Station & trackStation closure &Track track between Maintenance closure Lake between work Merritt between Lake Merritt and FruitvaleConcordand means Fruitvale & Pleasant bus bridgemeans Hill/Contra forbus Costasome bridge Centre for someStations Dear BART Neighbor: Dear BART Neighbor: Buses will replace train service between certain Oakland stations on selected weekends between April and July as BART crews perform Buses will replace train service between certain Oaklandfour stations onweekends selected weekends between from April and 4/27/19 July as BART crews to perform 6/9/19 vital “Better BART” repairs to the equipment and tracks between Fruitvale and 19th Street stations. BART crews cannot complete these vital “Better BART” repairs to the equipment and tracks between Fruitvale and 19th Street stations. BART crews cannot complete these critical trackway repairs during the overnight hours when we are normally closed for maintenance, which is why we require this extra critical trackway repairs during the overnight hours when we are normally closed for maintenance, which is why we require this extra Deartime. BARTOnce Neighbor:the job is complete, you will experience a safer, quieter and more reliable ride. time. Once the job is complete, youBART will crews experience will be workinga safer, quieter four weekends and more from reliable April ride. 27, 2019 to June 9, 2019 on the trackway near the Concord Station. Crews LAKE MERRITT STATION WILL BE CLOSED LAKE MERRITT STATION WILLwill BE work CL OaroundSED the clock and require a track closure between the Concord and Pleasant Hill stations. This critical work will replace AC Transit will provide bus service on their local 18 (to downtown) and 1 bus routes (to Fruitvale) to and from the station. That AC Transit will provide bus service on their local 18 (to downtown) and 1 bus routes (to Fruitvale) to and from the station. That nearlyservice 50-year will be freeold trackfor customers and is made who possible show their by utilizingBART Ticket. voter-authorized Extra buses will Measure be provided RR funds. for tripsDuring between service Lake hours, Merritt free and busesFruitvale service will be free for customers who show their BART Ticket. Extra buses will be provided for trips between Lake Merritt and Fruitvale insteadstations. Youof trains can expect will 10-25carry additionalpassengers minutes between of travel those time. stations. stations. You can expect 10-25 additional minutes of travel time. BART’sBUSES maintenance BETWEEN FRUITVA team needsLE ANDfour weekend 19TH STREET closures STATION to replaceS PROVIDEDrail, ballast, vital BY ACelectrical TRAN andSIT train control equipment, upgrade BUSES BETWEEN FRUITVALE AND 19TH STREET STATIONS PROVIDED BY AC TRANSIT We will have a “bus bridge” during our normal service hours. The bus bridge will cause 20 to 40 minute delays for some customers We will have a “bus bridge” duringthe drainage our normal system service and hours. rehabilitate The bus the bridge platforms will cause of the 20 Concord to 40 minute Station. delays This time for periodsome customersextends from the last weekend of April (especially to OAK airport). There will be extra staff in our stations to assist you. Follow signs and listen to announcements for important (especially to OAK airport). Therethrough will be extrathe second staff in weekend our stations of June. to assist In addition you. Follow to lights signs at and night, listen neighborhoods to announcements near the for BARTimportant trackway can expect sounds of information. information. construction vehicles and the operation of heavy equipment during this maintenance period. Once the work is complete, neighbors TRAVEL TIPS TRAVEL TIPS should notice a drop in the noise level from trains, and BART passengers will experience a smoother, safer, and more reliable ride. • Consider using a station not affected by the bus bridge if you are able, like West Oakland or MacArthur. • Consider using a station not affected by the bus bridge if you are able, like West Oakland or MacArthur. • Lock your bike at our stations rather than bringing them on crowded buses. • Lock your bike at our stations Passengersrather than traveling bringing throughthem on Concord crowded or buses. Pleasant Hill stations will be required to leave their train and take a free bus provided by • Check www.bart.gov for the most up-to-date information about the closure. • Check www.bart.gov for the mostCounty up-to-date Connection information to the next about station the inclosure. their direction of travel. The bus bridge dates are April 27-28, May 11-12, MayFor additional 25-27, and information June 8-9. please contact: Richard Fuentes, Principal Representative, BART Government and Community For additional information please contact: Richard Fuentes, Principal Representative, BART Government and Community Relations at (510) 464-6883 or [email protected]. Relations at (510) 464-6883 Passengersor [email protected] traveling through. this area should add 20 minutes to their planned trip. Passengers traveling toward San Francisco, who typically park at Concord, North Concord, or Pittsburg/Bay Point stations, may choose to drive to the Pleasant Hill Station and park Dates* Dates* Track Work Time Track Work Time for free to avoid the busApril bridge. 