THE NAVY The magazine of the Navy League of Australia (Beg.stered in Austrolio for tronsmission by post o» o Periodical) VoL 29 AUGUST^EPTEMBER-OCrOBER; 1967 CONTENTS P°«# Page H.M.A.S. Albatross, Naval Air T. B . _ Station, Nowro 77 Th* Canod,on Navy Today- A Survey Nautical Notes from All Compass poJnH 13 Navy League (N.S.W. Division)— H...... M.A.S. ..Watson—Ope. ~ n Day „2„9 Annual Report 65 Navy League (Queensland Division) Periscope on Australia 69 —Annual Report 35 , _ The Royal Netherlands Navy — A Navy Week in Australia— Review 79 Programme of Events in All States 42 Sea Cadet Corps News 96 Plus sundry stories and photographs The views expressed in articles appearing in this publication are those of the authors concerned They do not necessarily represent the views of the editor, the Navy League, or official opinions or policy Published by the Navy League of Australia, 66 Clarence Street, Sydney, N.S.W., 2000; Tel.: 29-6531 Postal Address: Box 1719, G P.O.. Sydney, N.S.W.. 2001 EDITOR: Dennis P. TrickeM, Esq., Box CI 78, Clarence Street Post Office. Sydney, N S.W., 2000, Two of the R.A.N. Minesweepers pottered by Napier Del tic Engines. Phot Pgr,i phi by tourtety ••/ the Sydney Morning Herald. Australia. ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION: PERCIVAL PUBLISHING CO. PTY. LTD. SYDNEY MELBOURNE ADELAIDE BRISBANE PERTH HOBART 108 Henderson Rd. 17 Elizabeth St 17 Currie St. 546 Queen St. 63 St. George 1 Tee 152 Collins St. Alexandria. 2015 Melbourne. 3000 Adelaide. 5000 Brisbane. 4000 Perth 6000 Hobart. 7000 Napier Deltic Engines Phcne 69-6231 Phone: 62-6411 Phone: 51-6225 Phone: 31-2531 Phone: 23-2031 Phone 23-732 in service with fourteen THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA PATiON: The Governor-Genercl. His ncy the Right Honourable lord Casey. P.C.. G.C.M.G., C.H.. D.S.O.. MC . K.St.J. FEDERAL COUNCIL Secretary: Miss E. C. Shorrocks. 528 Collins •resident: Rear Admiral H. A. Showers. Street, Melbourne. 3000. South Australian Division of the World's Navies. C.B.E. Queensland Division Patron: His Excellency. The Governor of Deputy-President: L eut Cdr. J. B Howse, Patron: His Excellency, The Governor of South Australia. V.RD.. R A.N.V.R. Chairman: F. M. Dunn. Esq Queensland. Secretary: It Cmdr. A. A. Andrews. M B E.. He« Secretary: R R Sutton. Esq . 30 Pirie R.A.N (Ret d). 28 Royal Street. Chats- Chairman: Cdr. N S. Pixley, M.B.E., V.R.D.. Street. Adelaide. 50CQ Over 600 Deltic engines are in operation in various wood. N S W . 2067. R A.N R. (Retd.l Hen. Secretory: G B. O'Neill. Esq. Box parts of the World including locomotives of British Mew South Wales Division 376E, G.P.O.. Brisbane. 4001. Tosmanion Division Patron: His Excellency, the Governor of New Australian Capital Territory Division Potro^Vice Admiral Sir Guy Wyott. K.B.E.. Railways and a mobile fire fighting unit in New York. South Wales. Chairman: Lieut. Cdr. J. B. Howse. V.R D Chairman: Rear Admiral H. A. Showers. R A.N.V.R. Hen Secretary: lieut.Cmdr J. C. Mahon In Australia six R A N. TON class minesweepers are C BE Hen. Secretary: Lieut. Cdr. D. M. Blake. N UOm S e Sondv Bov Secretary: Lieut Cmdr A. A. Andrews. R.A.N.V.R.. 60 Limestone Avenue 7005 '*" " ° " " - powered by Napier Deltic Engines which are also M.B.E.. RAN. IRrtd), 28 Royal Street. Ainslie. 2602. Chotiwaod. Svdney. 2067. Northern Territory Division fitted to A N.L.'s roll-on roll-off ferry "Bass Trader". Western Australian Division Victorian Division Patron: His Honour the Administrator Potran: His Excellency. The Governor of Pot on: His Excellency,' The Governor of Chairman: Lieut. Cdr. J. J. Ravenscroft. Western Australia Victoria. V.RD.. R.A.N.V.R. Chairman.- Roland Smith. Esq Chairman: Rendoll H Collins. Esq. Hen. Secretary; Mrs V. M Slide c/- Hon. Secretary, R A Hannah. Esq. 182 H M.A.S. "Melville' . Darwin. 