
THE POLITICAL KOLE OF NÍJÍXICA Í-.U'LEIIICAIJS IN SAl^I ANTOEIO, TEXA3 by EDWIN LARRY DIGKENS, B.A., M.A, A DIS3ERTATI0N IN GOVERÍJMENT Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Technological College in Partial i^'ulfillment of the Requireraents lor the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Approved Accepted August, 1969 í\JoML AOTa:0\;Lr::û':rri^i':v.^ V/hatever merit thJG disserti.tion rnay have o'./e& i.v.ich to the asyistance of many people. I aii dcGpD.y indebt(;d to Professors V/illiam E. Oden and Shirley Chainnan .for to-jir direct.'i on of the dissertation. To the other rnembers of my comniittee, Professors J. William Davio, iiartin Kyre, and Paul J. V/oods, I owe particiilar thanks for their gv.idance of my doctoral program. Professor Bill Crane of St. Mary's University gave valuable aid to my field research in San Antonio. Also, I have had extensive cooperation from many persons in San Antonio too nLimerous to mention. Professors Howard Griffin and Jamos Grisham of Sari híouston State University and Mrs. Ruth Davis read portions of the manuscript and gave me the benefit of their advice. Mrs. Beverly Davis was exceedingly gracious in typing the manu- script, I must record my gratitude to these people for their help and, of course, absolve them of any responsi- bility for what is written here. I wish to dedicate this dissertation-to îlartha, Edwin, and Laura Leigh. I now understand why scholarship requires a patient family. ii TAbi-:i; oi^' coTi:: LiST OF TAB: V3. L ST OP ILLUST.íÁTIO:.:S V .1.1.1 IKTÎIODUCTK^ ^ 1 Char)ter POLITICAL RO'^'íil AUI) Trli,. CIU^TUKJ.L riAChfh^vu:.;'j ! (. MÍI;:X:TOA!::-AÎIJ^HIOAIÍS IN SITITH Q^Í.;X..S . 13 A Note on Literatirrc for Ana,Ty'ziníí; Ciilt^iraT Relations and Political iíoile Early Gultural SeLtleneuts in exas Early Culturpi Relaticns in South Telas Kexicans in San /intonio in the .ia.r}ete-:;nth Century South Texas Politics and Ihe 'iexTcan-ÁT-ûricans in the Kineteenth Oentury Cultural DevcloTDments of î:exicí;--i-Ar:terTcans in South Texo.s from 1900 to 1350 Mexica.n-Americans and South expG Politics from 1900 to 1950 Summary II. POLITICAL ROLE AND THE SO0IC-ECOJ1C :T0 GO:ÍT)TTI ÍID OF KEXIGAN-AMiíRICAlvS IN SAN ANTONIO ... 52 A Note on Literature lor Analyzing Socio- economic Gonditions and Political F.oTe Mexican-American Socio-cconomic Gonditions in San Antonio .Before V/orld V/ar II Mexican-American Socio-economic Gonditions Durjng the 1940's Mexican-American Socio-cconornic Gonditions in San Antonio Since V/orld V/ar Ii Summary "^ i: J..". .^'J í.j •^ r O '^^ I. .-ij - i j.'J C"í'-i LIST OF TAB:IJ';S VT L ST OP ILLUSTííATTO:.;S viii INTRODUCTICT^ . [ 1 Chapter l". POTITIGAL RO:hS ANU T/lb GUT,TU.xxL TACh(T-KU:.^:i) O ' MEXTGAN-AM.íTíTOAiTo TN SvUTH TUXxC 13 A Note on Literatirco for ilntiTvzinfr Cult.i.raT Relations and Political lioD.e Early Gultural Seotienents in Tex.as Early GulturpT ReiatTcns in South Tei^as MeyxLcans in San ;\ntonio .in the .íTiveteenth Gentury South Texac PoTitics and the î'lex.i.can-Am.e:r-icans in the Nineteenth Gentur^^ Gultural DeveloDments of r:e?d..cr-:n-AmerlcB.ns in South Texas from 19*00 to 1950 Mexica:n-Am-ericans ancl South Texas Polit:i.c£ from 1900 to 1950 Summary II. POLITICAL ROLE AND THE SOGIC~ECO..h:iiTG GO:!T)TTIOND OF MEXTGAN-AMiTRIGANS TN SAN ANT0:^I0 ... 52 A Note on Literature for An8.Tyzing Socio- economic Gonditions and Political RoTe Mexican-American Socio-cconomic Gonditions in San Antonio .Before V/orld V/ar TI Mexican-Araerican Socio-economic Gonditions lAirJnp the 1940's Mexica.n-American Socio-cconomic Gonditions in San Antonio Since V/orld V/ar IT Sumjnary T1". f IV III, POLITIGAL ROLE AND rTUXICAI\^-;L]lERICAN LEADERSHIP AND GROUPS TN SAN ANTONIO , 94 A Note on Literaturo for Analyzing Leadership, Croups, and Political Role Mexican-American Leadership in San Antonio: General Cbservations Henry B. Gonzalez Albert Pena, Jr. John.Alaniz Peter Torres, Jr. Joe Bernal The League of United Latin American Citizens The Political Association of Spanish-Speaking Organizations Additiqnal Mexican-American Groups in San Antonio Sunmiary :V, POLITIGAL ROJ.E AND MEX TGAN-Aí4ERIGiUT VOTING PATTERITS IN SAN ANTONIO 151 A Note on Literature for Analyzing Ethnic Groups, Voting Patterns, and Po itical Role Selected Mexican-American Voting Precincts in San Antonio Mexican-American .Registration and Voting Turn- out in Selected Precincts in San Antonio 1948-1966 Mexican-American Voting in Presidential Elections 1948-1964 Mexican-American Voting in United States Sena- torial Elections 1961-1966 -" Mexican-Ainerican Voting in Derûocratic Party Senatorial Primaries 1948-1964 Mexican-American Voting in Democratic Party Gubernatorial Primaries 1950-1964 Summary V, POLITICAL__ROLE AND 1TEXIGAN-AI4ERTGAN POLITTGAL ACCESS iN 3AN ANToNTO 208 A Note on Literature for Anatlyzing Politics, Political Access, and Political Role Mexican-Americans, P'olitical Access, and the Good Government Leag^ae Mexican-Amcricans, tre GCJJ, and Bexar County Politics Mexican-Amei-iCci.Ms, roTitioa:i Access, and the Dem.ocx?. t.ic Partv * n -S' Anto>^i.o v i-iexican-Anericaiio a;i; tlj.G ]3emooratTo la rtj Organization in San Anhonio The Repnblican Pai'ty, L;oxio?5n-..roriCc-ns, avd Politi.cal .Cccess in Con Antonio î-iexican~A[r:C icc..n Tnclusion in the Gove:':'nxents of San Antoni.o ancl iTe.xar Goxnty Suraríicary V . 