ΚΡΑΤΙΚΟ ΑΡΧΕΙΟ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑΣ ΤΑΞΕΩΣ ΚΡΑΤΙΚΟ ΑΡΧΕΙΟ SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES: MINUTE PAPERS SA1/1256 - 2449 ΔΙΚΑΙΩΜΑ ΠΝΕΥΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΙΔΙΟΚΤΗΣΙΑΣ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be 1 256 1 882 Aug- British delegate of Evkaf E/61/1 usect Sep suggests that steps be taken for the dismissal of Salih Effendi trustee of a large Vacouf in the Paphos district who persist­ ently refuses to give over his papers for examination 1 257 1 882 Nov- Delegates of Evkaf forward for E/62/1 Dee H.E's approval Ilam of the Cadi for the appointment of Abdul Hamid Effendi as Imam and Hodja of the Kazaphani Mosque, Kyrenia 1882 Dec Appointments in Vacoufs Law and e/62/2 instructions from Minister of Evkaf, Stamboul on the subject 1259 Petition of Hadji Mehmed bin E/63/1 Hadji Husni, Sheikh of the Tekke Kirklar, Nicosia district, relative to the stoppage of part of his stipend fcr purpose of repairs to the Tekke 1 883 Peb- H.M. Charge d'affaires at E/6I1/1 Apr Constantinople forwards copy of a note verbale of the Sublime Porte relative to a complaint against the MuhasseTsdji of the Evkaf in the case of the inherit­ ance of the property of the late Djemale Hanum at Limassol 1261 1 883 Sep Petition from Hassan bin Ahmed E/65/1 and other inhabitants of the village Agridhia, Kyrenia district, praying that orders may be given to the Evkaf author­ ities to repair the mosque and school of their village 1 262 1 880 Feb- Collection of money owing to the E .1A A Apr Evkaf, Constantinople by the ex Muhassabedji and ex manager of Evkaf in Cyprus D 263] 1 880 Pet) Report on capabilities of Hassan E.1 / 2/1 Effendi for appointment as Mutavelli (Trustee) of Orta Djami Mosque at Lefka wanting 1 261+ 1 880 Peb- Appointment of Mustapha Ibn E.1 /3/1 Apr Rashid as muezzin of mosque situated opposite the Serai at 10/- per pensem. Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be 1 880 Apr- Application from one Ahmed E.l/V'l useci- Jul Sadik Effendi for appointment as Imam (priest) Khatib of the Orta Mosque, Lefka 1 880 Apr- Petition of Trukish Inhabit- E.1/ 5/1 May ants that the Muhassebedji of the Evkaf· be removed and his functions performed by six elective persons 1267 1880 May Further Petition for the E.l/5/2 removal of the Muhassebedji of Evkaf 1 268 1882 Jan British delegate of Evkaf E.1/5/3 forwards application of Khouloussi Effendi for an advance of £30 on account of the Ό yearly sum due to him as Muhassebedji of Evkaf on the percentage of revenue from Mazbutah Vacoufs 1269 1 882 Apr- British delegate of Evkaf E.1 / 5/^ May submits claim of Hulusi Effendi for. £1 85 viz.on the revenue arising from Mazbutah proper­ ties since July 1878 less £200 drawn by him on account - suggests plan for future payments to Hulusi Effendi and proposes that he should draw £9 per month from 1 st April 1 882 1 882 May- British delegate of Evkaf asks E.1/ 5/5 J un foz5 permission for the payment of £^2.10/- to Hulusi Effendi in O beji of Evkaf, being the 5% on the Revenue already transferred by Government to Evkaf account and asks whether a similar appli­ cation will be necessary on the final settlement of accounts between the Government and Evkaf 1882 Dec- British delegate asks Government E.1 /5/6 1883 Jan order for the payment of the £183.10.5. due to the Muhassab- edji of the Evkaf being part of the percentage at 5/2 on Revenue received into the Evkaf chest up to 31 .3.82 Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAIERS SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be 1272 1 880 May Propose appointment of an E.1 / 6/1 usect English clerk in the Evkaf department at a salary of £6 per * mensem: Mr Seager proposes to apjjoint Mr.Jacoh Levantian 1273 1 880 Jun- Propose establishment for E.1/6/2 Jul Evkaf commission paid members of commission dismissed with the exception of Nuri Effendi (The Djabi) 127k 1 881 May- Salaries of the clerk to E .1/6/5 Jun Muhassabedji of Evkaf, Ali Effendi, and the Interpreter 1275 1 882 Feb- British delegate of Evkaf Ξ.1/ 6,/k Mar recommends that from 1 st April 1 882, Hadji Nouri Effendi the O Djabi (collector) shall draw £1 8 of his annual salary