M.A. (Final) Examination 2016 PAPER V ANALYTICAL PHILOSOPHY Max. Mark 100 Unit 1 : (i) Frege, G.: Sense and Reference (ii) Russell, B.: Logical Atomism Unit 2 : (i) Moore, G.E. : Refutation of Idealism (ii) Moore, G.E. : A Defence of Common Sense Unit 3 : (i) Ryle, G.: Systematically Misleading Expressions (ii) Ryle, G.: Ordinary Language Unit 4 : (i) Ayer, A.J.: Language, Truth and Logic: Introduction, Chapter I and II Unit 5 : (i) Austin, J.: Other Mind (ii) Quine, W.V.O. : Two Dogmas of Empiricism BOOKS PRESCRIBED : Shalya, Yashdev & Sharma, Chandmal (ed.) : Samakaleen Pashchatya Darshan, R.H.G.A.,Jaipur Ayer, A.J.: Language, Truth and Logic, Gollaner, London Ryle, G. : Ordinary Language (Philosophical Review-Hutchinson, London) BOOKS RECOMMENDED : Urmson, J.O. : Philosophical Analysis, Oxford, 1956 Passmore, J. : A hundred Years of Philosophy Saxena, L. : Samkaleen Pashchatya Darshan Gross, B.R. : Analytic Philosophy Datta, D.M.: The Chief Currents of Contemporary Philosophy Lal, B. K. : Samkaleen Pashchatya Darshan M.A. Final 2016 Examination 1 PAPER VI, VII & VIII Candidates are allowed to choose any one of the following group: GROUP -A: Studies in Religion PAPER VI PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION Max. Mark 100 Unit 1 : The Nature of Religion –the views of : i) Plotinus and Schleiermacher ii) Feuerbach and William James iii) Rudolf Otto and Erich Fromm Unit 2 : The Relation of Philosophy to Religion-the views of : i) Kant and St. Thomas Aquinas ii) Emile Brunner iii) Paul Tilich Unit 3 : i) Dogmas and Puzzles of Spiritual Life, The Religious belief ii) The Transition from the Sensual to the Spiritual, the significance of Idol- worship iii) Moral and Intellectual Preparation, The Methodology of Mediation Unit 4 : i) Types of Devotion ii) PatanjalYoga and Bhakti Yoga iii) The Nature of Spiritual Experience Unit 5 : i) Surrender, Prayer and Grace ii) Gratitude, Love and Loyalty iii) Effects of God-realization, the Ideal Saint READING LIST : Abernethy, G.L. and Langford, T.A. (ed.) : Philosophy of Religion, Macmillan,1968 Hartshorne, C. and Reese, W.L.(ed.) : Philosopher Speak of God, Chicago Unversity Press,1953 Hook, S. (ed.) : Religious Experience and Truth Hick, John : Philosophy of Religion, Prentice Hall 1963 Galloway : Philosophy of Religion, T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1956 Date, V.H. : Yoga of the Saints, Munshi Ram Manohar Lal, Delhi,1973 Otto, R. : Idea of the Holy, Oxford,1923 PAPER VII STUDY OF SEMITIC RELIGIONS Max.Mark 100 Unit 1 : i) The Doctrine of Creation according to the Old Testament ii) The life and teaching of Moses iii)Main religious beliefs and practices of Judaism Unit 2 : i) The Origin and Development of the Talmud M.A. Final 2016 Examination 2 ii) The Life and teaching of Jesus Christ Unit 3 : i) The Salient features of Roman Catholicism as enunciated in the Apostle’s Creed ii)The Origin and Development of Protestant Movement Unit 4 : i) History and Origin of Islam ii) Faith and Practice of Islam Unit 5 : i) The Great Rift-the Sunnis and Shias Schools of Law ii) Sufism : Creeds and their Development READING LIST : Noss, J.S.: Man’s Religion, Macmillan, N.Y.,1961 Edward, J. J. : The Great Religious of the Modern World, Princeton University press,1960 Ballou, O. Robert (ed. : The Bible of the World, Viking Press,N.Y.,1967 Radhakrishnan, S. : Eastern Religions and Western Thought PAPER VIII PHILOSOPHY OF THE BHAGAVADGITA Max. Mark 100 Unit 1 : i)Psychological