Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1995 Daily Egyptian 1995 5-5-1995 The Daily Egyptian, May 05, 1995 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_May1995 Volume 80, Issue 148 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1995 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1995 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside: May -F•r i d:.cf!E.· e -1995,'J Concealed weapo,fl ,u,;;,i;JiJ~J\lid' Bv Aaron Butler obtain a permit. Dunn said he voted for the bill, Dunn said, and without the pre- · concealed weapon penrut:: Daily Egyptian Reporter State Sen. RalphJ)unn, R-Du but saw problems witliit.JU!d,ifl;;i;_'. elllption, travel for co_ncealed . "\Vedon'tthinkthfgeneraipub- Quoin, said ~though the bill .w~ way he is relieve~'= 1-!1,::~~il~'.~~~t ~ns holders :woilld ~ difficult He ~ives enough trajf!ing iitthe An Illinois bill allowing residents def~ated by JUSt ~me vote, 11 1s der.ca~~ . ;._ ,. t~.:!: !; • > {~en_ator) D111,:1"1 ~1d a good use of deadly force to· carry a with a permit to carry a conceaJed unlikely there will be another It ISJUSt as well, 1 suppose.,<Jie• · JOb; .said Dunn._;;H1:_1s an,artful weapon" said Mark McDonald, an attempt to pass such legislation. said. "The bill as passed would not speaker; and used lot of statistics, p k weapon v:as voteo down 29-28 in a nr . State 0 r the lllinois Senate Thursday. "The bill is dead," he said. have pre-emptied homerule'~so . but it wasn't enougl! to;push this ~o~. aid' - .i::po ;5manboth The bill was introduced by Sen. "Unlessasimilarbillgetspassedin cities such as Carbondale.and through." :".'.•.--::;-:-. •.·.. • c .A -~--~-~lln~'. .. Kirk Dillard, R-Hinsdale, and the (Illinois) House <tf Chicago could pass otdina.ijtesJor~ . ·The Illinois State Police opposed mtent~o~ar.~nd}{!!I~t'f~JIC>n~l, would have allowed citizens who• Representatives, or a future bill is bid~ing conceaJed weaIX?~~wit!tiil·: the bill for public safety reasons; wo~d IDCfC3SC_!f;!e~h.}~l~~~ had resided in Illinois for at least amended to include a concealed citylimits." .,. ::· ·• andrecentlyreleasedasurveyindi- •... 'Asfnra,spub1icIX?hcygoes,.Y1 five years and held a Firearm weapon permit, we won't be seeing To pre-empt home rule; a twti- eating nearly three-fourths of think its a.stepiti the wrong direc-; ' Owner's Identification Card to this again this year." thirds majorit:y vote is need~d. filinois residents are also against a lion," he ~d:f: ,._. · · · · ·' · ' Program teaches .::!!ti~~,s age-old ·guiJ9' -plea ByRobN#f> trade Daily Egyptian Reporter By Michael D. D1:Ford A Carboiidaie man who.was ser­ Daily ~gyptian RcportL'f tenced to·40years iii prison in April for murdering his girlfriend has SlUC offers a variety of entered a motion to withdraw his degrees, however, few are more . plea of guilty. · . unique than blacksmithing. James E. Vinson,31,received the Brent Kington, professor of sentence after pleading guilty to one art and . :/coimt offirst degree murder April 5 design.- said~, :'.. t~in_the choking death of Terry SIUC has [; (;'SpiUCIS!31l.J7. : ' .• . t the only ;'.'. :/ · Spillers; 25, was pronounced degree­ :, .. dead shortly after her body was granting pro­ }Jiu;=~~e·s spillway gram in the . _ .· . ·,.· ,;' J}'.;\'.:\[k:;cc;}., ~J.D~-,cTh??~f~i Uni led Midwel Saari, a grad11a_te st11dent from Vv_o..idstock, Conf!.,;iijffe/~;some loose sections to~el~er Tlr'tff§t};_ (i., \J\uthorities_said Vinso~ ~<?ld them States. afternoon 011 a metal piece lte's be11 working 011forajina/-proJ~~t. Tire SIUC blacksm1th1ng;progrr,n.!,\~ ;ifthatpe ad1:11tted t.o stnkmg.and 'The University of Wisconsin offered i11 the art department, e11co11rages ;;tudents to produce evcrytlling from tools of mecJrimicahisi iii': ' · i:hokin~ Spillers afta;. an argument and the University of Arizona llre creation of art objects for an aestlze!ic p11~ depending on tlze st11de,1ts · · at their ho~e at !lie Town and ' . • · Countty Trailer-Park on Route 5 L have blacksmith programs, but • h his motion, filed April 18, offer no degrees." Kington said He said the blacksmith degree '66 grad returns for bfaHtR..·srnithing d_.~gr~e ~~:ene~~~:~i!.:t;~~~ is offered through the art anil · · ·• • •·",·" · · cil and that due to fuent:il instabili~ design departmerit By Michael D. DeFord physical education from SIUC in SIUC gymnastic lciuii§iri° the early ty ar.d emotionai stress, h.if"".as The program currently con­ Daily Egyptian Reporter 1966. Aftet teaching elementary 1960s and later was a gymnastic unable to make rational decisions. tains fiv,: undergraduates, four school al Glen brook South in coach at Glenbrook South. • Jackson County State's Attorney graduate and six non-major stu­ What SIUC student Tony Glenview for 30 ·years'. he has Calabrese said he compares Michael Wepsiec said the mrition is dents, Kivgton said. returned to Southern 1Ifo10is !lad learning blacksmithing to an athlete without merit .. You don't necessarily have Calabrese enjoys the most about blacksmithing is turning a red hot SIUC to learn the blacksmrlh trade. learning from his coach., · "Obviously, I was not privy to the to be a major in the program," "What makes blacksmithing so "Athletes are taught slowly, the conversations between Mr. Vinson piece of molten steel into some­ Y.:rgton said ''Many artists use great is being able to take some- right way and are t:itight integrity .