The Academic Resume of Dr. Gholamhossein Gholamhosseinzadeh Professor of Persian Language and Literature in Tarbiat Modarres University Academic Background Degree The end date Field of Study University Ferdowsi Persian Language University of ١٩٧٩/٤/٤ BA and Literature Mashhad Persian Language Tarbiat Modarres and Literature University ١٩٨٩/٢/٤ MA Persian Language Tarbiat Modarres and Literature University ١٩٩٥/٣/١٥ .Ph.D Articles Published in Scientific Journals Year of Season of Row Title Publication Publication Explaining the Reasons for Explicit Adoptions Summer ٢٠١٨ of Tazkara-Tul-Aulia from Kashif-Al-Mahjoub ١ in the Sufis Karamat Re-Conjugation of Single Paradigms of Middle Spring ٢٠١٧ Period in the Modern Period (Historical ٢ Transformation in Persian Language) ٢٠١٧ Investigating the Effect of the Grammatical Elements and Loan Words of Persian Language Spring ٣ on Kashmiri Language ٢٠١٧ The Course of the Development and Spring Categorization of the Iranian Tradition of ٤ Writing Political Letter of Advice in the World Some Dialectal Elements in Constructing t he Spring ٢٠١٦ ٥ Verbs in the Text of Creation ٢٠١٦ The Coding and the Aspect: Two Distinctive Fall ٦ ١ Year of Season of Row Title Publication Publication Factors in the Discourse Stylistics of Naser Khosrow’s Odes ٢٠١٦ Conceptual Metaphor: Convergence of Summer ٧ Thought and Rhetoric in Naser Khosrow's Odes ٢٠١٦ A Comparative Study of Linguistic and Stylistic Features of Samak-E-Ayyar, Hamzeh- Fall ٨ Nameh and Eskandar-Nameh ٢٠١٦ The Effect of Familiarity with Old Persian Winter ٩ Literature in Contemporary Story Writing ٢٠١٦ A Statistical Analysis of the Resistance Literature Approach from the Beginning to the Fall ١٠ (SH) ١٣٩٠ End of ٢٠١٦ A Critical Examination of the Translation of Fall ١١ Resaleh Ghoshairieyyeh ٢٠١٦ -The Intertextual Analysis of the “ Atash-E Bedoune Doud ” Novel and the Influence of Winter ١٢ Ancient Persian Literature on It ٢٠١٦ Religious Pluralism in the Book of Al-Ensan Fall ١٣ Al-Kamel by Aziz-Al-Din Nasafi An Analysis of the Function of the Mind in Summer ٢٠١٥ Formulating the Mystical Experiences of ١٤ Ruzbehan ٢٠١٥ Reflection on the Aspects of Love in Masnavi Summer ١٥ with an Approach to its Healing Power ٢٠١٥ Common words in Kazakh and Persian Fall ١٦ ٢٠١٥ The Communicative Approach as one of the Fall ١٧ Teaching Methods of Persian Language Different Evolutions of Primary Roots of ٢٠١٥ Contemporary Persian Compared to Primary Winter ١٨ Roots of Middle Age ٢٠١٥ Investigating the Discourse System of Shushi Summer ١٩ in the Story of Siyavash An Introduction to Interaction between ٢٠١٥ Classical Mystic Literature and Semantic Winter ٢٠ Cinema (Emphasizing the Analysis of Drama Capacity of Hayy ibn Yaqzan ibn Sina ٢ Year of Season of Row Title Publication Publication Treatise) An Investigation on the Intertextual Winter ٢٠١٥ Relationships of Epic and Ayyaari Text (Based ٢١ on Shahnameh and Samak-E- Ayyar ) A Comparison of the Prototype in two Novels Spring ٢٠١٤ ٢٢ of Suvashun and Albabol-Maftuh ٢٠١٤ The Emergence and Prevalence of Persian Spring ٢٣ Literature in Albania ٢٠١٤ A Comparison of the Prototype in the Two Summer ٢٤ Novels of Suvashun and Albabol-Maftuh Investigating and Criticizing