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BRITISH GUIANA. Cl1 I:9 =6 :=2 D= E= V= E= =L =O P= =M E= N= =T E= =S T- =I =M A= =T E- =S AS PRESENTED TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASS EMBLY • • ABSTRACT OF REVENUE �---- ' Estimate Head No. Source of Funds 1962 ��-·---- $ 6,406,856 1. Colonial Development & Wel:f'are .A.ssisto.nce • • 2. Other Sources - Loans, Revenue Contribu- tion, etc. •• 25,211,11.0 . I TOTAL •• ,3-,1;617,966 ABSTRACT OF THE E3TIMATES OF DEVELOHlENT EXPENDITURE 1962 of' Total Estimate 1961 Head I Head Estimate I Expenditure Expenditure Allocation Estimate 1954-1959 1960 1960-1964. Approved Revised 1962 $ $ $ $ $ $ •• 4,4tSo,6oo I .Agriculture 4,589,099 671,782 1.,34-6,276 1,058,100 1,-230., 217 •• II Civil Aviation 282., 083 39,008 1,686.,031 3:14,000 132,452 339,000 •• III Drainage & Irrigation 25,605,.309 5.,079., 171 29,364., 345 6,046., 550 4.,912,000 8,013,783 •• IV Education 1,783.,¥)0 398.,386 4.,100.,000 1., 032., 638 923., 993 i.,744- .,231 •• V Industry & Credits 10.,007, 624- 717.,866 13�000,000 1,250.,000 2., 778,000 2., 000,000 VI •• Geological Surveys 1., 730., 353 560., 605 2,000,000 5 ., 3 505,728 550., 338 vn •• 17 13 Health 2 5 ., •• TI ,97 122 099 1,319,960 426,000 536,605 41+4,605 VIII Housing 15., 595.,� 582.,373 5,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,001 1,938,794 •• IX Lands & Mines 838., 306 167;103 800,000 160,000 160., 000 160., 000 X I •• !£ind Development 2,TI4,15l 3Tl ,64-5 6�74-9,400 1,242,474 557,8J.J 1., 029., 000 XI • •r Post Office 7;632,956 '1;029.,328 2., 296.,339 1,050,000 323.,846 300,000 XII Public Works •• 16., 568., 333 3,133,9.37 26;:Jli.3, j 5,683,720 6,51+7., 91+9 8,322,968 !!:J 2 J.liJ. 000 X:O::I Transport & Harbours •• 10,663.,454 1.,525,055 B;Dl;�·'. l ;, ;; 1,341,000 3,048,106 •• lOQ ::'�,- ; ., Gt,5l0 XIV Miscellaneous 3 ., 084 037 7 ,• ;,--...:) 8,l..36 33., 136 r-r 3,796 i Rurnl Self'-Help .. 421,432 . 65., 285 75�)_.iOCJ i 100,000 90,242 100,000 XVI •• 76 6oO Social Welf'are 68,659 8., 612 750,ooc- i =,747 ., 105,000 •• XVII Local Government 178;667 38,122 500,000 150,000 50,000 100,000 , ooo I XVIII Amerindian Development •• 81,575 92,527 508., 000 21+7 174.,900 178,088 XIX - 4,lll I 115�000 xx Tourism •• · 225,000 45,00(; 100,000 Electricity Development •• 481,3.}0 102,715 2.,000,000 J.� 000, OC-IJ ! 746,685 1.,eoo., 600 XX[ •• �,.!.} ,..... 'L ' i' Forests. 6.32, 779 12,1!.l ; 550,000 - 80,100 ;-' .L! ,,--•• -__ ;_ _____ J-5.,soo,s67 TOTJlL t I I ,505,000 I ,: ., •• 103,191,936 110 f 23�915�48 2l,969,050 3l 61.7 966 I .r 1 ♦ ., ..,..,... ..... I "' ,4' ' ,._ t. t .,.. I-' .,J]' HEAD Ir:t-A·l-RJ.CULTURE DET.AII.8 OF EXPENDITURE 4 - - Estimz:te 1962 Total Revised Develonment Fund Scheme Expenditure AJJ..o cation Expenditure Estimate Colonial J.954-1959 1960-1964 1960 1961 Development Other Total & Weli'are Sources , $ $ $ $ � $ J.. •• �a) Cocoa Development (D.