Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 153 / Wednesday, August 7, 1996 / Rules and Regulations 41019 § 97.13 Restrictions on station location. routine evaluation indicates that the RF (b) * * * * * * * * radiation could be in excess of the limits (1) Element 2: 35 questions (c) Before causing or allowing an contained in § 1.1310 of this chapter, concerning the privileges of a Novice amateur station to transmit from any the licensee must take action to prevent Class operator license. The minimum place where the operation of the station such an occurrence. Further information passing score is 26 questions answered could cause human exposure to levels of on evaluating compliance with these correctly. radiofrequency (RF) radiation in excess limits can be found in the FCC's OST/ (2) Element 3(A): 30 questions of that allowed under § 1.1310 of this OET Bulletin Number 65, ``Evaluation concerning the privileges of a chapter, the licensee is required to take Compliance with FCC-Specified Technician Class operator license. The certain actions. A routine RF radiation Guidelines for Human Exposure to minimum passing score is 22 questions evaluation, as discussed in § 1.1307(b) Radiofrequency Radiation.'' answered correctly. of this chapter, is required if the 3. Section 97.503 is amended by (3) Element 3(B): 30 questions transmitter power exceeds 50 watts peak revising paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and concerning the privileges of a General envelope power; otherwise the (b)(3), and adding entry 10 to the table Class operator license. The minimum operation is categorically excluded from in paragraph (c) to read as follows: passing score is 22 questions answered routine RF radiation evaluation except correctly. as specified in § 1.1307(c) and § 97.503 Element standards. * * * * * § 1.1307(d) of this chapter. Where the * * * * * (c) * * * Topics 2 3(A) 3(B) 4(A) 4(B) ******* (10) Radiofrequency environmental safety practices at an amateur station .............................................. 5 5 5 0 0 [FR Doc. 96±20082 Filed 8±5±96; 2:01 pm] and Order, MM Docket No. 96±87, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BILLING CODE 6712±01±P adopted July 26, 1996, and released August 2, 1996. The full text of this Research and Special Programs Commission decision is available for Administration 47 CFR Part 73 inspection and copying during normal 49 CFR Part 192 business hours in the FCC Reference [MM Docket No. 96±87; RM±8782] Center (Room 239), 1919 M Street, NW., [Docket PS±124; Amdt. 192±78] Washington, DC. The complete text of RIN 2137±AC25 Radio Broadcasting Services; this decision may also be purchased Macomb, IL from the Commission's copy Regulatory Review; Gas Pipeline AGENCY: Federal Communications contractors, International Transcription Safety Standards; Correction Commission. Service, Inc., (202) 857±3800, 2100 M AGENCY: Research and Special Programs ACTION: Final rule. Street, NW., Suite 140, Washington, DC 20037. Administration (RSPA), DOT. SUMMARY: The Commission, at the ACTION: Correction to final rule. request of WMS1, Inc., allots Channel List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73 240A at Macomb, Illinois, as the SUMMARY: This document contains a Radio broadcasting. community's third local commercial FM correction to the final rule (Docket PS± 124) changing miscellaneous gas transmission service See 61 FR 18540, Part 73 of title 47 of the Code of April 26, 1996. Channel 240A can be pipeline safety regulations that was Federal Regulations is amended as published Thursday, June 6, 1996 (61 allotted to Macomb in compliance with follows: the Commission's minimum distance FR 28770) in the Federal Register. separation requirements with a site PART 73Ð[AMENDED] EFFECTIVE DATE: August 7, 1996. restriction of 0.5 kilometers (0.3 miles) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: south to avoid a short-spacing to the 1. The authority citation for part 73 Albert C. Garnett, at (202) 366±2036, licensed site of Station WMXG(FM), continues to read as follows: regarding this correction or the Dockets Channel 241C1, Clinton, Iowa. The Unit, at (202) 366±5046, regarding coordinates for Channel 240A at Authority: Sections 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1082; 47 U.S.C. 154, as amended. copies of this document or other Macomb are North Latitude 40±27±09 material in the docket. and West Longitude 90±40±12. With § 73.202 [Amended] this action, this proceeding is SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: terminated. 