Lowestoft - Kessingland - Southwold 99 Monday to Friday (Except Bank Holidays) Saturday Operator FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS Lowestoft, Bus Station (Stand 7) 0710 0735 0815 0850 0900 0925 0950 1010 then 10 30 50 until 1250 1310 1340 1410 1440 1510 then 10 40 until 1740 0730 0750 Lowestoft, Railway Station (opp) 0711 0736 0816 0851 0901 0926 0951 1011at 11 31 51 1251 1311 1341 1411 1441 1511at 11 41 1741 0731 0751 Lowestoft, Claremont Pier (o/s) 0715 0740 0820 0855 0905 0930 0955 1015these 15 35 55 1255 1315 1345 1415 1445 1515these 15 45 1745 0735 0755 Pakefield, Tramway Hotel (adj) 0720 0745 0825 0900 0910 0935 1000 1020mins 20 40 00 1300 1320 1350 1420 1450 1520mins 20 50 1750 0740 0800 Pakefield, Morrisons (opp) 0725 0750 0830 0905 0915 0940 1005 1025past 25 45 05 1305 1325 1355 1425 1455 1525past 25 55 1755 0745 0805 Pakefield, Holiday Village (o/s) 0727 0752 0832 0907 0917 0942 1007 1027each 27 47 07 1307 1327 1357 1427 1457 1527each 27 57 1757 0747 0807 Kessingland, St Edmunds Crescent (adj) 0730 0910 1010 hour 10 1310 1430 1500 1530hour 30 0810 more Kessingland, Beaconsfield Road (adj) 0732 0912 1012 12 1312 1432 1502 1532 32 0812 trips Kessingland, Suffolk Wildlife Park (adj) 0735 0915 1015 15 1315 1435 1505 1535 35 0815 below Kessingland, Suffolk Wildlife Park (opp) 0757 0837 0922 0947 1032 32 52 1332 1402 02 1802 0752 Wrentham, Palmers Lane (o/s) 0740 0920 1020 20 1320 1440 1540 40 0820 Reydon, Seaview Road (adj) 0748 0928 1028 28 1328 1448 1548 48 0828 Southwold, Kings Head 0750 0930 1030 30 1330 1450 1550 50 0830 Southwold, Pier (o/s) 0755 0935 1035 35 1335 1455 1555 55 0835 Saturday Sunday Operator FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS Lowestoft, Bus Station (Stand 7) 0810 then 10 30 50 until 1250 1310 1330 1350 1410 then 10 30 50 until 1650 1710 1740 0840 then 40 until 1140 Lowestoft, Railway Station (opp) 0811at 11 31 51 1251 1311 1331 1351 1411at 11 31 51 1651 1711 1741 0841at 41 1141 Lowestoft, Claremont Pier (o/s) 0815these 15 35 55 1255 1315 1335 1355 1415these 15 35 55 1655 1715 1745 0845these 45 1145 Pakefield, Tramway Hotel (adj) 0820mins 20 40 00 1300 1320 1340 1400 1420mins 20 40 00 1700 1720 1750 0850mins 50 1150 Pakefield, Morrisons (opp) 0825past 25 45 05 1305 1325 1345 1405 1425past 25 45 05 1705 1725 1755 0855past 55 1155 Pakefield, Holiday Village (o/s) 0827each 27 47 07 1307 1327 1347 1407 1427each 27 47 07 1707 1727 1757 0857each 57 1157 Kessingland, St Edmunds Crescent (adj) hour 10 1310 1430hour 30 1730 0900hour 00 1200 more Kessingland, Beaconsfield Road (adj) 12 1312 1432 32 1732 0902 02 1202 trips Kessingland, Suffolk Wildlife Park (adj) 15 1315 1435 35 1735 0905 05 1205 below Kessingland, Suffolk Wildlife Park (opp) 0832 32 52 1332 1352 1412 52 12 1712 1802 Wrentham, Palmers Lane (o/s) 20 1320 1440 40 1740 0910 10 1210 Reydon, Seaview Road (adj) 28 1328 1448 48 1748 0918 18 1218 Southwold, Kings Head 30 1330 1450 50 1750 0920 20 1220 Southwold, Pier (o/s) 35 1335 1455 55 1755 0925 25 1225 OPERATORS FNS First in Norfolk & Suffolk 03456 020 121 Suffolk 24/07/2016 24 Lowestoft - Kessingland - Southwold 99 Sunday Operator FNS FNS FNS Lowestoft, Bus Station (Stand 7) 1340 then 40 until 1640 Lowestoft, Railway Station (opp) 1341at 41 1641 Lowestoft, Claremont Pier (o/s) 1345these 45 1645 Pakefield, Tramway Hotel (adj) 1350mins 50 1650 Pakefield, Morrisons (opp) 1355past 55 1655 Pakefield, Holiday Village (o/s) 1357each 57 1657 Kessingland, St Edmunds Crescent (adj) 1400hour 00 1700 Kessingland, Beaconsfield Road (adj) 1402 02 1702 Kessingland, Suffolk Wildlife Park (adj) 1405 05 1705 Wrentham, Palmers Lane (o/s) 1410 10 1710 Reydon, Seaview Road (adj) 1418 18 1718 Southwold, Kings Head 1420 20 1720 Southwold, Pier (o/s) 1425 25 1725 OPERATORS FNS First in Norfolk & Suffolk 03456 020 121 Suffolk 24/07/2016 25 Southwold - Kessingland - Lowestoft 99 Monday to Friday (Except Bank Holidays) Saturday Operator FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS Southwold, Pier (nr) 0720 0800 0955 then 55 until 1255 1415 1515 then 15 until 1815 0755 Southwold, Kings Head 0725 0805 1000 at 00 1300 1420 1520 at 20 1820 0800 Reydon, Seaview Road (opp) 0727 0807 1002 these 02 1302 1422 1522 these 22 1822 0802 Wrentham, Palmers Lane (opp) 0734 0814 1009 mins 09 1309 1429 1529 mins 29 1829 0809 Kessingland, Suffolk Wildlife Park (opp) 0740 0800 0820 0840 0925 0950 1015 1035past 35 55 15 1315 1335 1405 1435 1535 1605past 05 35 1835 0755 0815 Kessingland, Beaconsfield Road (opp) 0743 0803 0823 0843 0928 0953 1018 1038each 38 58 18 1318 1338 1408 1438 1538 1608each 08 38 1838 0758 0818 Kessingland, St Edmunds Crescent (opp) 0745 0805 0825 0845 0930 0955 1020 1040hour 40 00 20 1320 1340 1410 1440 1540 1610hour 10 40 1840 0800 0820 more Pakefield, Holiday Village (opp) 0748 0808 0828 0848 0933 0958 1023 1043 43 03 23 1323 1343 1413 1443 1543 1613 13 43 1843 0803 0823 trips Pakefield, Morrisons (adj) 0750 0810 0830 0850 0935 1000 1025 1045 45 05 25 1325 1345 1415 1445 1545 1615 15 45 1845 0805 0825 below Pakefield, Tramway Hotel (opp) 0755 0815 0835 0855 0940 1005 1030 1050 50 10 30 1330 1350 1420 1450 1550 1620 20 50 1850 0810 0830 Lowestoft, Asda (NE-bound) 0758 0818 0838 0858 0943 1008 1033 1053 53 13 33 1333 1353 1423 1453 1553 1623 23 53 1853 0813 0833 Lowestoft, Railway Station (adj) 0802 0822 0842 0902 0947 1012 1037 1057 57 17 37 1337 1357 1427 1457 1557 1627 27 57 1857 0817 0837 Lowestoft, Bus Station (Stand 7) 0810 0830 0850 0910 0953 1018 1043 1103 03 23 43 1343 1403 1433 1503 1603 1633 33 03 1903 0823 0843 Saturday Sunday Operator FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS FNS Southwold, Pier (nr) then 55 until 1255 then 15 until 1715 1815 0945 then 45 until 1245 Southwold, Kings Head at 00 1300 at 20 1720 1820 0950at 50 1250 Reydon, Seaview Road (opp) these 02 1302 these 22 1722 1822 0952these 52 1252 Wrentham, Palmers Lane (opp) mins 09 1309 mins 29 1729 1829 0959mins 59 1259 Kessingland, Suffolk Wildlife Park (opp) 0835past 35 55 15 1315 1335 1355 1415past 15 35 55 1655 1715 1735 1805 1835 1005past 05 1305 Kessingland, Beaconsfield Road (opp) 0838each 38 58 18 1318 1338 1358 1418each 18 38 58 1658 1718 1738 1808 1838 1008each 08 1308 Kessingland, St Edmunds Crescent (opp) 0840hour 40 00 20 1320 1340 1400 1420hour 20 40 00 1700 1720 1740 1810 1840 1010hour 10 1310 more Pakefield, Holiday Village (opp) 0843 43 03 23 1323 1343 1403 1423 23 43 03 1703 1723 1743 1813 1843 1013 13 1313 trips Pakefield, Morrisons (adj) 0845 45 05 25 1325 1345 1405 1425 25 45 05 1705 1725 1745 1815 1845 1015 15 1315 below Pakefield, Tramway Hotel (opp) 0850 50 10 30 1330 1350 1410 1430 30 50 10 1710 1730 1750 1820 1850 1020 20 1320 Lowestoft, Asda (NE-bound) 0853 53 13 33 1333 1353 1413 1433 33 53 13 1713 1733 1753 1823 1853 1023 23 1323 Lowestoft, Railway Station (adj) 0857 57 17 37 1337 1357 1417 1437 37 57 17 1717 1737 1757 1827 1857 1027 27 1327 Lowestoft, Bus Station (Stand 7) 0903 03 23 43 1343 1403 1423 1443 43 03 23 1723 1743 1803 1833 1903 1033 33 1333 OPERATORS FNS First in Norfolk & Suffolk 03456 020 121 Suffolk 24/07/2016 26 Southwold - Kessingland - Lowestoft 99 Sunday Operator FNS FNS FNS Southwold, Pier (nr) 1445 then 45 until 1745 Southwold, Kings Head 1450at 50 1750 Reydon, Seaview Road (opp) 1452these 52 1752 Wrentham, Palmers Lane (opp) 1459mins 59 1759 Kessingland, Suffolk Wildlife Park (opp) 1505past 05 1805 Kessingland, Beaconsfield Road (opp) 1508each 08 1808 Kessingland, St Edmunds Crescent (opp) 1510hour 10 1810 Pakefield, Holiday Village (opp) 1513 13 1813 Pakefield, Morrisons (adj) 1515 15 1815 Pakefield, Tramway Hotel (opp) 1520 20 1820 Lowestoft, Asda (NE-bound) 1523 23 1823 Lowestoft, Railway Station (adj) 1527 27 1827 Lowestoft, Bus Station (Stand 7) 1533 33 1833 OPERATORS FNS First in Norfolk & Suffolk 03456 020 121 Suffolk 24/07/2016 27.
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