VOL. LVII AUSTIN, TEXAS FEBRUARY, 1973 NO. 6 Scholarship Fund Raised to $172,000 Plus TILF Thanks Many Donors ONE-ACT PLAY PARTICIPATION REPORT TILF Grants Exceed THE UNIVERSITY INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN SPRING, 1973 165 For Contestants Foundations, Individuals "The Texas Interscholastic ence, spelling, number sense, slide Total participation for 1973 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 830 high schools League Foundation will award at rule or ready writing. Recipients (as of January, 1973) (74% of potential) least 160 scholarships totaling may attend any accredited four-year $17,000 in June," R. J. Kidd, TILP state college or university in Texas. Provide Scholarship Money Total potential ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1123 high schools secretary announced. The foundation administers the Henry Beckman Slide Rule By R. J. KIDD program since it started in 1960. sands of other students to make the Totat School* Totaf. effort. There are more than 400 ap­ scholarship program which is fund­ Proficiency Awards TILF Secretary The academic records of this select ZT2 95? ed by Texas foundations and indi­ plications for TILF grants each AM 2 awards of $200 each. High The high schools of Texas and the group have been outstanding. Many 147 735 921 viduals. Kidd said that the TILF school seniors in the upper 25 per achieve Phi Beta Kappa honors. year. The number of competitors M 214 183 starting had no funds of its own. All of its cent of their graduating classes who Texas Interscholastic League Foun­ One achieved junior rank and Phi at district levels number in A 213 147 the grants are provided by the founda­ participated in the State Meet slide dation would like to say "Thank Beta Kappa recognition in only two thousands. This is a program B 317 147 students tions and individuals who support rule contest are eligible. For addi- You" to the foundations and indi­ years. There have been very few know about. It is open to TT2J 137 74J all bona fide enrolled students in the the program. ;ional information, write to Mrs. viduals that have provided more failures in this selected group of "We are proud of the tremendous public schools, regardless of color, NOTE: It is estimated there will be over 10,000 students actively involved in One-Act Margaret Baker, 441-C Engineer­ than $1,000,000 in scholarship scholars. Most of these were due to progress of the scholarship pro- ing Lab, University of Texas, Aus­ grants to University Interscholastic illness, emotional or home problems religion or race. Play competition this Spring. There will be approximately 170 One-Act Play Contests This program has been approved including the State Contest. grarn," said Dr. Rhea H. Williams, tin, Texas 78712. Recipient must at­ League academic and literary cham­ not due to inability to meet aca­ League director. "I want to thank tend The University of Texas at pions. demic requirements. by the Internal Revenue Service and funds devoted to it are eligible tax *-*-*-*-*-*-*.*-*.*-*-*.*_*_«.*_*.*_*.*.*.«-*-*-*-*-*-*.&.*-*.*.*-*.*-*.*.*-*-*-*.*.*-*-&.* ? v" *. ""°one "ofx theLlic x^^^ofoundations ».and . Austin and major in engineering. These scholarships have gone to The job of trying to retain one of , , ,. j mo j TJ. individuals who provided the schol- the academic champions chosing to Texas greatest natural resources deductions under IRS code. It is arghip fundg withmit their aid hoped that others will see fit to use Henry Beckman Number attend the higher educational insti­ represented in the high quality aca­ ONE-ACT PLAY CONTEST 1962-73 the Texas Interscholastic League ' there W°uld be n° TILP' With°Ut Sense Award tutions of Texas. The college and demic talent graduating from the ONE ACT PLAY CONTEST, l9bZ-73 the money they donate> many of Foundation to set upscholari 1 award of $500. Applicants must universities of Texas have also ben- state's high schools could not have Texas' finest scholars would be un­ have participated in the League efiitted from the grants. In some been done without the support of programs. The foundations, schools, and able to afford college or university number sense contest at the State cases the scholarship money has some of the major foundations of in­ training. Their contributions will Meet and must attend The Univer­ been matched by other donors, thus Texas. dividuals who have supported the TILF scholarship program 800 pay dividends to Texas and the na­ sity of Texas at Austin. doubling the amounts made avail­ Another dividend from this re­ in the past are: Houston Endowment, tion for generations to come." able by many institutions. cognition and financial support of ^-^ Among the grants offered are the Robert A. Welch Foundation, Department of Chemical More than 1,400 high school grad­ academic champions has been the Moody Foundation, Brown Memorial following : Engineering uates have been beneficiaries of the motivation that it has given to thou­ Trust, 750 Joe B. Cook Scholarship, J. 0. Webb, Z?