Geogr. Fis. Dinam. Quat. 33 (2010), 165-177, 9 figg., 5 tabb. LUCA DELLE PIANE (*), DARIO FONTAN (**) & GIUSEPPE MANCARI (**) THE ROSONE LANDSLIDE (ORCO RIVER VALLEY, WESTERN ITALIAN ALPS): AN UPDATED MODEL ABSTRACT: DELLE PIANE L., FONTAN D. & MANCARI G., The Rosone INTRODUCTION landslide (Orco river valley, Western Italian Alps): an updated model. (IT ISSN 0391-9838, 2010). The so-called Rosone landslide is located in the Orco The Rosone landslide (Western Italian Alps) is a major sliding phe- river valley (province of Turin, Italian Western Alps; fig. nomenon affecting a metamorphic basement and periodically damaging 1) and has been known since the beginning of the 20th cen- the structures (tunnels and penstocks) of a nearby hydro-power plant. This paper presents the results of a recent study including field geology, seismic tury as an active phenomenon characterized by a slow yet surveys and deep boreholes, investigating the poorly known deep structure constant evolution (Ramasco & alii, 1989; Forlati & alii, of the sliding mass, as well as the geometry of the sliding surfaces. A syn- 1993; Luino & alii, 1993), repeatedly damaging some thetic comparison is made with another large landslide at Mt. Castello, mountain villages and the Ceresole-Rosone hydro-power showing some analogies with the Rosone landslide. plant, presently owned by the City of Turin Electricity KEY WORDS: Rosone landslide, Gran Paradiso, Seismic surveys, Board, IRIDE S.p.A. The penstocks and the diversion tun- Boreholes, Structural geology, Sackung. nel coming from the hydroelectric basin of Ceresole Reale have been suffering continuous deformations since the RIASSUNTO: DELLE PIANE L., FONTAN D. & MANCARI G., La frana di time of their completion, in 1929 (Bornati, 1930). Rosone (Valle dell’Orco, Alpi occidentali italiane): un modello aggiornato. During the diversion tunnel construction, stability (IT ISSN 0391-9838, 2010). problems due to strong convergences in the underground La frana di Rosone è uno dei più noti fenomeni gravitativi delle Alpi. charge tank area were caused by the presence of so-called Il fenomeno si sviluppa a carico di un basamento cristallino ed è causa «talcoschisti» (talc-schists) with very poor geomechanical del frequente danneggiamento delle strutture di un importante impianto characteristics, requiring the armouring of several tunnel idroelettrico, oltre che della passata delocalizzazione dell’abitato di Roso- ne. Questo contributo illustra i risultati di uno studio recente compren- sections (Bornati, 1930). The original diversion tunnel dente rilievi di terreno, prospezioni sismiche tomografiche e sondaggi plan had to be successively abandoned for an inner and profondi (fino a 300 m), il cui scopo è stato di investigare la struttura safer solution. Even today, continuous localized cracking profonda del corpo in frana, fino ad oggi poco nota, e la geometria delle of the concrete lining demands periodic maintenance. De- superfici di scivolamento. Viene presentato un breve confronto con un formations suffered by the penstocks along the landslide fenomeno analogo osservato nella stessa vallata, la frana del M. Castello, dove ricorrono condizioni strutturali predisponenti analoghe. eastern margin made the adoption of adjustable bearings necessary, in order to maintain the penstocks alignment. TERMINI CHIAVE: Frana di Rosone, Gran Paradiso, Prospezioni Sismi- The Rosone landslide (fig. 2) is a typical but at the che, Sondaggi, Geologia strutturale, Sackung. same time complex deep-seated gravitational sliding phe- nomenon affecting the pre-quaternary basement, made of granitic orthogneisses (fig. 3). (*) GDP consultants, 11020 Saint Christophe (Aosta, Italy), Loc. The basement is affected by a varying degree of disar- Grand Chemin 22. ticulation, with a gradual transition from an undisturbed (**) SEA Consulting S.r.l., Via Cernaia 27 - 10121 Torino (Italy). to a fully disjointed rock mass, up to chaotic debris fields We would like to thank the Company IRIDE S.p.A., owner of the with large boulders and slabs of dislocated basement. hydroelectric power plants of the Valle dell’Orco, and Dr. Eng. Nicola Brizzo On the basis of its morphological characteristics, Ram- from the Company itself, for authorizing us to use the data derived from a feasibility study aiming to evaluate technical solutions to minimize the asco & alii (1989) divided the sliding mass into three main interference between the Rosone landslide and the existing hydroelectric sections (Ronchi, Perebella, Bertodasco) with different evo- installations. lutional stages, from incipient to senescent. Instability at 165 FIG. 1 - a: DTM of the Rosone area with indication of the land- slide approximate boundaries (dot- ted line); b: geographic location. FIG. 2 - Synthetic map of the Rosone