2018 Dotthhhaaannn,, AAlllaaabbaammmaa O F F I C I A L • W E L C O M E • G U I D E Dothan Area Chamber of Commerce WWW.DOTHAN.COM We’ve builtt the StO i t 4tt LeDn CaS o DeT i AlBm region’s llargestt a t LeDn CaS o SeIu Lg-TT m DiA Il T . StO C e Ne Wr. That’s why Southeeast Alabama Medical Ceenter RHUVWKH UHJLRQȇVPRVW DGYDQFHG VWURNH WHDP 1RW RQO\ GR ZH KDYH WKH PRVWH[SHULHQFHG PXOWLVSHFLDOW\WUDLQHG VWURNH DQG FULWLFDO FDUHQHXURORJLVWV RQ RQH WHDP ZHȇYH EXLOW WKH ODUJHVW VWURNH QHWZRUNLQ WKH UHJLRQ 8VLQJ WHOHPHGLFLQH ORFDO SDUDPHGLFV DQGORFDO (PHUJHQF\ 5RRPV FDQ FRPPXQLFDWH ZLWK RXU 1HXURORJLVWVWR SODQ LPPHGLDWH WUHDWPHQW WKDW KHOSV VDYHV EUDLQ FHOOV$QG LI QHFHVVDU\ \RX ZLOO EH WUDQVSRUWHG WR 6RXWKHDVW STROKE CARE NETWORK $ODEDPD0HGLFDO &HQWHU D &HUWLȴHG 6WURNH &DUH &HQWHU Your ZKHUHRXU SK\VLFLDQV DUH VSHFLDOO\ WUDLQHG LQ VWURNH WUHDWPHQW With so much eexpert care in one placcece, there’sthere s no need to go outside the region for stroke care. StrokeCareNetworrk.com VVisiisiitDotDoothathaann o Hototels eventts atatt ractions entertrttaa i n m ent sporttst food shopping fessttivavals outdoor cultlttureure visisit MMichelin has MManufactureded Tiirese inn the Wiiregraeass for over 388 years. US4 - Dothan PPlant G d S vii G A L Waay DOTHANN • OZARK 6 ENTERPRRISE • TROYY LOCATION NS . 4 Arts, Culture & Community 4 Arts & Recreation 5 Worship The Dothan Area Chamber of Commerce has been 6 Business & Economic Development 6 Agribusiness helping shape the future of the Wiregrass area since its 6 Manufacturing foundation in 1919. Created originally as an office to 8 Transportation establish cotton and other produce prices, the Chamber 9 Aviation now has over 1,050 members, committees and task 9 Communications forces, a 34-member Board of Directors and nine full- 10 Workforce time staff members. This team, along with government 11 Retail entities, community organizations, business leaders and 14 Finance local citizens, is positioned to meet any community or economic development opportunity in 2018. 16 Education A five-star accredited organization serving as a 16 Higher Education resource and advocate for business, the Chamber sets 16 Public Schools its priorities each year based on opportunities that 16 Private Schools will advance the economy and community in the 17 Feature: Wiregrass Foundation Dothan area. The organization strives to shape the future for its members and the area’s residents by 20 Health Care building a community that will meet the challenges 21 Feature: Flowers Hospital of today and tomorrow. 23 Active Adults 23 Senior Activity Centers Produced in cooperation with the 24 Real Estate & Relocation 24 Dothan & Houston County Regional Information 25 Feature: NAI Talcor/Whatley Darty 29 Government Information 29 Utilities DOTHAN AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 102 Jamestown Boulevard Local Information P.O. Box 638 Dothan, AL 36302 31 334.792.5138 Fax 334.794.4796 30 Marketplace www.dothan.com 31 Telephone Numbers of Importance [email protected] IBC Advertiser Index (Inside Back Cover) CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Beau Benton Membership Directory* PRESIDENT 33 *In combined publication only. Matt Parker COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Melia McKean C o nt Reproduction of the whole or any part of the contents of this publication, by any method, for en personal or company use or resale without permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited. 4826 S. Park Avenue, Dothan, AL 36301 The information in this directory is gathered and compiled in a way to ensure maximum ts Mary T. Jarrett, President accuracy. Print Services Inc. cannot and does not guarantee the correctness of all information Jennifer Davis, Account Executive furnished it, nor the complete absence of errors or omissions; hence no responsibility for same Phone: 334-702-4063 Fax: 334-712-6532 can be, nor is assumed. In the event of error or omission for paid services of this directory, the liability shall be limited to a pro rata abatement of the charge paid to the company, but in no event [email protected] www.psiprinter.com shall liability exceed the amount payable to the company. ©2018 Print Services Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dothan Area Chamber of Commerce 3 Arts, Culture & CommunityThe Soul of the Community Recreation The area's southern climate is ideal for many activities including golf, swimming, tennis, softball, bike riding, running, walking or simply relaxing. The city's recreational department Arts manages 20 parks that include 18 children’s playgrounds, 11 In a fast-growing population of diverse cultures, Dothan picnic pavilions, one archery range, one disc golf course, four seizes the opportunity to educate, grow and expand on the fresh water lakes, a BMX bicycle race course, four outdoor universal affection for fine arts in every society. With The swimming pools, two indoor pools (one of which is a Cultural Arts Center, the Dothan Opera House, continuing therapeutic wellness pool) and a water park, one splash pad, expansion of the Wiregrass Museum of Art and Conference four recreation centers, 47 tennis courts including a 