Radio-Frequency and Microwave Communication Circuits: Analysis and Design Devendra K. Misra Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBNs: 0-471-41253-8 (Hardback); 0-471-22435-9 (Electronic) RADIO-FREQUENCY AND MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS RADIO-FREQUENCY AND MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN DEVENDRA K. MISRA A WILEY±INTERSCIENCE PUBLICATION JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. New York Chichester Weinheim Brisbane Singapore Toronto Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. In all instances where John Wiley & Sons, Inc., is aware of a claim, the product names appear in initial capital or ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Readers, however, should contact the appropriate companies for more complete information regarding trademarks and registration. Copyright # 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. 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ISBN 0-471-22435-9 This title is also available in print as ISBN0-471-41253-8. For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site at www.Wiley.com. CONTENTS Preface ix Acknowledgements xiii 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Microwave Transmission Lines, 4 2. Communication Systems 9 2.1 Terrestrial Communication, 10 2.2 Satellite Communication, 11 2.3 Radio Frequency Wireless Services, 14 2.4 Antenna Systems, 17 2.5 Noise and Distortion, 34 Suggested Reading, 53 Problems, 53 3. Transmission Lines 57 3.1 Distributed Circuit Analysis of Transmission Lines, 57 3.2 Sending End Impedance, 68 3.3 Standing Wave and Standing Wave Ratio, 81 3.4 Smith Chart, 84 Suggested Reading, 97 Problems, 98 4. Resonant Circuits 105 4.1 Series Resonant Circuits, 105 4.2 Parallel Resonant Circuits, 115 4.3 Transformer-Coupled Circuits, 119 v vi CONTENTS 4.4 Transmission Line Resonant Circuits, 126 4.5 Microwave Resonators, 134 Suggested Reading, 141 Problems, 142 5. Impedance Matching Networks 146 5.1 Single Reactive Element or Stub Matching, 147 5.2 Double-Stub Matching, 159 5.3 Matching Networks Using Lumped Elements, 164 Suggested Reading, 183 Problems, 183 6. Impedance Transformers 189 6.1 Single-Section Quarter-Wave Transformers, 190 6.2 Multisection Quarter-Wave Transformers, 192 6.3 Transformer with Uniformly Distributed Section Re¯ection Coef®cients, 195 6.4 Binomial Transformers, 200 6.5 Chebyshev Transformers, 205 6.6 Exact Formulation and Design of Multisection Impedance Transformers, 212 6.7 Tapered Transmission Lines, 221 6.8 Synthesis of Transmission Line Tapers, 228 6.9 Bode-Fano Constraints for Lossless Matching Networks, 237 Suggested Reading, 240 Problems, 241 7. Two-Port Networks 243 7.1 Impedance Parameters, 244 7.2 Admittance Parameters, 249 7.3 Hybrid Parameters, 256 7.4 Transmission Parameters, 259 7.5 Conversion of the Impedance, Admittance, Chain, and Hybrid Parameters, 266 7.6 Scattering Parameters, 267 7.7 Conversion From Impedance, Admittance, Chain, and Hybrid Parameters to Scattering Parameters or Vice Versa, 286 7.8 Chain Scattering Parameters, 287 Suggested Reading, 289 Problems, 289 8. Filter Design 295 8.1 Image Parameter Method, 296 CONTENTS vii 8.2 Insertion Loss Method, 314 8.3 Microwave Filters, 342 Suggested Reading, 352 Problems, 352 9. Signal-Flow Graphs and Applications 354 9.1 De®nitions and Manipulation of Signal-Flow Graphs, 358 9.2 Signal-Flow Graph Representation of a Voltage Source, 363 9.3 Signal-Flow Graph Representation of a Passive Single-Port Device, 364 9.4 Power Gain Equations, 373 Suggested Reading, 381 Problems, 381 10. Transistor Amplifer Design 385 10.1 Stability Considerations, 385 10.2 Ampli®er Design for Maximum Gain, 393 10.3 Constant Gain Circles, 404 10.4 Constant Noise Figure Circles, 424 10.5 Broadband Ampli®ers, 434 10.6 Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit Models of Transistors, 438 10.7 DC Bias Circuits for Transistors, 440 Suggested Reading, 445 Problems, 445 11. Oscillator Design 449 11.1 Feedback and Basic Concepts, 449 11.2 Crystal Oscillators, 460 11.3 Electronic Tuning of Oscillators, 463 11.4 Phase-Locked Loop, 465 11.5 Frequency Synthesizers, 485 11.6 One-Port Negative Resistance Oscillators, 489 11.7 Microwave Transistor Oscillators, 492 Suggested Reading, 508 Problems, 509 12. Detectors and Mixers 513 12.1 Amplitude Modulation, 514 12.2 Frequency Modulation, 525 12.3 Switching-Type Mixers, 531 12.4 Conversion