analysis of Arjun’s mental condition ii) Criteria of the imperishable nature of the Atman iii)Characteristics of the Sthitaprajna Unit 2 : i) Reconciliation of the various apparent contradictions in the Gita ii) Prakriti - Para and Apara Unit 3 : i) The Brahma Yogi and the Nishkama-Karma-Yogi ii) The Interdependence of Bhakti, Gyana, Vairagya Unit 4 : i) Personal and Impersonal aspects of God ii) The meaning of various Vibhutis of God iii) Description of Vishvarupa and its reactions in Arjuna’s mind Unit 5 : i) The status of Purushottam ii) Divine and Demoniac Heritage READING LIST : Date, V.H. : Brahma-Yoga of the Gita, Munshi Ram Manohar Lal, Delhi,1171 Tilak, B.G. : Gita-Rahasya, Lokmanya Tilak Mandir, Poona,1935 Ranade, R.D. : Bhagavad-Gita as the Philosophy of God-Realization, Bhagavad-Gita Vidya Bhawan, Bombay,1964 M.A. Final 2016 Examination 3 GROUP -B: Continental and American Philosophy PAPER VI EXISTENTIALISM Max. Mark 100 Unit 1 : Existentialism : Its origin and common elements; Theistic and Atheistic Existentialism Unit 2 : Soren Kierkegaard’s Existentialism (i) Notions of Truth and Existence (ii) The Nature of true Christianity: Faith versus Reason Unit 3 : (i) The concept of God as Transcendent (ii) The three stages in existential self-realization; Analysis of Dread Unit 4 : Jean Paul Sartre’s Existentialism : (i) The Analysis of Pour–Soi and En-Soi (ii) Existence of other selves; Human relation of love and hate Unit 5 : (i) Notions of Freedom and Death (ii) Concept of God; the meaning of Human Presence; Nihilism READING LIST : Blackham, H.J. : Six Existentialist Thinkers, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1951 Heinemann, F.H. : Existentialism and Modern Predicament, 1954 Warnock Mary : Existentialism, 1960 Wahl, Jean : Philosophies of Existence, 1959 Sengupta, S.C. : Self and Transcendence PAPER VII PHENOMENOLOGY Max.Mark 100 Unit I : Introduction: The movement and its origin; Phenomenological description, Salient Features of Phenomenology, Phenomenological Concepts : (a) Concept of Historical Dimension (b) Concept of Time (c) Concept of Consciousness (d) Concept of the Live-World Unit II : Phenomena & Opposition to Reductionism : (a) Opposition to Psychologism (b) Opposition to Reductionism (c) Opposition to Phenomenalism (d) Opposition to Scientism (e) Opposition to Naturalism M.A. Final 2016 Examination 4 Unit III : Phenomenological Inquiry : (a) Presupposition-less Inquiry (b) Phenomenological Circle (c) Methodological Circle (d) Epistemological Circle Unit IV : Phenomenological Method : (a) The Intuition of Essences (b) Bracketing Existence-Free Imaginative variation of Examples (c) Phenomenology and Reflective Thinking (d) The non-empirical status of Phenomena Intentionality : (a) Criterion of Non-Inference (b) Criterion of Non-Empirical (c) Intentionality as a Phenomenon Unit V : Nature of Phenomenological statement : (a) The Senses of Empirical (b) Phenomenological Statements (c) Empirical Phenomena Statements (d) The Senses of Necessary (e) Necessary Phenomena Statements (f) Husserl’s Theory of Meaning RECOMMENDED BOOKS : Edmund : Ideas-General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology ( Trans, Boyce Gilson W.R.), Allen and Unwin Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Phenomenology, Macmillan, N.Y. Husserl : Exposition and Appraisals, Editors : Elliston and McCormic, University of Notre Dame Press, London Husserl Shorter Works, Editors : Elliston and McCormick, University