¼57) . 3l.3,J.41 686., 2 2 106,398 92,700 72,750 80,250 153., 000 2. \b ) St. Ignatius Livestock Station (D.4332) 3s5,m 502,000 no., 622 58,600 44,691 97,342 Jli.2., 033 3. Ebini Livestock Station(R.1133) .. 313,77.8 450., 000 68, 6"37 c_n,5 00 17 ., 820 111,019 l28,839 •• 4-6,200 7 4. Staff Trai-rtlng (D.4-623). 14-6,013 22.5,000 47,082 9,4-91 47,74- 57,238 5. Soil Surveys (R.1229/D.4-622) •• 31,4-06 5,542 36,94-8 � 309,017 � 668,600 � 105,082 � 210., 000 6. Soil Surveys - U.N. Special Fund Proj. ect - 217,136- 55,391 272,527 7. Rice Development .. 200,000 6o,6J.8 .30,000 I 54-., 000 54,000 l 8. Coco1mt (including Coir •• - Ma.nuf'acture) 45,185 Jli.0,000 41;251 30,320 - 50,000 50,000 9. Dairy Industry •• . - 100,000 - 3., 000 .. 20,000 20,000 10. Fisheries (D.2555A) •• 261,773 113,000 54-., 84-0 40 200 9,810 1,090 10,900 ll. Training Centre, Mon Repos .. - 180,000 206 � - 40,508 4-0,508 I I • 0 I 12 • .Additional Sta:f'f' •• I - 160,000 4,840 j 10,350 - 103,J.76 103,176 ' I ],3. Bonuses to Producers .. .. - 210,300 4-,665 33,650 .. - 60., 000 60,000 J.4.. Central .Agricultural Station .. 1,D-5.,683 J.90,000 26,592 62,250 - 79,700 79,700 Hosororo eriment Station (D.2319&:A) 45,763 140,000 34-,963 14,330 10,213 1,135 11,348 it: Biolo caln.e search Institute 10,000 10,000 .Agric!if tural Laboratories, Central .Agricult-ura.l Station (D.4247/R.ll,52) - 34-7.,4-68 7,318 329,000 Produce Depot .. .. --- 6o,4.58 14-8,000 4,162 -- 2,996,lB c 4,4-6o,600 6 7, 1,058,100 413,317 8l6,900 1,2..30,217 J ) 7 27�r. Total other 1954--1959 & 1960 Expenditure.• 1,592,9 · · · 5,494 •• t-- TOTAL 4,589,099 4,460,600 671,782 1,058,100 413,317 816,900 1,230., 217 ""<!. /NOTES ... ' NO'J'lill 6. Provision f'or the porlion o:f the cost of' the United Na:ti6ns Special Fund Soil Survey Project to be borne by this Government. 8: To meet the increased demand :for coconut seedlings. 9. For the purchase of' bulls :from the United States of' .America to improve breed of' cattle. (a) Reduced to provide additional allocations f'or:� Central Agricultural Station (Subhead 13) •• $ .54., 300 .Agricultural Laboratories, Central .Agricultural Station •• .. (b) This includes the amount of' $132,000 allocated to Beef' Industry. (c) Other �endiElrnenditure !9_23:-1,222,l�lt-1,.222_ 1.960 •• Citrus Hurseries $ T,387 Sugar Gane Disease Research •• 18,849 Ham and Bacon Plant ee J.6,943 Farm Youth Training •• 60,731 In:formation Division •• 3l�lll Fish Market & Processing Ce.,."'ltre •• 169,037 Eastern Caribbean Farm Institute •• 49,902 Milk Pasteurisation Plant .. ' 423.,590 Abattoir & Re:frigeration Plant .. 