Electricity Viet Nam Can Tho Thermal Power Company DRAFT Environmental Assessment Report Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: O Mon IV Thermal Power Project September 2010 Prepared by Electricity Viet Nam for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) The environmental impact assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, management or staff. ii This page has been deliberately left blank to allow for double sided printing. iii CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (inter-bank average exchange rate as of 01 September 2010, according to State Bank of Viet Nam) Currency Unit - dong (VND) VND 1.00 = USD 0.0000528 USD 1.00 = VND 18,932 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam APs Affected Peoples BOT Build-Operate-Transfer CAP Corrective Action Plan CBP Capacity Building Plan CC1 Construction Corporation No.1 CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine CDM Clean Development Mechanism CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems CER Certified Emission Reduction CHSP Community Health and Safety Plan CO Carbon Monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent CPP Central Processing Platform CTTP Can Tho Thermal Power Company DARD Department of Agriculture and Rural Department DCS Dedicated Control System DEMT Department of Environmental Management and Technology DFO Distillate Fuel Oil DHI Danish Hydraulics Institute DLN Dry Low NOx DM Demineralized Water EA Executing Agency EHS Guidelines World Bank Group’s Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines EHS Environment, Health and Safety EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMD Environmental Management Department, CTTP EMF Electric and Magnetic Fields EMoP Environmental Monitoring Plan EMP Environmental Management Plan EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction EPC-VESDEC Environmental Protection Center, also commonly referred to as VESDEC a Branch of the Viet Nam Environment and Sustainable Development Institute ERAV Electricity Regulatory Authority of Viet Nam ERCP Erosion and Runoff Control Plan EVN Electricity Viet Nam FCDI Financial Charge During Implementation GDC Gas Distribution Center GDP Gross Domestic Product GHG Greenhouse Gas GOV Government of Viet Nam iv GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism H2S Hydrogen Sulfide HPP Hydro Power Producer HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator HVAC Heat, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning system IPB Isolate Phase Bus IPP Independent Power Producer ISC3 Industrial Source Complex Short Term dispersion model ITB Institute of Tropical Biology IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IVA Ieder Voor Allen JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation KfW KfW Bankengruppe LEP Law on Environmental Protection MOECO Mitsui Oil Exploration Co. Limited, Japan MoF Ministry of Finance MOIT Ministry of Industry and Trade MONRE Viet Nam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment N2O Nitrous Oxide NH3 Ammonia NO2 Nitrogen Oxide NOAA US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOx Nitrogen Oxides O3 Ozone OHSP Occupational Health and Safety Plan OIC Officer-in-Charge OLM Ozone Limiting Method PAHs Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PCB Polychlorinated biphenyl PCR Project Completion Report PDMD5 Fifth Power Development Master Plan PDMP6 Sixth Power Development Master Plan PDMP7 Seventh Power Development Master Plan PECC2 Power Engineering Consulting Company No. 2 PECC3 Power Engineering Consulting Company No. 3 PPC Provincial People’s Committee PPE Personal Protective Equipment PPTA 4845-VIE Project Preparatory Assistance 4845-VIE: Preparing the Support for Public-Private Development of the O Mon Thermal Power Complex Project PTTEP PTT Exploration and Production Public Co. Limited, Thailand PV Gas Petrovietnam Gas Corporation PVN Petrovietnam Power Company SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SCGT Simple Cycle Gas Turbine SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SO 2 Sulfur Dioxide SPC Spill Control Plan SPS Safeguard Policy Statement, ADB SR1 Environmental Safeguard Requirements 1, ADB SPS THC Total Hydrocarbons ToR Terms of Reference TPPMU3 Thermal Power Project Management Unit No 3 of EVN UXO Unexploded Ordinance Vinacomin Viet Nam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group VPC Vattenfall Power Consultant v WEIGHTS AND MEASURES BOD5 Five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand BTU/SCF British Thermal Units/Standard Cubic Foot COD Chemical Oxygen Demand dBA A-weighted sound pressure level in decibels DO Dissolved Oxygen DW Dry Weight GW Gigawatts GWh Gigawatt Hour HHV Higher Heating Value kg/m3 Kilograms per Cubic Meter km Kilometer kV Kilovolt m Meter m/s Meters per Second m³ Cubic Meters m³/h Cubic Meters per Hour m³/s Cubic Meters per Second mg/kg Milligrams per Kilogram mg/l Milligrams per Liter mg/m 3 Milligrams per Cubic Meter mg/Nm 3 Milligrams per Standard Cubic Meter MJ Megajoule MJ/kg Megajoules per Kilogram MPN Most Probable Number Mps Meters per Second MVA Million Volt Amperes MW Megawatt NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units o C Degrees Celsius pH A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution PM Particulate Matter PM10 Particulate Matter (up to 10 microns in diameter) PPM Parts per Million T/h Tonnes per Hour TS Total Solids TSP Total Suspended Particulates TSS Total Suspended Solids µg/Nm3 Micrograms per Normal Standard Cubic Meter µm Micrometer µS/m Microsiemens Per Meter vi This page has been deliberately left blank to allow for double sided printing. vii CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................XVIII I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 1 A. Purpose of the Report................................................................................................. 1 B. Structure of EIA........................................................................................................... 1 C. Approach to EIA Preparation...................................................................................... 2 1. Background ............................................................................................................... 2 2. EIA Methodology....................................................................................................... 3 3. Project Area Definition............................................................................................... 5 II. POLICY, LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK................................... 7 A. Power Sector ............................................................................................................... 7 1. Legal and Policy Framework ..................................................................................... 7 2. Power Development Master Plans............................................................................. 8 3. Power Demand.......................................................................................................... 8 4. Power Production .................................................................................................... 10 5. O Mon IV................................................................................................................. 11 B. Environmental Impact Assessment ......................................................................... 12 1. Viet Nam’s Legal Framework................................................................................... 12 2. EIA and Thermal Power Production in Viet Nam ..................................................... 14 3. ADB’s Environmental Assessment Requirements.................................................... 14 4. Environmental Standards ........................................................................................ 14 a. Vietnamese Environmental Standards................................................................. 14 b. ADB Policy on Environmental Standards............................................................. 16 c. Key Guidelines and Standards Utilized in the O Mon IV Environmental Assessment................................................................................................................. 16 i. Ambient Air Quality.......................................................................................... 16 ii. Air Emissions................................................................................................... 16 iii. Noise and Vibration ......................................................................................... 18 iv. Water and Wastewater .................................................................................... 19 5. Occupational Health and Safety Standards ............................................................. 21 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT .............................................................. 25 A. Type of Project .......................................................................................................... 25 B. Need for the Project .................................................................................................. 25 C. Responsible Agencies .............................................................................................. 26 D. Location and Access................................................................................................. 27 E. Detailed Description.................................................................................................. 29 1. O Mon Power Complex Overview...........................................................................
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