Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Together for a resilient community and better future MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT FEBRUARY, 2014 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Besides, the Department organized for observance of In February 2014, the Department distributed Identity International Mother Language Day on 21 February, cards to BDRCS officials at National Head Quarter 2014. At the same time, preparation started to observe Birth Anniversary of father of the nation and (NHQ), Units, Maternal Care Hospital, Blood Independent day respectively on 17 and 26 March 2014. donation centre and others. Key objective was to Also preparation for conducting Ordinary General increase accessibility of BDRCS officials to other Meeting (OGM) to be held in 22 March, 2014 was institution whenever need. A total number of 260 underway. officials/staffs had been covered till date. Apart from these, visiting cards had also been prepared and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (CDI) distributed among 204 BDRCS staff till date. PROGRAMME Trainings on tailoring and livestock management were The Department prepared 10 days roster for guards organized with IGA (Income Generating Activity) and other security persons in order to ensure office beneficiaries in Gopalganj and Rangpur district. A total of and assets security of the National Society. Different 196 IGA beneficiaries received training on livestock types of official documents like office order, office management and 30 women were trained on tailoring. circular and notice had been circulated and distrib- Besides, the programme distributed second installment uted among the staffs at NHQ BDRCS. Besides, the of IGA grant to 258 households in the project department undertakes various routine works like implementation area. providing attendance status and absent statement of Courtyard sessions on CBHFA (Community Based BDRCS staffs to Accounts Department for preparing Health and First Aid) held in Rangpur and Gopalganj monthly staff salary. Bills for electricity, mobile phone district in different health issues. A total of 627 people and newspaper had also been submitted to Accounts were reached through 32 sessions. Department for taking the necessary action. Meetings with Community Disaster Response Team ACHIEVEMENT (CDRT), Unit Disaster Response Team (UDRT), Observed International Language day on 21February, 2014 Community Program Committee (CPC) and District Distributed Identity and Visiting cards to BDRCS staff Program Committee (DPC) members were held in Prepared roster for security guards Submitted attendance status and absent statement to Rangpur and Gopalganj district. A total 195 members Accounts Department for preparing salary were present in 14 meetings and contributed through sharing their opinion for smooth implementation of project interventions. Page 1 of 9 ‘Together for Alleviating Human Sufferings and Building Resilient Communities’ Under the Community Nursery Development (CND) The meeting was presided by the treasure Mr. initiative, a total of 200,000 saplings had been produced Tauhidur Rahman. In regard to donation box and 1200 saplings were sold out among community placement in Shajalal International Airport the people. Moreover, the programme conducted follow up Department communicated with the authority to get visit of non formal education class in the community the permission. where 540 persons were found continuing classes. Beside this thanks letters and BDRCS dairy was ACHIEVEMENT presented to Islami Bank Ltd, Janata Bank Ltd, Exim Distributed IGA grant to 258 households Bank & NCC Bank who donated blankets in favour Produced 200000 saplings through CND initiative of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society for cold wave Organized training on tailoring and livestock management affected people. The Islami Bank donated 2000 for226 beneficiaries Conducted 32 court yard sessions blankets, Janata Banks donated 300 blankets, Exim Held meeting with DPC, UDRT, CDRT and CPC members Bank donated 1000 blankets and NCC Bank donated 1000 blankets. ESTATE DEPARTMENT In the same month, the department deposited an During this reporting period, Estate Department was amount of BDT 1,22,765/-(one lac twenty two occupied in collecting current and due rent from thousand seven hundred sixty five taka only) in the different sources of BDRCS like Motijheel Bhabon, Sonali Bank account by selling souvenir items. Mitford Shopping Complex, Seaton Red Crescent Borak ACHIEVEMENT Tower, Mirpur Red Crescent Multiplan City, Mohakhali Red Crescent Concord Tower, Chittagong Based Dipo, Participated fifth Dhaka divisional Youth Red Crescent camp and deposited BDT 40,465/- by selling the souvenir National Pubali Bank etc. A total of BDT 42,616,706 items (CHF 1,032,708.82) was planned to collect as house Organized