$ ! % + % ' ! )% % ) % ( % + % ' " + % ' % % * % ' '% %+ ( %% % &#' " ! ### " # " " ! $ " TUESDAY NOV. 2 2010 VOL.6 Nº145 Max. 13 Min. 7 Recycle me Catch up OMG, BIEBER’S on the PHOTO SCANDAL P10 Canucks P20 PHOTO MATT KIELTYKA TWO YEARS TOO LATE VANCOUVER › The B.C. Liberals are under fire aer Health Minister Kevin Falcon and Children and Family Development Minister Mary Polak announced a new mental health and substance abuse strategy two years aer the old one expired. P5 LIFESTYLE TRAVEL Play a Visit New York a smart second time P19 game P16 Visiting New York City On guard for a second time Sarah Rowland talks but already seen about the pitfalls of all the sights? delivering an Hey, it’s the Big for women ultimatum to your Apple and there significant other in is no shortage DTES WOMEN THE FOCUS OF VANCOUVER the heat of the of things to moment. It’s not a see and do on P3 POLICE’S PROJECT GUARDIAN smart idea to say a second trip “My way or the to the east highway”. coast. 02/2" 2 ÊißiÊ nÇÇ°xx£°ÓäÓä U ,9-° " .& "**+ $$!"&$.+"0-"'&+ *."+ -3-"'& & &.& .*-' $- ++ '&' ? '$%=8 '$%=8 #&=7 '7 4 7@'8 4 ? '$%=8 7.+ 7.+ 4=C8 8?-F =C8 8 ',*@ 7.+ 7.+ .+ *.8 =. 8@7!,$ %3 4=C8 8/-F 4=C8 8/F: %" 7.+ 4=C8 8?9F ** '7 9&,'$%= 7@'8 7.@,=7'0 7.+ "-'*" ? '$%=8 #&=7 7.+ '+ '+ 9 '$%=8 #&=7 7.+ 33 A'8'=',$ @7=. **7= E=*, , . =C8 8 ',*@ .*-' $$*- 7.+ 4=C8 8?9# , @8 0*@8 ? ,'$%=8 8 $8 .+ .+ *.8 =. '=.7'68 4=C8 8?9> ., =% =7'03 ,,7 7.@73 3& "0"* 9 '$%=8 #&=7 7.+ ' & .+ 7.+ 4=C8 8?9# 4=C8 8?9> .& #+ )' 0'* *."++ .&- & 9 '$%=8 #&=7 7.+ :'$%=84)'888 7.+ '&'$.$. 7.+ 4=C8 8>?? 4=C8 8:" 4=C8 8//F #&8=7.+',=%%7=. @,)8 4-$& 9 '$%=8 "&=7 7.+ +-*& *"& '**$ B'=% #&D *' = =')=83 .&- & 7.+ 4=C8 8?-F 9&'$%= 7@'8 4=C8 8>?? 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'* '- $+) 2- -' $" -&-*) "+"- .+ "& +-'*) '$5'$1 ))!;, : $'780, 0 '$!; )01 0 )0 )01'$ '0 0570$ 508! 7$!11 '5091 155, 071 5'70 0! '5! )01 0 )0 )01'$ 1 '$ '7! '7)$; '0 5'5! !$5 ' 15; 7$!11 '5091 155, !!$!718 85'$1 $!7 0, 01 0 '0 1!5 )0570 51 $ 0 705 $ 175 5' 8!!5; 5 8051$ !$ 00'01 $ '#11'$1 :)5 $ 175 5' $, :1 1 $!7 50$1)'055'$ 0!5 1 3 $ 7! 17))!#$51 $ 0 ))0':#5 $ 175 5' $, " 0 )0 )01'$ '0 -7 '7)$; *6 7!51 6 !0$ 1 6(2+, 9!! 5 $; 9055$ -7'5 00 ; ( $ 8;'76<8'70'07570508!,.!;0/'0))!1 '$!;90!!.'9150070$5/0500#575!5$50 '1 $'5 5 -7'5 )0, 5'$! #)'05$5 '$5'$1 ))!;, '0 7!! 50#1 $ '$5'$1 815 999,!5$50,3!'9150070$5!;0, & 62%< TUESDAY NOVEMBER 2 2010 › NEWS 3 It’s now been nine years since the minimum wage was frozen in B.C. In The Davies Commission of Inquiry into the death of Frank Paul resumes Wednesday that time the province has moved to the bottom when it comes to mini- as the Crown prosecutors who decided not to charge Vancouver police officers in mum wage at $8 per hour. That’s not acceptable, according to NDP the Aboriginal man’s death are put on the stand to explain their choice. The unprece- leader Carole James. “Our province has the shameful honour of having dented questioning begins with Gregory Fitch, the director of legal services at the the lowest minimum wage in the country,” she said. She backs the B.C. Criminal Justice Branch, this week. Assistant Deputy Attorney General Robert Gillen Federation of Labour’s call to have the wage bumped to $10 an hour. and three Crown lawyers are scheduled to testify next week. – QMI AGENCY A hose emits water √ CBSA The Canadian Bor- Halloween outside a fireworks store der Services Agency have ar- that burst into flames