2. Section 73.202(b), the Table of FM Background DATES: Effective September 16, 1996. Allotments under Illinois, is amended by adding Channel 240A at Macomb. The final rule that includes the The window period for filing subject correction changed applications will open on September 16, Federal Communications Commission. miscellaneous gas pipeline safety 1996, and close on October 17, 1996. John A. Karousos, regulations to provide clarity, eliminate FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Chief, Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules unnecessary or overly burdensome Sharon P. McDonald, Mass Media Division, Mass Media Bureau. requirements, and foster economic Bureau, (202) 418±2180. [FR Doc. 96±20080 Filed 8±6±96; 8:45 am] growth. As set out in the final rule SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION : This is a BILLING CODE 6712±01±F under the heading Executive Order synopsis of the Commission's Report 12866 and DOT Regulatory Policies and 41020 Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 153 / Wednesday, August 7, 1996 / Rules and Regulations Procedures, the miscellaneous changes EFFECTIVE DATE: This rule takes effect on comprised of a cup-shaped, three-lobed resulted in an annual savings, without September 6, 1996. calyx; three petals; six stamens; and a associated costs or adverse effects on ADDRESSES: The complete file for this three-lobed stigma. The spherical, hard, safety. final rule is available for public black fruit is 1.8 to 2 cm (0.7 to 0.8 in.) in diameter. This species is Need for Correction inspection, by appointment, during normal business hours, at the U.S. Fish distinguished from others of the genus The final rule in amendatory and Wildlife Service, Pacific Islands by the thin leaf texture and drooping instruction 36. mistakenly did not Ecoregion, 300 Ala Moana Boulevard, leaf segments; the tan woolly hairs on include the former C.6. as the new D.8. Room 3108, P.O. Box 50088, Honolulu, the underside of the petiole and the leaf The effect of this inadvertency is the Hawaii 96850. blade base; the stout hairless flower omission of the ``ASME Boiler and FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: clusters that do not extend beyond the Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX Robert P. Smith, Pacific Islands fan-shaped leaves; and the smaller * * *.'' Ecoregion Manager, at the above address spherical fruit (Read and Hodel 1990). Hawaiian land practices prior to Correction of Publication (808/541±2749). European contact probably destroyed Accordingly, the publication on June SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: most of the forest on Niihau. Grazing 6, 1996, of the final rule (Docket PS± Background animals were introduced to the island 124), which was the subject of FR Doc. beginning in the 1700s. Cattle (Bos 96±13787, is corrected as follows: In 1947, on one of his botanical taurus), goats (Capra hircus), sheep collecting trips to Niihau, Harold St. Appendix A to Part 192Ð[Corrected] (Ovis aries), and pigs (Sus scrofa) have John discovered a new species of the decreased available habitat for On page 28786, in the second column, only genus of palms native to the Pritchardia aylmer-robinsonii as well as lines 12 and 13, of the amendatory Hawaiian Islands. He named it directly damaging trees, seedlings, and/ instruction 36. are corrected to read Pritchardia aylmer-robinsonii in honor or seeds. The entire island is now ``through D.6. as subsections D.5. of Aylmer F. Robinson, a member of the classified an Agricultural District, and it through D.8., respectively, and by family that owns the island and a is managed as a cattle and sheep ranch. adding new''. person who provided St. John with Although approximately 200 immature Issued in Washington, DC, August 1, 1996. much information regarding the island's individuals have been cultivated on plants (St. John 1959). Richard B. Felder, Niihau and Kauai, extinction from Historically, Pritchardia aylmer- naturally occurring events and/or Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety. robinsonii was found at three sites in [FR Doc. 96±20017 Filed 8±6±96; 8:45 am] reduced reproductive vigor due to the the eastern and central portions of the small number of reproductive plants are BILLING CODE 4910±60±P island of Niihau. Trees were found on major threats. Because palms take many Kaali Cliff and in Mokouia and Haao years to mature, it is not known whether Valleys at elevations between 70 and the immature plants now in cultivation DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 270 meters (m) (230 and 890 feet (ft)) are capable of reproducing and (Hawaii Heritage Program (HHP) 1991a Fish and Wildlife Service sustaining a viable population. to 1991d). The most recent observations Roof rats (Rattus rattus) are a indicate two plants still remain on Kaali 50 CFR Part 17 potential threat to this species since Cliff (Read and Hodel 1990). Originally they eat the seeds of some palms of this RIN 1018±AB88 a component of the Coastal Dry Forest, genus and are found on Niihau (Beccari this species now occurs only in a rugged and Rock 1921; Cuddihy and Stone Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and steep area where it receives some and Plants; Endangered Status for the 1990; Department of Geography 1983; protection from grazing animals. The St. John 1959; Tomich 1986; Wagner et Hawaiian Plant Pritchardia aylmer- substrate in the seepage area is rocky al. 1985; John Fay, U.S. Fish and robinsonii (wahane) talus. Prosopis pallida (kiawe), an Wildlife Service, pers. comm. 1992). AGENCY: introduced tree, is one of the palm's few Fish and Wildlife Service, Previous Federal Action Interior.
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