FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 30 • NUMBER 96 Wednesday, May 19, 1965 • Washington, D.C. Pages 6761-6829 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Commerce Department Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Federal Aviation Agency Federal Communications Commission Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commission Federal Reserve System Food and Drug Administration Housing and Home Finance Agency Immigration and Naturalization Service Internal Revenue Service Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau Public Health Service Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Detailed list of Contents appears inside. Latest Edition Guide to Record Retention Requirements [Revised as of January 1, 1965] This useful reference tool is designed keep them, and (3) how long they to keep industry and the general must be kept. Each digest also public informed concerning published includes a reference to the full text requirements in laws and regulations of the basic law or regulation govern­ relating to records-retention. It con­ ing such retention. tains about 900 digests detailing the retention periods for the many types of records required to be kept under The booklet’s index, numbering over Federal laws and rules. 2,000 items, lists for ready reference the categories of persons, companies, The “Guide” tells the user (1) what and products affected by Federal records must be kept, (2) who must record-retention requirements. Price: 40 cents Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,D.C.,20402 Area Code 202 r Canteo^ Archives Building,g, Washington,wasnmgiou, uD.O. v s . w tu o j, puiououu --------- bribed by the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B) , under regulations prescriu intendent istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made on y y of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. airioo ner year, payable in The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $ Remit check or inot&J advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to the size of the issua. order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20 0" • der 50 titles, P^' The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op Federal Regulations, which is Pupl s > superintendent 0 suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code of Federal Regulations is sola y Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal Register issue of each. federal Regulatio There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the 00 Contents agricultural r e s e a r c h Notices FOOD AND DRUG Luveme Auction et al.; deposting ADMINISTRATION SERVICE ~ . of stockyards____________ — 6798 Rules and Regulations Shantz & Rodman Livestock Com­ Proposed Rule Making European chafer; designation, of mission Co., Inc., et al.; posted Certain antibiotic drugs; proposed regulated areas---------------- - 6770 stockyards____ _____________ 6798 changes in sterility tests-------- 6795 Notices AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY Kendall, C. B., Co. et al.; notice of AND CONSERVATION SERVICE Rules and Regulations opportunity for hearing; cor­ rection____________________ 6799 Notices Control zone : Director or Acting Director, Kan­ Alteration of designation—----- 6765 sas City ASCS Commodity Of­ Modification of amendment to HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND fice; delegation of authority— 6798 designation----------------------- 6765 WELFARE DEPARTMENT Control zone and transition area; See Food and Drug Administra­ AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT alteration_______— ---------— 6765 tion; Public Health Service. IFR altitudes; miscellaneous See Agricultural Stabilization and changes___________ 6766 Conservation Service; Agricul­ HOUSING AND HOME tural Research Service; Com­ Proposed Rule Making modity Credit Corporation; Control zones, transition areas, FINANCE AGENCY Consumer and Marketing and control area extensions; Notices Service. proposed alteration, designa­ Acting Regional Director of Com­ tion and revocation------ t------- 6793 munity Facilities, Region n i ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Federal airway; proposed desig­ (Atlanta) designation; ratifica­ Notices nation_____________________ 6794 tion_______________________ _ . 6804 Department of Water and Power Transition area; proposed desig- _ Ratification of acts taken under of the City of Los Angeles; no­ nation___________ _______ ___ 6795 the title of Acting Regional Di­ tice of reconvening of hearing_ 6799 rector of Community Facilities, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Region HI (Atlanta)--- --------- 6804 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD COMMISSION Notices Rules and Regulations IMMIGRATION AND International Air Transport Asso­ Organization, practice and pro­ NATURALIZATION SERVICE ciation; agreement relating to cedure and stations on ship­ Rules and Regulations specific commodity rates____ 6799 board in maritime services; miscellaneous amendments----- 6778 Manifests; miscellaneous amend­ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Practice and procedure; mis­ ments___________ — ---------- 6776 Rules and Regulations cellaneous amendments--------- 6780 Notices Entire executive service; ex­ Notices Statement of organization; dele­ cepted service______________ 6765 Hearings, etc.: tion of international airports American Telephone and Tele­ from listing---------- -------------- 6797 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT graph Co____:------------- -— 6799 Notices Flower City Television Corp. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Lawrence, George E.; statement et al______ __________;____ 6800 See Land Management Bureau. of changes in financial inter­ Traxler, John N., et al______ 6801 ests________ 6799 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE FEDERAL MARITIME COMMODITY CREDIT Rules and Regulations COMMISSION Liquors, miscellaneous regula­ CORPORATION Notices tions; correction____________ 6769 Rules and Regulations Sea-Lanes Shipping Co., Inc., et Flour export program; cash pay­ al.; agreements filed for ap­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE ment, terms and conditions-.» 6771 proval__________________ — . 6802 COMMISSION CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Notices SERVICE Fourth section applications for re­ Notices lief------------------------- ----------- 6827 Rules and Regulations Hearings, etc.: Motor carrier, broker, water car­ Oranges grown in Florida; ship­ Confederated Salish and Koote­ rier and freight forwarder ap­ ment limitations— . ________ 6770 nai Tribes of the Flathead plications__——-------------------- 6806 encia oranges grown in Ari- Reservation, Mont., and Mon- Motor carrier intrastate applica­ zona and designated part of tana Power Co______------— 6802 tions; notice of filing------------ 6805 tion_0rnia’ handling limita- Husky Oil Co--- ---------------- — 6803 Motor carrier transfer proceed­ 6771 Northern Natural Gas Co.------ 6803 ings------------- --------------------- 6826 P'oposed Rule Making EXS Apple and Pear Act; FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Ï Ï X requirements and regu- Notices See Immigration and Naturaliza­ 6782 tion Service. produced in Calf- United California Bank; order orma* recommended decision- 6782 approving merger of banks— — 6804 (Continued on next page) 6763 6764 CONTENTS LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE SMALL BUSINESS Notices COMMISSION ADMINISTRATION Alaska: Proposed withdrawal and res­ Notices Rules and Regulations ervation of lands (2 docu­ Hearings, etc.: Small business size standards; ments)______ ,_______ 6797,6798 In v e sto rs Inter-Continental definitions___ __ ___________ 6778 Termination of proposed with­ Fund, Ltd— ___ i___ 6804 drawal and reservation of Massachusetts Electric Co. and Notices lands_____ _____________ '__' 67*97 New England Electric Sys­ Hawaii; declaration of disaster Idaho; proposed withdrawal and tem___ ____ ____ _________ 6805 area-----------------— ---------- 6805 reservation of lands— ____ __ 6797 > PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Proposed Rule Making Immune serum globulin (hu­ TREASURY DEPARTMENT man) ; additional standards___ 6795 See Internal Revenue Service. List of CFR Parts Affected (Codification Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1965, and specifies how they are affected. 5 CFR 13 CFR 21 CFR 213— , — ___ 6765 121___ ______ ___ ___ 6778 P roposed R u l e s : 141ft’ ________ 6795 7 CFR 14 CFR 301____ — 6770 71 (3 documents)__ _ _______ 6765 26 CFR 905—_______— 6770 95 _______— ____ 6766 170_________________ ___ 6769 908___ — __ 6771 P roposed R u l e s : 1483—— —— 6771 71 (3 documents) _______ 6793-6795 42 CFR P roposed R u l e s : P roposed R u l e s : 33____________ 6782 73 - 6795 993— — — 6782 47 CFR 8 CFR _ 6778 231—_________ 6776 1 (2 documents)
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