The Philatelic Communicator Quarterly Journal of Writers Unit 30, American Philatelic Society. Volume 27, Number 4, Whole Number 106. Fourth Quarter 1994. Copyrights and the Writer By Daniel J. Siegel One issue that confronts and confounds writers is the duration to notice to registration. In addition, the final nature-of their protection under federal copyright law. chapter of the law creates a Copyright Royalty Tribimal This article gives ^ overview of the current, state of which has four main goals; (a) to make creative works copyright law, but it is not intended to provide specific readily available; (b) to give copyright creators a reason- information concerning,specific cases. It is always best to able return for their works and to give copyright users a review the specific statute or consult with an attorney fair income; (c) to balance the interest of copyright when particular questions arise. owners and users; and, (d) to reduce any disruptive The current Copyright Law becaipe effective on impact on currently established practice. January 1, 1978, and completely replaced Title 17 of the For writers, it is important to note that works created United States Code. In addition, under the Berne Conven- after January 1, 1978, are given statutory protection for tion Implementation Act, the United States (effective the life of the author plus 50 years. On works that are March 1, 1989) joins the many other countries that are done “ for hire,” as well as for anonymous or pseudony- signatories to the Ferae Conventioli of 1886". mous works, the new term of the copyright will be 75 The various amendments provide copyright protection years from the time of publication, or 100 years from the to works that previously had not been afforded such time of creation, whichever is shorter. For works that rights. The copyright law is divided into eight chapters already have copyright protection, the new law retains that cover everything from copyright ownership to Copyrights, Page 90. The Philatelic Communicator has a new editor Reinstated Writers Unit 30 member Mark A. Kellner, “My goal is to continue the PC’s tradition ofvib^t a veteran of 22 years in journalism, has beep, named writing .while helping communicators set philately’s editor qf The Philatelic Communicator, WU30 President agenda for the next century,” Kellner said. “I have Charles J. Peterson announced. gained much from this hobby and am sad to see its Kellner, a resident of Foster City, California, was apparent decline in so many quarters. If we hash out Washingtoncorrespondent for Stamp CoZ/gcrornewspaper ideas and work together, we can ensure a bright philatelic from 1991 to 1993. He i^ currently both a working future for all, which in turn will mean additional outlets journalist and writer fof Wilsoh McHenry Company, a for our writing.” strategic business communications firm. Along with his 22-year membership in the APS, Kellner’s “ On Computers” column has appeared in Kellner is also a member of the Society of Professional The Washington Times since March 1991, and he has contri^ted articles and reviews to numerous computer Journalists and has contributed to its magazine. Quill. YI& publications. He also has written for Linn’s Stamp News, is also a member of the National Press Club and served Canadian Stamp News, The Stamp Wholesaler, Philatelic on its membership committee. Exporter, and Australia’s Stamp News magazine. In 1989, Kellner was elected to the Standing Commit- Kellner’s “ Stamp Scenes” column appeared iii daily tee of Correspondents in the Periodical Press Gallery for newspapers in New York City, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylva- the 101st U.S. Congress. nia, and Mesa, Arizona. Kellner said he plans to redesign the Communicator In 1974, Kellner founded the Club of Channel Islands to freshen its appearance. He will include more photo- Collectors, and the following year inaugurated its publi- graphs and illustrations, and expand publishing with cation, The Channel Islands Reporter. The club, one of the eventual Internet distribution of the publication. Camera- fastest-approved APS affiliates/ had a 20-ydar fexistence. New Editor, Page 90. 77 The Philatejiq Communicator Literature Exhibition Calendar ISSN 0147-3646 April 7-9, 1995 The Philatelic Communicator, quarterly journal of Colopex ’95, Columbus, Ohio. Information from Df. Writers Unit 30 of the American Philatelic Society, 2501 Drexel St., Vienna, VA»22180. Jason H.'Manchester, Literature Coordinator, P.O Box The Producer-Publisher is: 3128, Columbus, OH'432lB. Joe F. Frye May 4-7, 1995 P O Box 22308 Canada’s Third National Philatelic Literature Exhibition,- - Memphis TN 38122-0308 . (901) 327-8984 OttaWa, Canada. Information will be forthcoming. The journal is mailed by: Bulk Rate, permit 957, Memphis, TN, to U.S. ZIP code addresses; First Class May 10-15, 1995 ^ to Canada and Mexico; AO Airmail (Printed Matter rate) Finlandia. ^Helsinki, Finland. Information “from Roger to all others. Please report