CAP meets with Minister O n October 27 ebou: 35 members of CA P (Comtnutut» Ac tio n on Povett v) mel w ilh the new M inisler of Fam ilv Serv ices and Hou sing, Tim Sale. Everyone had an oopon unl tv to speak, giv ing suggeslions 10 lh e M inisler abou l lhings tlis: would make a diiietence for people li ving in poverty, Following is a lis: of the ideas raised. The numb ers in bteckets refer to the num ber of times the: an idea was ment ioned. i s e we lfare rental allowances (7) * s top workfare (7) * ~more and better hou sing options, including M anitoba ou sing (7) * give H. welfare recipients phon es and raISe welfare bus passes (deaf people, young rentalallowances, people looking for work, peopl e stop wor~are with HIV in particular)(5) * let ' Brittany E1I1Iis (11), Christine McGilIivra)' (10) and Theresa Beneuides (1 4) come doum most parents on we lfare keep the more and better Tuesdays -- More oftell ifthey call. Theresa skates everyday. natio nal child benefit (4) * - housing options" people deserve to be treated better than the 'h or ror stori es' about di srespect from we lfare Gotta Love the Galaxy workers, creati ng a 'cl imate of fear' (3) * notify wel fare by Sandra Lightfoot norm except on Tuesday when they offer free recipi ents about their right s and entitlements (3) * raise welfare skating to school patrol s. On those days there food allowance (3) * need an 'attitude change ' seeing wel fare y daughter recentl y turned ten. To can be 150-200 yo ung people in the rink. as an entitlement rather than a pri vil ege (3) * raise the amount celebrate thi s momentous occasion, W hat happened to turn this once bustli ng of money recipients can earn w ithout it being deducted from M fami ly and friends converged at the establi shment into a ghost of its former self? Is their welfare to enco urage part time/temporary work (3) * Galaxy Skateland Roller Rink, at Port age and it the locatio n? But that' s w here it's always wa ive Pharmacare deductible - for HIV patients in partic ular (2) Langside, for an afternoon of fun and frolic. been. Is it because it's old? The own er has * stop landlords fro m raising rent past the gui delin es (2) * With the children all laced up and ready to kept it in great shape, wi th renovation s to the allow w elfare reci pients to travel freely, going on trips if they roll, the adu lts settled floor, florescent paint get a gift, for example down to wa tch . and an up to date Han advisory committee * have a We lfare As we watched the sound system. It also to the government on Advocacy Program chi ldre n roll fearlessly has a wel l kept leisure like other provinces * and increasingly faster area, a snack bar and a poverty, made up of allow we lfare around the rin k ami d staff of friendly, people living in poverty" recipients to keep the flashi ng co loured lights, helpful, pol ite young income tax rebate * blaring rock music and people. trai n and emp loy peop le to fix boarded up houses * have an laughter, we started to Besides, it' s a advisory committee to the gov't on pove rty, made up of people get nostalgic and Winnipeg landmark living in poverty * funders should stop requiring 'measu red reminisce abou t our that has been there outcomes' which puts a strain on the progra m and does not younger days when we foreve r. It's part of our adequately describe w hat is going on * defi ne 'disabled' more came to th is very roller histo ry. cl early * po licies should address the needs of urban Abor igi nal rink . Everyo ne had a The Galaxy Skateland people w ho make up a high percentage of people livi ng in story to tell abo ut their Roller Rink is a safe poverty * discontinu e the 'Welfare Snitch Line' * give parents experiences there - abo ut clea n place with a meetin g their husband w ith di sabled children fi nancia l resou rces for those special wholesome atmosphere needs * create addictio n rehabilitation resources * include there, about group dates where children and we lfare recipi ents on the Appeal Board * increase the and abo ut the old shiny parent s can go and minimum w age * more integratio n betw een services such as wood floor and bi g enjoy a fun form of housing and we lfare * more supports for peopl e finding jobs, silver dome that used to physical acti vity. In be outside. Sandra Lightfoot andherdaughter li ke raising the low income cut off for daycare subsidies * Rhta1ll101I (10) bautnga skate short, it is the perfect My mot her h a d aIso place for a family restore the $15 0 special needs for disabled peopl e * farmers come here as a teenager. She talked about outing, where memories are not onl y shared, who have been forced off the land will soon be needing help meeting fri end s who had moved to other but made . It holds some of my best memories, continuedon page3 ... neighbourhoods, at Eaton's and then coming past and present and I hope my daughter will to the rink. As she added her stories to the be able to say that to her children in the rest, it occurred to me that three generations future. Wh at's not to like? of my family had enjoyed these facilities over the years. Indeed, two of them still are. Sandra Lightfoot lives on Toronto Street. This issue's focus street is: Even though the day wa s a happy one filled The Roller Rink is available on Mondays for with fun , excitement and memories, it was private bookings and closed Wednesday. Every Home Street also tinged with sadness. Years ago, the rink was packed with people all the time. On this other evening plus weekend afternoons and day, less than a dozen people were in Sunday mornings, it's open to the public. Next issue Uanuary/February): Arlington Street attendance. Unfortunately, from what I have Entry fees range from $2 on Tuesdays to $5. Please phone or drop by with any story ideas observed on various occasions, this is the Phone 774-6691 for more info. 2 Novcmhcr/Decemher, t999 - tl"c.« Central STREETS • • Welcome to the opinion November/December issue of West Central STREETS Some Advice .abo ut Welfare STREETS is a non-profit communitv paper based in the community bounded by otre Dame, Carlton, Portage and Arlington. by Anonymous Its purpose is to give voi ce to the interests, struggles and strengths oi I applied for welfare when they were changing the system last spring. I had ju st been people in the community. separated and had 4 children to support. First I tried phoning but I got voi cernail. So I got a For publication, the view po ints and stor ies of people w ho li ve in the sitter and drove down. I'm privileged to have a vehicle, because if I had taken the bus I community, take precedence over those of peopl e from groups wh o would have been very pissed off to find the office had moved. There was no mention on the have an int erest in but do not live in the community, such as some phone message that they had moved. agencies, churches and bu sinesses. Their role is primari ly to support and facili tate the particip ation of local residents in STREETS. Finally I got an appointment for an orientation at the new building on Market. Now, if you drive down there be prepared that you will probably have to pay for parking. All submissions may be edi ted for length and style. The people in the orientation were mostly women and kid s. The woman who ran it was Decision s about any honorari a for contributors are made by the nice. She said that people with kids over 6 years will be expected to look for work. She gave­ Publi shing Committee. Contributors who wo rk but do not live in the us information on what we needed for the intake meeting. She said we had to go home and community do not receive honoraria. phone to make the intake appointment - we couldn't do it there. WE.'st Central STREETS w ill not knowingly print anything which is unjustly discrimi natory. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect I told her about my situation - how at that point I was afraid of my husband and needed the views of the publishing com mi ttee. food. She told me how to get a restrainin g order and where to get food. Then she told me not to tell welfare if anyone helped me, for example if people bought food for me or gave me money. Ok , so I go home and fill out the form and try to phone for an appointment. But no - I have People who donat e $25.00 or more get STREETS mailed to them to pack up my kids and go down there to make an appointment. If you go there with kid s I'll for a year. Phone for detail s re: tax receipt. tell you right off - bring snacks, drinks, toys and book s.
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