VILLAI BIDAR DISTRICT. In view of power delegated to Chairperson, Bidar, District Disaster Management Authodty under National Disaster Management Act (NDMA) 2005 by G.O. No. RD 157 TNR 2020 and in exercise of the powers conferred under section 26,30 and 34 ofNDMA,2005, and Under relevant paras of notification issued under Epidemic Disease Act, l g97 by State Government, and As per definition ofconrainment Zone vide G.O. No. HFW 109 ACS 2020 dated 17 -04-2020.1hereby declare the following area as an Active Containment Zone for 1. P-9625 found Positive on 22/0612020. 2. P-9626found Positive on 22/06/2020. Holsamudra village is bounded by East: Shivaji Kashinath house West: Kallepp Bendeppa house. North: Harinamth Maharaj Temple South: Muchand S/o Pusaram. No. of residential houses:1 5 No. primary of Shops/Offices =00 shops-02 & school- 00 , Health centre_00 Arganwadi-00 Total Population: 150 The rough sketch of Containment Zone is attached with this notification. For effective implementation of Covid-I9 virus control mcasures Mr. Ramesh Pedde, Tahsildar & Taluka Executive Magistrate, Kamalnagar is appointed as Incident commander, who will be overall in-charge Containment Zone. The Incident Commander will take necessary actions as specified in containment zone notification referred above. Datc:24/06/2020 _b/-R\ Deputy Conrlmj{sioner & Chairperson, District Disister Management \ ,nAuthority Bidar District, Bidar. #18 AR BIDAR DISTRICT. In view Of power dclegatcd to ChairpersOn, Bidar. Distlct Disastcr Managcmcnt Authority undcr National Dζastcr Managcmcnt Act(ヽDNIA)2005 ″GO No RD 157 nヾR2020 and ln excrclsc of the pOwcrs cOnferrcd under scctiOn 26,30 and 34 ofNDⅣ 晨,2005, and Under relevant paras ofnotification issued under Epidemic Disease Act, 1897 by State Government, and As per definition ofcontainment Zone vide G.O. No. HFW 109 ACS 2020 dated 17 -04-2020 . I hereby declare the following area as an Active Containment Zone tbr 1. P-9628 found Positive on 22/06/2020. 2. P-9629found Positive on 22/06/2020. Murki village is bounded by East: Vishwanth house West: Open place. North: Mahawao house South: Waheed sab house No. of residential houses:95 No. of primary Shops/Offices =00 shops-03 & school- 00 , Health centre-00 Anganwadi-00 Total Population : 480 The rough sketch of Containment Zone is attached with this notification. For effective implementation of Covid-I9 virus control mcasures Mr. Ramesh Pedde, Tahsildar & Taluka Executive Magistrate, Kamalnagar is lppoinEd as Incident commander, who will be overall in-charge Containment Zone. Tlte Incident Commander will take necessary actions as specified in containment zone notification referred above. Datet24/O6t2O2O & --Y Deputy Comr{issioner & Chairperson. District Disaster Management ,n/' Aurhority Bidar Districr, Bidar. NOTIFICAT10N OF CONTAINMENT ZONE 畳 87‐ HAKYAL VILLACE TALUKA KAMALNAGAR BIDAR DISTRICT. In vicw of po、 ver delcgatcd lo Chairperson, Bidar, DistHct Disastcr Managcment Autho五サundcr National Disaゞ cr Managemcnt AoぃDMA)2005 by G O No RD 157 TNR 2020 and in cxcrcise of thc powcrs confcrrcd under scctiOn 26,30 and 34 ofNDNIA,2005, and Under relevant paras ofnotification issued under Epidemic Disease Act, 1897 by State Govemment, and As per definition of Containment Zone vide C.O. No. HFW 109 ACS 2020 dated 17-04-2020. I hereby declare the following area as an Active Containment Zone for 1. P-9622 found Positive on 22/06/2020. 2. P-9623 found Positive on 22/06/2020. 3. P-9624 found Positive on 22/06/2020. Hakyal village is bounded by Easl Baliram house West: Sandesh house. North: Babu rao house South: Prashanth house No. of residential houses:53 No. ofShops/Offices =00 shops-04 & Primary school- 00 , Health centre-00 Anganwadi-00 Total Population : 167 The rough sketch of Containment Zone is attached with this notification. For effective implementation of Covid-I9 virus control measures Mr. Ramesh Pedde, Tahsildar & Taluka Executive Magistrate, Kamalnagar is appointed as Incident commander, who will be overall in-charge Containment Zone. The Incident Commander will take necessary actions as specified in containment zone notification relened above. Datet 24lO6t2O2O E-,A Deputy Con(nissioner & Chairperson. District Disaster Management V\uthority Bidar District, Bidar. T10N AINMENT #186‐ KOTGYAIIVILLAGE TALUKA KAⅣ 皿 NAGAR BIDAR DISTRIC■ In vic、 v Of pOwcr dclcgatcd to Chairpenon, Bidar, District Disaster Managemcnt Autl10ri″ undCr National Disaster Management Act (NDMA) 2005 by G O No RD 157 WR 2020and in exercise of the powers conferred under section 26,30 and 34 ofNDヽ快 ,2005, and Under relevant paras of notification issued under Epidemic Disease Acl I g97 by State Govemment, and As per definition ofcontainment Zone vide G.O. No. HFW l09ACS 2020dated 17-04-2020.I hereby declare the following area as an Active Containment Zone for 1. P-9621found Positive on 22/06/2020. 