address changes to the Secre- Quinby, 5 Oak Tree Lane, Schenectady, NY 12309. tary-Treasurer ^ soon as known in order to avoid loss of June 24, 1995 issues. Writers Unit 30 has as its primary objective the New Zealand’s Fourth National Philatelic Literature encouragement and improvement of philatelic writing in Exhibitiofi. No fees or application -forms.. Submit one all of its various forms. copy only of each entry to Central Districts Philatelic All Writers Unit 30 business except' editorial matter Trust, P.O. Box 206, Palmerston North, New,Zealand. for this journal should be handled through the Secretary- Categories are (l)'Bodks and handbooks; (2) Periodicals Treasurer: George B. Griffenhagen (at least one year’s issues complete, preferably two 2501 Drexel Street years). Entries must arrive by April 30, 1995, and will Vienna VA 22180-6906 ..... (703) 560-2413 not be returned. Authors*or publishers may enter. Editorial matters should be handled with the Editor: August 24-27, 1995 Ken Lawrence STAMPSHOW 95, Saint Louis, Missouri. Information P O Box 8040 from American Philatelic Society, P.O. Box 8000, State State Collfege PA 16803-8040 Residence p h o n e ................ (814)-237-3095 College, PA 16803. Sometimes at APS/APRL Sepfember 1-10, 1995' during the d a y ..............(814) 237-J803 Singapore 95. Singapore. Information from Peter Iber, All submissions for publication, without exception, 9379 W. Escuda Drive, Peoria, AZ 85382. are subject to being edited. Opinions expressed in The Philatelic Communicator are those of their authors, but October 6-8, 1995 not necessarily of APS Writers Unit 30, its officers, or Sescal 95, Los Angeles, California. Information from agents. Letters received by the editor may be published Bob de Violini, Sescal Literature, P.O. Box 5025, unless labeled “Not for Publication.” Oxnard, CA 93031. Officers of Writers Unit 30, a non-profit corporation, in addition to the Secretary-Treasurer and Editor, are: November 17-19, 1995 Charles J. P eterso n .........................President Chicagopex ’95, Chicago, Illinois. Information from P O Box 5559 Chicagopex ’95 Literature Exhibition, P.O. Box A-3953, Laurel MD 20726 ................... (301) 776-9822 Chicago, IL 60690-3953. Alan W a rr e n ................ Vice-President, East -June 8-16, 1996 P O Box 17124 Philadelphia PA 19105 Capex ’96, Toronto, Ontario. For information write to E venings..............................(215) 467-3730 Capex ’96, P.O. Box 204, Station Q, Toronto, Ontario, Robert D. Rawlins .... Vice-President, West Canada M4T 2M1. P O 'Box 981 July 18 - August 4, 1996 Healdsburg CA 95448 ..... (707) 431-1109 Olymphilex ’96, Atlaiita, Georgia. Literature class The ExecutiVsbiCommittee includes the officers plus Robert de Violini (immediate past president). devoted to books, catalogs, .and .periodicals relating to * .Council sports philately. Information from Olymphilex ’96, P.O. Dane S. Claussen Robert de Violini Box 1996, Lexington, GA 30648. Ernest E. Fricks Janet Klug October 4-6, -1996 Norma L. McCumber Augustine Serafini Sescal 96, Los Angeles,. California. Information from Russell V. SkavarilCharles J. G. Verge Bob de Violini, Sescal Literature, P.O. Box 5025, Oxnard, CA 93031. Send articles, reviews, and letters May 29-June 8, 1997 fdl' future issues to Mark A. Kell- Pacific 97, San Francisco, California. Infofmation from ner, 873 Carina Lane, Foster Pacific 97, Quinby Bldg., Top Floor, '650 S. Grand City, CA 94404-2866. Ave., Los Angeles, CA 900f7-3878. □ 78 The Philatelic Communicator, A.P.S. Writers-Unit 30, Fourth Quarter 1994. Volume 27, No. 4, Whole No. 106. President’s Message getting releases with considerable more technical data; By Charles J. Peterson it’s apparent that they includejust about everything that’s known at time of writing. In conjunction. Stamp Manage- Farewell to an Editor ment is initiating new reporting forms to be filled in by For the past three-plus years I’ve had the distinct the stamp manufacturers, so that we will not only have pleasure and challenge of working with Ken Lawrence, the somewhat rudimentary planning information but also the editor of The Philatelic Communicator. He’s leaving the data on actual production. that post now; this is his last issue. I truly regret his Further, Rick Arvonio agreed to accept a consolidated departure, but I recognize that he’s got many other list of production data needs, going back to the 1991 demands on his time and I can only express my thanks information cut-off period. Those information gaps will that he’s given sb much of his energy to the unit. then be passed to the appropriate stamp manufacturers to When I first met Ken in my new capacity of presi- be filled in as best as possible from ejysting records. That dent-elect of WU30, I told him I wasn’t interested in consolidation is being prepared by the Bureau Issues reviewing the journal before it went to press, or in Association’s Plate Number ChecklisTteam of John L.
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