6CCJ6A G:EDGI '%%-$'%%. Caring – Support, compassion and People – Respect and support. tolerance. In doing so we will: To do this we will: s STRIVETOPROVIDEANENVIRONMENTTHATAS- s BEWELCOMING CARING SUPPORTIVE SHARE sists our staff to: KNOWLEDGEFREELYANDSUPPORTLEARNINGIN > achieve their personal goals and objec- every setting; tives; s RELATETOOURCOMMUNITYWITHTOLERANCE > live ethically within their personal value and compassion; system; and s ASSISTOURCOMMUNITYMEMBERSTOUNDER- > enthusiastically support CGHS to achieve stand their rights and responsibilities and our strategic and service delivery goals Our Vision: have access to genuine complaints resolu- and objectives. A safe and healthy community where eve- tion processes; s DEVELOPAWORKPLACEWHEREPEOPLEARE enabled to: ryone feels they are valued, supported and s SUPPORTOURCOMMUNITYTOIDENTIFYTHE have the opportunity to participate. Social NEEDFORANDMAKEDECISIONSRELATINGTO > BEEFlCIENTANDEFFECTIVE issues have been addressed through the the development, delivery and evaluation > put forward ideas and participate in joint efforts of community and supporting of services; DECISIONMAKING agencies. s WORKWITHINANINTERSECTORALANDCOLLABO- > be creative and innovative; and RATIVEFRAMEWORKTOMAXIMISEBENElTSFOR > develop their learning and career in a Our Mission: our community; manner consistent with their strengths and interests. Our mission is to provide health and commu- s APPRECIATETHEPOSITIVEIMPACTONORGANISA- nity services that will best meet the current tional and community capacity that comes s &OSTERVERYHIGHLEVELSOFSTAFFCAPABILITY and future needs of our community. from diversity. and satisfaction. Our Values: In achieving our goals and objectives we will develop an organisational culture that supports: Social Justice - equity of outcome. To do this we will: s FOCUSONACHIEVINGEQUALITYOFOUTCOMEFOR individuals and groups; DargoDargo s UNDERSTANDTHEIMPACTOFPOVERTYANDDIS- advantage on behavior and health status; Licola s SUPPORTAFlRMATIVEACTIONFORTHEDISAD- vantaged and marginalised amongst us; s ENSUREOURFEESPOLICYTAKESINTOACCOUNTA client’s ability to pay; s SUPPORTHARMMINIMISATIONANDTARGETED community support programs; and s BECOMPASSIONATE TOLERANTANDEMBRACE BriagBriagolongolong diversity. To Sydney Honesty, transparency and integrity. HeyfieldHeyfield StratfordStratford To do this we will: Maffra s SETANDMODELSTANDARDSOFBEHAVIOUR Loch SportSport consistent with the Victorian public sector code of conduct; s EMBRACEOPENDISCLOSUREANDPROVIDE Rosedale Sale meaningful and clear information to our To Melbourne LongfLongfordord Golden Beach STAKEHOLDERSAND Gormandale s SUPPORTETHICALLEADERSHIPDEVELOPMENTAT all levels of the organisation. SeaspraySeaspray Quality – Excellence with the client at the centre. To do this we will: s EMBEDAQUALITYCULTUREOFCONTINUOUS improvement across the organisation such YarramYarram that our clients’ experience with CGHS is PortPort AlbertAlbert characterised by the following: To Melbourne > seamless: coordinated, integrated and timely provision of person centred care; Melbourne > CAPABLEINDIVIDUALSANDTEAMSWORKING within structures and processes that sup- PORTQUALITYOUTCOMESANDCONTINUOUS improvement; > FACILITIESANDEQUIPMENTTHATENABLE THEPROVISIONOFEFlCIENT EFFECTIVEAND sustainable service delivery; and > AWORKFORCETHATPLACESAVERYHIGH value on excellent customer service and client/patient advocacy. Contents Our History 2 Board Chair’s Report 3 Chief Executive Officer’s Report 4 Board of Management 5 Executive Staff 6 Overview of Services 8 Our Structure 10 Service Performance at a Glance 11 Annual Report on Activities Acute Services 12 Community Services 13 Corporate Services 15 Quality of Care Report 17 Auxiliaries, Volunteers and Fundraisers 20 Senior Personnel 23 Visiting Medical Officers 24 Statutory Information 26 Report of Operations 28 Disclosure Index 31 Financial Statements Our front cover demonstrates that wellness involves all stages of life and all types of activities. Wellness is not just about treating illness and injury but also promoting health and wellbeing. 8ZcigVa<^eehaVcY=ZVai]HZgk^XZ6CCJ6AG:EDGI'%%-$'%%. ' Central Gippsland Health Service is responsible Our History for the majority of acute and residential aged care The Gippsland Base Hospital, forerunner to the as well as a wide range of community services current Central Gippsland Health Service, was throughout Wellington Shire, excluding Yarram established more than 140 years ago. and district. In the intervening years, various other service Central Gippsland Health Service has 74 acute entities were established in the surrounding beds, three labour beds, six neonatal cots and districts of what is now the Wellington Shire. 