Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies ..; .. (..):1–17 Johannes K Becker*, David Li, and David Starobinski Tracking Anonymized Bluetooth Devices Abstract: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices use regularly broadcasted in the clear, leading to major pri- public (non-encrypted) advertising channels to an- vacy concerns over the possibility of unwanted track- nounce their presence to other devices. To prevent track- ing [3]. This was addressed in the Bluetooth Core Spec- ing on these public channels, devices may use a peri- ification 4.0 with the introduction of the Bluetooth Low odically changing, randomized address instead of their Energy (BLE) standard also known as Bluetooth Smart. permanent Media Access Control (MAC) address. In BLE allows device manufacturers to use temporary ran- this work we show that many state-of-the-art devices dom addresses in over-the-air communication instead of which are implementing such anonymization measures their permanent address to prevent tracking [4]. How- are vulnerable to passive tracking that extends well be- ever, these anonymization features are defined in a way yond their address randomization cycles. We show that that leaves a certain degree of flexibility to manufactur- it is possible to extract identifying tokens from the pay- ers. The optionality of such privacy protecting features load of advertising messages for tracking purposes. We is of special relevance, as the BLE standard was de- present an address-carryover algorithm which exploits signed specifically to support low-energy devices such as the asynchronous nature of payload and address changes smart watches and other wearable devices, which are an to achieve tracking beyond the address randomization of attractive target for adversarial tracking of their users. a device. We furthermore identify an identity-exposing BLE devices broadcast so-called advertisements on attack via a device accessory that allows permanent, unencrypted, public channels in order to signal their non-continuous tracking, as well as an iOS side-channel presence to other devices. Ideally, this public broadcast which allows insights into user activity. Finally, we pro- contains all the required information to perform a de- vide countermeasures against the presented algorithm vice function, while not leaking unnecessary private in- and other privacy flaws in BLE advertising. formation about the device or its user. In some cases, however, devices may broadcast data that exposes sen- Keywords: Bluetooth, tracking, privacy, information sitive details about themselves or even other devices. leakage, side-channels, correlation attacks, traffic anal- In this work, we show how even state-of-the-art ysis. devices such as Windows 10 computers and iPhones, DOI Editor to enter DOI which do implement privacy protecting measures such Received ..; revised ..; accepted ... as address randomization may be vulnerable to contin- uous tracking. We first examine various types of ad- vertising messages and identify so-called identifying to- 1 Introduction kens, which are unique to a device and remain static for long enough to be used as secondary identifiers besides Bluetooth technology has facilitated the ubiquity of the address. We present an online algorithm called the instant wireless connectivity, ranging from personal address-carryover algorithm, which exploits the fact connected accessories, to smart homes, and localized that identifying tokens and the random address do not and personalized, location-based shopping experiences. change in sync, to continuously track a device despite Since it was first adopted in mobile phones in the year implementing anonymization measures. To our knowl- 2000 [1], it has undergone five major Core Specification edge, this approach affects all Windows 10, iOS, and revisions with numerous amendments [2]. macOS devices. The algorithm does not require mes- In early versions of the Bluetooth specification, the sage decryption or breaking Bluetooth security in any permanent Bluetooth MAC addresses of devices were way, as it is based entirely on public, unencrypted ad- vertising traffic. The Bluetooth 5 Specification extends usable com- munication range to whole buildings or hundreds of me- *Corresponding Author: Johannes K Becker: Boston ters in line-of-sight transmissions [5, 6]. While the track- University, E-mail: [email protected] David Li: Boston University, E-mail: [email protected] ing attack proposed in this paper considers tracking by David Starobinski: Boston University, E-mail: [email protected] a single adversary in such an operating radius, previous Tracking Anonymized Bluetooth Devices 2 work [7] suggests that local BLE tracking methods may Bluetooth and Wi-Fi tracking concerns, as well as more be significantly compounded by coordinating them in BLE-specific