Newsletterof theAyn RondtInstitute Volume4, NumberI O,October l99B Two New Ayn Rond Books to Be Releosed Indicating a growing market for Ayn Rand'swritings, Penguin pudiation of the mind-body dichotomy. Other selectio will issuetwo new titles by year's end: The Ayn Rand Reader, presenther view of the natureof concepts,reason and emotior edited by Gary Hull and Leonard Peikoff, and Return of the the moral casefor capitalismand the role of art in human lift Primitive,edited by PeterSchwartz. Both books are scheduledto As an introductoryreader, the book is well suitedfor use be releasedto bookstoresacross the nation on December28. literatureand philosophycourses-but it should alsobe val The Ayn Rand Readercontains excerptsfrom Miss Rand's able to Objectivists,according to Dr. Hull. "The Reader'sn fiction and nonfiction,with brief introductionsexplaining the merousselections from Ayn Rand'snovels give Objectivistsi context of eachselection. "The readersI have in mind," rvrites opportunity to relive their favorite scenes-with the additiori LeonardPeikoff in the book'sintroduction, "probably read rela- bonusofhaving one book that provideslengthy samples ofA tively little fiction or philosophy. But they havenoticed that AR Rand'swritings on all the crucialissues of philosophy." is known virtually everylvhere-and that everyoneseems to have Returnof thePrimitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution is i an impassionedopinion about her. They haveheard her books expandedversion of Miss Rand's1971 book TheNew Left: T being extolledand denouncedwith equal intensity-often in Anti-IndustrialRevolution. The new edition containsthree nt quiteunexpected quarters. Naturally enough, they areintrigued essaysby Mr. Schwartzon feminism, environmentalismal by the controversy," multiculturalism,as well asa new introductionby him. The e Selectionsfrom The Fountainheadand Atlas Shrugged,for pandededition underscoresthe accuracyof Miss Rand'scultu example,introduce the novels'basicconflicts and themes.Pas- al analysisand demonstratesthat the essenceof the New Lef sagesfrom Ayn Rand's nonfiction essaysexplain, among other anti-industrialphilosophy is still with us today. things,the virtue of selfishness,the evil of altruism and her re- "Anii-Servitude Internships" in fhe Pres Compus Club Rosler The New YorkTimes reported on ARI's "anti-servitudeinter Thisfoll ARI is providingsupport to ships"in a September13 articleentitled "Volunteer: Now, Tha the following65 compusclubs: An Order." The articlecentered on the Chicagoschool systen move toward mandatory "volunteerism" and respectfully a knowledgedARI's opposition,stating: "For studentswho brist at the notion of requiredpublic service,the Ayn Rand Institu hasoffered an internship designedto allow them to fulfill the r quirementsby protestingvolunteerism." This coverageof ARI's internshipprogram in the presl giousNew YorkTimes is one of the first objectivereports of d program in any major paper" This un-rebuttedquote fro Michael Berliner closedthe story: "We disagreewith this id that serviceto the community is the ultimate good." ARI's activitiesagainst "volunteerism" were also mentionr in August in the ChicagoSun-Times and in the magazinef Amherst Chronicleof Philanthropy. ContinuedOp-Ed Success ARI op-edswere publishedin 20 newspapersbetween August and September15 for a total of 23 printings. Highlightsinclude: "Monica Lewinskyand the Moral Bankruptcyof the R publicans"by Robert Tracinski. "Yes,Clinton's sexualreiatio with Lewinsky show him to be unprincipled and dishones Tracinski writes, "But these aspectsof Clinton's charactera also evident in his political policies. Why aren't Republica condemningClinton for his deceitfulflip-flops, for his expedie evasionof China's atrocities, for his unprincipled waffling r Iraq?Isn't it becausethe Republicanstoo haveexpediently aba donedprinciple?. "In 1994,they initiated a debateon the fundamentalrole government.Today, they hope to fight the Democratsby mea Continuedon Poqe Op-Eds-Continued from Poge 1 A11programs are availableon cassettethrough Americal of a safelynon-ideological weapon: a tawdrysen scandal. Few Republicans genuinely care wheth- Reporters( I -838-31 -RADIO). Selectedprograms are availabl er Clinton seducedanintern-buttheyare thrilled atthe opportunityto defeatClintonwithout through SecondRenaissance Books ( I -800-7 29-6149). havingto stick their neds out by taking a resolutestand on ideologicalissues." The op-ed has beenprinted in 10papers, indudingrhe Philndelphialnquirer (919),theTampaTribune (9/8) and Ayn Rand: A SenseoJ Life Events the tos AngelesDaily NewsQlQ. "With more determination than hope, I walked into a loca "Human Clonin5Yes!" by Harry Binswanger,was printed five times in the past60 dap. bookstore with one goal in mind: Find a book, any book, tha Anotherpiece by Dr. Binswangerentitled 'A Taleof Two Novels"contrasts a