Paul R. Fish Suzanne K. Fish CHAPTER 1. Introduction Malpai Borderlands Ecosystem Study crests. These patterns become increasingly summer- Area______________________________ dominant as they move eastward across the study area. Hydrologically, sustained surface water is patchy, oc- The Malpai Borderlands study area is in those por- curring in cienega locations on valley floors and spring tions of southeastern Arizona and southwestern New localities at the edges and in the mountain masses. Interior Mexico that have been biogeographically described as drainage in the San Luis and Playas Valleys create large the Madrean Archipelago (DeBano and others 1994: ephemeral lakes. 580). The area covers approximately 1,600 square miles Because of this biological diversity and because of of the Basin and Range Physiographic Province south intense historic human impacts on the landscape, Federal of the Rocky Mountains and north of the Sierra Madre and State land management agencies and local landowners Occidental (fig 1.1). Arbitrarily bounded on the south by are exploring use of the Malpai Borderlands as a natural the international border with Mexico, it includes large laboratory to develop a comprehensive program of eco- sections of the San Bernardino, San Luis, Animas, and system management. Proposed and ongoing research to Playas Valleys. support this management program includes long-term Low elevations range from about 1,220 m (4,000 ft) in studies of the ecosystem from population, community, the San Bernardino Valley basins to 1,525 m (5,000 ft) in and landscape perspectives and a focus on interactions the Animas Valley and to 1,370 m (4,500 ft) in the Playas between grasses and woody plants in relation to soils, Valley. Highest elevations in the Animas and Peloncillo climate, and human disturbance. From the onset, program Mountains are over 2,240 m (8,000 ft). These elevation research has emphasized invasion of woody plants into differences, combined with variation in climatic regime grassland environments and a resulting loss of ecosystem along the 120 km (75 miles) east-west width of the study diversity. area, create a region of considerable biological diver- The invasion of woody plants is variously attributed sity; in fact, this is one of the most biologically diverse to drought, overgrazing by livestock, and the suppres- regions in North America (DeBano and others 1994: sion of fire. Restoration of a “natural role” for fire, with 580). Within the study area, lowlands are characterized prescribed burns and changes in wildfire suppression by Sonoran Desert and thornscrub vegetation in the San practices, is seen as an appropriate management technique Bernardino Valley in the west, by Plains Grassland in the to counter invasion trends (Allen 1994: 386–388). The centrally positioned Animas Valley, and by Chihuahuan role of fire and its long-term effectiveness in ecosystem desertscrub and grassland in the Playas Valley (Brown management practices are a particular focus of Malpai and Lowe 1980). Mountain ranges support oak and Borderlands research goals. pine-oak woodlands, pine forests, and spruce-fir forests The purpose of this present book is twofold: first, to on the highest peaks. synthesize existing archaeological information about the Rainfall is highly correlated with elevation. Between Borderlands to provide a long-term background of chang- 250 and 350 mm (9.75 and 13.65 inches) falls on valley ing prehistoric environment due to climate and human floors and over 500 mm (19.50 inches) on the mountain impacts, including the use and suppression of fire; and USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-176. 2006 1 Figure 1.1. Major geographic features of the Malpai Borderlands study area. second, to develop a plan for continuing investigation fragmentary data from the Borderlands and reflect per- of these phenomena. spectives based on better understood cultural systems in other regional sectors. Borderlands Archaeological Context___ Local typological, chronological, and cultural se- quences are poorly developed for the Malpai Borderlands. The archaeological manifestations of the Malpai Instead, archaeologists typically have projected estab- Borderlands study area are intermediate between the lished schemes from adjacent cultures. Borderlands homelands of several better defined and relatively research invariably has been designed to address Casas well-studied archaeological cultures. To the northwest, Grandes, Mimbres, or Salado issues, and there has never the Hohokam represent a persistent cultural expression been a sustained, intensive investigative focus on locally throughout ceramic times. To the north and northeast, generated problems. Because the study area has not had before A.D. 1200, the Mimbres culture created dominant significant