2. P-9631 found Positive on 22/06/2020. Kotgyal-I village is bounded by East: Sopan Sinde House. West: Hariba House. North: open Place. South: open Place. No. of residential houses:35 No. primary ofShops/Offices =00 shops-00 & school- 00 , Health centre_00 Anganwadi-00 Total Population : 170 The rough sketch of Containment Zone is attached with this notification. For effective implementation of Covid-I9 virus control measures Mr. Ramesh Pedde, Tahsildar & Taluka Executive Magistrate, Kamalnagar is appointed as Incident commander, who will be overall in-charge Containment Zone. T\e Incident Commander will take necessary actions as specified in containment zone notification referred above. Date:24/06/2020 B側肛 D"Ho,Bld釘 vAuth∝ ● NOTIFICATION OF CONTAINMENT ZONE #185-BALAT K VILLAGE TALUKA KAMALNACAR BIDAR DISTRICT. In view of power delegated to Chairperson, Bidar, District Disaster Management Authority under National Disaster Management Act (NDMA) 2005 by G.O. No. RD 157 TNR 2020 and in exercise of the powers conferred under section 26, 30 and 34 ofNDMA, 2005, and Under relevant paras of notification issued under Epidemic Disease Act, I 897 by State Govemment, and As per dehnition ofcontainment Zone vide G.O. No. HFW 109 ACS 2020 dated 17-04-2020.1hereby declare the following area as an Active Containment Zone for l. P-9627 found Positive on22/06/2020. Balat K village is bounded by East: Manik Patil House. West: Gurushantalya House. North: Hanuman Temple. South: Road No. of residential houses:27 No. ofShops/Offices =01 shops-00 & Primary school- 00 , Health centre-00 Anganwadi-00 Total Population : 76 The rough sketch of Containment Zone is attached with this notification. For effective implementation of Covid-19 virus control measures Mr. Ramesh Pedde, Tahsildar & Taluka Executive Magistrate, Kamalnagar is appointed as Incident commander, who will be overall in-charge Containment Zorrc. The Incident Commander will take necessary actions as specified in containmcnt zonc notiflcation rcfcrrcd abovc Datc:24/06/2020 Deputy Comm-rsslgher & Chairperson. District Disastel Management v Autlloriサ Bidar Distict,Bidar NOTIFICAT10N OF CONTAINMENT ZONE #182 CHITTA K THANDA.I VILLAGE TALUKA BASAVAKALYAN. BIDAR DISTRICT. In view of powcr dclcgatcd to Chairperson, Bidar, Distdct Disaster Managcmcnt Authoriり undCr National Disaster Management Act (NDMA) 2005 by GO No RD 157■ NR 2020 and in exercise of the powers conferred under scction 26,30 and 34 ofNDⅣ Lに,2005, and Under relevant paras of notification issued under Epidemic Disease Act, 1897 by State Govemment, and As per definition of Containment Zone vide G.O. No. HFW 109 ACS 2020 dated 17-04-2020. I hereby declare the following area as an ActiYe Containment Zone for l. P-4351 found Positive on 03106/2020. 2. P-4352 found Positive on 03/06i2020. 3. P-4353 found Positive on 03/06/2020. 4. P-4354 found Positive on 03i06/2020. 5. P-4355 found Positive on 03i06/2020. 6. P-4356found Positlve on 03/0612020. 7. P-4357 found Positive on 03/06/2020. 8. P-4358 found Positive on 03/06/2020. 9. P-4359 found Positive on 03/06/2020. Chitta k thanda village is bounded by East: Govind Rukla House. West: Gurunath House North: Sonabai ratan Rathod House South: Raj ugopinath House. No. of residential houses:S5 No. of Shops/Offices =00 shops-02 & Primary school- 02 , Health centre-00 ,Anganwadi-00 Totat Population : 425 The rough sketch of Containment Zone is attached with this notification. For effective implementation of Covid-l9 virus control measures Mrs. Savitri Sharaau Salgar, KAS, Tahsildar & Taluka Executive Magistrate, Basavakalyan is appointed as Incident commander, who will be overall in-charge Containment Zote. Tlte Incident Commander will take necessary actions as specified in containment zone notification referred above. Date: 盟器′圏7針‖器::議/ NOTIFICATION OF CONTAINMENT ZONE # I81 NIRGUDI.I VILLAGE TALUKA BASAVAKALYAN. BIDAR DISTRICT. In view of power delegated to Chairperson, Bidar, District Disaster Management Authority under National Disaster Management Act (NDMA) 2005 by G.O. No. RD 157 TNR 2020 and in exercise of the powers conferred under section 26, 30 and 34 ofNDMA, 2005, and Under relevant paras ofnotification issued under Epidemic Disease Act, 1897 by State GoYemment, and As per dehnition ofcontainment Zone vide G.O. No. HFW 109 ACS 2020 dated 17-04-2020.I hereby declare the following area as an Active Containment Zone for l. P-8434found Positive on 19106/2020. Nirgudi-I village is bounded by East: Shivaji S/o Dhanraj house West: Mallan sab mulla house North: Jagannath laxman house South: Aanagwadi Center No. of residential houses:58 No. of Offices =Olshops-00& Primary school- 00 , Health cenhe-00 Arganwadi 00 Total Population = 290 The rough sketch of Containment Zone is attached with this notification. Fff effective implementation of Covid-I9 virus control measures Mrs. Savitri Sharanu Salgar, KAS, Tahsildar & Taluka Executive Magistrate, Basavakalyan is appointed as Incident commander, who wi[[ be overall in-charge Containment Zone. The Incident Commander will take necessary actions as specihed in containment zone notification referred above.
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