lEGI supper has extended a vote of RUMSON'S BABY PARADE. A BIG COUOTIW SUPPER. thanks to Robert S Johnson of RedSAFE BREAKERS JAILED, FAMED FOR HIS, Bank and to Joseph Lefferson, the IT WAS H^tlV'SATURDAY AT;KECORD-BREAKING CROWD AT caretaker of the school. Mr. John- TWO IMPORTANT ARRESTS S HEADLINES, FOR rpplyJI py and garden ' ^ yiCTORY,*AR_K. ) - COLT'S NECK LAST WEEK. son set up a radio ou.tfit and pro- MAdE AT NEW BRUNSWICK. NEW YORK PA ored bjr the art di- St. Mary'. Church Cleared More vided music during the supper, lir Red 'Bank Woman's Prize Fo> PntiitsTBaby Wai Woi Than »1,200 by Supper and Sale Lefferson did a big lot of work at John Miller and George Butler Rev. H. Pierce Slmpaoi, .,..jm iVI, Jld, on the clubhpwsp by Stanley' Allen Kerr—Tenni at Colt'j Neck Schpolbouae—More the echoolhouse. Charged With Robbing Three plete Program of Strennout W» Thn Son,IaTfipr jfmn.Tuesday. If this day ' Tournament Under Way—Chit Than 9Q0 Peraona Feaited. Placet at Belford and Port Mon- L«!d Out for the Balance of 1 Buiincii JW-jYterai'-H" V,1' f lnf should be stormy the exhibition will / dren'i Pageant. More than 900 persons were TEN BIG BOX BUSHES MOVED. mouth—Suspected of Others. August Vacation. - ' *.' s 1 WiH!Bm' Albert'BuVdgo of Broad^ .Evtrytnlng ia riadyfor tho annu- >e,heljl>e,eljl< thethe firfirsst clear day In Sep. Rurnson's annual baby parade wa servod at the annual chicken supper Two important arrests wcro made Rev. H Pierce Simpson,1' t. Taken from Bradevelt and Trans- flve>e»M ago this springa.,l —field <la....y. and'picni.,....c, o._f tlith'ee Mon Mon- - •mwrm , rjtifrjrtt will be awarded for held last Saturday afternoon at Vic for tho benefit of St. Mary's church at New Brunswick last week by of tho New Monmouth Ba; planted, on a Rumion Place. lyW the, Boro "'Busses, Incor* mputh county horticultural society hie flnestyegota,bl«flnest'yegot at tho show, fortory park. It was largely atMndcd| of Colt's Neck last Thursday night Monmouth county detectives and church, has auddcnly found hln... olletion of Ten large box bushes were moved *& »j»ted, of Bed Bank, which oper- to be held tomorrow, on Thomas ,8, ollection ofthe be^ three vege- About thirty children took part iijat tho Colt's.Ncck schoolhouec. The detectives in tho employ of the Cen- famous as ii result of his pIin.^L_y ables^fdr^'the beet bloom of anythe parade and in a number oJ ways last week from Joseph Zajnkowiski's tral railroad company. The men ar- 'SttSttt bubus"s srvicservice ootween RRe dB Bann k Field's farm on (he state'liighuay in 1 exact amount of the profits is not spending his vacation of a month Wy d k d Middletown township. Athletic con- dnd otyflfcw^r, for the three beEt it was the best parade ever held In yet known, hut it Is certain that property at Brudevelt. to Lady rested were John (Slim) Miller and helping the farmers, fishermen iji£j fl md '^Lopj: Branch, Red Bank and v v tests will be a feature of the oiftlng )10oms- of one kind of flower, fprthe park. Some' of the decoration* the church will clear at least ¥1,200 White Todd's property on Ridge George (Buddy) Butler of New other business men of his congregf 'SftunMon Mld-iRa'd. Bank and, JHipri- v / lnd, last Thursday told outThls in- and tW»c contests -ate scheduledTto he best/ vase of three kinds of wcro very elaborate nnd brought The money will be used to pay for a road near "Rumson. Lady White Brunswick. The charge made tion All the Now York papers an ''.ierBat in,the eoncern'ln order to de- begin at half; pasttten o'clock in theflowers,'"for. the best potted plantforth many compliments. new caipet which was put down in Todd bought the tiox bushes for against them is that of robbing busi- other dally papers have given,laV J800. They were five to six feet , 'jfolf his entire, attention to hl*.ntov- morning. There will be events for nd fpr the most artistically ar- The Judges were Mrs. Benjaminthe church a short time ago and for ness places at Belford and Port space In this unutual procedure high and they had an extraordinar- •Ing and'general tranifer Imslitess men, women and children. It is ex-ranged vase of flowers. A special L. Atwater and Mra. Oliver F, Stry- repahs wlilch were recently made. Monmouth, but the detectives'saythe part of a clergyman and manj, neeted that about 75 peVtons -vtlll at- prize will .be'awarded for effort. ker of Red Bank and Miss Frances ily large circumference. They were that in putting Miller and Butler papers have