actiVities. Due to the limited parking space available a pair of antique goggles for sponsoring five new in the Display Aircraft Parking Area, we do not plan members and a leather flying helmet for sponsor­ to park the aircraft by type. However, we do have ing ten new members. Don't forget, the big prize is the aircraft type signs available, so if any type clubs a five year free membership to the member who spon­ want to have their own row(s), we shall be happy to sors the most new members by the end of 1978. Let's supply the signs, but it will be necessary for them to see how many helmets and goggles you can win. There make arrangements directly with the Antique/Classic is no limit. Division Parking Chairman, Arthur R. Morgan, 3744 North 51st Boulevard, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216, before July fifteenth and to police their own rows with JOINT DIVISIONS MEETING their own members starting on Wednesday, July 26, AT EAA HEADQUARTERS and continuing through the entire convention period. While we are talking about the Display Aircraft The Officers and Directors of the Antique Classic Parking Area we would like to point out that the EAA Division, the Warbirds and the International Aero­ Convention is somewhat different from the average batic Club met on April 29th for the first annual Joint fly-in which we usually attend . EDUCATION is the Divisions Meeting. Chaired by Paul and Tom Pober­ basic theme of the EAA Convention, and your Antique/ ezny, the agenda focused on the state of the divisions Classic Division tries to encou rage this theme in both and more effective methods of working together in its forums and its Display Aircraft Parking Areas. We THE RESTORER'S CORNER solving problems that are common to all three divi­ would appreciate your cooperation in using the Dis­ sions. "Each division is interested in expanding its play Aircraft Parking Area exclusively for parking those By J. R. Nielander, Jr. membership," said President Paul in citing an example aircraft of which you can be justifiably proud of your of how the three groups are unified, " and it will help It's again that time when we start planning for work or efforts spent in its restoration, reconstruc­ us all if we exchange ideas for increasing our member­ the annual safari to aviators' paradise. The 26th An­ tion, or continued "Tender Loving Care" mainte­ ship lists ." The reaction produced a wealth of ideas nance. In this area we want to display that which we nual EAA Convention and Fly-In will be held at Witt­ and suggestions all of which contributed to a highly man Field, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, from Saturday, July consider excellence in our field and that from which successful day. others can learn by close inspection, by example, and 29 through Saturday, August 5,1978. Major discussions also developed on the subjects by conversing with the owners and restorers. In this Your Antique/Classic Division has again organized of EAA services to the divisions, developments in area he who is planning to restore an antique or a full week of activities for antique and classic air­ the FAA (Charlie Schuck was there to explain FAA classic aircraft can see what he can expect to achieve craft and their owners. These include the judging of attitudes and action), participation at Oshkosh and the exhibit aircraft and the awarding of trophies in and can thereby be fired with enthusiasm. In this area in the museum. many different classifications. Additionally, well-known photographers can snap the finest collection of the The day's events proved what Paul Poberezny has aviation pioneers and outstanding restorers will be restorers' art. In this area he who comes to admire long sensed : that although the EAA tJas several divi­ recognized at the daytime Interview Circle and the historic beauty on wings can savour the excellence sions, it is not divided. The special interest groups evening Pavilion Program. On Thursday evening the of workmanship. within the organization of EAA are tightly bonded by Division will present a History of Flight Pageant as In the centerfold of this issue you will find a bal­ their mutual interest in flying and their desire to the evening air show program. The Forums Commit­ lot for the annual election of Division officers and preserve their own way of doing it. directors. In addition to the candidates nominated tee has a full schedule of type club and general in­ Representing your interests at the meeting were terest forums planned. These generally include in­ by the nominating committee, there are spaces for J. R. Nielander, Jack Winthrop, Brad Thomas, Claude formation on maintenance problems, parts availability write-in candidates of your choice. Please exercise Gray, Art Morgan , John Turgyan, Kelly Viets, Dale and substitution, modifications, specific restoration your right to vote, and show your officers and direc­ Gustafson , and Bill Ehlen . techniques, flight characteristics, and aircraft avail­ tors that you support them, or write in the names of ability. Additionally, there will be forums on tech­ those whom you would prefer to see on the Division HELP NEEDED AT OSHKOSH niques and procedures applicable to all aircraft. These management team. Only with your active response forums are scheduled for a 1 '14 hour