FRONT PAGE A1FRONT PAGE A1 Buffaloes defeat Grantsville in volleyball See B1 TOOELETRANSCRIPT SERVING TOOELE COUNTY BULLETIN SINCE 1894 THURSDAY August 31, 2017 www.TooeleOnline.com Vol. 124 No. 27 $1.00 Man arrested after series of suspicious fires STEVE HOWE a small grass fire in the area cers were called back to the booked into the Tooele County School on reports the play- according to the Tooele City STAFF WRITER of 70 W. Drysdale at approxi- area for a second fire, similar Detention Center for aggra- ground was on fire on June police release. Tooele City police arrested mately 3 a.m. on Wednesday, in size to the initial blaze, vated arson. 1. The playground equipment On Aug. 21, officers a suspect in an arson case according to a release from police said. The fires Wednesday morn- suffered extensive damage and responded to a small grass fire Wednesday but are looking Tooele City police. Utility boxes A citizen notified police of ing follow a number of sus- had to be replaced. at Peterson Industrial Depot. for the public’s help in solving in the field were damaged in suspicious activity in the area picious fires in Tooele City Witnesses told police a gray Within 20 minutes, two addi- previous arsons in the city this addition to a small area of the and officers arrested Bryce throughout the summer. pickup truck with several tional fires were reported in summer. field. Lloyd, 23, of Tooele, in con- Tooele City police were occupants was seen leaving Officers were notified of About one hour later, offi- nection with the fires. He was called to Overlake Elementary the area after the fire started, SEE FIRES PAGE A7 ➤ Hot temps, dry fuel, gusty winds spark series of local wildfires STEVE HOWE 1,278 with 40 percent contain- STAFF WRITER ment. A series of wildfires in Walton said fire crews used Tooele County in the past cou- a bulldozer to create a fire ple of days serve as a reminder break and used engines to sup- there are still dangerous fire press the flames. Since it did conditions, according to Tooele not threaten structures, crews County Fire Warden Daniel allowed the fire to burn itself Walton. out in some areas due to lack A fire in Skull Valley west of of fuel. Terra was sparked by lightning Fire crews from the BLM, around 7 p.m. on Tuesday and state Division of Forestry, Fire quickly spread to more than and State Lands and Terra Fire 1,000 acres, Walton said. The Department battled the blaze, fire didn’t threaten any struc- according to Walton. Terra Fire tures and occurred mostly on Department handled the initial Bureau of Land Management property, burning to a peak of SEE WILDFIRES PAGE A5 ➤ Life’s Worth Living takes its suicide THS assistant prevention message to Wendover TIM GILLIE Gossett. STAFF WRITER “The walk was designed to gain coach arrested in Jon Gossett went to Wendover awareness for suicide, the foun- on Wednesday. But this time he dation’s programs, and to bring drove instead of walked. resources to Wendover, while rais- Gossett is the founder and ing funds for the foundation,” he prostitution sting president of Life’s Worth Living said. Foundation, a Tooele County- At the conclusion of the walk, based non-profit organization that Gossett held a rally in a hangar at STEVE HOWE week-long prostitution sting to provides suicide awareness, pre- Wendover Historic Airfield. STAFF WRITER disrupt clients soliciting pros- vention and education. Mike Crawford, mayor of An assistant Tooele High titutes, according to a depart- In April, he led a 100-mile Wendover, Utah, and Daniel School football coach will be ment release. Patronizing a “Walk to Wendover” to draw atten- Corona, mayor of West Wendover, terminated by the school dis- prostitute is a Class A misde- tion to suicide prevention efforts Nevada, attended the rally. trict next week after he was meanor and carries a fine of up in the county. Both mayors accepted Gossett’s arrested for patronizing a pros- to $2,500 and one year in jail. Prior to the walk, Gossett said invitation to bring the foundation’s titute in Salt Lake City. Following his arrest last he wanted to make sure everybody awareness and prevention training Mark Lyne Jackson, 39, of Wednesday, Jackson self- knows about the foundation’s to their communities. Tooele, was arrested by Salt reported the incident to the FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO suicide prevention and awareness When Gossett went to Lake City police for patronizing Tooele County School District Barbara Bradley (top) listens to a class on suicide preven- efforts, from one end of the county Wendover on Wednesday, this time a prostitute