near Commercial Drive and rested a former Surrey resi- Venables early Monday dent, Jotika Ashni Reddy, for blazes hit city morning. PHOTO CARMINE allegedly marrying two men MARINELLI in Surrey in 2006 and Delta in MATT KIELTYKA side,” said VPD spokesperson 2008 despite already being QMI Agency Const. Lindsey Houghton. married to a man. The CBSA Halloween proved to be a No one was injured during alleges Reddy, now living in costly one in Vancouver and the fire. Edmonton, married the men had fire crews scrambling The fire department and po- to help them gain permanent across the city. lice are working together on resident status in Canada. She faces two charges under Fire fighters responded to a the investigation, as the fire the Immigration and Refugee potentially violent building remains suspicious. Protection Act and two blaze early Monday morning The incident marked the charges of bigamy under the after a fireworks store near end of a busy Halloween night Criminal Code. Commercial Drive and Ven- for fire fighters. ables burst into flame around More than $200,000 in dam- 6 a.m. ages (not counting the fire- Crews worked quickly to works shop) had been tallied make sure the explosives in- when all was said and done. √ CHARGES A 13-year-old side didn’t go off, though wit- The most severe damage Vancouver boy is facing nesses could hear some pop- was done to John Henderson charges of assault with a ping and crackling. elementary school. weapon and assault causing “As you can imagine, it had Houghton said someone had bodily harm after allegedly the potential to be volatile in shot fireworks through the stabbing a 12-year-old during a Halloween fracas. Vancou- there with ten of thousands of school’s window and set off ver police say the two boys dollars worth of fireworks in- the sprinkler system inside. started arguing while setting off fireworks at Moberly Park GUARDIAN PROJECT Sunday evening and esca- lated to physical contact. When the 12-year-old got New project aims to protect women in DTES home, he noticed he was bleeding and had a slash MATT KIELTYKA Many groups rallied outside regular town hall meetings across his stomach. QMI Agency Women in the DTES are especially vulnerable the VPD’s DTES office Oct. 4 with interest groups and the Vancouver police made a big to violence, injury and death. Crime statistics and several protesters locked public in the DTES. push Monday to dispel fears in this area have never truly reflected the dan- themselves inside the depart- “It’s all about new ways of the department doesn’t care « ment, demanding to speak thinking and how to work ger and jeopardy that women face. » about women in the Down- with Chu about the case. with the community and √ STABBED Vancouver cops are searching for a sus- town Eastside. A town hall followed and po- that’s never happened with pect after a 32-year-old was The department – in coop- said. “Crime statistics in this came to a head Oct. 4, when lice have come back with the the Vancouver police depart- found slumped outside a eration with a number of area have never truly reflected the community rose up in Guardian Project. ment to this degree in the Petro Canada gas station at community and women’s the danger and jeopardy that protest over the death and in- The multi-pronged ap- past,” said Marlene George, Kingsway and Nanaimo early groups – announced the women face.
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