_2 5 awards of $400 each. Recipients / The Houston Endowment T. H. Shelby Scholarship, Kleberg mus enroll to study chemical engi­ Foundation, Clark Foundation 20 awards of $1250 each, payable neering at The University of Texas Scholarships for Students, Carl B. __. / $750 the first year and $500 the se­ in Austin. Subsequent awards will 700 Poverty Approved and Florence E. King Foundation, cond. Recipients must attend The ae made, depending upon the stu­ Henry Beckman Slide Rule Profici­ University of Texas at Austin, Uni­ dent's performance at the Univer­ ency Awards and the UT Austin versity of Texas at El Paso or Uni­ sity. A limited number of other a- For 73-74 Debate / versity of Texas at Arlington. These Department of Chemical Engineer­ wards will be made to entering 650 grants are for students, from schools The high schools of the nation Resolved: That the federal gov­ ing. freshmen. in conferences AAA, AA, A and B have selected Problem II involving ernment should guarantee a mini­ Other awards include the Kietha ^ Morris Memorial Fund, Texas Wom­ only. Kietha Morris Memorial Award "poverty" as the area for debate for mum annual income for each family unit. en's University, Blinn College, 600 $50 Annual award. To be award­ the 1973-74 school The Robert A. Welch Foundation year. Resolved: That the federal gov­ leton State College, and UT Aus­ A ed to the Outstanding Actress in Re- The other two topics involved ernment should provide a program tin Department of Drama Theatre 10 awards of $4,000 each, payable ion 1A One-Act Play Contest at Tex­ "drug abuse and control," and the for the employment of all employ­ Awards. $1,000 a year. Recipients may at­ as Technological University each "United Nations." able United States citizens living in 550 tend any Texas college or university year. Voting in Texas was 217 for the poverty. which currently has a Robert A. / Welch Foundation grant. These are George and Mary Josephine poverty areas, 259 for the drug Resolved that the federal gov­ abuse propositions, and 179 for the ernment should enact a program of 2715 Schools listed on the TILF application Hamman Foundation role of the United Nations on the comprehensive welfare for United 500 ,.. i blank. Recipients must major in 5 awards of $600 each, and 5 a- preferential ballot on which lowest States citizens living in poverty. Join League chemistry and evidence a desire to wards of $400 eaeh to be made to engage in research in chemistry at total wins. Administrators and debate spon­ (539) (600) (637) (664) (691) (713) (7*9) (7«) (7*7) (771) (785) selected renewals. For contestants The debate propositions in the sors will want to consider these top­ -Number of Schools ( 83°the graduate level. in journalism, speech, science, num­ poverty In 1972-1973 ber sense, slide rule, spelling or area, which will be submit­ ics and decide which is, in their esti­ During the current year, 2715^ Total participating schools for each year ted to member schools with the April mation, most "debatable" and infor­ The Moody Foundation ready writing. Recipients may at­ referendum for preferential ballot, mative and, hence, should be chosen schools joined the League. Of these, 10 awards of $4,000 each, payable tend any accredited four-year col­ are: on the April ballot. 1123 were high schools, 290 junior $1,000 a year. Recipients may attend lege or university in Texas. highs, and 1302 elementary. any accredited four-year college or Conference AAAA had 235 high university in Texas. Awards will be Texas Woman's University Grants schools, Conference AAA 140, Con­ NUEA Debate Group Works made to students planning to major $250 scholarships for girls. These ference AA 216, Conference A 218, government, finance, science, grants are available to first place and Conference B 330. mathematics or general business. winners in any of the four journal­ The League program has various ism contests and to first place win­ levels of educational competition. To Select, Word Topics Joe B. Cook Scholarship ners in speech, one-act play, ready Music, spelling and ready writing $1,250, payable $500 the first year writers, and to winners or runners- are designed for grade, intermedi­ By MRS. PEGGY CARAVANTES tive teams in a weak position. Con­ Each Word Studied and $250 for each of the next three up in debate, to tennis singles, or ate or high school contestants. Pic­ Gregory-Portland High School siderable discussion revolved a- The diligence of the group was years. For contestants in informa­ doubles winners. For additional in­ ture Memory and Story Telling are round changing the word exclusive­ impressive; they considered every tive and persuasive speaking, de­ formation write to: President, Tex­ The NUEA Advisory Committee ly to primarily or predominantly.
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