5790 Coode Street Como, 6152. ENGLISH ELECTRIC AUSTRALIAN SEA CADET COUNCIL Representor vet of the Naval toord Lieut Cdr. J. B Howse. V.t.D D-rector of Naval Reserves. Capta.n S.C. Cdr. L. | Forsythe N. A Boase R ' N1 Lieut. Cdr E D R.A.N.V.R. U**- Cdr. F. G Evans. M.B.E.. THE ENGLISH ELECTRIC COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. "Nasty" class Patrol Boats of the Royal Sondbero. R.A.N. V.R.D.. R.A.N.V.R. Norwegian Nary powered by Napier Deltic Novy League: A Representative from each Navy League Brisbane - Sydney • Newcastle • Melbourne • Hobart • Adelaide - Perth Rear Admiral H. A. Showers. C.B E.; l Cmdf Engines. D vision, also— ^ITTT i- A. A Andrews. M.B.E.. R.A.N, (fet'd). August-September-October, 1967 mE NAVY Po»e One ^YjeAdacfe from ... Green Island ^Jlie l^jiniiter for the ^javy LITTLE OVER AN HOUR FROM CAIRNS, N.Q. The Hon. DON CHIPP Jke 7op MP. on The (jreat Ramet faeff Navy Day is an appropriate time to review capable of reacting immediately to any threat in what is happening in the Royal Australian Navy Australia's area of strategic interest. today. Recently, Australia's first submarine for 36 In the past 12 months. Australia's fighting years. H.M.A.S. OXLEY. joined the fleet and • Excellent Accommodation ships and their men have ably displayed their three more sister-boats are under construction. professionalism in combat operations. Moderate Tariff The first of 20 new 100ft. patrol boats have The guided missile destroyer H.M.A.S. been launched and before the end of the year HOBART. which has been attached to the U.S. the flagship H.M.A.S. MELBOURNE will pick • Fully Licensed Seventh Fleet, has been highly praised by the up her new Grumman Tracker anti-submarine Americans for her high performance in Viet- and Douglas Skyhawk fighter-bomber aircraft • Attractions Galore namese waters. Her destruction of shore instal- from the U.S. lations. trucks, small craft and other support equipment has effectively disrupted the Viet The third guided missile destroyer H.M.A.S. • Swimming in Crystal Cong's flow of supplies. BRISBANE is expected to be delivered by the end of 1967 and the Australian-designed and Clear Water HOBART spent six months with the Seventh built destroyer tender H.M.A.S. STALWART Fleet and she has now been relieved by her will be commission later this year. The two new • For The Holiday of sister-ship H.M.A.S. PERTH. A Navy clearance Type 12 escort ships H.M.A.S. TORRENS and diving team and R.A.N, helicopter crews are H.M.A.S. SWAN are due for completion in A Lifetime also contributing to the allied effort in Vietnam. 1S>69. The Navy performance in Vietnam is signifi- Booking the growth in ships and equipment • Booking Any Recognised cant in that it highlights the state of readiness is the increase in manpower. There are now Travel Agent . ^ and capabilities of our ships and men. more than 16.000 men in the Permanent Naval Forces and the number is growing. The Navy is becoming increasingly effective, too, with the delivery of new ships and equip- The Navy's role in the defence of Australia is ment. The R.A.N. has developed and is con- a vital one and the R.AN. is capable of ful- tinuing to develop along lines which make it filling its obligations in the world of today. Auguit-Septembor-October, 1947 THE NAW Augutt-September-Octobor, 1967 THE NAVY Po|i Thrw Pog» Two • • • A Message from the First Naval Member and Chief of Naval Staff Uice -s^dmiraf Sir Alan McNicoll K.B.E., C.B., G.M. • • • When this issue of "The Navy" Magazine 1 am glad to be able to report to you that our comes to you H.M.A.S. HOBART will have ships and men have given a very good account returned from an arduous tour of duty off the of themselves and have recorded very com- coast of Vietnam; H.M.A.S. PERTH is now mendatory reports from the United States Navy. serving in her place. Until ships and the officers Australia should salute their efforts. and sailors who man them engage in active duty one can never be sure that their equipment and Within the limits of our resources the Navy training have been correctly selected — "the is ready for whatever duty the Government and proof of ihe pudding is in the eating". people of Australia ask of it. Wishing Ihe Navy every success from Ihe famous . ROCK & ROLL HOTEL N W. Norlh. South, East or West — The Rock and Roll is Still the Best ALL NAVAL PERSONNEL WELCOME 2 Bourke Street, East Sydney PHONE 31-3928 Auguftt-S«pt*mb«r-Octofo,r, 1967 TWf NAVY In the world of The Royal Australian Naval Air Station, Nowra, New South Wales lifting and hoisting H.M.A.S. ALBATROSS, the Royal Australian Naval Air Station at Nowra, N.S.W., will be open to the public on Sunday, 8th October, when the Royal Australian Navy FAVCO Is will hold an Air Display and large Static Display of supporting facilities. almost The name "Albatross" has been associated with the Royal Australian Navy Air Arm from very early in the life of the Service, in 1922, the everywhere Australian Government approved the purchase of a Sea Plane Carrier to be built at Cockatoo Island Dockyard.
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