© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2009-11. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2011 [Price: Rs. 33.60 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 28A] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2011 Aadi 11, Thiruvalluvar Aandu–2042 Part II—Section 2 (Supplement) NOTIFICATIONS BY GOVERNMENT AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION OF CROPS, DISTRICT BLOCKS AND FIRKAS FOR KHARIF 2011UNDER NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE SCHEME [G.O. Rt. No. 226, Agriculture (AP1), 12th July 2001, Aani 27, Thiruvalluvar Aandu-2042.] No. II(2)/AG/347/2011. The Tamil Nadu State Level Coordination Committee on Crop Insurance have notified areas in Tamil Nadu for Paddy I (Kar/Kuruvai/Sornawari), Paddy II (Samba/Thalady/Pishanam) and Kharif (Other crops) 2011 season under National Agricultural Insurance Scheme in their Meeting held on 31.05.2011, and its subsequent minutes under reference Government letter No.11255/AP1/2011-3 dated 08.06.2011 of the Department of Agriculture, Secretariat, Fort St.George, Chennai are as below:— ABSTRACT S.No. Name of the crop. No.of Districts. No.of Blocks. No. of Firkas . I Agricultural Crops 1 Paddy-I (Kar/Kuruvai/Sornavari) 28 264 690 2 Paddy-II (Samba/Thaladi/Pishanam) 30 322 906 3 Cholam 14 92 — 4 Cumbu 10 56 — 5 Ragi 7 31 — 6 Maize 22 96 188 7 Redgram 3 31 76 8 Blackgram 7 38 95 9 Greengram 1 7 12 10 Groundnut 28 251 544 11 Gingelly 11 48 — 12 Cotton 19 86 147 13 Sunflower 16 39 .. DTP—II-2 Sup. (28A)—1 [ 1 ] 2 S. No. Name of the crop. No.of Districts. No.of Blocks. No.of Firkas. II Horticultural crops 14 Potato I 5 11 19 15 Banana 30 190 344 16 Tapioca 11 53 88 17 Turmeric 14 66 115 18 Onion 15 63 93 19 Pineapple 1 1 2 20 Ginger 1 1 4 The details of the Firkas / Blocks are given in “ANNEXURE – 1”. 1. FARMERS COVERED: All farmers including share croppers & tenant farmers growing the notified crops in the notified areas are eligible for coverage. The scheme covers following group of farmers: a) On a compulsory basis: All farmers growing notified crops and availing crop Loans / KCC loans and Agricultural Jewel loans for the purpose of cultivation of the notified crop, from Financial Institutions i.e. Loanee farmers. b) On a voluntary basis: All other farmers growing notified crops in the notified area i.e. Non-Loanee farmers, who opt for the Scheme. 2. SUM INSURED AND PREMIUM RATES: Please refer Annexure 2 (enclosed) for premium rates and sum insured limits for various crops for loanee and non-loanee farmers. Loanee farmers: Under the scheme, insurance coverage is compulsory for all loanee farmers availing crop loans from Financial Institutions for notified crops in notified areas as per the rates quoted in “ANNEXURE - 2”. a. The premium shall be an additionality to the loan (with out any consent from the farmer) and should be debited to the account of the farmers once at the end of the month or retrospectively within the seasonality period but not latter than the specified cutoff date for DD and Declarations. Premium amount should not be deducted from the loan disbursed across the cash counter or should not be collected from the farmers. b The sum insured may extend to the value of the Threshold Yield of the insured crop (where such value exceeds the loan amount disbursed), at the option of the insured farmers in case of food crops, pulses and oilseeds. Additional coverage under the scheme is also available at the option of farmer subject to a maximum of the value of 150% of Average Yield (where such value exceeds the loan amount disbursed) in case of food crops, pulses and oilseeds. d. For Annual Commercial / Horticultural Crops the Actuarial Premium Rates would be applicable irrespective of the sum insured for Loanee /Non-Loanee farmers. Non-Loanee farmers: The Sum Insured in case of Non-loanee farmers is calculated on the basis of value of Threshold Yield and it can be extended upto the value of 150% of Average Yield as mentioned above in case of food crops, pulses and oilseeds. Pl. refer “ ANNEXURE – 2”. 3. COVERAGE OF LOANEE FARMERS: District level nodal bank for all our correspondence will continue for NAIS whereby AIC will deal only with designated nodal points of banks. All eligible loanee farmers growing notified crops in notified areas are to be compulsorily covered for the full amount of loan disbursed. This includes the Jewel Loans issued during the period for cultivation of the notified crop in the Notified Area. Cover may be restricted to crop / area and scale of finance. The cover may be restricted as per Crop / Area and scale of finance. (Circular letter Ref: N.84783/ Res-II/05 dated 29.11.05 issued by the Finance Dept. of the State Govt. of TN). All guidelines in regard to crop loans which are issued by RBI/NABARD time to time are to be complied by Banks. However, a