landslide area. The posi- tion of the IRIDE hydro-power plant and of the new investiga- tions is indicated. RF: Ronchi- Fontane Fredde sector; PB: Pere- bella-Bertodasco sector; VB: Villa- nova-Buriat sector. the landslide foot, suspended above the valley floor, origi- IRIDE and by the Regione Piemonte, record continuous nated in the past debris flows and rock falls, causing the movements in the order of 21 mm/year; movements be- old village of Rosone to be abandoned. tween 12 and 130 mm have been observed on the occasion Since 1960, the eastern landslide margin (penstocks of the October 2000 flood event alone (Amatruda & alii, sector, fig. 2) has been the subject of several survey cam- 2004; Ramasco & Troisi, 2003). By interpreting the avail- paigns aiming to define the depth of the sliding mass and able data, Ramasco & alii (1989) supposed active move- to monitor the movements; in this area, inclinometer- ments down to a depth of 200-300 m in the slope sections equipped boreholes show active movements down to a far-off the penstocks. depth of 20-70 m, along a discrete sliding surface with an In spite of the huge amount of data concerning the apparently planar shape, locally characterized by the pres- penstocks area, little information is available up to date on ence of chloritic, non cohesive silt. the higher part of the slope, i.e. on the main landslide This sector is presently the most active one; instrumen- body. A study campaign has been carried out in 2005-2006 tal data from an integrated monitoring system installed by on behalf of IRIDE S.p.A., aiming to define in detail the 166 geological setting of the upper part of the landslide, where of a) silvery micaschists (SM) with chloritoid + talc + quartz the diversion tunnel is presently located, as well as to eval- + phengite + Mg-chlorite ± glaucophane ± kyanite ± gar- uate the extension at depth of the interferences with the net and REE accessory minerals (Gabudiano Radulescu & existing underground works. alii, 2009), and b) Mg-chlorite schists with albite, quartz, Geological, structural, geomorphological and photoge- white mica, biotite, epidote (MOMO, 2002). The gradual ological detailed surveys have been carried out, supported transition from the SM and the orthogneisses seems to in- by deep boreholes, on-site and laboratory geomechanical dicate that the SM are directly derived from the encom- tests and seismic surveys (deep tomography plus reflection passing granitic rocks (Compagnoni & Lombardo, 1974; seismic; fig. 6 and fig. 7). The obtained data allowed up- Dal Piaz & Lombardo, 1986; Colombo, 1990). dating the reference geological model derived from previ- These peculiar metasomatic rocks formed along high- ous studies, which include, in addition to the cited works, pressure ductile shear zones, probably coeval with the eo- a large amount of unpublished data and reports retained alpine metamorphic event. Metasomatism caused depletion in the IRIDE S.p.A. technical archives. in SiO2, K2O, CaO, Na2O, Ba as well as enrichment in This contribution presents the results of this study Al2O3, MgO, Ti, Zr, V, Sc (Colombo, 1990; Colombo & campaign. alii, 1994). In the upper part of the Rosone landslide, metric levels of SM and of associated Mg-chlorite schists can be ob- GEOLOGICAL SETTING served cropping out by the Perebella underground charge tank and west of it, beyond the watershed; the SM dip par- In order to better understand the causes and mecha- allel to the main schistosity and to the slope facing the Or- nisms influencing the landslide evolution, in the light of co river as well. They probably belong to a ductile shear the new surveys, it is of some interest to recall some dis- zone cropping out discontinuously along both sides of the tinctive aspects of the regional geological setting in the Orco valley (in particular, on the right side between the studied area. Cima di Deserta and the Lillet and Dres lakes; on the left side, between the M. Castello, the Alpe Loserai and the Lithostratigraphic setting abandoned village of Chiapili). In our opinion this shear The Rosone landslide is located within the penninic zone could subdivide the GPU in two tectonic sub-units: Gran Paradiso Unit (GPU) cropping out, in the Orco val- an upper, mainly mylonitic one and a lower, non-mylonitic ley, between the village of Locana to the E and the Nivolet one where the metagranites often have preserved magmat- pass to the W; it includes a pre-Triassic crystalline base- ic textures. ment made of late-Carboniferous metagranites (the so- The presence, within the SM of the Rosone area, of called «complesso degli ortogneiss occhiadini», about 280 domains with a preserved Sp-1 foliation defined by Mg- My old) intruded into an amphibolite-facies basement
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