Oct. 28 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1993 make a contribution in accordance with our abil- time next year on the health care plan. It will ity to pay. begin with this, and the more people who know It goes way beyond that. We have certain what's in this, the more people who make con- group behaviors in this country that are impos- structive suggestions about how it can be im- ing intolerable burdens on the health care sys- proved, the better off we're all going to be. tem, which will never be remedies. And we So I ask you to think about this: This book must recognize every time another kid takes an- will be in every library in the country. It will other assault weapon onto another dark street be available, widely available. And now that the and commits another random drive-by shooting Government Printing Office has printed it, any and sends another child into the Johns Hopkins other publisher in the country can go out and emergency room, that adds to the cost of health try to print it for a lower cost. That's good. care. It is a human tragedy. It is also the dumb- That means we'll have a little competition and est thing we can permit to continue to go on these books will be everywhere. [Laughter] for our long-term economic health. Why do we I want to implore all of you to get this and continue to permit this to happen? read it, to get as many of your friends and And so we need to advocate those things, neighbors as possible to read it, and to create too. We need to put the physical education pro- a climate in this country where we have an grams back in our schools. We need to favor honest, nonpartisan American debate to have an those, not just the Friday night contests. We American solution to this issue; and that you need to think about the kids who need it. And insist that these principles be observedÐthat we we need to challenge these group behaviors. fix what's wrong, keep what's rightÐand that We have got to reduce the number of low birth- we act on this, that we act on it before Congress weight births. It's great that we can keep all goes home next year. It begins with you knowing of those little babies, or so many of them, alive about it. Please help us. today. But it is an unnecessary cost. We can Thank you very much, and God bless you reduce those if we work at it. all. And most important of all, we have got to do something about the rising tide of violence NOTE: The President spoke at 12:20 p.m. in the in this country. There's a crime bill that the Newton White Athletic Center. In his remarks, Congress can give you for a Christmas present he referred to university officials William C. Rich- that includes the Brady bill and more police ardson, president, Michael E. Johns, dean, med- officers on the street and alternatives for kids, ical faculty, Carol J. Gray, dean, School of Nurs- and we ought to pass it. We ought to pass ing, and Alfred Sommer, dean, School of Hygiene it before the Congress goes home. and Public Health; Robbye NcNair, medical stu- Let me close with this. We are beginning dent at the university; and James A. Block, presi- now the process that will lead to a vote some- dent, Johns Hopkins University Hospital. Remarks at a Rally for Mayor David Dinkins in New York City October 28, 1993 The President. This is not one but two hard Pominant near here. His mother is right over acts to follow. I am glad to be back in Queens. there. And I want to say right now that the And I'm here because I still love New York. first time Congressman Ackerman visited me in I want to say that when I was waiting to the White House, he looked around at the come out here tonight, I listened to the choir White House and he said, ``Don't feel bad, Mr. and the music and my friend Judy Collins. And President, I used to live in public housing, too.'' they were great, and they got me in a wonderful I want to thank Tom Manton and Carolyn  frame of mind. I listened to all of you cheer. Maloney and Nydia Velazquez and my dear I listened to my friend Gary Ackerman tell me friend Floyd Flake and Gary Ackerman for that he grew up in a public housing unit called being my partners in the Congress of the United 1846 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 08:07 Oct 23, 2000 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00550 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\93PAP2\PAP_TEXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1993 / Oct. 28 States. I want to thank Claire Shulman and working longer work weeks for the same or Freddy Ferrer and Peter Vallone and all the lower wages, when you take account of inflation. other leaders of the Democratic Party here, and For 10 years, many workers have given up all Tom Van Arsdale and the leaders of the House their pay increases just to pay for higher health of Labor for giving us a place to meet and care costs. More and more when people lose a cause to fight for. their jobs, they don't get the same job back; I want to say a strong word for the rest of they have to get another job. And often it this ticket, Alan Hevesi and my friend of many doesn't pay as well or have as good benefits. years Mark Green, who will make a strong team More and more, people look at the present when Mayor Dinkins is reelected on Tuesday. with some sense of insecurity. All over America And I want to say one other thing. I know I've told the story of the man who worked at I should be mindful of New York every waking a hotel in Manhattan who told me that his son minute, but once in a while, just once in a wanted him to support me, but if he did it, while, you slip my mind. [Laughter] Now, this he wanted me to make his son free. And by morning I went out running, as I do every that he meant free to walk to school without morning, and I wore a cap that I was given fear of being shot or attacked. the other night when we showed a wonderful These are things that everyone in America movie at the White House about a young man feels. And when people are frustrated and anx- who overcomes enormous odds to fulfill his life- iety-ridden, they naturally tend to vote to change time dream of playing football at Notre Dame. things, whatever it is. Look at the Canadian Audience members. ``Rudy''! elections. Look at what's happening in Europe, The President. The title of the movie is all over the world: every wealthy country having ``Rudy.'' I didn't realize that when they showed trouble creating jobs, having trouble giving peo- it on the CNN or wherever that there might ple higher incomes when they work harder and be some political connotation to that. [Laughter] smarter. So when I learned that there was, I remem- We are seeing, my fellow Americans, a lot bered that there was another movie made a of problems in the world and a lot of problems few months ago that I also liked very much at home. I ran for President because I wanted called ``Dave.'' So let me tell you, I liked both to change that. But here's what I want to say movies a lot, but when it comes to being Mayor, to you. And this is the message I have to every- Dave's my man. one in New York, whether like me, a Democrat Ladies and gentlemenÐÐ born and bred, or a Republican or an inde- Audience member. We love you, Bill! pendent or a member of one of the other parties The President. Thank you. here: Yes, we must change America. Ladies and gentlemen, I have read some criti- Every day I get up and go to work to do cism, some of which I sort of understand, from that. Today we saw the deficit this year is over people saying, ``Well, you know, the Vice Presi- $50 billion less than we were told it was going dent and Mrs. Gore and the President and the to be on the day I became President. Why? First Lady, they've all been there campaigning Because we went after it. We brought down for Mayor Dinkins. What are they doing there? interest rates; we proved you could bring down They don't have a vote in New York.'' Well, the deficit. And for the first time in a long we may not have a vote in New York, but we time, when you got that report the deficit was have a stake in New York. How can America smaller, not bigger, than all the politicians said do well if New York City or New York State it was going to be. Yes, we need change. don't do well? How can we be the kind of Yes, we need more jobs. But in the first 9 country we ought to be if the home of the months of this administration we have more jobs Statue of Liberty is not a living example of in the private sector created than in the previous our liberty and our triumph and the strength 4 years.
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