Cactus Seed List

Cactus Seed List

if J Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 1 AUNT PAT K E C K I V b, O mote s, mm m re EDINBURG, TEX AS 111. S. Department of Agricultu CACTUS SEED LIST Please list several substitutes. ACANTHOCALYCIUM VIOLACEUM LOBVIA ANDALGALEWSIS ACANTHOCEREUS PENTAGONUS LOBVIA BRUCHII AGAVE PARVIFLORA LOBVIA FORMOSA AGAVE VICTORIA REGINAE LOBVIA HUASCHA LOBVIA HYBRID (FORMOSA X BRO ALOE STRIATA LOBVIA LONGISPINA ASTROPHYTUM MYRIOSTIGMA LOVIA PENTLANDII ASTROPHYTUM NUDA LOBVIA HYB. ANDAL-X BRUCHII) ASTROPHYTUM ORNATUM LOBVIA SP. X BLOSSFELD (ORANGF ASTROPHYTUM HYBRID LOBVIA MIXED CARNEGIA GIGANTEA MALACOCARPUS CORYNODES CEPHALOCEREUS POLYLOPHUS MALACOCARPUS ERINACEUS CEPHALOCEREUS SENILIS MALACOCARPUS SELLOWII CEREUS ALACRIPORTANUS MALACOCARPUS VORWERKIANUS CEREUS PERUVIANUS MAMMILLARIA ALBICANS CEREUS PERUVIANUS MONS. MAM. ANGULARIS CEREUS STENAGONUS MAMMILLARIA BRAUNEANA CEREUS NO. 6 (NEW) MAMMILLARIA CELSIANA CEREUS NO. 8 MAM. COMPRESSA CEREUS NO. 17 (NEW) MAMMILLARIA FORMOSA CEREUS NO. 20 (NEW) MAM. HIDALGENSIS CLEISTOCACTUS MORAWETZIANUS MAMMILLARIA MACRACANTHA CLEISTOCACTUS' STRAUSII MAMMILLARIA ORCUTTII CLEISTOCACTUS. TUPIZENSIS MAM. PERBELLA CLEISTOCACTUS JUJUYENSIS MAM. RHODANTHA CORYPHANTHA MIXED MAM. SPINOSISSIMA CRASSULA FALCATA MAM. TETRACANTHA DYCKIA RARIFLORA MAM. VAUPELII DYCKIA SULPHUREA MAMMILLARIA MIXED ECHINOCEREUS CHIHUAHUA MELOCACTUS BAHIENSIS ECHINOCEREUS ENGELMANII MELOCACTUS ERNESTII ECHINOCEREUS M.H. 15 (PINK FL> NOTOCACTUS APRICUS ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII NOTOCACTUS FLORICAMUS ECHINOCEREUS SALMAINA NOTOCACTUS GRAESSNERI ECHINOCEREUS MIXED NOTOCACTUS HASELBERGII ECHINOPSIS BRIDGESII NOTOCACTUS LENINGHAUSI ECHINOPSIS DECAISNEANA NOTOCACTUS MAMMULOSUS ECHINOPSIS EYRIESII NOTOCACTUS OTTONIS ECHINOPSIS HAMATACANTHA NOTOCACTUS PAMPEANUS ECHINOPSIS HOUTII NOTOCACTUS RUTELANS ECHINOPSIS HYB. YELLOW FL. NOTOCACTUS TABULARIS ECHINOPSIS PARAGUAYENSIS OPUNTIA IMBRICATA ECHINOPSIS TUBIFLORA OPUNTIA LINDENHEIMER ECHINOPSIS TURBINATA OPUNTIA LINGUAFORMA ECHINOPSIS MIXED OPUNTIA ROBUSTA. ERIOCEREUS BONPLANDII OPUNTIA VESTITA; [ ERIOCEREUS JUSTBERTII OREOCEREUS CELSiAnUS ERIOCEREUS MARTINII OREOCEREUS FOSSULATUS ERIOCEREUS TORTUOSUS OREOCEREUS HENDREKSINIANUS FEROCACTUS ECHIDNE OREOCEREUS HEND. X FOSSUL, FEROCACTUS PILOSUS OREOCEREUS HYBRID FEROCACTUS RAFAELENSIS REBUTLA SENILIS FEROCACTUS WISLIZENII STENOCACTUS MIXED FEROCACTUS TOWNSENDIANUS TRICHOCEREUS CANDICANS GYMNOCALYCIUM DENUDATUM TRICHOCEREUS GLADIATUS GYMNOCALYCIUM MAZANWSIS TRICHOCEREUS PASCANA GYMNOCALYCIUM MULTIFLORUM TRICHOCEREUS SCHICKANDANTZIl LEMAIREOCEREUS PRUINOSUS TRICHOCEREUS SPACHIANUS 4 i C If you select the plants—use price on this side of page. Add 25c on orders less than $1.00 for mailing costs. ROUTE 3, BOX 44, EDINmJRJ3jraXAS__ EDINBURG. TEXAjj}^ I B R A i- —7 R =E vC .E I V K D JUN 1 51982 Plants in this group—Postpaid—Each U. S. Department cf kmutiuQ • • • Plants in ihis group—Postpaid—Each 50c COCOANUT PALM—Bryophyllum Houghton hybrid. • • • SPROUTING LEAF—Bry. diagremontianum, CENTURY PLANT—Agave americana. PURPLE KALANCHOE—Bryophyllum fedischenkoi RAINBOW CACTUS—Echinocereus Dasycanifows HOLLYWOOD PALM—Bryophyllum tubiflorum. UNGENTINE