173 high and low care residential aged care beds. The Health Service provides management and These included home and community services, corporate services to two not-for-profit private community health centres and maternal and child facilities, Stretton Park Hostel Inc and Heyfield health centres established by municipalities based Hospital Inc. These facilities have acute and aged in and around Maffra, Sale and Rosedale in the care services as well as 19 independent living 1970s. units. Through a series of amalgamations, the Gippsland More than 860 staff members occupying almost Base Hospital, Maffra and District Hospital, the 600 full time equivalent positions are employed JHF McDonald Nursing Home and Evelyn Wilson by Central Gippsland Health Service, which is also Nursing Home became the Central Gippsland supported by some 600 volunteers and has total Health Service in 1999. As well, the Heyfield revenues of more than $60 million. Hospital, Stretton Park and Laurina Lodge The organisation serves the immediate population Hostel have become associated by management in Central Gippsland, while acute specialist agreement with the Central Gippsland Health services reach a wider community in East Service. Gippsland and parts of South Gippsland. The Gippsland Base Hospital as it was in the 1940s (above) and the modern facility that serves the region today, below. ( in quickly and has led the Health Service in the development of a new Strategic Plan that is to be released at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting. The Board expresses its thanks to Frank and all staff and other stakeholders in our Health Service for the production of the Plan. It is noteworthy that for the first time an acknowledgement is contained in the Strategic Plan of developing a wellness culture as well as continuing to provide a high level of care. The adoption as a core value of social justice objectives is also worthy of note. Other The redevelopment of the Emergency Department and new Dialysis Unit, commenced during the previous year, were completed on time and on budget. The budget of $1.6 million for the redevelopment was funded by the Health Service from its own resources. A new Dental Clinic is now to be constructed in the vicinity of the Community Rehabilitation Centre. That Unit will be finished this year and will Report by Chair, give a home to the dentists we have recruited to reduce the waiting list for this vital service. The Board of Management construction of the Clinic is fully funded by Dental Victoria. Board Personnel Notwithstanding the capital development, the Three new Board Members commenced service on 2008/2009 financial year has seen a solid financial 1 July 2008, namely Graeme Horne, Angela Todd result as outlined in the Financial Statements and Helene Booth. Unfortunately, Graeme Horne contained in this Report. was unable to continue his commitment and resigned during the course of the year. Conclusion The remaining two new Board Members together On behalf of the Board of Management I would with the continuing members, Glenn Stagg, like to thank all staff for their contribution to the Catherine Greaves, John Lawrence and Kevin on-going operation of the Health Service at its Young fulfilled their responsibilities to a high various campuses. I also wish to acknowledge standard throughout the year. the assistance that we receive from across the community through its various auxiliaries, New Chief Executive Officer support groups and volunteers. Finally, I wish to acknowledge the contributions of the During the last year we also had the opportunity Commonwealth Government’s Department of to appoint a new Chief Executive Officer to Health and Ageing and the State Government’s replace Peter Craighead, whose resignation was Department of Human Services. Both Departments noted in last year’s Annual Report. continue to remain supportive of your Health Service. After an exhaustive process and consideration of a field of high quality candidates, Dr Frank Evans John Sullivan was appointed to the position. Frank has settled Board Chair 8ZcigVa<^eehaVcY=ZVai]HZgk^XZ6CCJ6AG:EDGI'%%-$'%%. ) achievements in recent years working to put Central Gippsland Health Service on a very firm footing. We were fortunate to appoint a new Director of Nursing, Bronwyn Beadle, who has settled in well and is helping us to achieve our goals. Our new strategic plan has been developed collaboratively by the Board and staff, with widespread stakeholder input. It is a milestone for the organisation as it describes our desire to promote wellness through a comprehensive population health planning approach. I am excited to be commencing a comprehensive needs assessment that will underpin our population health planning. This significant body of work will provide a detailed service delivery blueprint for all of
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