Welcome to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish 4900 Ringer Road Saint Louis, MO 63129 314-487-2522 www.smmaparish.org 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 26, 2021 ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION www.smmasports.org https://www.facebook.com/pg/smmasports OPEN POSITIONS - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Athletic Association is looking to fill a few positions, if you are in- terested in learning about any of the following please send an email to [email protected]. Board of Directors open positions: -Field operations -Registration Other open positions: -Soccer referee director -Soccer lay director (girls and boys) Wਤਤਪਫਸ Rਠਥਥਫਤ Wਨਭਭਤਲ 8/16 Alvin Marcus 8/18 Charles Schaeffer 8/20 Susan Freeman 8/23 Abby Loveless 8/25 Jacqueline Julius 8/27 Mandi Tuholske 8/30 Paul Giljum 9/1 Deanna Kreutz 9/3 Liz Ferretti ~~~~~~~ Lord, lift up your holy priests; grant them the graces they need to administer your people. Keep them pure and strong in your love; give them courage when Fਨਲਲ਼ Fਨਣਠਸ Fਨਲਧ Fਨਤਲ things are difficult, and accompany them when they are lonely; strengthen Cਠਭਢਤਫਫਤਣ. Fਨਲਧ Fਨਤਲ them in times of weakness. Amen. Wਨਫਫ Rਤਲਬਤ ਨਭ Lਤਭਲ਼. Parish Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Phone: 314-487-2522 Fax: 314-487-4475 Each year, on the last Sunday of Septem- Field Conditions: www.oldscnty.com ber, the Serra Club sponsors a day of Website: https//www.smmaparish.org prayerful appreciation for priests called Priesthood Sunday. The Serra Club is a Pastor lay organization fostering vocations to Rev. Msgr. Norb Ernst, Ext. 228 the Priesthood and Consecrated Life. On [email protected] behalf of my rectory mates, I thank you for all the prayerful support and TLC you Retired in Residence send our way. Also, if you haven't seen Rev. Msgr. William Leach, Ext. 247 it, take a look at our "vocation picture" in Associate Pastor the church foyer, pictures of the young Rev. Samuel Inameti, Ext. 229 men and women in formation to the reli- [email protected] gious life, those from our parish and our Sunday Seminarians. Permanent Deacons Deacon Andrew Daus Next weekend is the annual appeal for Deacon Bob Orr, Retired your financial support for the formation of permanent deacons in the Archdiocese Director of Religious Education of St. Louis. We are blessed to have two deacons here at SMMA. Just to Mr. Paul Cooper, Ext. 222 [email protected] highlight one special ministry that I know is very dear to them: Deacon Daus with prison ministry and Deacon Orr with annulment ministry. This Director of Adult Faith Formation annual appeal relieves some of the financial burden for studies for those in & Evangelization formation to become a deacon. There is an envelope for this collection, Maggie Ederle, Ext. 204 also available through Faith Direct, or simply mark an envelope "deacon [email protected] collection." Director of Youth Ministry October, along with focusing on devotion to the Blessed Mother and the Hannah Aulbach, Ext. 204 Rosary - the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary is on the 7th - is also [email protected] Respect Life Month. Be sure to check out the Respect Life News in this Finance Manager bulletin, especially the annual Life Chain for next Sunday, Oct. 3rd, along Mary Kelly, Ext. 210 Telegraph Rd. [email protected] Be sure to check out the information in this bulletin on our upcoming Fall Event Coordinator / Festival. Sounds like it will be a wonderful celebration! Protecting God’s Children Mrs. Barbara Hoeing, Ext. 206 Thanks for prayerfully supporting the Priesthood! [email protected] Maintenance Supervisor [email protected] Bob Bitter, Ext. 211 [email protected] Parish Secretary EUCHARIST MEANS "THANKSGIVING" … Mrs. Sue Brandt, Ext. 201 ਠਭਣ ਸ਼ਤ ਠਤ ਲ਼ਧਠਭਪਥਫ ਥਮ YOU! [email protected] SMMA Eucharistic Adoration Chapel committee members extend their heart- Bulletin felt appreciation to everyone who has helped reopen the Chapel overnights Deadline: 9:00am Monday from Monday through Wednesday. We began the new hours last week, and are Articles to [email protected] happy to announce we're VERY CLOSE to filling openings throughout all of Wednesday night into Thursday morning, as well! St. Margaret Mary Alacoque School Phone: 314-487-1666 Would you prayerfully consider taking one of these hours (once a week or even Fax: 314-487-4475 every other week) to help our Adoration Chapel return to its wonderful tradi- tion of perpetual praise to Our Lord? Principal Wednesdays, 11-Midnight / Thursdays, Midnight-1am / Thursdays, 5-6am Mrs. Peggy Visconti, Ext. 214 [email protected] All are welcome to visit anytime of day or evening (for our parishioners' safety, only scheduled adorers will be admitted between 10pm and 5am). School Secretary Mrs. Tracey Miesner, Ext. 200 To learn more or sign up as a sub or regular adorer, call Linda at 398-2307 or [email protected] John at 584-9706. Or, email [email protected]. 