PLANT—Aloe microstigma. HUERNIA ZEBRINA—Owl eyes. AIR PLANT—Bryophyllum pinnatum. ELEPHANT BUSH—Portulacaria afra. NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS—A pentagonus. MEXICAN PINE TREE—Opuntia leptocaulis. YELLOW KALANCHOE-KALANCHOE SPECIES HENRY FORD CACTUS—Euphorbia tirucalli QUEEN OF THE NIGHT—Hylocereus undatus. Plants in this group—Postpaid—Each 25c SEA URCHIN CACTUS— Aslrophyturn asienas. • • • A. HONDURENSIS—Night Flower. TREE CACTUS—Opuntia imbricata. Purple Flower. TRUE ALOE—Aloe vera-meciicinaL MINIATURE ALOE—Aloe humvir. BISHOPS CAP—Asirophyrum myriostigma. GOLD TOOTH ALOE—Aloe nobilis. TRICOLORED JADE—Crassula argenlea var. SPOTTED ALOE—Aloe Picta. PINEAPPLE PLANT—Dyckia sulphurea. PEARL ALOE—Aloe humilis. CORN COB CACTUS—Ech. enneacanthus. ORANGE TUNA—Opuntia elala. Orange flowers. CORN COB CACTUS—Euphorbia mammillaris. BOXING GLOVE CACTUS—Opuntia mamillaia cristaia. ECHINOPSIS HYBRID—Easier Lily Cactus. GOOD LUC KPLANT- -Sanseveria zeylanica. WHITE FLOWER—Epiphyllum hybrid. DEER TONGUE CACTUS—Nopalea aut HEN & CHICKENS—Echeveria elegans. • • • MARBLE BEAUTY—Gasteraloe beguinii. MARTINS HARRISIA—Harrisia mariinii. Plants in this group—Postpaid Each 35c — ROBUSTA HARRISIA—Robusia hybrid. • • • PEN WIPER—Kelanchoe marmoraia. PIN CUSHION CACTUS—Mammiliaria hemisphaerica. THIMBLE CACTUS—Mammiliaria fragilis. TWISTED RIB CACTUS—Hamatocactus seiispinus. MINIATURE PRICKLY PEAR—Opuntia schickendantzii. JADE PLANT—Crassula argenlia. ROUND PLANT—Sanseveria cylindrica. DUMPLING CACTUS—Coryphanta runyonii. FLAT HOUSE TYPE—Sanseveria hahnii. LADY FINGER CACTUS—Echinocereus pentaloput. PENCIL CACTUS—Wileoxia poselgeri. LACE CACTUS—Echinocereus reichenbachii. OX TONGUE CACIUS^-Gasteria hybrid. FISH HOOK CACTUS—Ancistrocactus scheeri. GHOST PLANT—Graptopelalum paraguayense. JUNIOR TOM THUM CACTUS—Escobaria runyonii. NIGHT GIANT—Harrisia bonplanan. NIPPLE CACTUS—Dolichothele spaerica. VINE ALOE—Aloe cilaris. GLORY OF TEXAS—Thelocactus bicolor. Haworthia Cymbiformis—thick leaves. PINK KALANCHOE—Kalanchoe longiflora, Dope Cactus — Lophophora williamsu. STAR FISH—Stapelia variegata. LIVING ROCK CACTUS—Ariocarpus Fissuratus HONEY MIKE—Opuntia microdasy var dlba. SCARLET HYBRID—Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana BUNNY EARS—Opuntia microdasy. PINK SEDUM—Sedum adlphus-weinbergii. WART PLANT—Haworthia fasciaia. YELLOW CENTURY PLANT—A. americana var. BLIND PEAR—Opuntia rufida. Red glochids. # • • TREE ALO E—Aloe arborescens. Plants in this group—Postpaid—Each $IM INDIAN FIG—Opuntia ficus indica RED BIRD CACTUS—Pedflanthus aphylla. VARIGATED RED BIRD—Pedilanthus aphylla variegata. CHRISTMAS CACTUS—Zygocacius trun. Bilbergia nutans. tin rfrt rjn fin rtg* rjjn QUEEN TEARS— v#* Vft vft Vft Vfr GIANT TOAD PLANT—Stapelia gigantea. FT. PRICKLY PEAR $2.50 EACH OLD MAN OF THE MOUNTAIN—Cephalocereus senilis. FT. TREE CACTUS $3.00 EACH QUEENS ROSETTE—Agvae victoria-reginae. FT. CEREUS PERUVIANUS $5.00 PRICKLY PEAR—Opuntia lindenheimer. FT. CENTURY PLANT $3.00 EACH COW TONGUE—O. linguiformis. FT. YUCCA $3.00 EACH OPUNTIA STROMBILIFORMIS—Cylindrical, no. spines. • • • TEXANS ADD 2 PER CENT TAX Plants in this groups—Postpaid—Each $1.50 DEVILS HEAD—Homalocephala