8-9 The work should notFrom affect end the of servicerest of theFriday system. and all day Saturday and Sunday April 8-9 From end of service Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday If you have any questions,April 29-30 you may contact GovernmentFrom end and of service Community Friday and Relations all day Saturday Representative, and Sunday Ariel Mercado, April 29-30 From end of service Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday at (510) 287-4939 Mayor email 13-14 him at [email protected] end of service Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday May 13-14 From end of service Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday See Saturday andMay Sunday 27-29 service mapsFrom on reverseend of service side. Friday and all day Saturday, Sunday, and Monday May 27-29 From end of service Friday and all day Saturday, Sunday, and Monday If you need language assistanceJune services, 10-11 please call BART’s Transit InformationFrom end Center of atservice (510) 465-2278. Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday June 10-11Si necesita servicios de asistenciaFrom end de idioma, of service llame al centroFriday de andinformación all day de tránsito Saturday del BART and al (510)Sunday 465-2278. 如需語言援助服務,請致電July BART 1-2 公共交通資訊中心,電話號碼為From end (510) of service465-2278. Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday July 1-2 통역이 필요하시면, BARTFrom 수송 end 정보 of service 센터 (510) Friday 465-2278로 and all 전화해 day Saturday 주십시오. and Sunday Nếu quý vị cần các dịch vụ*D trợates giúp may ngôn be ngữ, subject xin gọi to cho change—the Trung Tâm mostThông current Tin Chuyên dates Chở will Công be Cộnglisted của at www.bart.gov.BART tại số (510) 465-2278. *Dates mayKung be kailangan subject mo to ang change—the tulong ng mga serbisyo most ngcurrent wika, paki dates tawagan will ang be BART listed Transit at Information www.bart.gov. Center na (510) 465-2278. PRSRT STD PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PAID OAKLAND, CA OAKLAND, CA PERMIT #2508 PERMIT #2508 ECR-WSS ECR-WSS POSTAL CUSTOMER POSTAL CUSTOMER BART TrackBARTBART TrackTrack MaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenance Notice NoticeNotice Aviso de mantenimientoAvisoAviso de de mantenimiento mantenimiento de las vías de deBARTde las las vías vías de de BART BART Tareas de mantenimiento de vías férreas entre las estaciones Concord and Pleasant Hill y Contra Costa Centre, cuatro fines de semana del 4/27/19 al 6/9/19 Estimado vecino de BART: Del 27 de abril de 2019 al 9 de junio de 2019, las cuadrillas de BART trabajarán durante cuatro fines de semana en las vías férreas cercanas a Concord Station. Las cuadrillas trabajarán durante las 24 horas y deberán cerrar el trayecto entre las estaciones Concord y Pleasant Hill. Esta crítica obra reemplazará vías férreas de casi 50 años de antigüedad, lo cual es posible gracias a los fondos de la Medida RR autorizada por los votantes. Durante las horas de servicio, los pasajeros que deban cubrir el trayecto entre esas estaciones serán trasladados por autobuses gratuitos. El equipo de mantenimiento de BART necesita que la vía esté cerrada durante cuatro fines de semana a fin de reemplazar vías, balasto, vitales equipos eléctricos y de control del tren, y para hacer mejoras en el sistema de drenaje y rehabilitar las plataformas de la estación Concord. Este período se extiende desde el último fin de semana de abril hasta el segundo fin de semana de junio. Además de que se verán luces por la noche, los vecindarios cercanos a las vías férreas de BART podrán esperar ruido de vehículos de construcción y la operación de maquinaria pesada durante este período de mantenimiento. Una vez que finalice el trabajo, los vecinos notarán un nivel de ruido reducido de los trenes, en tanto que los pasajeros de BART disfrutarán de un viaje más suave, más seguro y más confiable. Los clientes que pasen por las estaciones Concord o Pleasant Hill deberán bajar de los trenes para tomar autobuses gratuitos, suministrados por County Connection, que los transportarán hasta la siguiente estación en su dirección de viaje. Las fechas de estos transportes serán el 27 y 28 de abril, 11 y 12 de mayo, 25 al 27 de mayo y 8 y 9 de junio. Los clientes que viajen por esta zona deberán añadir 20 minutos a su tiempo estimado de viaje. Se recomienda a los pasajeros que viajan hacia San Francisco, y que típicamente se estacionan en las estaciones Concord, North Concord o Pittsburg/Bay Point, que manejen hasta la estación Pleasant Hill y se estacionen ahí gratuitamente, para evitar el transporte en autobuses.
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