period and are can we determine what is necessary to give you the Kate Morgan and Donna Bartlett have requested held in a large meeting tent located next to the An­ organization which you want. assistance for the Antique/Classic Headquarters Staff tique/Classic Division Convention Headquarters barn. Don't forget about our membership contest. Take at Oshkosh . Staff members are involved in the vital The tent is complete with blackboards, rostrum, pub­ all of the membership applications out of your back function of providing information, taking member­ lic address system, projection equipment, and 250 issues, print your name and Division membership ships, selling magazines, etc. If you can help two hours number on the back of them, and distribute them seats. any a.m . or p.m. write Kate at 3744 North 51st Boule­ to your friends and acquaintances who share your Again this year we are inviting all type clubs to vard , Milwaukee, WI 53216, or Donna at Box 5156 , interest in vintage aircraft. Make sure that you win make the EAA Convention one of their annual fly-in Lakeland FL 33803. The VINTAGEAIRPLANE Editorial OFFICIAL MAGAZINE EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC Staff DIVISION INC. of THE EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION Publisher P.O. Box 229, Hales Corners, WI 53130 Paul H. Poberezny CopyrightO 1978 EAA Antique/Classic Division. Inc .. All Rights Reserved. Editor (Photo by Chris Sorensen) JUNE 1978 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 6 1941 Waco UPF-7 of Liz Winthrop. David Gustafson TABLE OF CONTENTS Associate Editors: H. Glenn Buffington, Robert G. Elliott, AI Kelch, (Cover Photo by Chris Soresen: George S. Mennen's 1940 Spartan Executive.) Edward D. Williams, Byron (Fred) Fredericksen Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photographs. Associate Editorships are assigned The Restorer's Corner by J. R. Nielander, Jr. ........................... 2 to those writers who submit five or more articles ,which are published in THE VINTAGE AIR­ A Stinson by Byron (Fred) Fredericksen ................ ............... 4 PLANE during the current year. Associates receive a bound volume of THE VINTAGE AIR­ World War I Era Replica Plans by Leonard Opdycke ..................... 10 PLANE and a free one-year membership in the Division for their efforts. POLICY-Opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors, Responsibility for accuracy in reporting Notice of Annual Business Meeting and Election of rests entirely with the contributor. Officers and Directors ......................... ..... .. ...... ... ... 12 Vintage Album .................... .................................. 14 Directors ANTIQUE/CLASSIC A Harbor For Classics by David Gustafson .............................. 16 DIVISION William I. Ehlen AI Kelch Restoration Tips by Fred Chew ........................................ 20 Route 8 Box 506 7018 W. Bonniwell Road OFFICERS Tampa, Florida 33618 Mequon, Wisconsin 53092 The Baby Cessna ..................................................... 24 Calendar of Events ................................................... 25 PRESIDENT Claude L. Gray, Ir. Morton W. Lester Letters .............................. .......... ........ ... .. .... 26 J, R. NIELANDER. JR. 9635 Sylvia Avenue Box 3747 Northridge, California 91324 ~artinsville, Virginia 24112 P.O. BOX 2464 FT. LAUDERDALE. FL 33303 Dale A. Gustafson Arthur R. Morgan 7724 Shady Hill Drive 3744 N, 51st Boulevard Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53216 EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION MEMBERSHIP VICE·PRESIDENT Indianapolis, Indiana 46274 JACK WINTHROP Richard Wagner M. C. "Kelly" Viets o NON-EAA MEMBER - $20.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA Antique/ RT. 1. BOX 111 P.O. Box 181 RR 1 BQX 151 Classic Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE; one year mem­ ALLEN. TX 75002 lyons, Wisconsin 53148 Stilwell, Kansas 66085 bership in the Experimental Aircraft Association and separate membership cards. SPORT AVIATION magazine not included. Advisors SECRETARY o EAA MEMBER - $14.00. Includes one year membership in the EAA. Antique/Classic W. BRAD THOMAS. JR. Ronald Fritz Stan Gomoll Division, 12 monthly issues of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE AND MEMBERSHIP CARD. 1989 Wilson, NW 1042 90th Lane, NE 301 DODSON MILL ROAD (Applicant must be current EM member and must give EAA membership number.) PILOT MOUNTAIN. NC 27041 Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55434 John R. Turgyan Robert E. Kessel TREASORER 1530 Kuser Road 445 Oakridge Drive E. E. "BUCK" HILBERT. Trenton, New Jersey 08619 Rochester, New York 14617 8102 LEECH RD. Robert A. White UNION.1L ,60180 Box 704 Zellwood, Florida 32798 THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE is owned exclusively by EAA Antique/Classic Division, Inc., and is published monthly at Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130. Second class Postage paid at Hales Corners Post OHice, Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130, and additional mailing oHices. Membership rates for EAA Antique/ Classic Division, Inc., are $14.00 per 12 month period of which $10.00 is for the publication of THE VINTAGE AIRPLANE.
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