Durham Research Online Deposited in DRO: 26 January 2017 Version of attached le: Published Version Peer-review status of attached le: Peer-reviewed Citation for published item: Hall, R. and McNicoll, V. and Gr¤ocke, D. R. and Craig, J. and Jonhston, K. (2004) 'Integrated stratigraphy of the lower and middle Fernie Formation in Alberta and British Columbia, western Canada.', Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigraa., 110 (1). pp. 61-68. Further information on publisher's website: https://doi.org/10.13130/2039-4942/6264 Publisher's copyright statement: This article is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives Licence 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) Additional information: Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in DRO • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full DRO policy for further details. Durham University Library, Stockton Road, Durham DH1 3LY, United Kingdom Tel : +44 (0)191 334 3042 | Fax : +44 (0)191 334 2971 https://dro.dur.ac.uk Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia volume I l0 no. I pp.61-68 April 2OO4 INTEGRATED STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LO\TER AND MIDDLE FERNIE FORMATION IN ALBERTA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, \trESTERN CANADA RUSSELL HALL', VICKI MCNICOLL" DARREN GRÒCKE" TAMES CRAIGI& KEVIN TOHNSTON Receiaed Septenber 19, 2002: accepted Septenber 30,2003 Key toords: Jurassic, ammonìtes, biochronology, coccoliths, U-Pb analyses, have recently been obtained from fossilif- U-Pb geochronolory, strontium isotopes, zircons, Fernie Fornration, erous volcano-sedimentary units in the North American Alberta, Bajocian. Cordillera (Pílfy et al. 2000). There, volcanic products Abstact. The lower and nriddle parts of the Fernie Formirtion are interbedded with ammonite-bearing sediments that in central-western Alberta and sourh-eastern British Colurnbia, ranging provide good biochronological constraints. This integra- from Pliensbachian to ?Brthonian (Earlv to MiddleJurassic) in age, and tion of biostratigraphic and geochronologic data has al- consisting mainly of fossiliferous drrk shales and black limestones, con- lowed improved estimates for the numeric age of tain bentonitic clay horizons which have yielded radiometric rges using Jurassic stage boundaries. U-Pb analysis of zircon crystals. Here we report six nes' ases from the lowermost Red Deer Member (188.3 +1.5/-1 Ma); Highrvood Mem- Tectonism and magmatic events associated with ber (ca. 1/3 Ma;rnd 166.6 + 0.2 Ma); and Grey Beds (167.0 + 0.2 Ma, accretion of allochthonous terranes to the wesrern mar- + 165.6 0.3 Ma, and 165.4 + 0.3 Ma). Some of these bentonites.rre rs- gins of ancestral North America, beginning in about sociated with ammonites and coccoliths which provide biosrratigraph- MiddleJurassic time, are reflected in sediments ic constr;rints. Strontium, carbon and oxyten isotopes measured fronr Jurassic belemnite rostra have been compared in two secrions :rnd the resulting deposited farther east in the \lestern Canada Sedimen- curves are comp:rred with those from western Europe. tary Basin where volcanic ash layers are interbedded vrith ammonite-bearing dark shales of the Fernie For- Riassunto. Le parti inferiore e media della Formazione Fernie mation. In this paper s/e report six new U-Pb zircon nell'Alberta centro-occidentale e nella Columbia Britannica sudorien- ages from analysis of zircons in ash layers from cen- tale, la cui età va dal Pliensbachiano al ?Bathoniano (Gìurassico da infe- riore a medio), e che consistono principalmente in shale fossiliferi scuri tral-western Alberta (Bighorn Creek and irs easrern e calcari neri fossiliferi, contengono orrzzonri di argilla bentonitica che tributary) and south-eastern British Columbia (Ford- hanno fornito datazioni radiometriche con I'analisi U-Pb dei cristalli ing River) (Fig. t). di zircone. riportianio sei nuove datazioni dalla parte più bassa del Qui Detailed geochemical analyses on two sections, Mernbro Red Deer (188.3 +1.5/-1 Ma); dal Membro Highwood (ca. l73Ma,e'166.6 + 0.2 Ma) e dai Grey Beds (167.A + 0.2 Ma, 165.6 + 0.3 Bighorn Creek and its nearby easrern tributary have been Ma, e 165.4 + 0.3 Ma). Alcune di queste bentoniti sono associ,te con completed for strontium, oxygen and carbon isotopic ra- ammoniti e coccoliti, che forniscono le delimitazioni biostratigrafiche. tios. Variations in the strontium-isotope curve derived Gli isotopi dello stronzio, del carbonio e dell'ossigeno misurati da rostri from the analysis of belemnite rostra in these secrions di belemniti sono stati confrontati in due sezioni, e le curve risultanti vengono comparare con quelle dell'Europa nordoccidentale. allow for correlation with that previously generated in Europe (Jones et a|.1994a). lJnfortunately, biochronological constraints in Introduction these two