University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1980s) Student Newspapers 11-14-1985 Current, November 14, 1985 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current1980s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, November 14, 1985" (1985). Current (1980s). 174. https://irl.umsl.edu/current1980s/174 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1980s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Nov. 14, 1985 University of Missouri-St. Louis Issue;529 TaSk Force Favors m'pty Chancellor - 10118 Divestiture Post May Require the University of Missouri should the, financial status of the not purchase and should divest all university. funds from companies doing busi- The task force made the recom­ " ness in South Africa tbat do not mendations to Magrath, who is Interim Replacement adhere to 'the Sullivan Principles, a expected to report to the curators task force recommemded last next month. Magrath said he will cellor for UMSL is "movinJ2: week. Steven Brawley use the recommendations in form­ C. Peter Magrath very welL" . The .task force recommended to ing his own policy. managing editor companies doing busiriess with "We don't ha\'e candidates.' he ... UM President C. Peter Magrath ttat Magrath appointed the task force South Africa' at the end of,July. As the Te tirement date for UMSL said, " we have prospects." divestment should occur within two Arnold B _ Grobman last January after many UM . Barnes said student concern rest­ chancellor Arnold B. Grobman Magrath told the association t hat years of a date specified by the students protested apartheid and ing a new chancellor on board by ed on the responsibility of com­ draws nearer, the possibility for a in these situations y ou don·t replace I university's Board of Curators. the investment of university retire­ December is dou btful. panies to adhere to the Sullivan interim chancellor for ·UMSL is peoplc. " you fill positions." I. The task force also recommended ment and endowment funds in the Therefor e. }Iagr ath will have to Principles. The task force recom­ increasing. "From ever-ything I know there is that the uriiversity "strengthen its country. Magrath made his name an interim chancellor to fill mended to Magrath that "the UM President C. Peter Magrath a certainty that there will be an efforts in the use of moral suasion the position. being vacated by Grob­ appointments following a student university should not purchase and said he could not be specific about interim chancellor," . said Susan and voting proxies" to help end protes( at his inaugural in 'Colum­ man in less than a month. should divest from all Sullivan the situation, but an announcement Hartman, chair of the UMSL chan­ * aparthied in South Africa. The com­ bia, Mo. w ill be made in the near future. cellor screening committee.'- If a new chancellor is announced mittee also recommended that t he Category III companies operating in in December, it is also unlikely that UMSL Student Associatiori Presi­ While addressing a meeting of the Since both the Rolla and St. Louis policy be evaluated in accomplish­ South Africa. '! dent Greg Barnes said the univer­ UMSL staff association. Magrath campuses a re involved in chan­ the person could asssume the duties ing reform in the country, and also sity had $102 million inveskd in See "Divestment," page 2 said the process to find a new chan- ce 1I0r searches, the likl i hood of hal'- See "Chancellor," page 2 1ABC Celebrates M onti's Book Vice President About Week-Long Kwanzaa Holiday Explores Efforts To Run Out Of Money Qf Desegregation " One of the promises I made when Matt Merriman Matt Merriman I came in was I would n ot collect any " reporter reporter money that I had not put in enough· A UMSL faculty member has The Associated Blac k Collegians According t o Student Association hours to cover. and that's what I've published a book exploring t he are sponsoring Kwanzaa. an Afro­ records. Vice-president Hilary done. I didn't say once the s tipend social implications of schpol American holiday. Nov.15 to 22 . Shelton has received over 90 per· ran out I would stop working," desegregation with particular oj . No\v in its fourth year at UMSL cent of his annual stipend with five Shelton said. , emphasis on efforts to Kwanzaa. is a seven-day holiday months remaining in his t erm.' Shelton saH:l he will continue to desegregate public schools in