00NGLU3TC 'i'iO 262 \ The Goncept of Political Tole and Mexican-/jnericans The Concept of Political íietting and Mexican-Arnericans Political Role and the Gultural Lach_x f ound of Mexican-Americans in South Te.xas Political Role a.nd the Soci.o-eccnomic Gonditions of Mexican-Americí m San A ntO-'iio Political Role and Kexican-Amierican Leade; ship and Groups in San Aiitonio -Political Role and Mexican-Araerican Voting Patterns in San Antonio Political Role and Mexican-American Political Access in San Antonio Political IRole, Political Setting, and Mexican- Americans in San Antonio iiAPPENDI. X 290 BIBLIOGRA.P Y 293 f LIST OF TABLES " Table Page 1, Illiteracy and Death Rates in Texas Gounties, 1930 59 2, Death Rates in the Five Largest Cities of Texas in 1930 60 3, Infant Mortality in San Antonio Selected Years 65 4, Maternal Deaths in San Antonio Selected Years . 67 5- Educational Characteristics of Population of Mexican-American Descent 25 Years and Older in San Antonio in 1960 78 6. Unemplo;^/Tnent Characteristics of PopiiTation in the Five Largest Cities of Texas in 1960 . 80 7. Mexican-American Doctors and Midwives in San Antonio Selected Years 84 8. Spanish Language Media of Com.mujiicaticn in San Antonio Selected Years 85 '9. Charac'teristics of Population in Selected Voting Precincts in San Antonio in 1960 159 10.• Mexican-American Population in 1960 in Selected Precincts of San Antonio 161 J-l. Mexican-American Registration in San AntoniO in Selected Precincts, 1948-1968 163 12. Mexican-American Voting in San Antonio Selected Precincts in Presidential Elections, 1948-1964 166 13- Voting in Presidential Elections Seiected Pre- cincts, 1948-1964 170 14. Voting in United States Senatorial Eloctions Selected Precincts in San Antonio, 196I-I966 179 15. Voting in Democratic Senatoriai Pi'ir-.aries Selected Precincts in San Antonio, 194 8-1^64 187 •\r-[ ^ F»*—-aWMF 1 Vll 16. Voting in Democratic Gubernatorial Primiaries Selected Precincts in San Aîitonio, 1950-1964 191 17. Voting in Gubernatorial Elections Selected Precincts in San Antonio, 1964-1966 205 18. Mexican-Am.erican Democratic Precinct Ghairmen, 1948-1968 242 19. Mexican-Americans and the San imtonio City Council 252 20. San Antonio Boards and Commissions and Mexican- Americans Selected Years 254 21. Mexican-American Candidates and Elected Officials for County Office in Bexar Courxty, 1948-1968 , . ^ 257 f rîr^--*sMH^P"''" y LIST OF ILLUSTRATI0N3 Figure Page 1. Census Tracts of San Antonio V/ith Primarily Mexican-Americans in 1960 75 2, San Antonio Votinc: Precincts Gorresponding to Census Tracts in 1960 160 / Vlll 1 í^f INTRODUCTION The political setting to which individuals react includes much more of society than the social groupings to which they belong, Those v/ho would study the political setting and the political role of ethnic groups have a re- sponsibility to place their work in a broader setting. Two ways of locating this study seem to be particularly impor- tant. First, the political role of an etTmic group can be seen within the context of a larger political system. 'cec- ond, the data collected in studying the impact of political role upon the political setting lie within a particular his- torical framework, These two characteristics manifest themselves in the cultural background, the socio-economic conditions, leadership and groups, voting patterns, and access to government of the ethnic group. The unifying analytical concept is political role. Political role is a basic unit for the study of political behavior. The concept of role refers to expecta- tions about how a political actor behaves in particular situations, Heinz Eulau argues that the most suitable concept for analyzing a relationship between at least two political actors is role. Furthermore, utilization of role Robert Dahl, Modern Political Analysis (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1963), p, 11, 1 is suitable for determining the political relevance of the behavior under analysis, The concept of role has assumed a key position in the fields of sociology, social psychol- ogy, and cultural anthropology. Students of the social sciences frequently make use of it as a central term in conceptual schemes for the analysis of the structure and functioning of social systems and for the explanation of individual behavior,' Political role can be used as a conceptual tool on three levels of analysis, These three levels of the analy- sis of political role are the cultural, the social, and the personal, On the cultural level, analysis of political role calls attention to the norms, traditions, rights and duties that relate to the behavioral pattern of the polit- ÍC£L1 actor.
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