from the 7 small Vacoufs of Nicosia which are able to contribute, and £1 2 from the Evkaf instead of, as at present, drawing the whole £30 p.a. from Evkaf 1276 1 881 Jun- Delegates of Evkaf forwards E.1/ 6/5 1 882 Jun application of Mehmed Faik Effendi, Evkaf Scribe for 1 £ months’vacation leave, Duties during absence will be performed by Vassif Bey 1 277 1 883 Apr British delegate of Evkaf E.1 /6/6 forwards application from Paik Effendi, Clerk employed on the Evkaf for increase of pay O recommends increase of £1 per mensem 1 278 1 883 May British Delegate of Evkaf E.1 /6/7 forwards and recommends applica­ tion of Ali Effendi, Chief Clerk of Evkaf for one months leave to proceed to Beirut 1 279 1 883 Aug- Acting British Delegate of Evkaf E.1 / 6/8 Sep requests sanction for the . employment of Yousouf Zia Effendi as clerk in the Muhassebedji1s office vice Paik Effendi, at the rate of £2.1 0/- per mensem from 1 0 August 1 883 Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be 1 280 1883 Dec British Delegate of Evkaf E.1/6/9 usect recommends that Yousuf Zia Effendi, Assistant Evkaf Clerk, be appointed Chief Clerk in the place of Ali Effendi, deceased: Rate of pay £ h per mensem 1 281 1 880 Apr Regulation by Evkaf Ministry, E.1/7/1 Constantinople, as to clerkship in the Evkaf departments: salary at Cyprus fixed at 300 piastres per mensem 1 282 1880 May Application from Mr Seager for E. 1/8/1 the assistance in the Evkaf office for four months of a Turkish Scribe with pay at £2 per mensem O ■f283 1880 Jun Mr Seager forwards a report of E.1/9/1 the Muhassebedji of Evkaf that the Imam and other officials of the Omerieh Mosque do not per­ form their duties, proposes to stop their pay for the month with the object of making an example 12811- 1880 Jun Application from one Ibrahim E.1/1 0/1 Zihni for appointment to the public religious professorship of the St.Sophia Mosque 1 285 1 880 Dec- Petition by attendants of St. E.1/11/1 1 881 Jan Sophia Mosque re increase of their salaries, asking that > their case may be referred to O the Evkaf Commission 1 286 1880 Dec Petition by Salih Senayi re E.1/1 2/1 his position as Khatib and Imam of Omerieh Mosque 1 287 1880 Dec Commissioner Nioosia forwards E.1/1 3/1 petition from Hadji Mehmet Raif, asking that he may be granted a permanent salary as "Fetwa Sherif" (Legal adviser in religious matters) 1 288 1 881 Feb Deputy Commissioner Nicosia E.1 /1 3/2 reports on the duties of the Fetwa writ er Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be 1 881 Oct* The Mufti of Cyprus forwards E.l/l3/3 usect Nov and recommends application of Hadji Ragif Effendi clerk of Sheri Court of Nicosia for a permanent salary, as the fees he gets are not sufficient to maintain him 1290 1 880 Jan His Beatitude the Archbishop MB/1/1 asking for an interview with the Chief Secretary to discuss the subject of enquiry into schools establishment 1291 1 880 Jun Payment of £20 to the Rev. ME/2/1 Josiah Spencer for inspecting the country schools of the Island (2 months April and May ) Ό 1292 1880 Jul Report on the schools of the ME/2/2 Island (Limassol and Paphos not examined). The Rev.J. Spencer asks fa* the contin­ uation of the travelling allowance as assistance to his school and that he be appointed Inspector of Schools or Director of Education Ϊ293 1 880 Aug The Rev. J.Spencer reports the ME/2/3 closing of the schools estab® lished by him at Nicosia on the 6 of August and state that he will be prepared to reopen the same on an early day in October provided he is definitely appointed by Government to super­ o intend educational work at a proportionate and fixed salary 1! 29U 1 880 Oct Letter from the Rev .J.Spencer: ME/2/1+ appointed Director of Education at £1 a day 1295 1 880 Dec The Rev. J. Spencer reports his ME/2/5 arrival at Nicosia to take up duties of Director of Education and asks about the date of payment of his salary -X - Reference SECRETARIAT ARCHIVES - MINUTE PAPERS SA1 SA1 Date Description Former Reference This margin not to be 1i296 1 880 Dec Request., by the Director· of ME/2/6 usect Education for appointment of an Assistant Master in the High School he proposes to establish in Nicosia.
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