and booked into the next day, according to tion training in West Wendover on Wednesday. Taryn to the other. he drove his car and brought with the Salt Lake County Jail on Marie Denson, the school Aiken Hiatt (above), Utah and Nevada director of the The county had lost five resi- him Taryn Hiatt, director for the Aug. 23. district’s communications American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, speaks with dents to death by suicide in the Nevada/Utah area of the American The Salt Lake City Police training attendees. The training was hosted by Life’s Worth three weeks that preceded the Department was conducting a SEE COACH PAGE A5 ➤ Living Foundation. Walk to Wendover, according to SEE MESSAGE PAGE A5 ➤ SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE UV INDEX The Sun Rise Set FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Man-made meddling contributed Friday 6:56 a.m. 8:01 p.m. Saturday 6:57 a.m. 7:59 p.m. Sunday 6:58 a.m. 7:58 p.m. Monday 6:59 a.m. 7:56 p.m. Tuesday 7:00 a.m. 7:55 p.m. Wednesday 7:01 a.m. 7:53 p.m. to changing lake’s ecosystem F Sa Su M Tu W Th Thursday 7:02 a.m. 7:51 p.m. The higher the AccuWeather.com UV Index™ The Moon Rise Set number, the greater the need for eye and skin Friday 5:15 p.m. 2:26 a.m. protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Editor’s note: This is the second of a planted two years ago, the system his focus is on striking a balance Saturday 5:58 p.m. 3:18 a.m. Very High; 11+ Extreme three-part series that explores the his- can be fragile, according to Stansbury between aesthetics and the health of Sunday 6:39 p.m. 4:13 a.m. tory, ecology and future of Stansbury Park Service Agency Manager Randall the lake. Monday 7:16 p.m. 5:12 a.m. ALMANAC Tuesday 7:51 p.m. 6:14 a.m. Statistics for the week ending August 30. Lake. Flynn. He has worked with the lake The biggest challenges for Pleasant with plenty Very warm with plenty Remaining very warm Sunshine mixing with Wednesday 8:24 p.m. 7:17 a.m. Sunny and very warm Sunny Plenty of sunshine Temperatures for more than 20 years and has seen Stansbury Lake are nutrient pollution Thursday 8:57 p.m. 8:22 a.m. of sun of sunshine with clouds and sun clouds High/Low past week 94/58 STEVE HOWE the impact of human meddling first- and dissolved solids, which is the salt Full Last New First Normal high/low past week 87/61 STAFF WRITER hand. content in a body of water, according 87 63 91 66 91 66 91 65 89 66 89 63 87 64 Average temp past week 77.2 Normal average temp past week 74.3 Stansbury Lake is a living eco- “Any time you mess with an eco- to Jake Vander Laan, lake assessment TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Daily Temperatures High Low system, from the water insects and logical system, there’s a domino coordinator for the Utah Division of Sep 6 Sep 13 Sep 19 Sep 27 Shown is Friday’s weather. crawfish living in the bottom to the effect,” Flynn said. Water Quality. ©2017; forecasts and graphics Temperatures are Friday’s pelicans fishing near its surface. While some residents have become Flynn said Stansbury Lake strug- provided by highs and Friday night’s DAVID BERN/TTB FILE PHOTO While the lake exhibits a diversity frustrated with unsightly weeds and lows. In April 2015, Charlie Wallace of Wallace Fish Farm, Allen, Kansas, planted 15,000 catfish, of life, including thousands of fish algae blooms on the lake, Flynn said SEE ECOSYSTEM PAGE A7 ➤ Download our app today bluegill, bass and crappie in Stansbury Lake. UTAH WEATHER Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Logan BULLETIN BOARD B5 Grouse 90/51 Wendover PrecipitationINSIDE (in inches) Creek 90/64 Knolls Clive WEATHER Lake Point CLASSIFIEDS C6 85/57 92/65 92/66 88/67 Ogden Stansbury Park Older sister Stallions, Cowboys HOMETOWN B2 89/62 Erda 89/66 OBITUARIES A6 Vernal Grantsville 88/65 Pine Canyon donates kidney to clash tonight in Salt Lake City 89/52 90/66 73/59 0.05 0.23 0.51 0.88 14.06 13.23 KID SCOOP B8 Tooele 91/66 Bauer save younger sister football 87/63 Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal 88/64 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D SPORTS B1 Provo Roosevelt 87/63 See B2 See B1 87/57 88/57 See Stockton Pollen Index Price complete 88/64 87/57 High Nephi forecast Rush Valley 89/60 88/63 Ophir Moderate on B4 81/59 Low Delta Manti Absent 90/61 87/56 Green River Th F Sa Su M Tu W 96/63 Dugway Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Richfield Gold Hill 90/63 87/56 Moab 85/60 RIVERS AND LAKES Hanksville 93/63 Beaver 91/62 Vernon In feet as of 7 a.m.
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