Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU Alumni News University Archives 1968 Alumnus, Fall 1968 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "Alumnus, Fall 1968" (1968). Alumni News. 76. http://commons.emich.edu/alumni_news/76 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FALL, 1968 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Good Luck, John I ill John Bruce, '59, director of Alum­ ni Relations and University Develop­ ment, resigned effective July 1, to enter public school administration. The very responsible and likeable Bruce was the first full time director of Alumni Relations and was instru­ mental in developing plans for East­ em's Keystone Campaign. Under his direction, alumni ser­ vices and membership have grown to an all time high. John will be missed by alumni who worked closely with him and those who worked with him at the Alumni and Development Offices. To John Bruce and family go the best wishes of the EMU alumni and his host of friends at Eastern, and their sincere thanks to him for a job well done! Volume XXI • Number 1 • Fall, 1968 Published In the Interests of the Alumni at intervals during the school year by the Office of Alumni Relations, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsllantl, Michigan. Alumni Publications Committee: John MIiier, Director of Alumni Relotlons and Acting Director University Development; Lonny Head, Asst. Director of Alumni Relations; Frances H. Gray; Nell C. Bertram, Publlcatlons Editor, and Kathy Dickson, Asst. Publications Editor. Magazine de­ signed by Dennis J. Holm, Art Director. Homecoming '68: WELCOME FROM YOUR 1968 STUDENT CHAIRMAN The festivities of "Great Presidents Visit E.M.U.," Eastern Michigan's 1968 Home­ coming edition, officially begins Sunday, October 27, with the Queen Candidates Pre­ sentation, and will be highlighted with the Homecoming Dance on Saturday evening, November 2. Homecoming week is truly one of the highlights of the entire school year. To many people, Homecoming means one week of enjoyment and pageantry. However, this one week is the result of virtually a year of planning, meetings, and devoted hard work. I have been affiliated with the Homecoming Committee for the past three years, cli­ maxed by the position of general chairman this year. I have watched the Homecoming Committee grow, along with our expanding University, with new and exciting programs. Welcome back. On behalf of the Committee, I hope you and yours will enjoy Home­ coming, 1968. Bruce Dubin General Chairman 1968 Homecoming Committee Come Home, Bill Bailey, Wherever You Are The 1968 Eastern Michigan University Home­ reserve both your tickets for the football game and coming theme is "Great Presidents of the United for the Alumni Luncheon. This year's alumni States." With this setting in mind, the campus will luncheon will honor returning cheerleaders, letter­ become a flurry of activity for one week with the men, homecoming queens, and past members of sights and sounds of marching bands, colorful the Eastern Michigan University marching band. leaves with shades of autumn and the nostalgic Special honor wi 11 be given to the class of 1943 and aromas of a Michigan fall as dramatic set dressing. to the class of 1963. Each of you from '43 or '63 Climactic to the week preceding homecoming will will have class tables at the Alumni Luncheon so be the crowning of the Homecoming Queen, the you can be recognized for attendance, and given annual Alumni Luncheon, and the Homecoming a special salute. An honor award will be given to football game with Northeastern University of Bos­ the alumnus returning the farthest distance to at­ ton, Massachusetts. Everyone on campus is expect­ tend the Homecoming festivities. ing a bumper crop of you returning alums for Home­ You have the most cordial of invitations to be coming and it's advisable that you send in your on the campus November 2, 1968, for the biggest request for tickets as early as possible. Homecoming in the history of Eastern. Arrange to With the reservation form in the brochure bring your children along and make it a family affair. mailed under separate cover to all alumni, you may GILT EDGE /NV/TA TIONS To "E" Club Members, Cheerleaders and Band Members This year at Homecoming former letter win­ Kenny Union, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsi­ ners of Michigan State Normal College, Eastern lanti, Michigan 48197. Michigan College, and Eastern Michigan University Former members of the Eastern Michigan Uni­ will be recognized at the annual Alumni Luncheon versity marching band, which dates back to 1924, prior to the Homecoming game. are most cordially invited to return for Homecoming Members of the coaching staff, former on November 2. Band Director Thomas Tyra and