20-court Center, George Washington Carver Museum and the historical clay court complex built to professional standards, two football preservation of Dothan's early history through Landmark Park fields, one football stadium, a five-diamond softball complex, and The Downtown Group, the community's growth is reflected two state-of-the-art five-field baseball complexes for youth, one in its art, music and entertainment. state-of-the-art six-field baseball complex for youth and one Local, state and national artists have made Dothan and the state-of-the-art six-field softball complex for youth, six soccer surrounding area a focal point for their particular style of fields and an abundant number of additional playing areas for Arts, Culture & Community cultural art. Every year the community continues to provide art field team sports like soccer and football, one boardwalk, six and cultural experiences through the downtown mural program, walking trails and two bike trails, including Dothan’s 387-acre Southeast Alabama Community Theater, Southeast Alabama Forever Wild Trails which is part of the ongoing Alabama Dance Company, Music South Concert Series, Patti Rutland Forever Wild Land Trust, creating mountain biking and hiking Jazz Inc., the Dothan Area Botanical Gardens and more. trails throughout the state. 4 www.dothan.com The Rotary Miracle Field Complex houses the Miracle Field, which is designed for special needs athletes to be able to play on a rubber surface, and two Dixie Boys Baseball fields. There is also a Rotary Miracle Playground with a rubber surface nearby. Dothan also boasts a variety of golfing experiences with three large public courses, one private course and an array of small driving ranges. Hunting, fishing, bird watching or just the general enjoyment of the natural world can also be discovered in the region. Nearby lakes, rivers, public or private gardens, state and national parks, the Gulf of Mexico and other natural open areas will take ".5SBEJUJPOBM your breath away with their beauty, simplicity and managed care. Dothan businesses have found success in commercial avenues of recreation to ".$POUFNQPSBSZ include bowling alleys, indoor skating, miniature golf and various other recreational activities. Ultimately, Dothan has a variety of activities, both organized and individual, to meet the challenge of providing recreation to everyone. ".$PMMJEF Worship As diverse are the variety of people within this community, so too are the forms of $PWFOBOU JO"TIGPSE worship. Dothan is the home of more than 150 worship centers, providing various (DVW choices of faith. Over the years, the strength of our churches, synagogue, mosque and ".$POUFNQPSBSZ meeting centers have contributed to an abundance of civic and social organizations that shape our future and form strong community outreach. Sponsoring a range of community activities from youth camps, sporting leagues and scouting troops to singles groups, charitable organizations and handicap C 9IQV?\ZMM\ programs, Dothan's diverse worship centers are respected and appreciated as an 0W\PIV -8 invaluable part of the community. && ےۖނۘە݈۔۔VśǠǠƒŻǺߕ A rt s, C ul tu re & C o m m un ity 1ƖǏǖǠߕƴƖǠŻŴߕVŻǠƒƻŴƖǖǠߕƒǦǏŮƒߕ݇ߕośǏƩߕ࠻ߕVśƖƴߕyǠݏ ۗۗۗەݏەۛۙݏۖەەƻǏƋߕ݇ߕݏ1VƻǠƒśƴ 4 w Dothan Area Chamber of Commerce 5 Dothan:Growing New Business Dothan and the Wiregrass region are on the cusp of significant economic growth. This area works with business, Manufacturing government entities and citizens to Manufacturing and distribution centers are an integral part continually build a thriving regional of Dothan's sustained economic well-being. From sheet metal, tires and signs, to motors, steel fabrication, doors, frames, business network. boats and more, the region’s geographic location, climate, right-to-work legislation, tax base and quality labor force, all help create a profitable location for manufacturing and Agribusiness distribution. Grow Dothan, the economic development arm of the Dothan As individual countries become more dependent on outside Area Chamber of Commerce, supports relocating and sources of agriculture, the Dothan area and surrounding expanding industries with one-on-one assistance in securing counties continue to meet the challenge of providing quality state, regional and local incentives, workforce development products and resources to the world. The Dothan Area Chamber planning, determining suitable site and building locations and of Commerce embraces Dothan's “first industry” and continues providing community contacts to meet relocation and to assist in maintaining and creating new opportunities in the expansion needs. As partners in growth, Grow Dothan targets field of agriculture. various levels of industrial manufacturing and works diligently Diverse agricultural crops, livestock and poultry exported out to diversify and balance Dothan's manufacturing base. of the Wiregrass include cotton, peanuts, corn, soybeans, wheat, hay, pecans, beef cattle, dairy products, poultry, eggs, catfish Dothan's diverse business and industrial community continues and hogs. to shape the future through steady growth and stability.
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