the Shelton was granted a S1750 sti­ \l'O r k for the SA after he ca n no lon­ based on seven prinCiples: Umoja St. Louis area. pend for his vice-president posi ti on. ger receive monies. (unity). Kujichagulia (se lf- The book, ,. A Semblance ' of As of Sept. 30 Shelton has drawn "r will continue to work. They determination). Kuumba Justice: SI. Louis School (creativity). Ujamaa (cooperative · over· $1600 including a one-time could have given me all the money Desegregation and Order in payment of S1348 for 305 hours o i in the begining or all t he money at economics). Nia (purpos e). Ujima Urban America .. ' was released back pay the end. it doesn't make any dif­ (collective responsibi l ity) and earlier this month by University According to Dan Wallace. feren ce. I collecte d money based on " Imani (fai(h). The word s come from iof Missouri Press. Its author. associate vice-c hancellor oi st uden t hours that I had put in only because the Swahili language. Daniel J . Monti Jr. , is associate . ·'It affairs. there are no offical ru les or that was the provis ion tha t I had is basically an Afro-Amer ican professor of sociology and a policies regarding disburs ement of made." Sh 11 0n said. lternative .to Christmas that cen- fellow of the Center for Met­ . ers on the family. children. old e r annual st ipends. but as an informal " The point is I still have a job to ropolitan Studies at UMSL. He policy past rece ipants have ha d do." Shelton a id."E\·e r y issue on <t leople. feasts and togetherness,,' has written more than 20 articles their stipend divided equally among t hat platform a c t hings that I Derek Huggins, ABC m ember. about urban affairs and said all the two week pay periods of the strongl y belic\'e in. I w as wor king on desegregation. This is his first Kwanzaa dates back to 1965. when vear. t he!' issues as :I s tudent advocate. book. it was started by Dr. Ron Ka renga. a - "A stipend is defined a a n at that time t he s tipend w a s only In the book. Monti examines politie-al a ct jvisi. during t he civil amount thal is pai d a p e r son for t he 5350 a nd I put in a lot more hours wh t school de segregation bas pos ition tha t t hey hold," 'iVa llace than an~ ' ,,350 would 'over. he rights m ovement. contributed to U.S. communities said. "Ther e is noth ing that m on ey is not an is _u() . that was just The actual dat.es of Kwanzaa a re and culture. His conclusion is definat ily savs it w ill be divide d o ut icing on t he cake . t h e issues are the Dec 26 through J an . L Because of that desegregation has created ." the Christmas bre ak the ABC c eleb­ equally. -it basically up to the issue." Sh elton s a id. an illusion of progress in race is AccOl:d ing to Wa llace helton rates Kwanzaa in November. r el ations while reinforcing ine­ s upervisor when and how the sti­ The ABC Kwanzaa will feature pend w ill be dispersed." collecting all his m oney befor e win­ quities that were present in the immediate supervisor is ter semester could caus e some prominent speakers daily and a free educational system in , the Shelton~ Greg Barnes. stude nt association problems if he left th e office before ~ feast of traditional African foods on beginning. Friday. No\'. 22 . at 12:30 p.m ., in the president. Shelton is p id on the the end of his term. basis of hours worked at a r ate of Hawthorne room of the Summit Monti joined the UMSL faculty See" Shelton" page 3 loun ge. in 1975. He holds a doctorate and $3.45 per hour ! Kwame Ture (formerly St okley a master's degree from the Carmichae l), a nationally-known Ced ric R. Anderson UniverSity of North Carolina at speaker. will lecture on organizing BOOKTALK: Daniel J. Monti Jr., Associate Professor of Sociology Chapel Hill and a bachelor of arts UMS Debate Team black organizations for community and a fellow of the Centerfor.Metropolitan S tudies at UMSL, spoke from Oberlin College. Oberlin. and s c" ial a,\·areness. Fridav. No\'. on schOOl desegregation and urban revitalization, Monday, Nov, 4. Ohio. iJo. 15, at 12:30 p.m" in the G ni~' ersity I Center lounge. Gets -onal Ranking · Bertha Gilkev, head of the I Cochran Apa~tments Tenant The UMSL debate team won reached el1mlnation rounds by post­ ." Association, and Jamala Rodger. a Staff Association Honors Grobman awards at its.'last two t~l!rnaments ing a 6-2 record in t h e preliminary .
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