88,522 Jute Investigations •o 524,888 $ 5,4-94 Cr. Cotton Investigations •• 72,068 Plantation Lima •• 14-,907 Anna Regina .. 10,459 Training in Bacteriology •• 2� Training of' Browman at r.c.T.A. •• 626 Pacli Bug Investigations .. 5,.382 Central & Processing Depots .. 1,803 Botanical Surveys - Intermediate and Interior Savannah,.s .. 7., 5.31 Employment o:f a Soil Scientist •• 88,9ll $ 11592,9ll $ 5,494 Cr. -< 16. provision :for grant towards establishment of' a B:id.ogieal Research Institute. To be met ·f'ron. the aJ.location under Subhead 12. '- ;. IJ... �i ' I "t }1� -1- -3- HEAD I - AGRICULTURE Subhead 1: Cocoa Development (D.�57) -- ¥· Actual Approved Details of Expenditure Expenditure Estimate Estimate Increase Decrease 1960 1961 1962 $ $ - $ $ $ 1. Personal Emoluments - (a) Propagators, Clerks and Driver •• 9,682 13,500 llt-,500 1,000 M I Total Personal Emoluments 9,682 13.,500 14.,500 1,000 Other Charges 2. Wages •• . .. 36,340 45,000 45,000 3. Planting materials, equipment and pest oontrol •• 2_1,293 15,000 21,500 6.,,500 11-. Transport, Travelling and •• Subsistence 3,485 6.,000 6,000 - 5. Maintenance of Vehicles ., Buildings & Equipment •• 2,454 5,000 9,000 4,000 6. Contingencies •• 1,201 6,000 4-,000 2,000 •• 77 000 Total Other Charges 61+,773 --.,-�--- 85,500 8,.500 '1 Cn.pital . 7. Erection of Glass Houses and Bins • • •• 21�696 4-3,000 4-3,000 f 8. •• 6,506 7;000 ljOOO Water Supply.& Spray Bed 6,000 9. Storeroom • • •• - 5,000 1,500 3,500 10. Establishment of' new nurseries •• 8,384 5�000 5,000 ll. •• ;.. Contingencies 2.,500 2,500 Purchase of Truck •• - 7,000 - 7,000 -...�--- Total Capital •• 36,586 69,500 53,000 16,500 1 � otal .. lll,041 160,000 153,000 7,000 •• Credit ... Sale of Produce 4-,64-3 •• f TOTAL 106,398 160,000 153., 000- 7,000 Colonial Development and Welfare Scheme D.4457 which expires on 31.3.62 provides 90}& grant towards capital expenditure and 2,%; towards recurrent expenditure. Receipts are to go 25/o to c.D.& W. f\.mds and 7.:¢ to local :funds. l(a). Provision �or 6 Propagators., 1 Clerk and 2 Drivers. In­ creases due to revised wage rates. -4- HE.AD I- .AGRICULTURE Subhead. 2: St. Ignatius Livestock Station ---(D.4332) Actual Approved Details of' Expendimre Expendi tu:re Estimate Estimate Increase Decrease -- 1960 1961 -1962 -- . _$___ $ $ $ $ , 1. Personal Emoluments - i a. Agricultural Of'fioer .A3 4,918 5 ., 220 S.,400 180 b. Veterinary Officer 10 6 ., 279 6,580 6�720 o. .AJ.2 Farm Manager 3,840 3,840 3.,840 d. Other Staff' •• 9,109 ll,230 8�328 2,902 .. e. Station Allowances 55 .... -t:. •• 1-, 7 2�520 3,120 -600 "1 Gratuity •• ,_ 2., 750 1,125 1,625 .. Total Personal Emoluments l _ 25.,703 32,11+0 28,533 3,607 Other Charges 2.

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