ? rooms,large TTTT IS 9) DIFFERENT PATTERNS. the J-ir»t 7nr.tdan Drcrmher where the e’lfulgeuce That year lx,re on and one-half miles from Portland, and the non-conducting principles, which renders it safe next, any TTTT of person* interested thereiu may appear and show its hack a idea born of the finest situation in Elizabeth for a \va- against tho efleets heating. gigantic people, Cape TTTT cause. If any can be and For the of a kitchen and chamber shown, wherefore the same and we “call its name God for behold a teiing place, summer boarders. For purpose# lamp should not be decreed troop rm and for lanterns, it is invaluable. Full line forfeit and disposed of accord, The particulars enquire of GEO. OWEN, of Philadelphia, New York, Boston and ini: to law. cometh.” offspring was of the TTTT l or aiol convenience it commends itself European ap7 dtf 31 Winter Street, Portland. economy French Dated at race, possessing Hie boue and sinew of n nr rr r to all bou^o-keepers. Portland this sixteenth day of November prog- A.D. 1SR3. F. A. ress aud free Lamp dealers the can QU1XBY. government. “When the break- throughout country supply Photograph Allium*, S. Mar-hal Tor Snip. No. 35 Slreel. themselves on to Deputy District of Maine ing waves dashed high,” it first its Exchange application nnvld dl4t stepped one and a hall CHARLES >. JOSE, 158 Fore St.,Portland, American foot on nearly new, story House, ooooo making almost an endless variety of styles and sizes. Plymouth llock, but pale Incite 1 on Hill street. 7 well fin- oc23 Agent for State of Maiue. error came pleasantly ooo ooo with it iu prayers aud ished room*, a well of water; a wood superstition. good OOO OOO CITV This relic of feudalism has since mAslie 1 attached. Tin lot 2904 feet OF PORTLAND. grown with containing ooo ooo of land. For of the ■ The Juvenile freedom, the tares and wheat particulars enquire subscriber, ooo ooo J. A. DAVIS A Department ThTOTICE Is hereby given, that ills the intention together, forging or ALLEN HAINES, of Portland. CO., chains tor slaves Esq., ooo ooo Is especially full. Every thing and in Book as of the < By Council to oat a new street ecclesiastic and civic in ISAIAH VICKERY. anything lay er opin- Day and Evening, for a Business FcplSdtf (H O OMO and Game fine “The Little Folks” can desire, will public n ay lor the use of the ion* of Dr. or Priest which said to the piMru Thorough city—beginning at high infancy 1bEducatiou. Located 1850. ooo be found here. All the Round Rooks and and water mark, northwesterly terminus of *»f' ooo Commission Merchants. Paper Franklin wisdom, “hither shalt thou come and no ooo Lineu Toys, arc in this stock. street, and to the Harbor House iiimI Lund For Kale. ooo For the of continaing Comnu'tiOBerf’ farther.’' Hanson Block, middle St., No. 161. OOO OOO purchase line on Back Cove. Hons No. 179, corner of Cumberland and But tire soul must OOO IN,,, And the Joint Standing Committee of the expand, aud as the circles Keholaralnjis good in any of tlio United Slat, s Elm streets. J^ot about 60 100 feet. House City pari »•] by ooooo Council on laying out nen- in of water I tic has had ears GRAIN & PROVISIONS Annuals, Poets, Lift Rooks, streets, pursuance of widen by the little pebble that is Principal 30 ) experience: is alua\ s JL may be examined at any time. For particu- FLOUR, Elegant an order ot the City «»u the Council passed on the 13th thrown into the spot, and attends to his business; and prom- lars call at 16G Middle street, (up stair?) or N. I. in rich and handsome binding* to «oit every ta»t*. of day stream until reach the No. !I5 November, will meet for said on they ises, as the 12 no shall or G. \V. or Slreel. FOIt EASTERN MARKETS. The stock the best and purpose rueeday ^during past years, pains be Woodbury, Woodburv, Exchange comprise* English American the24>hdav of at 3 shore—will truth, though a small but snared in the C. at November, o'clock in the after- stoue, ftatnre. Five hundred references of JOHN PROCTER, Lime Street. publications, just bought the New 1 ork and Phil, noon, at the a VYVVV VYVVV 220 northwesterly terminus of Franklin which killed Guliah. stir the turbid stream the first class business men, with many others of this Portland, 10,1.803. oeO tf West Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. Trade Sale Auctions, and will be sold now. Sept. VVV VVV adelphia street, the place of and then of error uutil 'tis clear and city, will testify to the begiuniiig, aud there vitalizing, aud the practical utility, capacious- VVV VVV proceed to s icw aud lav ont raid new street.
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