pressures from urban or agricultural develop- styles. Thereafter, archaeological cultures in a broadly ment with direct Federal and State involvement, cultural Mogollon tradition are represented by Salado and Casas resource management investigations have been limited to Grandes spheres, to the north and south, respectively. a few surveys, and high-quality, large-scale excavation Located between some of the more dramatic develop- programs have not been undertaken. ments in Southwest prehistory, the Malpai Borderlands have played a key role in regional synthesis and the Goals for This Overview_____________ development of interpretive constructs about frontiers (De Atley 1980), interaction spheres, political dominance Four objectives for this overview were defined by the (Di Peso 1974; Wilcox 1995), and short-term sedentism Coronado National Forest and the authors. First, we were with cycles of abandonment and migration (Nelson and to assemble and organize existing site information for the Anyon 1996; Nelson and LeBlanc 1986). These regional Malpai Borderlands study area. Second, a synthesis of models and related constructs necessarily incorporate study area culture history and ecology was to place local 2 USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-176. 2006 developments in a regional context and to serve as an and unfortunately could not integrate into this overview annotated bibliography to facilitate future investigations. in any systematic manner. Third, a model of prehistoric human impacts from the particular perspective of fire ecology was to be constructed Annotated Bibliography and Historical to frame questions for future research. Finally, a series Overview of recommendations and stages of investigation were to be identified to direct future archaeological research by We first prepared an annotated bibliography of ar- the Coronado National Forest and the Rocky Mountain chaeological literature directly bearing on the Malpai Research Station, USDA Forest Service. Borderlands study area and submitted it to the Coronado National Forest as a separate resource for its use. Although the bibliography is not included as an overview chapter, Project Methodology________________ a majority of the entries have been incorporated into text Introduction to Study Area Archaeology references for chapter 4. John Madsen reviews study area history in chapter 5 We gained insight into the archaeology and environ- and in appendix D. The review covers the colonial and ment of the Malpai Borderlands study area through a Mexican periods of study area land use and exploration to 3-day field trip in January 1996 led by Thomas O’Laughlin about A.D. 1850. Later ethnographic resources that pertain of the Jornada Anthropological Research Association, to Apache use of the study area are also incorporated. John Douglas of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Montana, and John Carpenter of the Records and Archival Compilations Department of Anthropology at the University of Arizona. The first day was devoted to the Animas Valley with stops During spring and summer 1995, site files and report at an early ceramic site, Maddocks Ruin, Cloverdale archives were consulted at the Arizona State Museum Ruin, and Paleoindian and Archaic sites along Cloverdale (including the records of the Gila Pueblo), Amerind Creek and at the edge of the Cloverdale Playa. We visited Foundation, Bureau of Land Management (San Simon and Joyce Well and Culberson Ruin on the second day and Las Cruces offices), University Museum at New Mexico then visited a large Animas-phase pueblo in the Carretas State University, School for American Research, and Basin in Chihuahua. The third day was devoted to Boss the Museum of New Mexico. Site and survey locations Ranch and other sites in the San Bernardino Valley. were plotted on USGS 7.5-minute topographic maps. Paul and Suzanne Fish made additional visits to the Copies of these maps have been provided to the Cultural study area in spring 1995 to gain additional familiarity Resource Management office of the Coronado National with the environment. Extended discussion with others Forest and are also on file at the Site File Office at the knowledgeable about Malpai Borderlands archaeology Arizona State Museum. included Curtis Schaafsma, Paul Minnis, Stephen Lekson, A database was developed from assembled site records Michael Foster, John Ravesloot, Michael Whalen, Jim that includes information on location, elevation, culture, Ayres, John Roney, Thomas Holcomb, and Diana Hadley. ownership, and architectural and artifactual character- These reconnaissance visits and interchanges with area istics. The database is appendix A of this report. An researchers provided insight and background to prepare
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