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 26, 2021 Vਮਢਠਲ਼ਨਮਭ Pਠਸਤ Gracious and loving God, SAVE THE DATE! help the men and women of our parish to hear the call to Our next Catholicism serve your Church. Our Uncorked event will feature needs are great and people Ron Baechle, more widely thirst for your known as the St. Louis Blues presence. “Towel Man”. Open the hearts of many, Ron, a parishioner at St. Joseph Imperial, is active in the music and ACTS min- raise up faithful servants of istries. Since 1990, Ron has become infamous as the towel waving superfan of the Gospel, dedicated holy the St. Louis Blues. Ron will speak on what it means to be a welcoming wit- priests, sisters, brothers and ness to his Catholic faith along with a few highlights from his years as the offi- deacons, who will spend cial St. Louis Blues Towel Man. themselves for your people and their needs. Friday, October 1st, 7pm - (Doors open at 6:30pm) in Parish Center. Drinks will be available for purchase. Please bring your own snacks and appetizers. Bless those who are serving now with courage and perse- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ verance. Grant that many will be inspired by their ex- DEAR FRIENDS IN CHRIST, ample and faith. The call to be deacon is to serve. On Sunday, October 3, 2021, there will be a special collection for the formation of permanent deacons in the Archdiocese of We ask this through Christ, St. Louis. This collection relieves some of their financial burden for studies to Our Lord. Amen become a deacon. Since 1977, 487 men have been ordained as permanent deacons in the Archdio- cese. There are 211 active deacons ordained for the Archdiocese and 102 re- Rਤਢਮਭਢਨਫਨਠਲ਼ਨਮਭ tired deacons. There are 44 men in formation at this time. Saturday 8:30am When the permanent diaconate program was initiated in the Archdiocese in Saturday 3:30-4:15pm January 1977, men went through a two-year formation program, with a third First Tuesday 8:30am year of post-ordination formation. or by Appointment Since then, the program has gradually expanded to five years of formation, plus five more years of post-ordination formation. Mਠਲਲਤਲ Deacons serve in parishes, hospitals, archdiocesan agencies, and other organi- Monday - Friday 6:30 & 8:00am zations. They offer their time, talent and energy to strengthen our church in St. Saturday - 8:00am and 4:30pm Louis and do not receive compensation for their work. Their service extends Sunday - 7:00am, 8:30am, into many areas of parish life, including the proclamation of the Gospel, liturgi- 10:00, & 11:30am cal functions, administration, and charitable works. Many active deacons con- tinue to be employed full-time, requiring them to balance family lives and pro- fessions with their ministry as a deacon. Pਠਸਤ ਲ਼ਮ Please prayerfully consider a donation to this collection next weekend. Sਲ਼. Mਠਦਠਤਲ਼ Mਠਸ Aਫਠਢਮਰਤ Archbishop Mitchell Rozanski ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear St. Margaret Mary, per- mitted by the Sacred Heart of CARE AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE EUCHARIST Jesus to become a caretaker of its divine treasures, obtain FOR ALL EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS for us, we ask You, from that Fr. Samuel would like to meet with all those serving as Extraordinary Ministers Adorable Heart all the graces at SMMA who missed the last meeting, and anyone who would like to be a new we need. We ask for them volunteer for this ministry. with boundless confidence; “Extraordinary Ministers participate in an essential moment in the mystery of may the Divine Heart be faith, a moment of inviting others and self to recognize and reverence the body willing to grant them to us of Christ in its many dimensions.” through Your intercession, so It is good to review the “hows” and “whys” of this sacred ministry and Fr. Sam- that once again He may, uel encourages you to join him in church on Sunday, October 10 at 7pm. If you through You, be glorified would like to be a new volunteer, please contact Sue Brandt in the Parish Office and loved. Amen. to get on the schedule, 314-487-2522, ext. 201. SMMA PRO-LIFE MEETING PLEASE HELP OUR SMMA’s Pro-Life committee will meet this Monday, September 27, at 7pm in the school library. All pro-life parishioners are welcome. TEENS GET TO THE PROLIFE MARCH IFE HAIN In an effort to help fundraise for L C our Pro-Life trip to Washington Save the date - Sunday, October 3, for this year’s Life Chain. We will witness DC this school year, SMMA again this year on Telegraph Road directly across from St. Francis Assisi Youth Ministry is selling sweat- church from 2-3pm for the unborn.
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