· , anj _II~ a,tt~m.ey/'. lie. said., "But the class to broaden their thing useful. Calabrese, from Cobden, =~~~:ai:01:t~::~t:. oy }~ ~•:Z.¥,.~fr~·i~~tf?.: (.; ~~$}tf~#r~a{~ii~s"'i~~~r~ BlACKSMITHS, page 9 obtained a bachelor's degree in Calabrese was a member of the ,_,., "~Ef~f:E,_pag~~; VJNSON, page. 5 ,; Index Opinion ..... page 4 T\!Veedy says infractions':W·ill :not beitolerated.> Calendar ..... page 5 page 15 By David R. Kazak Classffieds ... D;;ily Egyptian Reporter Comics ..... page 21 Weather Saluki softball piays a pair against Northern Iowa, as Today: Sunny the Salukis hope to keep their playoff hopes alive. High .. 72 page 15 Low._. 50 Inside Tomorrow: Sunny SIUC offers Finals Week relaxation events to lessen residents' stress. ·,;~ High":.,.,J'i · _- · Low·::-:: so page 3 Friday, May 5, 1995 Halal (Kosher) meat: Lamb, Beef, Goat and Chicken ~- CLINTON URGED TO CONDEMN CHIECHEN WAR - fmlzriwalaietyd!Jf)Cl!liestirmaomdthe~: . '.\WASHINGTON.:2.Sci"gei Kcivalyov, fired from,Rtissiil.'i; top human PaJdslani.Qeelc,~~Malaysan,Anti::and.Ammnl. ,/,ri&h,1.8 ~f for-his,ou!5P<>kcn opposition to the bloody repression in 'f:Ch(l/::hllya,_ca11~ on President Clinton Thursday to condemn the 606 South Illinois Avenue - Plaza Shoooing Center . -Chechen amllict when be meets Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin next Open 7 days a YiOO< 11am -7pn, pu-c: 457 -f 617 week. Kovalyov said he worries that Clinton will employ "customary Ykaca;tall mapr-auD.Qds , Western pollteness"-.when he aiticizcs Russia's role in the breakaway republic of Chechnya at the Moscow meeting, diluting the message to the point where it am be ntlsunderstood by Yeltsin and other Rus.tjan A\.st·. e~ . po~~~- i SMOKERS AND - " •"'V".. ) :: ~:Hairstylists- .. e.,,_,,· -< _ NON-SMOKERS TURKS EASE BACK ON'REBEL KURDS INIRAQ­ ~~~~~~~- 457-2612 ISTANBUL, Twkey-Most Turkish troops have withdrawn from north­ Be Paid For 702 E. WALNUT ern Iraq after a six-week offensive against Kurdish rebels, officials said lfr,ourholrl• n"t Thursday. But unabaled Kurdish-related violence elsewhere showed that !· Res_earch P~rticipation .. becomln11to JJOU..... Turkey's Kurdish problem is far from solved - at home or abroad. L Quit Smoking Research you hod bettrrbe Defense Minister Mehmet Golbari said almost all of the 35,000 Turldsh Call SIUC Smoking Research Program between 10 am & 5 pm coming lo soldiers had been pul!cd k!c:k, excluding those still guarding Turkey's 453-3561 453-3527 mer • mountainous bonlcr. Deputy Prime Minister Hikmet Cetin said this Ct~r1i1l,'flM.,1,.._1)..'t' meant some troops remain inside northern Iraq. Ther.11>i>IC.M.T. II RABIN TO ASK FOR CLINTON TO HELP IN TALKS - JERUSALEM-A politically troubled l>rime Minister Yitzbak Rabin will travel to WashingtO!l on Friday to explore with President Clinton ways to move forward Israel's peace talks with Syria. Israel celcbra!ed its 47th Indepeodence Day Thursday. But the firewodcs and picnics could not con­ ceal the mood of melancholy that has gripped the nation for months. Melancholy is bad for Rabin, who is c:dging towanl asking Ismelis to begin paying a territorial price for. peace on two fronts: the West~ and the Golan Heights,. Both the Israelis and the Clinton administration have billed MOMS Rabin's wcekcod visitasaaitical point, a last-ditch effort to bridge the big gaps between Syria and Israel and begin serious negotiations aimed at con­ cluding a peace treaty between them v.ithin months. EAT FREE! Nation· , SENATORS 'DISAGREE ON FOSTER NOMINATION - 701 S. llllnola, Carbond::IJe · WASHINGI'O~--,Prospects foroonfinnation of surgeon general nominee RNervaUom strongly NCOIIIII~ Dr. Hemy W. Foster continued to appear uncenain Thursday, as leading 618-549-5032 'Republican senauxs. disagreed over whether the issue should be put to lhc Spend Your S IN Europe ,full Senate. Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, R-Kan. - who heads the oommiuee Not etting There . coilsidering the nomination;;_ said she believes be desaves full consider­ ation by the~ But Senate Majority J..eader Bob Dole, R-Kan.. indi­ Interior . cated budge his threat to it vote.
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