APRIL, 1920 25 CENY·S APRlt'l 1920 25 CENT',S LET'S NAIL THE LIES OF THE KEPT PRESS OU, Mr. Free American, want the news of the world news editor of The Chicago Herald. The business manager is which affects you. The Kept Press is withholding it, Louis P. Lochner, a pUblicist of note and until recently editor Y because the Kept Press is controlled by thf! financial of The International Labor News Service. barons. A really Free Press association, with the backing THE FEDERATED PRESS executive board has author­ of organized labor, has been started. It will give you the iz~ a bond issue of $100,000 to take care of the initial ex­ news, and it will tell you the truth about what is going on. penses of its development, and you, Mr. Free American, are THE FEDERATED PRESS is the name of the new urged to buy as many of these bonds as you can. They are working class press association. It has already begun to ready for delivery in denominations of $25.00 each, redeem­ function. It is sending out world news to laboring class able at the expiration of five years from date of issue, at the papers. But it must have money for its initial stages of rate of interest of 6 per cent per annum, coupons payable development. February 1st of each year. Please fill out the application and You, Mr. :Free American, must help to make this Free send direct to the association. Press association an immense success. Then you will know what is going on, and you will be able to act fOl' your own HAVE YOU SEEN THE FEDERATED PRESS BULLETIN? LET US interests. SEND YOU A FREE COpy FOR YOUR INSPECTION The association is strictly a business proposition. It is THE FEDERATED PRESS BULLETIN was authorized at the co-operative and non-profit-making. It was organized for meeting of the gxecutive Board of the Assodation held in Chicago, February 7, H120. It is designed for public speaker>!, wTiters, the express purpose of giving working class ne'Ws to the sociologists, universities, union labor organizations and others who worker. which is now either entirely suppress.ed by the Kept want the service going to the publications in the assodation for Press or minimized. It has as the chairman of its executive their own information and not for publication. The Bulletin con­ tains exa('tIy the same matter which appears in the t" ke-a-week board, Robert M. Buck, editor of The New Majority, which lllail service sheets except that they are ("ombined under date of is published by the Chicago Federation of Labor and is the release of the final sheet to publishers. rnder the order of the official organ of the American Labor party. Other members Executive Board the price of 'l'he BUlletin is ten dollars per year, of. this board are, E. R Ault, editor of The Seattle Union payable in advance, with the distinct understan~in:~ that it is not Record; W. B. Hilton, editor of Majority, at Wheeling, W. to be used for publication purposes. Va.; R. B. Smith, editor of The Butte Daily Bulletin, Butte, THE :FEDERATED PRESS. Mont.; J. Deutelbaum, editor of The Detroit Labor News, H. E. Gaston, Treasurer, ••....••..•............•. 1920 which is the official organ of the Detroit Federation of Labor; 528 Chestnut Htreet, Joseph Schlossberg, editor of The Advance, the official organ MILWAUKEE, WIS. The undersigned applies for .. " .......... bonds of '.fHE FEDEH- of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America; Herbert A?,ED PRESS, of the denomination of $25.00 each, and includes here­ E. Gaston, of the Nonpartisan league papers at Minneapolis, WIth (cheek) (money order) payable to H. E. Gaston, treasurpr, THE and F. J. Schwanz, editor of The Worker, Fort Wayne, Ind. };~EDERATED PRESS, in payment therefor. The exeCutive head of the organization is E. J. Costello, of The Milwaukee Leader, for seven years an editor and staff correspondent of the Associated Press and more recently (Be sure to give ~Hid~~~~)'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ... --THE SCIENCE OF A NEW LIFE-~ By JOHN COWAN, M.D. WORKERS' DEfENSE CONfERENCE. Of NEW ENGLAND ,\ fwientific work on Marriage in its moral and physical rela­ Over 400 men and women were arrested and taken to tirllls. 400 pages with illustrations. Sent post paid for $2. Deer Island in the recent raids. ALSO $200,000 in Liberty Bonds has been placed as bail. $200,000 more is needed to bail 110 <:8 many are held THE PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE AND GUIDE for $10,000 and $5,000. By MICHAEL RYAN, M.D. Money is needed for defense. A ilOok .dpaling with the hygiene, physiology and philosuphy Money is needed to aid the families of those being held. of marrIage. Illustrated. Price $1. Post paid. They are making this sacrifice for you. What are you These two books $3 net, post paid. willing to do for them? :Send for free circular and price list of our other books. -GLVE- THE MODERN BOOK CO., Dept. 8503 Make checks payable to The Workers' Defense Confer, 32 Union Square, New York ence of New England and send to Box 62, ESISex St. P.O., Boston, 10, Mass. MOTHERHOOD PROTECTED! Phone Chelsea 7328 Learn How, lVhy, When, through ADVANCE MAILING CO. · th C 1 R' Editt'd by Blr ontro eVle-w- l\IARGARET SAXGER 80 FIFTH A VENUE Puhlished lllOllthb'~$:! a .vear. Send 2,1c. for a salllp:p ('op" Weekly and Monthly Publications today and get vitally interesting and timelv information 011 th~ most important SUbjects. It affpeis tOe too'! 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