Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 9-27-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 27, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 70, Issue 29 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 27, 1984." (Sep 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - SIU-C freshmen score above average on ACT IJ\" Bill \\, ~ Ik er records. reflecls scor es for a ll SIU·C scores for four-year degree certam oroblems. Pfaff said. Sta rr Wri(('r Dala for 1983·84. Ihe mosi sludents who look I he lest. in· students on reguJa r admission For example. most schools don 't recent a \'ailabie. shows an SlU­ cludlng students in programs status a re above 21.0 each year offe r Iwo·yea r l echnical ll T~ C freshmen ha\'e con­ r mean standard composite which have a lo wer ACT si nce compilation fi rsl began in r r ogra ms; Iherefore. Ihe s l~tcntly scorcci higher than the score of 19.4 compared to a requirement than is acceptable 19;9. with a high of 21.43 overall average is not an ac· national a \'erage on the nationa l average calcul ated by fo r fo ur-year dep.ree students reached in 1983·84 . curate measure for making American College Tesling Ihe ACT al 18.5. The lesl is entering on a regula r admission A lower requirement in a reas compa r isons of SIU·C WIllI olher as!'cssment over the past scored on ~ !,(';J lp of 1-:\6 t.~s i s . such a special admissions and schools. Thai p om pled Ihe d('cade. according to fig ures Pfaff said Ihc figures a re Figures obtained from Ki r by [wo·year technical program University to begm compiling a from Jerre Pfaff. assistant somewhat misleading. howe"er. BrowninJa. director of ad­ results in the !o\\'cr o\'crall sepa rate composite for the director for admissions and because ihc o\'erall :.J\'crae.e missions. and r£'Cords how a vcrage. and this presents regular admisSIOn students. 'Daily C£gyptian cSouthern Illinois University Stalled bill slows choice of developer B\' Bob Tita thp Fm HA cont inued to Starr Writer guarantee the money . Ionl\" said the FmHA can A bill that will determine continue to guarantee the bonds. whether the Farmer's Home bUI Ihey will nol be lax free. Administration can guarantee making financing for the project bonds for de,·eloper Sian Hoye moredifficull w;lI not be acted on before The cil'· had said Ihal Ihe Cvngl'c s adjourns on Oct 5. outcome' of the technical sa id Da\"id Carle. press corrections bil! would be a ke\" secretary for U.S Rep. Paul provision In the ci i y '~ continued . imon. commitment to Hoye . Ca rle said Tuesday Ihal a Last month the Cit"· CounC il tPChnical corrections bill voted 'v guarantee $. .. .55 million smending part s of the in bonds If Ihe FmHA would Ro tenkowski tax bi ll passed in guaranlee 59045 million. Tr. .... yo II r t";l1 g .~ S' af(Pho,o by S' eph en Kenned)· August may be acted on if The condit ional commitment Congr css meets after the made bv Ihe FmH A 10 Whi lf' the reCt'nt rool weathf' r has driven ma ny usua l (or somf' geese in a IHan d near Counlry gua ra nlee funding for Ihe :\ovember election. pf'opl e rrom tn .. walf'r. it was s wimmin ~ as Club Road . If a session is not called, the convention center will expi re in bIll will come before Congress December . FmHA offi cials in dur ing the new session in Washington have yet to indirate Januar v. :~~~~f.lrl for Hoye will be ex· The 'Rostenkowsk, tax bill prohibits federal agencies from The unknown status of Hoye's mHE entrance rules will be guaranteeing tax·free bonds. relationship \\lith the FmHA has Hove had asked the F mHA 10 kept the ci ty from reaching a guarantee tax·free bonds for the decision on an offer b\ the 'final but not ahsolute~ if.passed Carbondale convcntion center. National Group of Companies of Ca rle said Simon had Madison. Wi s.. 10 build Ih e By Karf'1! \\,iltbr rgt' l" recommenda tions woul d gu tO to keep an open mind to requesled thai the House Ways cnnvention center. St., rr \\'f'iief effect. modifications needed in the and !