March 2018 The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fredericksburg News & Notes UUFF Women’s Book Group: Join us at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 11 at Shirley Santulli’s home to discuss The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, by Gabrielle Zevin. Described by NPR as a “love letter to the joys of reading,” Zevin’s Saturday, March 3 at 5 pm novel focuses on unlikely romantic hero A.J. Fikry, a bookstore owner and Bring the family and sing along to this beloved movie musical! widower. If you need a copy of the book or directions, contact Susan Park Potluck & Costume Contest or Diane Elstein. Bring a dish to share. Dress as a favorite character. Monday Music Gathering: For music $5 per person, $20 per family makers of all ages, levels, and instru- Contact Nancy Krause for advance reservations (advisable) ments. In March, we meet on the 12th or pay at the door if you didn’t purchase this and 26th, and then every other Monday at our 2017 Auction. evening in the high school classroom from 6:30-8:30 p.m. For more informa- tion, contact Lee Criscuolo. Women’s Group: Third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. On March 19, we’ll Sponsored by Music Committee with RE & Friendship meet at Aladin in the Greenbrier Shop- ping Center (2052 Plank Rd). We’ll be in the dining room (door on the right), TH not the hookah bar. Newcomers are especially encouraged to join us. Check ANNUAL at YOUR SERVICE us out on Facebook: https://www.face- book.com/groups/303460327502. Auction Men’s Group: Tuesdays from 7:00- SATURDAY, APRIL 14 H 6:00 PM 9:00 p.m. at Primavera Pizzeria, 600 William Street. Newcomers are always Our popular At Your Service Auction deadline on Sunday, April 1 to welcome. Contact Steve Elstein for more celebrates its 25th anniversary on Satur- insure inclusion in the catalog. information. day, April 14. We’re putting together a There will be no last minute supplement, catalog’s worth of fun, entertaining, tasty, so don’t procrastinate! We’ll have sample Insight Meditation Community of practical, handy, time-saving, whimsical, catalogs available so you can see the types Fredericksburg: Thursdays at Unity and creative donations, so don’t miss out! of offerings we’ve had in the past. Contact of Fredericksburg (2217 Princess Anne St.) at 7:00 p.m. The spring day-long DONATE GREAT ITEMS! Maryann Brown if you need ideas. retreat, Exploring Our Personal Mean- Offer to throw a party, cook a meal, BID BIG TO WIN! ing, will be led by Philip Davidson on visit a museum, lead a hike, babysit a child, April 28 from 9:00-4:00 at the UUFF. host the big game, organize a closet, plant Auction night kicks off with our Silent For details, visit www.meditatefred. a garden, paint a room, or tap into any Auction at 6:00 p.m., then our live auction com for info. of your talents or hobbies. For our silent at 7:00. Childcare is available, so bring the auction, we’re looking for brand new retail whole family. Enjoy a potluck buffet of tasty Ordering from Amazon.com? Don’t items with a value of at least $25. No used appetizers and sweet treats. If you can’t forget to visit www.uuffva.org first, and or yard sale items–think high-end! attend, don’t fret! We provide “absentee click on the Amazon logo there. The bidding” for anyone who can’t attend. Just UUFF earns a percentage of purchases Find donation forms in the Fellow- peruse the catalog and send your wish list resulting from a click-through from ship’s entry hall and via email in March, and our website. submit your items by the auction catalog and maximum bids to Maryann Brown. ourselves off is not an option. Absolute has been hard at work and extremely dili- Wondering safety is never guaranteed, but risks can gent in their research. They have identified be managed. Hazards are a fact of life obvious things that we can implement and can be minimized if we plan ahead. immediately and long-term solutions that Out Loud Seat belts don’t eliminate car accidents, might require additional funds. but they can save lives. Rev. Doug McCusker In the coming months, you will hear I am so grateful to the Board of Trust- more about the task force’s findings and I am grief stricken right now with the ees for their foresight and dedication to things we can all do to help keep each news about the mass shooting at Douglas the safety of our congregation. In January, other as safe as possible. As your minis- High School in Parkland, Florida. Look- they commissioned an Emergency Man- ter and spiritual leader, it is my duty to ing at all those young people mourning agement and Preparedness Task Force to address the joys and tragedies of life; to the deaths of their classmates and teachers do a top-to-bottom assessment of threats acknowledge the evil and the good, the makes my heart break. Reading about the and vulnerabilities, and to recommend narrowness and the immensity of the hu- lives that were cut short from yet another steps we can take to mitigate their im- man condition. I feel all these things right instance of gun violence is gut wrenching. pact. These hazards include fire, medical alongside you as we hold each other in It reminds me of how I felt after the shoot- emergencies, weather, building-related love and understanding. It is times like ing at the Baptist Church in Sutherland problems and acts of violence. The point these when I am so appreciative of our Springs, Texas, in November, the killing of is not to live in fear or stop being who we faith community. We all need a harbor concert goers in Las Vegas, and the mas- are called to be as a community. Rather, the from the storm. May our hearts be open, sacre at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. Our objective is to correct potential problems and may they stay open so that love can nation seems to be stuck in a nightmare and to be prepared in case the worst may have the final word. happen. The Board instructed the task and unable to wake up. Our leaders say the Yours in Faith and Fellowship, force to be thorough while maintaining a same things: “Our thoughts and prayers Rev. Doug McCusker go out to the victims…” and “it’s not the sense of love and empathy. The task force right time to talk about gun violence.” Then they do absolutely nothing about this public health epidemic. Gun violence is a symptom of a Beyond much deeper condition. Our society is UU FF spiritually sick. Emotional toxins spread constantly along airwaves and the inter- net. Not just disagreements, but vitriol. GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2018 We are unbalanced and fearful. Our con- Each year, delegates from UU congre- nections to one another are frayed. Our gations across the nation meet in General communal fabric is torn. These shootings Assembly. This year’s assembly will be are happening so frequently that we are held in Kansas City, Missouri, June 20-24. in danger of becoming numb in response In this time of ever-increasing change in to the trauma. But we must sit with our our nation and in our Association, del- sorrow. We must look at the beautiful faces egates will contemplate the issue “How of those who died and see their human- can we faithfully meet the demands of ity. We must hear the stories of their lives our time?” They will address questions and let our hearts break, so they will stay of mission for the UUA, for congrega- stage with his colleagues during Thursday open. Only through an open heart can love tions and communities, and for each of night’s Service of the Living Tradition. enter. And ultimately, it will be love, not us as individuals. Among the questions fear, that will save us. asked will be: Also on the business agenda will be a proposed change to the UUA By-laws, the The last two mass murders took n Who and how are we called to be at this addition of an 8th principle to our shared place at a school and a church. Both are time, individually and collectively? UUA covenant, and the adoption of a new places where we form communities to Congregational Study/Action Issue. nurture our minds and spirit. They are n How are we called to act and to live? also the same places where we go for n How does our UU legacy strengthen us We just can’t say it too many times: healing and comfort in times of stress. in living out our mission? In what ways There’s nothing quite like being in the We come to church to find sanctuary for does our legacy present challenges and company of over 4,000 UUs, learning, our souls and to worship that which is impediments to answering our call? worshipping, and making the decisions good. As Unitarian Universalists, we that will determine the future of our faith. value public witness, community service A special highlight for UUFFers will Registration opens March 1. More infor- and inclusiveness. For us to live out our be the recognition of UUFF minister Rev. mation is available on the UUA website faith and live into our mission, we must Doug McCusker.
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