meeting for lottery committee rent. However, the Department was able to collect BDT Communicated with the director of Shajalal International Airport to get permission for a donation box in the 22,175,448 (CHF 277,193.1) as rent during this airport reporting period. Deposited an amount of BDT 1,22,765/- in the Sonali bank account by selling souvenir items. ACHIEVEMENT Collected BDT 22,175,448 (CHF 277193.1) as rent during this reporting period. HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT In February 2014, the Department was involved in various activities like transfer, recruitment, process- FUND RAISING DEPARTMENT ing for resignation, providing yearly increment, staff In February 2014, the Fund Raising Department took regularization, provident fund and contract extension part in fifth Dhaka divisional Camp of Red Crescent of BDRCS staff. During this month, the Department Youth which was held on 07 February to 09 February, processed for transfer of 5 staff in NHQ BDRCS, 2014. The Department set up a stall in the Youth Camp Red Crescent Hospital, Red Crescent Maternity for selling souvenir items. An amount of BDT40,465/- Hospital and Unit, recruitment of 3 staff, resignation (Forty thousand four hundred sixty five) was collected of 8 staff, regularize 3 staff at NHQ BDRCS, provi- by selling the souvenir items by the Department. dent fund for 1 staff and extension of service con- During the reporting period, a meeting of lottery tract for 6 contractual staff. All recruited and trans- committee was held on 20th February 2014 at the ferred staffs joined in respective work places. BDRCS conference room in collaboration with Fund ACHIEVEMENT Raising Department. The Department processed for 5 transfer, 3 recruitment, 8 resignation, 3 regularization, provident fund for 1 staff and contract extension for 6 staff. Page 2 of 9 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (CDI) In February 2014, the department arrange training PROGRAMME for the PMER official on Monitoring and Evaluation During this reporting period, an official of Planning and for Development Project at Bangladesh Academy for Development nominated as member secretary of the Rural Development (BARD), Comilla. Promotional Committee and occupied to distribute the items to the staffs. The Branch Operational Manual ACHIEVEMENT (BOM) was forwarded by the department to SARD Forwarded Branch Operational Manual (BOM) to Kuala- office in Kualalampur in order to review the document lampur for review Organized meeting with Chairman of BDRCS, IFRC and which was prepared by the external consultant. ICRC representatives in regards of legal base In regard to new legal base, Ministry of Health & Family Plan of Action 2014-2015of P&D drafted and submitted to OD focal point Welfare forwarded the draft to National Board of Revenue (NBR) and Ministry of Finance for their endorsement regarding tax exemption issues. On reply PLANNING, MONITORING, EVALUATION NBR and Ministry of Finance shared their opinion AND REPORTING SECTION regarding tax exemption facilities, fund allocation and In February 2014, PMER Section provided support to pre-approval process of fund. In this connection, UDRR – Health, CHT and UDRR programme to Planning and Development Department met Senior Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Family formulate revised PoA and detail budget maintaining prescribed template . PMER Officers represented Welfare and submitted supporting documents in favour BDRCS PMER Section in several meetings including of tax exemption that have been enjoyed by BDRCS since 1971. Another meeting regarding legal base was meeting for selecting Units for providing ICT (Information and Communication Technology) held with Honourable Chairman of BDRCS, Head of Delegations of IFRC and ICRC representative was also training and equipments, developing digital database for blood programme of BDRCS. organized by the P&D Department. The purpose of the meeting was to convey the status of new legal base and 3 Officials of the Section participated ‘Monitoring & seek necessary support from the higher authority in Evaluation for Development Project’ training course order to accelerate the process at Bangladesh Academy of Rural Development (BARD), Comilla on 9~14 February, 2014. The 5 A proposed Plan of Action of P&D Department for the days long training covered different aspects of M&E year 2014-2015 was prepared by PMER Section and the in development field. Different sessions, made on Department shared the Plan of Action with implication and mainstreaming of M&E in Organizational Development (OD) focal point of IFRC development project, were interactive and in order to extend support to continue the activities resourceful. smoothly. In this reporting period the department was occupied to organize a workshop on Organizational
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