the Formal ٢٠١٤ Aspects of Language in the Works of the Winter ٢٥ Famous Poets of the Speech Poem ٢٠١٤ Investigating and Analyzing the Critiques on Spring ٢٦ Ahmad Shamlou’s Poetry ٢٠١٤ Evil Eye Protection in Persian poetry Winter ٢٧ The Comparison of the Reflection of the Indo- Fall ٢٠١٣ European Worldview in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh ٢٨ and Kyrgyz Epic of Manas ٢٠١٣ Intertextual Analysis of the Snake and the Man Spring ٢٩ Story by Simin Daneshvar ٢٠١٣ Investigating the Change of Respect and Love Fall ٣٠ in the Persian Poetry till the Eleventh Century ٢٠١٣ Idea and Imagination in Rumi’s Thought Spring ٣١ ٢٠١٣ Deficiency of Literary Psychological Criticisms Fall ٣٢ in Iran Al-fatah-al-mesriyah-fi-revayah-al-bab-al- Summer ٢٠١٢ maftuh (derasah-fi-al-bana-al-revayiee (in ٣٣ Arabic) ٢٠١٢ Stylistics of Narration in Akhavan-Sale's Poem with Emphasis on the Critique of the Narrative Spring) ٣٤ Function of Signs) ٢٠١٢ Al -bab -al -maftuh -beyn -alravi -va -alseyr -al -zati Summer ٣٥ (in Arabic) - Jonoun -al -aref -vahab -al -zahed -fi -zou -al -hob ٣٦ ٣ Year of Season of Row Title Publication Publication al-ozri (Sheikh-e-sanan-va-sallamah-alqas- namouzaja) (in Arabic) The Development of Women's Literature in ٢٠١٢ Iran from the Beginning of the Constitution to Fall ٣٧ the End of the Eighties ٢٠١٢ Investigating the Structure of the Three Stories of Behaghi's History based on the Greimas Winter ٣٨ Actantial Model ٢٠١٢ The Sociological Criticism of A Thousand Summer ٣٩ Rooms of Dream and Suppression Novel The Analysis of the Relation between Themes ٢٠١٢ of the Works by Simin Daneshvar and Iran’s Winter ٤٠ Cultural Background The Analysis of the Concept of Fear in Al- ٢٠١٢ Qusyairiya Treaties based on Kierkegaard’s Winter ٤١ Considerations ٢٠١٢ The Necessity of Establishing Interdisciplinary Fall ٤٢ Courses in Persian Language and Literature ٢٠١٢ Reflection on the Silence of the Mind Spring ٤٣ Causes and Factors of Increase in Linguistic Winter ٢٠١١ Purism in Pahlavi Period and its Most ٤٤ Important Consequence ٢٠١١ Belief in Evil Eye among People of Antiquity Spring ٤٥ and Divine Religions Derasah -al -moqarenah -al -monazerat -al -seyf - ٢٠١١ -va-al-qalam-beyn-al-adabeyn-alarabi-va-al ٤٦ farsi (al-yaqubi-al-tusi-va-ibn-nabatat-almesri- namouzaja) (in Arabic) A Comparative Study of the Romantic Themes ٢٠١١ of the Story of Varagheh and Golshah Ayoogh Spring ٤٧ based on the Principle of Arabic Narrative ٢٠١١ A Comparative Study of Christ in the Poems of Fall ٤٨ Adonis and Shamloo ٢٠١١ Investigating the Narrative Function in Nima Spring ٤٩ Poetry: A Focus on Phoenix Semiotics ٤ Year of Season of Row Title Publication Publication ٢٠١١ The Analysis of the Al-Ta'ir Treatise of Sheikh Spring ٥٠ Ishraq based on Narratology ٢٠١١ A Critical Study of Volume Poetry based on Summer ٥١ the Narratology of Yadollah Royaie Poems ٢٠١١ Investigating the Characteristics of Spoken Language in Contemporary Poetry from Spring ٥٢ Constitution to Poetry of War ٢٠١١ The Comparison of Irony with Persian Rhetoric Spring ٥٣ Winter ٢٠١٠ The Socialist Real ism Poetry of Afghanistan ٥٤ Summer ٢٠٠٩ The Narratology of Signs in Nima's L egend ٥٥ ٢٠٠٩ The Factors of Evil Eye in the Poems of Spring ٥٦ Persian Poets ٢٠٠٩ Criticism and Analysis of Karamat by Khawaje Fall ٥٧ Ubaydullah-Al-Ahrar ٢٠٠٩ The Role of Vocal Repetition in the Lexical Spring ٥٨ Coherence of Persian Prosodic Poetry ٢٠٠٩ Behaviorism of Guile and Trick in the Winter ٥٩ Authoritarian Society from Rumi’s Viewpoint Polyphony and Dialogism in Rumi’s View to ٢٠٠٩ the Issue of Effort and Reliance based on the Fall ٦٠ Story of Shir-va-Nakhchiran The Structuralism of the Motif of Hamzeh- ٢٠٠٩ Nameh based on the Ayyari, Romantic, Fall ٦١ Marvelous and Dignified Motifs The Role of Time-related Factors in the Winter ٢٠٠٨ ٦٢ Cohesion of the Text ٢٠٠٨ Irony in Shams' Essays Spring ٦٣ ٢٠٠٨ The Role of Comparative Reference in the Coherence of Persian Prosodic Poetry Fall ٦٤ ٢٠٠٨ Literary Characteristics of Speech Poetry Fall ٦٥ ٢٠٠٨ Investigating the Relationship between Time -and Suspension in the Narration Padeshah-Va ٦٦ Kanizak ٥ Year of Season of Row Title Publication Publication A Survey on Silence, its Kinds and Causes in Fall ٢٠٠٧ ٦٧ Rumi’s Point of View ٢٠٠٧ The Critique and Analysis of Eskandar-Nameh Fall ٦٨ by Nezami-Ganjavi ٢٠٠٧ The Role of Personal Referencing and a Reference to the Consistency of Persian ٦٩ Prosodic Poetry ٢٠٠٧ ,Correction of Several Errors in Literary Geographic and Historical Texts Related to the ٧٠ Balkh Region The Analysis of the Research Approach on the ٢٠٠٧ Nezami-Ganjavi in Iranian Researchers' Books ٧١ (SH) ١٣٨٤ to ١٣٠٠ from The Correction of Several Mistakes Related to ٢٠٠٦ ٧٢ the Balkh Region in the Tarikh-E-Beyhaghi ٢٠٠٦ The Analysis of the Ibrahim Adham Character ٧٣ based on Rumi’s Masnavi ٢٠٠٦ Investigating the Element of Time in Narrative -with an Emphasis on the Tale of the Arabi-E ٧٤ Darwish in Masnavi ٢٠٠٦ The Critique and Analysis of the Tales of ٧٥ Rumi's Dignities the Sepahsalar Treatise ٢٠٠٦ The Biography of the Prophet Muhammad, a Criterion of Islamic Mysticism, Reflected in the ٧٦ Major Sufi Farsi Texts The Criterion for Poetry Criticism in Reza ٢٠٠٠ ٧٧ Khan Period ٢٠٠٠ Criticism of the Rule of Farsi Writing Style ٧٨ Published Articles in Scientific-Promotional and Academic Journals ٦ Year of Season of Row Title Publication Publication Some Sources of Research in the History of Winter ٢٠٠٤ ١ Turkmenistan ٢٠٠٤ Abu -Ali -Sinam : Your Name has Become Spring ٢ Global ٢٠٠٤ Aid Al-Adha: the Day of Accepting the Prayers Winter ٣ ٢٠٠٤ The Life of the Prophet Muhammad Spring ٤ ٢٠٠٤ Hazrat-E- Zeynab: The Father’s Adored Girl Spring ٥ ٢٠٠٤ Zamakhshari: the Glory of the Culture of the Summer ٦ World ٢٠٠٤ The Best Wishes for Nowrouz Winter ٧ ٢٠٠٤ Criticism of Nowrouz-Nameh by Khayyam Winter ٨ A Few Important Points about Khajeh Youssef Summer ٢٠٠٣ ٩ Hamedani ٢٠٠٣ Makhtumqoli: in Search for Love Winter ١٠ ٢٠٠٣ The Battle of Truth and Falsehood : the Main Summer ١١ Theme of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh ٢٠٠٣ Jalal-Al-Din Mowlavi Fall ١٢ ٢٠٠٣ Attar Neishabouri and Gnostics of Marv and Winter ١٣ Urganch ٢٠٠٣ Imam Hussein the Grandson of the Prophet Winter ١٤ ٢٠٠٣ Visiting Tehran Summer ١٥ ٢٠٠٣ Saadi: the Experienced World's Poet Spring ١٦ ٢٠٠٣ Khayyam Nishabouri and Makhtumqoli Faraqi Spring ١٧ ٢٠٠٣ The Wise Man
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