RAMBOLL IN BRIEF • Independent engineering, management and design consultancy • Founded 1945 in Denmark • 12,800 experts • Close to 300 offices in 35 countries • Particularly strong presence in the Nordics, the UK, North America, Middle East and Asia- Pacific • Owned by Ramboll Foundation COPENHAGEN CLOUDBURST PLANS COPENHAGEN CASE DRIVERS AND PROCESS • Climate Plan, 2009 • Extreme cloudburst 15 August 2010 • Climate adaptation plan, 2011 Game July, 2011 - Copenhagen was hit by a destructive flood leaving 50,000 homes without heat for Game a week, resulting in over 90,000 insurance claims, and causing upwards of $1 billion in property ChangerChanger damage, transport delays, and production halts. COPENHAGEN CASE DRIVERS AND PROCESS • Climate plan KK, 2009 • Extreme cloudburst 15 August 2010 • Climate adaptation plan, 2011 • Extreme cloudbursts 2 July and 15 August 2011 • Cloudburst Management Plan 2012 • Specific projects 2014 -> Change of Thinking The cost of doing nothing creates losses of $60 million a year (City of Copenhagen). Let’s create robust solutions that add value and mitigate Cloudbursts. Existing Parking transforms into Plaza Parks are proven to increase property value 10-15% (Trust for Public Land). COPENHAGEN CLOUDBURST MANAGEMENT PLAN Long Term Goal: Max. 4 inches of water on the ground for a 100 year rain event Copenhagen Blue-Green surface solutions with reduced piping infrastructure - is proven to be more Cloudburst investment friendly than piped solutions and creates diverse direct and indirect benefits for Formula socio-economic conditions. alle challenges challeng llenges ch nges chal es ch cha lenge challen alle ges hallenges challenges ch s ch ges c nge n ges c allen al- challeng hall s lle en enges challenges challe ges challenges es challen en c a all s chall nges c ch ges ch ge ha ch h nge halle al- alle s c ll s s c alle nges ch nges ges challenges c nge h en ge e ch challe allenge cha allen hall s ch al ge llen ng es s c llen ch alle eng al len s cha cha le ng lenges challen hal ge s enges ch nges cha es len ge llenges hal lle chal ges ch len s ge hall lleng ch FLOODge s c s c MAINTENENCE,ha alle RETROg n s c llenges es al s c halle enge es c llenges cWATERhallenge ng es lle ge ges cha challenge cha - hal nges chall ng cha s challe es c a len allen s cha lle PROTECTIONleng hallIMPLEMENTATIONe challeng ngFITTINGe ch EXISTINGh ch al s ch enges challenges challe llen ng es chal nges c challenges QUALITY,es challen s ch al all s h ge s chall nges c ges es lenges challe ges ch all le en ge c en nge halle ch TRAFFIC alle eSPACEn ng ge len es ll alle nges al- HYDRAULICS nge ge es s cha chal ng ha ch cha s c s c ch llenges lle s c es llen MOBILITY hal h all cha ge ng ge len alle enges challenges en lle s ge ng hall ha s c es ch es c es c hal allenges challeng eng Copenhagen Municipality Copenhagen Municipality leng hall es chal nges c WATER UTILITIES PARKS & NATURE lenges challe Planning, Design LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Fredricksberg Municipality Fredricksberg Municipality Fredricksberg Municipality ROAD MAINTENANCE WATER UTILITIES Hydraulics, Water, Traffic PARKS & NATURE ENGINEERS Fredricksberg Municipality TRAFFIC Copenhagen Municipality ROAD MAINTENANCE Water, Sewer, Electric Copenhagen Municipality PUBLIC UTILITIES URBAN PLANNING WORKSHOPS WITH Fredricksberg Municipality Copenhagen Municipality TWO MUNICIPALITIES URBAN PLANNING TRAFFIC + HYDRAULIC/URBAN STRUCTURE ANALYSISpowerment empowermFINAL DOCUMENT + CONCRETIZATION PLANS FOR em ent em ent PROCESS POLITICALp oAPPROVALw TEST PILOT PROJECTS erm ent empo mpowerment em erm ow werm werm e pow ent ACTIONp + po ent erm em em em owerment emp em empowerment empow e p IMPLEMENTATIONnt t emp owerm po erm nt ow me en ent ent we owerment empowe en em erm er mAPPLICATIONrm OF r- CLOUDBURSTS em2011p 2012rment e 2012t em 2012-2014p en 2013-2014 2013-2015pow r e nt mpow p o t em t em COPENHAGENe ow rme FORMULA ent empowermen erm ow w powe ermen ow p we powerm t empo en e er rment empow p mIN OTHERpo GLOBAL CITIES em werm t e r m em e m nt wermen en m m en nt nt t e(NEW YORK, STOCKHOLM) rme nt empo t empow t em po en t empowerme e en AUG. 2010,we JULYr me MASTERPLAN OPTIONSerm + po w t e QUALIFICATIONerm rm o owe rment em ent e weEXPERTr erm REVIEW, PUBLICmpo pow we emp em AND mAUGUSTp p 2011 powe SOCIO-ECONOMICpower COST- mp - en werment em OF PROJECTS,po ower p t e em t em men owCONSULTATION,t e WORKSHOPSm t em 2016-FUTURE men ow en t en ent empow t e er- powe rmen empowerment emp t e er rm en rm werm BENEFITerm ANALYSISe mp rment empowe FINANCING OPTIONS ow mp me em owe rm e po nt e ow erm o n powe emp we ow em m er- en we t em rment empowerment po p nt pow t e rm pow nt em em e The Copenhagen Formula adapts to einterdisciplinaryr- approaches - away from siloist, isolated mp en erment empowerme ent rm o t em erm we Public-Private thinking. A common vision aligned engineers, hydraulic experts, GIS, information technologits, we powerment empow po rmen nt em Collaboration architects and planners, biologists, economists, communication specialists, and landscape t empowerme