\leans Committee include Sr{' BILl.. P agf';; The IBHE recommendalion, future. an exemption for HOje in the Hecommendati ons for str icter ask Ihal all Illinois privale and The proposal is geared for technical corrections bill. sinf'e college admission requirements public colleges and unh'ersities sludents ri ghl oul of high school the bond guarant ee was made if appro\"ed by Ih e Illinois Boa rd 10 require Ih. following by 1990 ; as pa ri of an e[(orl 10 upgrade before Ihe law wa changed. Gus of Higher Education Tuesday four years of English. Ihree educalion al all le,·.ls. he said. :\orman Torrens. of the would be ··fina l bUI nol abo vears of socia l s tudies. The board has nct yel FmHA slale office in Cham· CJ30de sol ut e. " said Willia m B. mathematics, and cienct:. a nd discussed specific options 'for paign. said Ihe FmHA had Browder. chairman of the two years of electi\'es in foreign older students who ha\'en't met originally agreed 10 back a SIO .5 IB HE . language. music or art. the requirements. he said. but million lean Ihal the Firsl Browder said Wednesday Ih al The board doesn·1 wanl 10 " we haven't closed our eyes to ;\alional Bank of Ca rbondale the boa rd needs 10 approve the create a " ri gid formula" of Ihe need fo r s pecial would make to Hoye. recommendations soon to give requirements. Bro\\ -ier said, requirements for adults." Don ~10nt y. community high school sludents al leasl bUI il net.'<is 1< do something 10 However. he said he does nol de" elopmenl di reclor. said the Gus sa\'s cil\' oHi cials ran oul of four years 10 prepare. bUI ··will improve Ihe q ua li l y of e ncourage colleges a nd d f' l a ~ s' or Iheir own. so they got cont inue to receive different education. loan was converted into revenue ('e IBHE. Pflgt" 5 bonds fo r inleresl purposes. bUI some help (rom Congress, v iew pOi n t s" befor e t h e Browder said the board will This Positive mood set for Reagan~ Gromyko NITI::D NATIONS lAP ) - time 3gainst expecting any lalk s would be concluded wi th a nswer any questions. GMorning Secrelary of Sla le Geor ge P . breakthroughs. Reagan on Friday and Ihat he BUI offi cia ls said beforehand ct.:wf·f't1 f rain : Shullz a nd Soviel F or eign BUI the manner of both m ~n couldn 't a ns wer any Questions Ihal Shullz a nd Gromkyo would hi~hs in6(ffl Mi nister Andrei A. Gromyko. indicaled a posilh·e mood had unlilthen. discuss prospects for resuming both smiling and relaxed. held been eS lablished for Ihe Shultz emerged a fev.' min ut es arms control negotiations a na Brascia makes " comprehensive a nd broad" president 's meeting with laler and lold reporlers he a nd thai Shullz would a lso seek w lks Wednesday as a prelude 10 Gromyko at !he While House. Gromyko had ··just compleled a Gromyko's reaction 10 Reagan·s G r omyko's m eeling w ilh wh ich wi ll be Reagan's firsl comprehensive a nd broa d pla n fo r ··a belter working tran8ition Presidenl Reagan on Fr iday. with a lop Kremlin leader since convera tion" to serve as a re la tionshi p·· bel ween Ihe Decisions on improving wking office. background session for Ihe superpowers. to lineman relati ons between the super­ The Shultz·Gromyko wlks. meeting with the president. powers, such as a resumption of ·held al Ihe U.S. Mission to lhe · ·We look f o r wa r d 10 Gromyko will meel Thursday -Sporls20 arms control !alks. a ppa renll y United Na tions. lasted nearly welcoming hilT' when he comes a fl ernoon wi lh Wa lle r F . were nol made here. U.S. of· three hours. A smiling Gromyko 10 Washington on Friday'-· Monda le. Ihe De mocra l ic fi cials had caulioned ahead of emerged 10 lell reporlers the ShullZ said . He a lso declined I.e presidenlia l hopefu!. RESTRINGING R£GRIP PING 3-Way Savings on ACCESSORIES GJVewswrap OIL CHANGES notion/ world AND Contract endorsed by union, QUALITY FILTERS waits ratification of workers ST. LOU IS . AP ) - United Auto Workers leaders from around the I. Save on PRICE nation Wednesdav endorsed the ullion's tentative contract with 2. Save on your ENGINE Genera l Motors Corp .. and wi ll send it to 350.000 workers fo r ra ti fication. The union's 300·member Gt\rl Counci l approved th e 3. Plus a FREE BANK contract by an overwhelm ing show of hands at its meeti ng in St.
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