techniques and utilities. a botnet of adversaries, resulting in potentially global In 2007, Spill and Bittau [3] presented several tech- tracking capabilities. niques for eavesdropping on Bluetooth 2.0 commu- The main contributions of this paper are as follows: nication using a GNU Radio-based Bluetooth sniffer and USRP software-defined radio hardware. Their work 1. We describe a tracking vulnerability that affects describes an approach for intercepting packets, and Windows 10, iOS, and macOS devices as long as reverse-engineering all the parameters required to eaves- they are continuously observed by the adversary. drop on Bluetooth communication [3]. However, these 2. We develop a methodology that can be applied to findings only concern the Bluetooth Classic implemen- devices from various manufacturers, based on raw tation, which is of decreasing relevance in light of BLE BLE advertising log files. and Bluetooth 5. 3. We present an algorithm that allows tracking be- In 2015, Jameel and Dungen presented an open- yond the address randomization of a device, and source library for scanning Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) measure the resulting maximum tracking time and Active RFID advertising [10]. Their work sum- (MTT). marizes different available Beacon protocols, which are 4. We identify other privacy vulnerabilities that exist proximity-based broadcast protocols [11, 12] and enable on certain device types, which expose device identi- all kinds of localized interactions with smartphones and fiers permanently via a peripheral, and which leak other Bluetooth devices via the BLE advertising chan- activity information on iOS devices. nels. Furthermore, the authors published a library called 5. We provide recommendations and potential coun- advlib [13], which processes raw BLE advertising mes- termeasures to the tracking vulnerabilities uncov- sages and decodes them into an open, portable data ered in this work. format. This library enables software developers to eas- ily integrate BLE advertising-based functionality into The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Sec- their software, without having to manually decode low- tion 2 discusses prior related work. Section 3 presents level protocols. The library further powers the open- background information on the Bluetooth protocol nec- source “collaborative repository” Sniffypedia [14], which essary to understand this work. In Section 4, we de- presents a large number of publicly known BLE adver- scribe our adversarial model and the methodology used tising identifiers in a searchable and accessible format. in this work, followed by the experimental setup in Sec- This platform can help classify Bluetooth device classes tion 5. We present our results in Section 6, followed by for reconnaissance purposes, but does not offer device recommendations for the avoidance of unwanted device tracking capabilities. tracking in Section 7. We summarize our findings and Vanhoef et al. [15] present techniques to gain ac- give an outlook on further research in Section 8. cess to permanent MAC addresses by exploiting probe requests in Wi-Fi. They develop an algorithm which relies on timing features and sequence numbers found 2 Related Work in Wi-Fi probe requests to identify devices regardless of their MAC address. They further describe a variant Privacy and security concerns over Bluetooth date back of the Karma Attack – exploiting the fact that many to its very first release [8]. Anonymizing devices in pub- devices will expose information to supposedly known lic channel communication only became available with and trusted networks [16] by creating a catch-all access the introduction of BLE in Bluetooth 4.0 [9]. A lot of re- point [17] – which creates large numbers of popular Wi- search regarding the effectiveness of MAC address ran- Fi networks in order to invite devices to connect, often domization is focused on Wi-Fi, where the same privacy presenting their permanent MAC address in a suppos- concern of broadcasting permanent identifiers exists, edly trusted context. but vulnerabilities are often not easily transferable to Issoufaly and Tournoux [7] show that despite the ex- the Bluetooth case as they are based on different areas istence of privacy-preserving MAC address randomiza- specific to the Wi-Fi network stack. We will highlight tion in Bluetooth 4.0 LE, not all devices make use of this some important works relating to more general cases of functionality and are therefore vulnerable to tracking. Furthermore, they showed how maliciously distributing suitable tracking software to a number of mobile de- Tracking Anonymized Bluetooth Devices 3 vices – a “BLE Botnet” – extends tracking capabilities far beyond the local transmission range of regular Blue- Scanning tooth communication.
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