sections depend on only intermittent occur- rences of ammonites, which occur as lateral impressions A significant number of new isotopic dates for cali- on bedding pianes; some levels have also yielded cocco- bration of the Jurassic time-scale, based on high precision lith floras. ' Geoloey & Geophysics, University of Calsary, Calgary, Alberta T2N lN4, Canada. E-mail: hellr(r ucalgary.ca 'Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario KlA OE8, Canada 'School of Geographl, & Geologl', McMaster University, Hanrilton, Ontario LSS 4K1, Canada 'PO. Box 668, Bragg Creek, Alberta TOL OKO, Canada 62 R. Hdll, \'. ,llcNitoll, D. Griickc,.l . Craig Et K..f olnstott / t4 YA-HA-TINDA 3 /a RANCH s -:r ^f 'tt I | --ì'--- c! me I rès aooo o .ooo 2000 114' 50' '115' 35 - Bighorn Creek and east tributary localities, Alberta. Scalp Creek 1:50 000 topographic mapsheet, 82 O/13E and Barrier Mountain 1:50 000 topographic mapsheet, 82 Ol12 Fording River, British Columbia. Tornado Mountain 1:50 000 topographic mapsheet, 82 Gl15 V-Vancouver C-Calgary l9-J, Torn.rtir itsc-.lslerntri[lut.rrr',AIbcrt;l:(])lìcclDcer]!{crllbcr.gritlrcfercnce0].+.l5+.ScalpCrcckl:50OOOtopogrlphic (.ì)Highl'tXlC]Mctttbcr'gr.itlrcl.ertrlcc0l0j35,llrliclNjtltlllt;l gricl rcfercncc 013.15.1, Sc.rlp Crccli l:50 000 topogr;rphic nr,rpshcet. lìl ()/llFl I (5) Grcv lìcds, srid reference Ol2 352, Scrlp Crc'eli l: 50 O0O topo*r.rphic nr,rpshcct, Sl Oi 1.1F.. Geological Setting Rcrching maxinrunr thicknesses of only about 300 r'ìì. tìre Fcrnie Fornr.rtiorr is,r recessivc unit occurrinq as In the Foothills and Front R:rnse s of the C;rnrdi,rn isolirtcd outcrops irlonq vallev floors, and was intensely Rockv Mountains thc Fernie Fornrirrion represcnrs al- defornred bv Cretlceous o\.er-thrusring :rcconlpanying nlost the entireJur;lssic; its internrrl subdivision into in- Cordiller:rn tectonism. While nrost units rvithin the Fernie f o rn.r,r I nl e m b e rs r t h c i r I i t h o s t r:r t i u rir p l.r v ir n d b i o s t r;'rt i rÌ rrr- Fornri'rtion have been rerìsonably rvell-dated usinrÌ anlmo- phy, rvere sumrnariscd bv Hall (1981). Lou,cr and Mrdclle nite f:runirs, there are n.ranv faunal gaps (Hall 1984). Dat- Jurassic palrts of tl.re Iìernic Fornrirtion consist predonri- ins of upper Middle Jurirssic units (Hiuhrvood Men.rber, nantlv of grev and black sh:rles, l,'ith nrir-ror siltstones, Grev Bcds) is n'rade rrore difficult bv the strong faunal sandstones, conglonrcrates and linrcstones, the sourcc of provir.rcialitv der.eloped iurongsr :rnrnronires from Late detrital sediments bciÍrs on the cnton to the er.rst. Tl.rcsc B,rjocirn to t:rrly Oxfordian times (Callomon 1984). strata represent the voungest pilrts of the pirssivc rn,rrgin sequence, q,hich irccurlulirted on thc western ntirrgin of cratonic North Arrericrr thror,rgl.rout the Paleoz-oic rrncl Earlv Mesozoic. Thc uppernrost p,rrt of the Fernic l"or- Lithostratigraphy and descriptions of sections nlxtion (Pass:rge Be ds; Oxfordi,rn) rccords :1 conrplctc rc- Ilighorn Creek versrrl in basin polirritl., refle cting :rccretionarv rccronics Thc lorvermost Jurrssic scdinrents ;rt this loc.rlin'consist ol;t occurrins f,rrther rvest, r'hich resr-rltcd in dcvclopnrcnt thin (lÌ ur), plrosph:rtic-pcirirle lig iilling cleprcssions on rrn erosi()nirl surf.rcc clcvclopred ovcr l-orvcr Middle (Sulphur Moun- of ir subsidins forclrrnd brrsin u,ith influx of co;lrse clrìs- to Tri:rssic roclis t.rìn Iìrrnrrtion)l frlgnrcrrtccl;rrnnronites inclic.rtc.r [-.rte Sinenruli.rn .rgc tics, and volcanic rrnd igncous dctritus, from ,r \\'estcrlv for this pebblc bcd (Stcll.rre Subzonc, Obrtrsunr Zone). Above an S source - the rising iìncestrtl Rockv Mountrrins (Poulton nr thick coverccl inten,rl, thc Upper Plicnsb;rchi;rrr Rc'cl Deer Mcmber et rl. 199,1). cortsists oi 9 nr of hard. platl Lrl,rck, limestorrc rrnd shrìlc. The overli- Stratigraphy of tbe Fernie Formations 63 Fig.2 - Carbon, oxygen, and stron- Stable lsotopes 879/8651 lNgg 9971 rirrm isotone curves for the Highwood Member of the J, o o13c""rg%o1vpDB1 o18o""rg%o1veoe1 ^a Fernie Formation at Bighorn or Òr s] -1 012 3 -8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 .ffi rffiTrTEtffit rffiT|frTffiT|.rlFTffiTffi Creek. Placemenr of Stage la{ anòZone boundaries (in col- ts-ra+ umns under "this study") based on variations in iso- tope curves, not ammonites !-ar found in this section. É,ar + + + '3 Éa{ r-r É-a+ ,a{ l-ar ù-ar r-.O< Fai l+i ts-ai t.....'.ru trglrgtqlgr:J n\6".rs"tr-10i23 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 o.s.s^o' ^Q' 4s' ing Poker Chip Shale, 12 m thick, consists of more fissile and papery, calcareous siltstones with some poorly preserved lateral impressions of thinly laminated, black silty shales, and in its lower parts conlains a rich Late Pliensbachian ammonites (Hall et al.
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