texensis. Less than $1.00 include 25c handling charges. ORGANO—Cereus geometrizans. ORGAN PIPE—Cereus marginatus. TOTUM POLE—L. schotti monstrose. ORGAN PIPE CACTUS—Lemaireocereus prunosis. .4 i * When this plant is in full bloom your neighbors wi-ll come fFom blocks Have an abundance of gor- geous red blooms indoors from arouad to see the exquisite crimson Christmas to Easter. Thrives outside all spring- and sum- red double flowers. Blooms from mer. Blooms almost continu- ously: Idea) year 'round plant. Beautiful foliage'. Hardy, easy Christmas to Easter, Will go months to grow- without water with ho damage to the BUY NOW plant. Probably the most popular house plant in the world. Don't delay. Order now. Our present stock may be sold out any time. $1 for one, $1.45 for two or four for S&. Ba 1 j) M • « '> U 4 . AUNT PAT ROUTE 3, BC 44 EDINBURG, TEXAS I'm enclosing ,—$1 cash for 1 Christmas Cactus $1.45 cash for 2 Christmas Cactus $2.60 cash for 4 Christmas Cactus Print name and address. ~ . CACTUS PLAITS A RESWIESTMi HJ*T All For • ladie*, here'* on offer w* are certain yew will net want to pew up. Imagine ,,.13 CACTUS PLANTS end a RESURRECTION PLANT GtVEN FOX PROMPT ORDER . , ell fer only $8. Think of it, you now con hove on attractive CACTUS- CORNER or WIN* DOW GARDEN, You'll be the envy of ell your lady friend* when thoy tee and admire these exotic, healthy CACTUS PLANTS, Whaf* more, we GUARANTEE SATISFACTION , , , can we *ey more? All the plant* bloom and will be of blooming thee , , two or more year old plonU. Many of them from MEXICO, urtalW MCOCO . Don't delay another moment. Order YOUR CACTUS PLANTS NOW, Send $2 co*h, check or money order. RememW/ yea Yaw MmmU witt got 13 DIFFERENT plant* , . what a variety . , . end e Remrree* ion Plant a* a gift. May we eerve yoe eeen? Cos tMp sM yaar ACT MOW 11 ft f**» Meet §a&mm*4 Je ^^(111^11 I am eneS> Jng S~--~— ^ca*h, check, money errferf Please raeh Cactu* Gmdtt to ' Name Street or RPD — Oty. Zone. WRITE FOR FREE CACTUS SEED PRICE LIST. WRITE FOR FREE CACTUS BOOK PRICE LIST. ASK FOR WHOLESALE PRICES OF CARBON PAPER AND TYPEWR ITER RIBBONS. 4 i INDIAN CURE-ALL PLANT (Also known as Mescal Button, Dry Whiskey, Sacred Mushroom and the botanical name is Lo- phophora Williamsii. It is a cactus.) "Be the first to get this rare and unusual plant! Dozens of books and hundreds ^ o¥ newspaper and magazine articles 1 have been written about this unusual plan^. It is spineless and bluish in col- /ith a beautiful pink flower. Re- quires practically no attention and is easy to grow. Aldous Huxley in Saturday Evening Post (Oct. 18, 1958) has this to say about Peyote, "Taste and see that the Lord is good. The perusal of a page from even the most beautiful written cookbook is no substitute for eating of the dinner." Peyote is a part of the In- dian religion in the south- west of the U.S. and most of northern Mexico. AUNT PAT ROUTE 3, BOX 44 EDINBURG, TEXAS I'm enclosing 50c cash for 1 Peyote. Postpaid $1.00 cash for 3 Peyotes. Postpaid $2.00 cash for 7 Peyotes. Postpaid Print name and address. I JUST PIN 6IANT LEAVES TO CURTAIN, DRAPE, OR LAY OIN TABLE. NO NEED FOR SOU OR WATER. FUN AND EDUCA ' I B i

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