Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Wireless Sensor Network Protocols PANGUN PARK Doctoral Thesis Stockholm, Sweden 2011 KTH School of Electrical Engineering TRITA-EE 2011:001 Automatic Control Lab ISSN 1653-5146 SE-100 44 Stockholm ISBN 978-91-7415-836-6 SWEDEN Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av Kungliga Tekniska högskolan fram- lägges till offentlig granskning för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen i telekom- munikation tisdagen den 4 Mars 2011 klockan 10.15 i sal F3 Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, Lindstedtsvägen 26, Stockholm. © Pangun Park, January 2011. All rights reserved. Tryck: Universitetsservice US AB Abstract Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have a tremendous potential to improve the effi- ciency of many systems, for instance, in building automation and process control. Unfortunately, the current technology does not offer guaranteed energy efficiency and reliability for closed-loop stability. The main contribution of this thesis is to provide a modeling, analysis, and design framework for WSN protocols used in con- trol applications. The protocols are designed to minimize the energy consumption of the network, while meeting reliability and delay requirements from the application layer. The design relies on the analytical modeling of the protocol behavior. First, modeling of the slotted random access scheme of the IEEE 802.15.4 medium access control (MAC) is investigated. For this protocol, which is com- monly employed in WSN applications, a Markov chain model is used to derive the analytical expressions of reliability, delay, and energy consumption. By using this model, an adaptive IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol is proposed. The protocol design is based on a constrained optimization problem where the objective function is the energy consumption of the network, subject to constraints on reliability and packet delay. The protocol is implemented and experimentally evaluated on a test-bed. Ex- perimental results show that the proposed algorithm satisfies reliability and delay requirements while ensuring a longer lifetime of the network under both stationary and transient network conditions. Second, modeling and analysis of a hybrid IEEE 802.15.4 MAC combining the advantages of a random access with contention with a time division multiple access (TDMA) without contention are presented. A Markov chain is used to model the stochastic behavior of random access and the deterministic behavior of TDMA. The model is validated by both theoretical analysis and Monte Carlo simulations. Using this new model, the network performance in terms of reliability, average packet delay, average queueing delay, and throughput is evaluated. It is shown that the probability density function of the number of received packets per superframe follows a Poisson distribution. Furthermore, it is determined under which conditions the time slot allocation mechanism of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC is stable. Third, a new protocol for control applications, denoted Breath, is proposed where sensor nodes transmit information via multi-hop routing to a sink node. The protocol is based on the modeling of randomized routing, MAC, and duty-cycling. Analytical and experimental results show that Breath meets reliability and delay requirements while exhibiting a nearly uniform distribution of the work load. The Breath protocol has been implemented and experimentally evaluated on a test-bed. Finally, it is shown how the proposed WSN protocols can be used in control applications. A co-design between communication and control application layers is studied by considering a constrained optimization problem, for which the objective function is the energy consumption of the network and the constraints are the reliability and delay derived from the control cost. It is shown that the optimal traffic load when either the communication throughput or control cost are optimized is similar. Acknowledgements First of all I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Karl Henrik Johansson. I appreciate his guidance and support not only my research but also my life. After four years of his supervision, his impressive leadership becomes a big milestone in my life. I owe my gratitude to my co-supervisor Assistant Professor Carlo Fischione, who had many discussions and gave valuable comments on my research direction. I am indebted to the coauthors of several papers included in this thesis. The coauthors are Jose Araujo, Dr. Yassine Ariba, Dr. Alvise Bonivento, Dr. Corentin Briat, Tekn. Lic. Piergiuseppe Di Marco, Assistant Professor Sinem Coleri Er- gen, Professor Mikael Johansson, Assistant Professor Henrik Sandberg, Professor Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Dr. Pablo Soldati, and Associate Professor Em- manuel Witrant. A special thanks to Dr. Adam Dunkels and Professor Mikael Skoglund for being my reference group. I am very pleased with their productive comments for my research. I am also particularly grateful to Dr. Jim Weimer, who read and commented the thesis. I would like to thank to our research engineers and Master students, Aitor Hernandez, Yian Qin, and David Andreu who struggled to reduce the gap between theory and practice. I appreciate to all fellow Ph.D. students and professors at the Automatic Control Group, and to Karin Karlsson Eklund, for making the supportive work environment. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Piergiuseppe Di Marco for all the interesting discussions we had about research as well as our life in Lappis apartment. He is one of best people that I have ever met in my life since he is the most patient man even though I annoyed him in many times. Specially, he corrects my cooking time of the Italian pasta, 20 min. Now, I can survive. A special thanks to Pablo Soldati for being good counsellor of my life as well as good research colleague in front of white board. I would like to thank the energizer of our lab, Jose Araujo who is always enthusiastic and gives his energy to others. Thanks also to Chitrupa, Phoebus, Andre, Haibo, Assad, and all other people in the Automatic Control Lab. I will never forget a funny subset, Burak, Euhanna, and Zhenhua. In particular, I thank Euhanna who seated beside me and threw bad jokes btw 9am-10pm every day. Thanks to all the friends I met here in Sweden. I am grateful to Aram Anto for our jogging in Lappis even though that works only during the summer. I would like to remember my old friend, Ali Nazmi Özyagci with his ponytail hair. I must thank another old friend, Dae-Ho, wise advisor and good comedian even though he v vi Acknowledgements is bit talkative. A special memory for being my friends, Hyun-Sil and Seung-Yun. A great thank to my family in South Korea, for supporting me in all the time. Most of all I would like to thank my parents for their continuous presence, support and encouragement. I would like to thank H.J., who gave me third eye to look at other side of the world. I must express my friends, Chan-Woo, Sun-Wook, Jin-Ho, and Gi-Bum who gave me great pleasure in Korea. The research described in this thesis is supported by the EU project FeedNetBack, Swedish Research Council, Swedish Strategic Research Foundation, and Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems. Pangun Park Stockholm, January 2011. Contents Acknowledgements v Contents vii 1 Introduction 1 1.1MotivatingApplications....................... 2 1.2 WSN Challenges in Control Applications . 5 1.3ProblemFormulation......................... 9 1.4 Thesis Outline and Contributions . 12 2 Related Work 17 2.1MACandRouting.......................... 17 2.2 Overview of the IEEE 802.15.4 . 43 2.3NetworkedControlSystems..................... 47 3 Modeling and Optimization of Slotted IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol 51 3.1Motivation.............................. 52 3.2RelatedWork............................. 52 3.3OriginalContribution........................ 54 3.4AnalyticalModeling......................... 56 3.5Optimization............................. 71 3.6NumericalResults.......................... 73 3.7Summary............................... 83 4 Modeling and Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 Hybrid MAC Protocol 85 4.1Background.............................. 86 4.2RelatedWork............................. 86 4.3SystemModel............................. 87 4.4PerformanceAnalysisofCAP.................... 88 4.5 Performance Analysis of CFP . 97 4.6HybridMarkovChainModel.................... 102 4.7NumericalResults.......................... 107 4.8Summary............................... 112 vii viii Contents 5 Breath: an Adaptive Protocol for Control Applications 115 5.1SystemScenario........................... 116 5.2TheBreathProtocol......................... 117 5.3ProtocolOptimization........................ 120 5.4ModelingoftheProtocol....................... 121 5.5 Optimal Protocol Parameters . 130 5.6AdaptationMechanisms....................... 133 5.7 Fundamental Limits . 135 5.8ExperimentalImplementation.................... 135 5.9Summary............................... 143 6 Wireless Networked Control System Co-Design 145 6.1Motivation.............................. 145 6.2ProblemFormulation......................... 147 6.3 Wireless Medium Access Control Protocol . 148 6.4 Design of Estimator and Controller . 149 6.5 Co-Design Framework . 151 6.6IllustrativeExample......................... 156 6.7Summary............................... 157 7 Conclusions and Future Work 159 A Notation 163 A.1Symbols................................ 163 A.2Acronyms............................... 165 B Proof of Chapter 3 167 B.1ProofofLemma1 .......................... 167 C Proofs of
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