coaches, friends of the athletic program, and ad­ members of the current marching band will be on ministrators of the University will be on hand at the hand to help acquaint you with the New Look of Luncheon. All letter winners are cordially invited Eastern Michigan University. and urged to attend this day especially set aside to Special tables have been reserved at the honor them. Alumni Luncheon for band members and they will The 1968-69 Cheerleaders squad requests your be identified at the game with special hats. If you help. They are asking all past cheerleaders to re­ are a former band member, this is your chance to turn, Saturday, November 2, Homecoming, to par­ come back and reminisce about the good old days ticipate in a cheerleaders reunion. They won't ask in Ypsilanti and catch up on the new ones. Former you to help them on the field unless you desire, but band members planning to attend homecoming, are they certainly would like to meet and honor you. requested to mark "Band" on the reservation blank We are asking all former cheerleaders to make and return it P.D.Q. to the Office of Alumni plans now for an exciting day on campus. If inter­ Relations. Reservation blanks are being mailed to ested write, Cheerleaders, Alumni Relations, Mc- all alumni. 2 cated "there'll be some changes made" from past 1968 FOOTBALL BUST Busts. The 6th annual Eastern Michigan University With the superb leadership of the Football Bust Football Bust will be held Monday, November 25, Committee, definite shortening of the program, 1968 at Roma Hall in Livonia. The affair will begin addition of a "pre-glow" as well as the traditional at 5:30 p.m., Chairman Olie Sanders, '33, of Dear­ "after-glow", and the fact that inflation has not born has indicated that the program will be con­ affected the ticket price in 6 years, you'll surely not cluded at 9:00 p.m. President Harold E. Sponberg want to miss this humdinger. will be Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Tickets for the Bust are being handled by the The Bust Committee has indicated that there Alumni Office for the Bust Committee. If you return will not be a guest speaker as in the past in an effort the order form promptly, seats for you and your to condense the program. John Meyers, '58 of Ypsi­ guests will be reserved at this year's bigger than lanti, is in charge of planning chores and has indi- ever Bust. CHECKS PAYABLE TO EASTERN MICHIGAN FOOTBALL BUST. Please enclose your personal return envelope so we may send your tickets immediately. O Enclosed is my check for$_ _ to cover the cost of tickets for the 1968 Eastern Michigan University Football Bust. D Enclosed is my check for_tables at$75.00 reserved in the name of ____________ D I am unable to attend the Football Bust; enclosed is my check in the amount of$ _ _____ _ Students-$5.00; Adults-$7 .50 Name_______. _________________ Address__ _____________________ City __________ State _________ Zip__ _ Return to: Football Bust, McKenny Union, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 3 THE 1968 JUNE GRADUATION Everywhere this year, more students than ever Schools. A graduate of Eastern Michigan Univer­ before are graduating from college and universities sity and the University of Michigan, Mr. Isbister and Eastern Michigan is no exception. This past was active in the development of the Michigan June saw 1,264 students receive degrees at Com­ Curriculum program, an innovator in the develop­ mencement ceremonies, an all time high. Of these, ment of in-service programs for teachers, and held 888 were bachelor degrees, 341 masters degrees positions as superintendent of Schools in Center and 35 specialists degrees. So great was the size Line, Michigan, and also president of the Michigan of the audience at the proceedings that it spilled Association of School Administrators. over from Bowen Field House to Warner Gym­ Mrs. George Romney added an honorary Doc­ nasium and closed-circuit television. tor of Humanities degree to her long list of citations Focusing on the campus situation today was for her activities as a speaker and a worker. A na­ the commencement address, "The Challenge of tive of Utah, graduate of George Washington Uni­ Inner Space," delivered by Dr. John R. Emens, versity, wife of the governor of Michigan, Mrs. president of Ball State University. Dr. Emens pro­ Romney has been honored with the Distinguished fessed the belief that for every protestor there are Leadership Award for Family Education, from the thousands of defenders of our traditions, our cul­ Michigan State Medical Society, the Silver Medal­ ture and our nation, who graduate each year from lion for Inspiring l.,.eadership in Rearing Children this country's colleges and universities.
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