• ····-···-.~--. .. --,.,! '· _, -- ,.• .. I PRESS Friday, June 18, 1954 PUBLISHED BY;THE YOUTH MOVEMENT OF THE CALGARY HEBREW SCHOOL vfitotial . JAffUia~· with the H~brew \"outb llovement of ~e Kuen Hatarbut} r---_ Whea J wn,t to Jlcllool. l dl4 JIClt .iop to thiu. a.bout who built . '. t u.., .-dloc>I or ..-bo blre>d tho tuchall or ..,bo paid the c:atttaiur or ,· blnll tbe l:Ul>dred a....s orw thn,p nqwnd to ed~ me and the •. :1.i..-r cbJldn.a. Now I am· GD the Eucutlve Board al lbe ~brew • . Edltari,ol Oomrnttt,e: _SBOSBA.~AII .KAY, Cllalnnua: ITZCILU[ FELDl'ILUi,· ZloNAR MOZESO!<f lkboc>I. a.n4 J am •~ to leun. · .. Vie sve tOWld out tbal the' first Hebrew Scbocl la Ca~ :wu DJ>~ la a10. a.a:i4 th.al lbtte ,.... DODe la lill. In au. there wae June 18, 1954" • .,.,.,_, a huDdrNI chlldua taktnc Hebrew 1uw,,._ a.n4 la D20 the sehool ~cc . ~ I .. "" · No. 5 1• ..-u b<>Uffd at- tM H......, of Jacob Byaagvsue aad la uotlu!r bulldiJ:lg. .. , , . , . I Ja 1920 ~ nm bu.lldlnc r.:.r a Talmud Toni.b wu e<mstruct.ed. IUld it wu Uffd wrtU 1930, w11 .. n_ th.e buel:l:lfflt o-f the present bul!J.lng_ ..-u c,omp!.eu.d., . ·. ~ ~~~ we bav,. 1... ra..s th.a.t a crr,up of earrgeUe men 'Work ... ~ .. REPoRts. av -OFFICERS. , . .oF, Tl-IE.. • .. stuoENts·.. ,,- . • . • couNc1L. - . oN• THE I througl>Obl the colw:Ung m011ey to pay for bolllu, cleau, build· I yean. lcv. aaa Alarttll. :n,,,y were good_ men with rt.1.nn and Industry. Tbey built on a IIOUDd fow,datk,n a etbocl wboae pupl!Jo •fd c,aduates are r«~•·us,«ted. ACTIVITIES. OF·.THE. ' ; ~ CALGARY,· . ·. - . ·~- . HEBREW.. SCHOOL' ~ . Tl••·T -uNN.""'G A i:irnooL 18 WI!; UAVE DISCOVERED - .. u• .,..,._. .. .. _... .,_ · like runntnc a bunneu, except tmlt there la no monetary gaindn­ • 'Jtf,. ' ~ :· voind. We ban to acquire the luilitlff, provl_de the uaeblng iltalf ..... and collect ino.,ey. · . · · • · . Camp '1chlah... Annual Picnic ' We ban found out tbat u l.he.<:Hy developed, the Hebrew School · ~ the .summer of 11153, our Fote the fmrt time th1• year, ,n Our Choir--1954 · developed with lt...Tbe achoo! It now on a firm bu~ for Je,ln,lng. but Hebte~(camp, "Tchiah-, waa rein- all-day picnic ~ being· planned . by Our choir made sood pto8~ this it dld not develop It.ult. Some or those men who organized the tint the achooJ _tor all the Jewlah,chiJ.. y~; It conalats Of l)Uplla from stated after· lel'eral of In• d.ren of our community. Under the a,cbool are 111111 acUve. aorne have paued on. years: Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8. and la again The ·achoo! blUI become what lt la today becauae of the vl•lon activity. The carnp, which waa held chainnaaahlp of Barney Gelfand, a under the excellent direction ol and utneu devotion ol web men, u Henry Goldberg, Chlrl.. ,Water- at Chestennere Laite, was again commlttN la energeflcally makbig Mm. A. Horowitz. 12>!U>, s. JaJre. Joe Joffe, Eddie Cohen. llorrls Wolocbow/ the late . directed by Ila founder, Rabbi A. all neceaaaey preparations for a Tb.15 year we have appeared al Jacob Dublak)". J. &rcUMn, and W. H. Epstlne. giant picnic ,which will · brlag to­ the Chanukah nnd Purim conceru. Horowitz who wu assisted by gether ati the pa.rent. and chll- Mr. We also &ang at varioU& communal OUR PRY.SY.NT F.XECUTl\'E HAS A8 ITS PRESWpT Q...-E Jaclc Chetner. dren ot our COIIU;l!unlty. f,or a day of thou far.. lghted lndlvldua!Jo, Charle• Waterman; tit,, Educatlonal af!liirs, lncJudlng the Brotherhood Chairman. Nau Safran, a graduate from our achoo! and a tlr1esis There were reveral hurdles to sur- ot sporur, entertaJnment. and fun. Week Rally at the Grand Theatre. Refrubmenta will be aerved to worker. ~ . · .- mDWlt whlch were caused mainly all those participating. the World Jewish Child's Day cele­ bration, and the memorial meetll1R The remainder are wmparatlvely newcomen to the field of edq­ by the Uilnl!ponsive &Wtude of b a new venture of the Thia for the heroes of the Warsn w c&lloo. but. what they lack In experience, they are trying to make up !JUU1Y parents to the Idea o! a He- school, and It promises to be ·.a by their de.nln to do a good job. The Flrat Vice-President, Joe Cohen; ' . Ghetto. brew Cikmp, However. the camp wu huge mccesa. It ls hoped that thlo sewnd Vice-Pre• ldent and Recreation Director, Barney Gelfand. who We wish to thank . Mra. Horowitz 1, preparing a plculc tor all the Jewlah children C&lgary; Treuuret, opened In the middle of July and will become an annual affair of or the school. and Mrs. Wolfsohn !or the splendid Yale Joffe, without whoae help the-- monthly chequea <:<>uld not go out; lasted for two weeks. Approxtmat~ly SONIA GELFAND. ,l:iil':t.