farmer opting for higher sum insured (beyond value of T.Y.) as provided in the Scheme will have to do so at the beginning of the season and the cut-off date will be the one applicable for non-loanee farmers. Those farmer who opt for higher level of coverage i.e.over and above loan have to submit a proposal form as advise by Agricultural Insurance Company of India Ltd. 4. COVERAGE OF NON-LOANEE FARMERS: 3 Non loanee farmers eligible & opting for coverage shall submit prescribed proposal forms (Banks are requested to kindly print / photocopy such formats as per their requirements) to the nearest selected Service Area branch / PACB detailing particulars of desired coverage, alongwith relevant premium, within prescribed cut-off dates given in “ANNEXURE – 3” enclosed. The non-loanee farmers need to open a Savings Bank A/c in the said branch. The Banks / PACS are requested to open no frill accounts or with RS. 10 /= once for this purpose. The bank branch shall scrutinize the proposals, and collect other required documents such as crop sown certificate from such farmers alongwith premium amount. 5. SUBMISSION OF DECLARATIONS: The disbursing Bank Branch / PACB shall retain all the original applications of the farmers and a consolidated statement be prepared month-wise crop-wise and notified area-wise details of the coverage (separately for loanee and non-loanee farmers) along with premium by internal transfer to their Nodal Banks (preferably district level controlling branch of the same bank). They shall furnish the said details along with premium amount to their nodal banks within 15th day of the succeeding month. The nodal bank shall consolidate these statements as received from the branches / PACBs under it’s’ jurisdiction, and forward the same to AIC in the prescribed “Declaration” format, separately for each notified crop and each notified area (separate for loanee and non-loanee farmers), along with a DD for premium within the prescribed monthly cut-off dates (before expiry of the month succeeding the month of loaning / month of receipt of non-loanee proposal by branch / PACB) and in any case before final cut-off date mentioned in “ANNEXURE – 3” enclosed. Nodal banks must ensure follow up for complete and correct coverage of all eligible crop loans and shall obtain full and accurate particulars from all the Lending Banks within their jurisdiction. They must also ensure coverage of proposals received from all non-loanee within their jurisdiction. 6. PREMIUM SUBSIDY: Type of Farmers Classification Total Loanee S/M farmers 50% Other farmers 50% Non-loanee S/M farmers 55% Other farmers 50% The Banks shall only be liable / responsible for all the omissions / Commissions / errors committed by them in this regard. Nodal points shall issue suitable instructions to all lending branches under their jurisdiction to achieve the above objectives. Remittances of excess premium shall not confer entitlement for increase in sum insured or liability under the Scheme at a later date. The banks shall be paid, service charges @ 2.5% of the premium collected in respect of both loanee and non- loanee farmers at the end of the season. 7. CUT-OFF DATES FOR RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS / DECLARATIONS: The cut-off date for receipt of Proposals and Declarations are given in “ANNEXURE – 3” enclosed. Loanee farmer opting for a sum insured higher than the amount of loan availed should be treated at par with Non- loanee farmer as far as cut-off dates for submission of Declarations are concerned. Hence, such loanee farmers shall indicate their choice to the concerned bank branch at the beginning of the season itself through a proposal form in the prescribed format Declarations received after the prescribed cut-off dates shall be summarily rejected & the responsibility / liability in this regard shall rest with the nodal banks. Wherever, any clarification in respect of declarations to be submitted by banks is sought by AIC, the same must be submitted within one month. Thereafter, AIC is not under any obligation to accept the same, including for re-opening of claims. Premium by the nodal banks should be remitted by way of a single demand draft or instrument for a particular lot of Declarations. Also in case of denial of non loanee farmers’ proposals by any bank branch, the farmers can take up the issue with the Chairman and The District Collector, District Level Monitoring Committee on Crop Insurance for necessary admission. The JDA., is the convener for the above committee who in turn will ensure with all the banks for hassle free opening of SB accounts for Non Loanee farmers and complete mandatory coverage of all eligible Loanee farmers in his jurisdiction 4 ANNEXURE - I KHARIF 2011-NOTIFICATION OF CROPS, DISTRICT, BLOCK AND FIRKAS ABSTRACT S.No.
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