passagefrom fames makessensel" wrote Michael Paxton in his introduction to th loyces Ulyssawith a passagefrom Atlns Shruggd to demonstratetheir oppositephilosophic Ayn Rand:A Senseof Life companionbook. Randomlybrowsin meaning. The piecewas distributed following the recentcontroversy over the RandomHouse the bookstore aislesat age 13, he spotted one book jacket tha "100BestEnglish-tanguageNovels of the20th Crntury"list, and ithasbeenprintedintwo news- held promise."The next thing I kneq I was standingin front c papers,including the InsVegasReview-loumal (8127). the cashierand buying that book-W'e theLivingby Ayn Rand- "Doesthe StateOwnYour Body?"byAndrewBemstein, identifies the statistpremise linking for $2J5. My tife would be changedforever." Mr. Paxtonwill b "the anti-tobaccoeffot and the following:the crusadeagainst the activitiesof Dr. Kevorkian,the returning to that store in Kingston, New York, for a signing c Foodand Drug Administration'sregulatory practices, and the SupremeCourtt famousdecision his new book on November25 (seebelow). upholdingGeorgia's anti-sodomy statute." The artide wasprinted in four newspapers,including U.5. Screenings the CharlotteObserver (914). Hot Springs,AR: l0/9-10/18, Hot SpringsDocumentary Fih Festival.Check festival schedulefor specificscreening days an, Leonqrd Peikoffls Rodio Show times. Michael Paxtonwill attend and answerquestions. Press Releose$-For the pastseveral months Dr. Peikoffhasbeen writing a weeklypress re- Gonqdion Screenings leasecontaining an editedhighlight from his program. The releaseis fa:redto all currentaffiliate Toronto, l0/5 and l0/6-Revue TheaterI Guelph, l0l7-10/9- stationsand their localprint media,potential affiliates and otherprofessional and media sources. BookshelfTheater r Waterloo, 10/13-10/15-PrincessTheater I Recently,Talkers magazne induded this releaseon the "Tblk Daily'' pageof their Web site Saskatoon,10123-10126-Broadway Theater I Oxbridge, 10/3 (www.talkers.com)."Tblk Daily''is updatedwery 24 hourswith quotesand commentsfrom 10- and 10i31-Roxy TheaterI Victoria, Ill4 and ll/5-Cinecenta a 12leading talk showhosts, including Rush Limbaugh, Michael Reagan an4 now,tronard Peikoff the Universityof Victoriar Winnipeg,l1/13-1l/l9-Cinematequ The weeklypress release, as well as past pressreleases and audio excerpts,is avail- Book Signings able on the Philosophy:Wo Needs.IfWeb site at www.pwni.com. San Diego,October 7,7:30 p.tl.-Borders Books,11160 Ranch Intgrnet-fhe four most recentshows are alwaysavailable through our archivesub- CarmelDr., (519)618-1703 r Hot Springs,AR, October17, l:0 scription service. Subscribersenjoy unlimited accessto a month's worth of programs p.u.-Books-A-Million, CornerstoneShopping Center, 450 CorneI at any time, or can purchaseindividual shows. Monthly subscribersalso receivea spe- stoneBlvd., (501) 525-1141I Little Rock,A& October18, 1:0 cial monthly newsletterand are e-mailed copiesof Dr. Peikoff'sweekly press releases. p.v.-Barnes & Noble,11500 Financial Center Parkway, (501) 954 The live Internet audiencecontinues to grow,with the averageaudience increasing 7646a SantaBarbara, CA, November4,7:30 p,rra.-BordersBook bv more than 25 Dercentover the last two months, 900State Street, (805) 899-3668 r Kingston,NY, November 25,6:0 decent Showi-S.ptembert standoutshows included'\Aho Is Bill Clinton?" (9/13) in p.r'4.-Waldenbooks,1300 Ulster Avenue, #1717, (914) 336-4277. which Dr. Peikoffidentfied Clinton'sbasic metaphpics, epistemology and ethics,and showed how theyinevitably led to his politicsand the continuingcrises of his presidency.In a specialtwo- Announcemenls hour show Dr. Peikoffaddressed the problem of Islamicterrorism titled "IslamicTerrorists rn. Thankyou to the manydonors who havesent in ARI op-edsand relate America' (9/6). (Basedon this show,Dr, Peikoffandexecutive producerAndrew Lewis wrote an newsstories clipped from your local newspapers.This assistancelu op-ed,"Fanning the Flamesof Terrorismi'whi ch the \MchitaEagle has already published.) brought numerouspress items to our attentionthat would haveother Other showshave included Dr. Peikofft analysisof the "Great Man' theory of history wise goneunnoticed and hasreduced the time the Media departrno ("What if therehad beennotJjtle1.." 9120), and interviewswith economistRichard Salsman on spendstracking its efforts. Although we areunable to respondto ead the currentglobal financial turmoil (9/13),and on greatcapitalists, past and present(9/27). noticeindividually, they are greatly appreciated. Pubfisher: TheAyn RondInstitute, 4640 AdmiroltyWoy, Suite406, Morinodel Rey,CA90292 r (310)306-9232 rfox: (310l'306'492: r e-moil:[email protected] r Web: http:/,/www.oynrond.orgI Editor: Lorry Solzmon I All rightsreserved @,l998. pslsenbeusclAJoS 6urplo,t^, 46206 V) lePourrDw 902 ellns ',(o14ftlorrurpV^eU OVgy efnf4sul PuDUu{y eq1.
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