1 LETTER OF THE EDITORS CONTENTS Climate, migration and the future of EU Europe is once again heading for the voting booths. With the rise of nationalist, populist and right-wing extremist parties across the union, this elec- 4-7 Panel discussion in Gothenburg tion is of critical importance. It is not only about which parties will win but also Nazifa Alizada the type of values that the voters would like to promote at the European level. It is about the future of Europe, the type of cooperation it would like to pursue Anti-gender discourses in the upcoming years, and the policies it would implement. It is an election be- 8-9 on tour in Europe tween the right and the left ideologies. Angelica Axelzon The European Parliament Elections raises concerns in every aspect of life in Democracy, Europe. How will the election impact feminist movements? What is the role of 10-12 a legitimizing tool for the EU religion in the European elections and how do parties mobilize anti-Islamic rhet- Ken Mogekwu oric to attract voters? How can the youth in Europe be mobilized to participate in the election and increase turnout? These are some of the key questions which A Case of ‘Us’ and ‘Them’: will be discussed by various articles in this issue. 13-15 Religion in European Politics Christopher Allen Other articles look at the role of democracy in the European Union and how a higher turnout can increase the legitimacy of this polity. You will also read What’s next? 16-17 about how Swedish parties in the European parliament position themselves An outlook on the 2019 EU elections in relation to climate change, migration, and how they envision the future of Mikael Lassa Europe. The issue further covers articles on how recent events, such as Brexit and the rise of right wing parties, would impact the upcoming European parliament Fridays for Future 18-19 elections and shape the future of the union. Local MUN Simulation Cressida de Witte Categorization of political parties at the European level remains a mystery to a majority of voters in the upcoming election. This issue thus contains an article Why voting in the European elections which looks at the different groupings within the European parliament and how 20-21 different national parties ally with others at the regional level to maximize is so important their interests and promote their political agenda, at home and in Europe. Marigona Goxhuli Despite the continuous concerns, critical debates and the blurred future of Eu- 22-27 Europe, rope, a majority of the articles emphasizes a valuable point: to vote! a family with family troubles Freyan Bosma Since participation in the election is a key pillar of democracy, we hope that this issue will serve as an encouragement to take more youth to the voting 28-29 #NoFilter booths and engage them. How Europe’s Youth Might Finally Give a F*** Reka Paul The editors, Nazifa Alizada 30-33 Choosing a (temporary) future Egil Sturk The European Parliament Elections in the UK Johanna Maas & Nathaly de Camargo Franzoni 2 3 CLIMATE CHANGE: CLIMATE, MIGRATION Climate change is one of the main issues both for the Swedish parties and voters in the upcoming European Parliament election. AND THE FUTURE OF EU Although the issue has been debated a lot in the European level over the recent years, Panel discussion in Gothenburg the discussions have barely led to any prac- tical results. The global temperature contin- ues to rise, glaciers continue to melt, the sea 26th May, the Election Day for the European Parliament, is just around the levels continue to rise, and worsening drought and floods occur in different part of the world. corner. But, what political issues are of the most significance to voters in Sverigedemokraterna thinks that climate issue this election and how different political parties in Sweden position them- cannot be solved unless countries like India and Nevertheless, how do the Swedish selves in relation to each of these issues? China, with high CO2 emissions, are also in- actors within the European Parlia- volved in the process. On 29th April, Utrikespolitiska förening i Göteborg in cooperation with Europa Direkt Göteborgs- ment position themselves in relation regionen, Ungdomsperspektivet and Angereds Ungdomsråd have arranged a panel debate with to these challenges? How would EU Kristdemokraterna mentions that the main chal- representatives of all the nine Swedish political parties that are represented in the European Parlia- as an organization work to save the lenge with global warming and climate change is that it has to do with economic growth and ment. Climate, migration issues, and the future of the European Union were three of the main themes earth? discussed by the panel. productions. Economy and employment are built on factors which lead to global warming, making While science has shown a clear relationship be- it difficult to tackle the issue. tween human activities and climate change, some policy makers and politicians within the European The green party, Miljöpartiet, however takes a Parliament remain skeptical and question the more acute tone arguing that “we are the last “reality” of climate change. Others, who accept generation who have the opportunity to save the climate change as a “reality”, suggest complete- world” and that we need to implement a more ly different approaches in tackling the issue, “radical climate politics”. Vänster party agrees making it difficult to practically make changes in that urgent concrete actions should be taken the European level. within EU to address climate change. Building on these two, the Feministiskt initiativ party high- The nine Swedish parties that are represented in lights that women and low income countries are the European Parliament have a broad consen- affected the hardest by global warming caused sus that climate change is “real” and should be by the industrial part of the world. taken seriously by political actors in the global level. According to the party Moderaterna, EU is As the debate shows, all the nine Swedish par- an important arena for tackling climate change ties agree that climate change is a “real” threat because as a unified body, it can make a huge and needs to be taken seriously in the present impact in the global level. Liberalerna and Cen- time, and that global and European solutions are terpartiet add that CO2 emissions move beyond necessary. The Swedish parties however have borders and thus, EU is the best platform to han- diverse approaches in achieving this broad goal dle climate change collectively. Socialdemokra- when it comes to implementation and budget terna also agrees that climate change should be distribution, making the decision making process addressed in the European level and that every challenging at home and in the regional level. member state should take their responsibility in reducing the emissions. 4 5 machine”, and countries like Hungary THE FUTURE OF EU but the institution needs to impose stricter re- and Poland should not be able to re- quirements on all its members to achieve equal- ceive grants from EU when they refuse to Discussing the future of EU and each par- ity and better employment opportunities in the accept immigrants. Miljöpartiet supports ty’s vision about this institution is interesting European level. Feministiskt initiativ also defines Socialdemorkaterna’s position and ar- in the post-Brexit context. The Brexit vote on itself as an EU-positive party and considers EU gues for a more humanitarian migration its initial days has inspired the Vänster and as a global actor for climate change and human politics in the European level. Similarly, Sverigedemokraterna in Sweden to call for rights. Similar to Socialdemokraterna, Feminis- Liberalerna build their argument on the abandoning EU. However, Brexit’s practical com- tiskt initiativ believes that EU should put pressure European Union’s “openness”, “tolerance”, plexities combined with the upcoming EU-elec- on the members such as Hungary and Poland to and “free movement”. According to them, tions have made them to adopt a more cautious accept their collective responsibility. to protect these values, everyone should tone in this regard. At the present, both argue take their share. for being part of the institution as a way to bring As the content of the debate shows, MIGRATION: changes from inside. The third part of the panel the parties have by no means a Feministiskt initiativ and Vänster parties add debate has focused on the participating parties’ shared EU vision and the future of In 2015, an unprecedented number of refugees that asylum is a human rights and needs to be vision of EU. from war-affected countries, like Afghanistan, strengthened and protected in Europe. Vänster the EU remains unclear and blurred. Syria and Iraq, took the hazardous Mediter- party mentions the need for investing in life Sweden’s most pro-EU party, Liberalerna, high- ranean journey to reach to Europe. The unex- saving missions instead of building walls across lights the positive aspects of EU, such as reduced The upcoming election is thus a defining moment pectedly huge number of refugees reaching to Europe, and Feministiskt initiativ says that people unemployment, improved economic, free move- in shaping the future of EU since the votes de- Europe within a short amount of time, combined who seek help in the European borders should be ment across borders, and better access to edu- termine to what extent the corporations should with the growing death of refugees during this helped to come inside. cation. According to Liberalerna, EU is a func- continue and how would this organization look in journey, has turned the issue into a core agenda tioning institution but there are spheres in which the future.
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