\,!~;,;,.,c:oc,>".,;"•»•~·-··, -·· . work they did for the choir. Our Secretary, Morris Orttnberg. whose energy and devotion to h'4 poaltlon thanlta also go . to Miss Dinah 25 chlldren nom both Calgary and .------------., Pupils of Calgary Hebrew School broadcasting over radio .station .CFAC. la an exa:nple to othe.-a; Flnanclal Chhltmaii, Arnold Clll!en, who with 0 Lltachinslty and the other accom­ Mel_ Pot•;,y la ruponslble for the aucceH ot the Donor Dinner and the J>anista for their patience amt. preparatlou or our budget; Projects Fund and Chairman· of Trana­ -~ :~i:i~:~mp WU. ouc- ·Our ·p,,·nc,·_ p.al :--\--"---_-'-:-C:--hu-gim-H-_--=-e-=-br-rew-s=-pea:--. -::-:-kln-g-=c-=-1ub:--s-:-::;;-,t,::;;l;-r-~ --:--· -=-Pu-rl:--m-'-:' c=---=e1-=-eb-ra-.tlo_ns_ understanding. · portatlon. our e.er -dependable Archie · Shapiro, and Chlfirman of Thlc year the Cliuglm, or Hebrew-speak!pg cluw, held meet- Hamans, Queen Esther&, Kings of ROSALIND KA r Public RelaUoua and adviser, Dr. Carl Safran. cess. The attitude of the' campers !ngs regularly throughout the year. The" President of the senior Persia, clowns, and ballerlna&--'-811 · THE BOARD REPRESENTS THOSE PEOPLE \VHO ABE wu one of co-operation and they The Calgary Hebrew Scltool 15 Chug was Shulamit Shefte!, and the Secretary-Treasurer was having a wonderful time _ were Interested !n the Hebrew School and without whose help and the hejp ali learned much and enjoyed them- most fortunate to have as It prin- Alexander Bnnderson. · · among the sJgbta that . were seen Chanukah c,f tho ldotheni• Club there could be no school, no de.nka, no lunchea, selvea Immensely clpal a man of . the outstanding At these chug meetings businessd Al wasder discussed, bly games t wereth at the Calgary He1orew Schoo·· l's The Calgary He brew School • played and boras ,were dance . • exan cape wro e e Purim CelebratlNn. • etc., etc. But with theu faclllti .. we must have the teaching· ataff, calibre of Rabbi Aron Horowitz. ,minutes In Hebrew. The meetl.,ga were held once every two ~ Chanukah Concert was held In De­ and we -ate 1ortunate with the 1tatf we have, and also with the new. • We wish to f8Xpresa _our profound Rabbi Horowlb: has had a dis- _weekJ'J. There y;as a short programme cember. Tho entire student body man we are adding for next year. t.lr. Eddie Yudltaky, of Winnipeg. thanka to the Keren· Hatarbut for tlngulsoed career In the field of n 1e Chug of Grade 7 wss supervised by Mr. Walker, and follow«! by a masquerade contest. participated, !roan the hljl'h schocl Rab':li Horowlt: I• our Principal, but more Important, he la our Its valuable assistance. Were It -riot Jewish education and culture, He meetings were held monthly. One of the main features of the ~ to the kindergarten. The pro­ architect of te11-...1ng. It la to him we turn to dlrec,t the educatlo.ti or for Its enoouragement· ' and f1lumclal wu principal of the; H,stadrut Tl1e Chug of the day school grades. was led by students of programme was the Calgary Hebrew gramme consisted of songs, dances, our l:hlklren, so that they will learn now and ever be informed, 1Vell• "' Seminary in Jerusalem, and served Grade 8. School Choir, conducted by Mra. A. and playlets. Mn. A. Horowitz con­ adjust•d Canadian Jews, help, we would not have succeeded later 118 assistant admlnlsL.,.tlve The Chugjm are the most Important. activity of our Youth Horowitz. , ducted the choir. Mrs. Levitt JOE COHEN, Vice-President. In reorganizing our Camp. secretary of the Hebrew University Movement, and many students take advantage of them, not only bro\18ht forth newer and nicer cos­ In .Jerl18alem. He filled the l,mpor- for the purpose of enjoying themselves, but al.so !or the purpose At the end o! the program.me, tumes. Thia year the Camp will be held tant" post of dean or the foreign i_>f learning more HebrewDO:V KAPLAN, happy parents and excited children Even though we had "compeu-, at a much better. site, the Y .M.C.A. llludlee department of the Katze- · Chairman, Chngl~ Committee. were reunited, and refreshments tlon~ from another school which! camp at Sylvan Laite, We are look- nelson Institute for Hlgber Learn- were ,served. Psychological Implications was b9}d!ng Its Chanukah Concert Ing forward to this year;s camp, and Ing, one of the most significant Th J • Congregat·1on at the same time, our hall was filled we hope that more children from educational Institutions In Israe( of · e U010r .
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