architects with the local municipality. Highest Risk Catchment as Pilot Project Flood Risk Mapping Legend Catchments Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk Risk-Analysis in proximity to Sankt Joergens Lake Red Catchments are highest at risk to flooding and sea surges Poul HenninHeennine ngg Digital Terrain Model - Slope L Watershed Catchments, Sub-CatchmentsVibenhusbbenhuus RunddeRunddel Fælledparkenælledparælledparkrkenrkke Ørnevej Nattergalevej Mågevej Genforeningspladsens Idrætsanlæg Bispebjerg Gandhis Plæne Nørrebrogade Hillerødgade Bispeengbuen Nørrebroparken Simeonsmeeons Kirke PladsPlad Grøndals Parken Borups Alle Lundtoftegade L Nørrebros Runddel Assistens Kirkegården s SøenS Stefansgade damsdam S SortedamsSortedam Søen Ågadeparken L Nordre Fasanvej Nouks Plads GodthåbsvejGoG Rantzausgade BotaniskhaveBotaniskhavB khavavee Blågårds Plads Aksel Møllers Have Åboulevard Peblinge Sø FrederiksbergF uni Julius Thomsens Plads Fasanvejsa Solbjergplads KU Bülowsvej uni H.C. Ørstedsparken Frederiksberg Forum CBS Landbohøjskolens Have uni KU Danas Plads uni Frederiksberg Rådhus SKT. Jørgens Sø Svineryggen Vodroffsvej H.C. Ørsteds vej FRB. Søpark Gammel Kongevej FRB. Runddel Frederiksberg have Frederiksberg Alle Vesterbrotorv FRB. Allé zoo Gasværksvej Halmtorvet Frederiksbergslot Hovbedbanegårdenårdenårdeår Vesterbrogade Vega Halmtorvet SSøndermarken Karmas Have Istedgade Skelbæksgade Vesterbro Enghavevej Flæsketorvet Litauens Plads Carl Jacobsens Enghaveparken Enghave Plads Dybbølsgade Have Dybbølsbro L Carlsberg Sønder Boulevard Københavns Havn J.C. Jacobsens Have Sub-Catchments and Risk Attributed EnghaveEnghaavea Waterway Courses through Copenhagen Social Corridors and Mobility Network to Flooding Potential Planning must be Collaborative The Lådegåds-Åen catchment was selected as a prototypical test area due to its high risk Analysis-Based to flooding and sea surges. Comprehensive site analysis led to establishing the Copenhagen Solutions Cloudburst Formula, a Cloudburst Toolkit, and a community engagement platform. Potential Cloudburst Corridors Main Traffic and Commercial Arteries Potential Blue-Green Corridors Street Tram Metro Planned Metro Planned Light Rail Detailed Analysis shows the complexity involved in determining areas most at risk to flooding and potential catalyst sites that can serve as test project areas Common Within the Lådegåds-Åen catchment, a system of Cloudburst boulevards follow the ‘fingers’ of the existing river network, identifying opportunities for investment along green corridors where surface Vision solutions ensure mitigation is visible, interactive. Payback = a vibrant, liveable city. Cloudburst Road Detention Green Street Street Cloudburst roads are used to Detention streets Green streets are channel and direct cloudburst are streets that are proposed as water. These streets can be typically located upstream conections formed with a unique slightly upstream of to all Cloudburst V-shaped profile and raised vulnerable low- roads. The green kerbs to ensure water will flow points. In these streets should be in the middle of the road, away streets there should established with a from the buildings - contra- be a detention combination of small- ry to standard engineering volume established scale channels and practice. Channels and swales to handle stormwater planters can be established along road stormwater before or permeable paving. edges so that water runs in reaching the more Stormwater should urban rivers or green strips. vulnerable points be collected, delayed Cloudburst roads may also be downstream. and then channeled combined with Cloudburst towards the piping below the surface to Cloudburst roads. create tool synergies. Central Retention Area Cloudburst Pipe Central retention areas are A Cloudburst pipe proposed in the squares and handles rainwater in parks where it is possible to delay the same way as stormwater, so that Cloudburst Cloudburst roads. roads can be established in smaller This is placed just dimensions. The central retention below street level to elements can be, for example, open ensure connection to depressions in the parkland or other surface lowered seating areas. solutions. This solution Alternatively, they can be is used if there is no established as underground useable space for storage such as soak-away crates aboveground solutions. or rain gardens. Central retention elements will typically be placed in connection with adjacent Cloudburst roads. Evaluating While two options were created, Masterplan Option 1 results in higher quality open spaces, lower Development investment costs, and more flexible flood mitigation solutions. Blue-Green tools (shown above) Options combine with Cloudburst piping and the existing city infrastructure network. Based on the Pilot Project results, eight Urban Intervention Tools were developed to mitigate Cloudburst streets, parks, and plazas. The Cloudburst Toolkit combines hydraulic engineering (Grey Toolkit Solutions) with Blue-Green Solutions to establish a model for universally-applicable Cloudburst mitigation tools.
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