sent reporters to In rj>ndertthe%name of Burdge & Sana. The success of the dinner exceed' tend the picnic. '•' The Rotary club and tho L,ioh« Hunt of Orange. The parade was* moved by William Mcars, who is en- behind the bars they have cleared terview Mr. Simpson. They h JMr, Burdge recently took into part- v 1 $ei5nlp<!Ms three'sons,.Edwin, Dal-' The exhibition committee of the lub have 'contributed toward the divided into three groups and a sil-jcd tho expectations of those in gaged in the florist nnd nursery bus- up numerous other robberies, m- besieged him with requests (for1-..,.. $einpM charge. No one had anticipated 1 ,, 4on an't Harry. annual show met last Wednesday expenses of the exhibition. The ver cup was awarded ae the first iness at' Rumson'. Ha had twelve clubing one which occurred at Labor Day seimon, which he, Will' '! \f' Mr. UUdge!) hid il years'-eje- night nt' the* Broad street store of Judges will be Mayor William H. R. prize in each group. such a large gatheiing. It was im- man on tho job and it required all Keansburg ten days ago, when the preach the Sunday before Labor ienerHn-caterine; to-the traveling-IVVJiVr-KannedyvAV-Son-.-- _. SfhltJTb K£d Ufh ;siblc to serve all who wanted of them to put some of the largest safe at the Keansburg railroad stn- day As a result of his varied «frf .,_,.„./ He started in business for rangement of the schedule and the lead. this year ls^Stanl^y Allen Kerr, sort, ppe3RlBirlc&st400were bushes on the truck whicF was useaT tion was broken open and $1,241 perienccs ho will preflent in this scr-i „ himself'when a-resident of Locust designation of classes .In which Pictures will be taken of the chil- of Mr, ajfa Mrs. Albert Kerr of La/turned away. The entrances to theto convey the bushes'to Rurhsori. was stolen mon his ideas of the relations whtehf'Si eupV-will be-awarded-as prises oc- dren, and pt the exhibits. fayetto street, - He was dressed-in- Bchoolhousc were crowded with The box bushes were sot out_IQ_ The officers say4hey-nrc-surc-that should ojust-botwoan-labor-and capi<^ - horae stage route tietweqn. Navejlnk cupied most of the time at the meet- a costume representing "Little Boy paople~and the place resembled "a years ago. Tho house where Mr. Millcr and Butler arc the partic tal. Mr. Simpaon has been unable* ' and-'Red ,Bank, JJlaking the. trip ing, The show will be°held Scptenf- A NEW CHURCH. Slue." Second prize for the pret- subway station at 'New York dur- Zajakowiski lives is Considerably old- who broke into the*station. They to comply with these requests yet,*, • „through Locust Point and'over-the ber 29th and 80th at tho Smoke tiest baby was awarded to Mildred ing a rush hour. Duo to the stormy er, it having been built more than also attribute, to Miller and Butler for he has not prepared his sermon.l, Oceapte bridge, which at that time Shop tavern. 'i • Minion of the Lutheran Church to Conk, daughter of Chtules Conk. weather an. attempt was made to 100- years ago. It is one of theseveral robberies which took place But for the condition of Mre."r/? jfcad recently been completed. The society will award blue rib' be Established Ht+e. She was dressed as a ballet dancer. keop those who were- waiting for landmarks of Bradevelt, It is con at Red Bank last winter, notably a Simpson the New Monmouth mln.-" '., A mission .of the Lutheran church supper in the hall of the school- structed after the manner of ancient robbery at the Atlantic nnd Pacific lstcr would have gone.away on Shit'"! •! . v The following year Mr. Burdge bons, as, first prizes, yellow, ribbon In the group for the best decor- house, but this part of the building began -a two-horse stage operation as second prizes and red ribbons a Is to be established in Red Bank. ated float the first prize was Won dwellings, with mortised oak hewn grocery store on Shrewsbury ave- usual vacation trip_ and would " The first service will be held on Sun- was soon overcrowded and the gath- timbers put together with wooden nue, when a safe was broken open avoided all this publicity. Because^ •to Bed Bank, making 'his starting third prizes. Two cups roust b by Ralph Longstreety Jr. He was in,ering overflowed into other rooms. ' point Jacksorfg. bridge on First ave- won'-fhree* years for permanent pos- day, September 11th, in Clayton &a basket and was surrounded with pegs. The house wns owned until arionrdl ift contentf*Anfnnfas atftlnstolenn .
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