Loss, 537 12.5 Intermodulation Distortion in Diode-Ring Mixers, 539 12.6 FET Mixers, 543 viii CONTENTS Suggested Reading, 548 Problems, 548 Appendix 1. Decibels and Neper 551 Appendix 2. Characteristics of Selected Transmission Lines 553 Appendix 3. Speci®cations of Selected Coaxial Lines and Waveguides 560 Appendix 4. Some Mathematical Formulas 563 Appendix 5. Properties of Some Materials 566 Appendix 6. Common Abbreviations 567 Appendix 7. Physical Constants 572 Index 573 PREFACE Wireless technology has been growing tremendously, with new applications reported almost every day. Besides the traditional applications in communication, such as radio and television, RF and microwaves are being used in cordless phones, cellular communication, local area networks (LANs), and personal communication systems (PCSs). Keyless door entry, radio frequency identi®cation (RFID), monitoring of patients in a hospital or a nursing home, and cordless mice or keyboards for computers are some of the other areas where RF technology is being employed. While some of these applications have traditionally used infrared (IR) technology, radio frequency circuits are continuously taking over because of their superior performance. The current rate of growth in RF technology is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. These advances require personnel trained in radio frequency and microwave engineering. Therefore, besides regular courses as a part of electrical engineering curricula, short courses and workshops are regularly conducted in these areas for practicing engineers. I also introduced a course in this area over ten years ago to address the needs of local industry. Since the available textbooks generally assumed that students had more background in electrical circuits and electromag- netic ®elds than our curriculum provided, I developed the lecture notes for this class. Based on the input from our alumni, I added a second course as well. This book is based on the lecture notes that evolved over the past several years. As mentioned above, the presentation of this book assumes only a basic course in electronic circuits as a prerequisite. Instead of using electromagnetic ®elds as most of the microwave engineering books do, the subject is introduced via circuit concepts. Further, an overview of communication systems is presented in the beginning to provide the reader with an overall perspective of the various building blocks involved. ix x PREFACE The book is organised into twelve chapters and seven appendices, using a top- down approach. It begins with an introduction to frequency bands, RF and microwave devices, and applications in communication, radar, industrial, and biomedical areas. The introduction also includes a brief description of microwave transmission linesÐwaveguides, strip lines, and microstrip lines. Modern wireless communication systems, such as terrestrial and satellite communication systems and RF wireless services, are brie¯y discussed in Chapter 2. After introducing antenna terminology, effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), the Friis transmission formula, and the radar range equation are presented. The ®nal section of the chapter introduces noise and distortion associated with communication systems. Chapter 3 starts with distributed circuits and the construction of solutions to the transmission line equation. Topics presented in this chapter include RF circuit analysis, phase and group velocities, sending end impedance, re¯ection coef®cient, return loss, insertion loss, experimental determination of characteristic impedance and propagation constant, voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), and measurement of impedance. The ®nal section of this chapter includes a description of the Smith chart and its application in analysis of transmission line circuits. Resonant circuits are discussed in Chapter 4, which begins with series and parallel resistance-inductance-capacitance (RLC) circuits. This is followed by a section on transformer-coupled circuits. The ®nal two sections of this chapter are devoted to transmission line resonant circuits and microwave resonators. The next two chapters of the book deal with impedance matching techniques. Single reactive element or stub, double-stub, and lumped-element matching techniques are discussed in Chapter 5 while Chapter 6 is devoted to
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