of Notre Dame Press, London Philosophy of Recent Times, V-II, Editor : James B. Hartman, McGraw-Hill, London Saxena Laxmi : Samkalin Pashatya Darshan Lal B.K. : Samkalin Pashatya Darshan PAPER VIII PRAGSMATISM Max. Mark 100 Unit 1 : (i) The fundamental Principles of Pragmatism (ii) The Importance of Pragmatic Movement in Philosophy Unit 2 : (i) The view of Peirce on ‘Fixation of Belief (ii) Scientific method and Philosophy-Peirce’s view Unit 3 : (i) Peirce’s theory of Meaning and Truth (ii) The Doctrine of Fallibilism in the Philosophy of Peirce Unit 4 : (i) Main features of Pragmatism according to William James (ii) James’s Theory of Truth (iii) Significance of James’s doctrine of “Will to Believe” Unit 5 : (i) Problems of moral life according to James M.A. Final 2016 Examination 5 (ii) Humanism and Pragmatism (iii) The Concept of Radical Empiricism (iv) The attitudes of Peirce and James towards Religion READING LIST : Stroh, Guy ,W. : American Philosophy, An Introduction, Van Nostrand, 1968 Hartshorne, Charles and Weiss, Paul (ed.) : Collected Papers of C.S. Peirce, Harvard University Press relevant portions only to be studied James, William : Pragmatism (Lecture I,II and IV), Longman’s Green, N.Y. 1959 James, William : Essays in Radical Empiricism(pp.1-82), Longman’s Green, N.Y. 1988 James, William : The Will to Believe and other Essays (pp.1-31;184-215), Longman’s Green, N.Y., 1958 M.A. Final 2016 Examination 6 GROUP –C : Study of Philosophy PAPER VI PLATO AND WITTGENSTEIN OR GAUDAPADA AND SHANKARACHARYA OR MADHVA AND RAMANUJA PLATO AND WITTGENSTEIN PLATO: Preliminiary reading-students are expected to read history of Greek Philosophy A study of following dialogues from Plato: Meno, Theatetus, Sophist, Parmenides, Cratylus, and Phaedo. READING LIST: Copleston, F.G.: History of Philosophy, Image Books, N.Y., 1963 Burent, J.: Greek Philosophy, London, 1961 Guthrie, W.K.C.: History of Greek Philosophy, Cambridge1962 Cromble, I: Examination of Plato’s Doctrines Popper: Open Society and its Enemies Vol. I WITTGENSTEIN: Anscombe, G.E.M.: Philosophical Investigations, Part I, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1953 Ogden, C.K.: Tractatus Logico-Pjilosophicus, Routledge Kegan Paul, London, 1933 Max Black: A Companion to Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Cornell University Press, N.Y. 1964 GAUDAPADA AND SHANKARACHARYA Chatuth Sutri and Prathama Pada of 1 Adhvaya and Prathama and Cvitiya Pada of k2 Adhvaya of Brahmasutra Bhashya of Shankaracharya Mandukyua Karika (First two parts) Reading List: Date, V.H.: Vedants Explained, Vol I and II with special reference to New Light on Shankaracharya, Munshi Ram Manohar Lal, Delhi, 1973 Radhakrishnan, S.: The Brahma Sutras (ed. and translated) Allen adn Unwin, 1960 Mahadevan, T.M.P.: Gaudapada: A Study in Early Advaita, Madras University, 1962 OR MADHAVACHARYA AND RAMANUJACHARYA Prathama Pada of 1 Adhyaya and Prathama and Dvitiya Pada of 2 Adhyaya of the Brahmasutra Bhashya of Madhvacharyua and Ramanujacharya READING LIST: Radhakrishna, S.: The Brahmasutra (ed.and translated) Srinivasachari, P.N.: The Philosophy of Vishishtadvaita M.A. Final 2016 Examination 7 Srinivasachari, P.N.: A History of Dvaita School of Vedanta and its Literature PAPER VII PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS Students are expected to study the Philosophical Methods of Russell, B., Moore, G.E., Ryle, G. and Ayer, A.J.
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