THE FRASER ADVANCE ^ 31 Journal of Optimism and Helpfulness, Especially Devoted to tbe Interests of the fraser Valley The KniHer Advance: Vol. I, No. 10 CHILLIWACK, B. C, SATURDAY, MAY 2ft, 1007. Chilliwack Progress: Vol. XVII. No. 8 THE WORLD OVER. According to tlie Blaine .Tour- BOARD Of TRADE. the Cultus Lake dirtrict equally VEDDER PROTECTION WORKS nnl it party of engineers repre- as well, if not better than did the A business panic is threatened sentiiigHtone & Webster, passed Addition! to Membership tultus old road and which could be con- Cribbing and Mattressing Complete in San Francisco. through that town on a tour of Lak» Road. strutted at a much less expendi- Channel Cleared to Sumas Lake 1_ inspection last week. The _ ture of money, and which would llenorts from Winnipeg state Journal believes that this com- The Chilliwack Board of Trade have a much easier grade than This week witnesses the satis- that seeding has been completed. V^M\ ft&J# ^ the 'r^ui^Sl^^^! M*»oUrmA. factory completionof the Gov- construction of a line from Bel- *;Ourt HoUBe ojhFriday evening, Bejt therefore resolved by this ernment protection work which *» «v.._i, , . I'siV Hnjriiam. iiirough Blaine to Van. ^ !™« ,™, «^JW^-Botad of Trade, that this has been in progress below the 1 Sir Wilfric Uurler left Lon. cmv+r> * •••»..•-.• announced for;8 o'clock, but be-^^ ,mBtter be brought to the attention Vedder bHdge for the past three don for Parts on Tuesday. ; ± cause of the lack of a quorum of ^ provincial Government, months, and now the waters of „ . u,,:^. ,' *i The Dominion Government ^f^n^ tt,L,Reidta retiring from. the. h ^ . 40.horM. ness for half ah hour after the gate the matter and have the road floods descend with their usual legal firm of Cowan *. Mfrto 3*588 HE£S BffiSfLK^ZZ C0MtrttCted- W** "**« "»* ind » join Messrs. Bowser & Wall- ^ " UHw] at ^ ^^ ary delays are not a little trying And be it further resolved that without endangering the fields 0f thi8 reB0lutk)n ta for and h0m88 f and SumaB bridge. st|lteH ,.fe , nt BHinfie,d PSf.S^orlilvlJSlS. * ^ - ° ^^ - • Creek for use in cases of wrecks Ti. •nce has other engagementB warded to the Chief Commissioner To the eye of the ordinary ©b- Jack London's ^acllt, the m of Vancouvw following. If those who are 0f Lends and Works, the Public server the work has been done as Snark, arrived at Honolulu on , •, w j, .• • accustomed to be dilatory in such , ^ad substantially as honest labor and M d T )e b()ftt wj cas 8 C0U somehow b e made Wor {8 Emrineer and to the May 20th, twenty-seven days ^j,,' Ne<v j^ Wfllcwt b> f. W . ^ Superintendent. The motion was painstakiug care and skill could from Han Francisco. tween #12.000 and #15 000 ffalize the loss of time which carried unanimiously. make it, and this opinion seems _ they thus entail upon others. An informal discussion of the to be shared by Engineer Gamble Immigration returns show ,.,. ., .. ,, m ... io, this undesirable icharacteristic of desirabllity of pressing also for 0f the Public Works Depart- that during the nine months H»e old lion.lale smelting Chilliwack gatherings would rebuilding of the Chilliwack River ment, who made inspection of it ending March last, there were plant has been reconstructed speedily become a thing of the road but it was agreed to H this yesterday. The many who have 8 406 arrivals in British Col,,...- and the iron mines on the west pagt. The prevailing happy-go- m&^er stand ove/unti, the next visited the Crossing during the bm coaNt f lexa la lMlan<1 are t0 - ° ' T * l^ky practice, beside detracting lar meeting which wi„ be past few weeks unite in accord- ™ „ ,"7- „, • TUed,"i l ,°nd.' ,T6?/' much from the interest of our on Friday, June 7th. ing praise both to Engineer re0f 6a tle f, ,rm8h,n ublic Jl wS t~*P and it' ' °° f ' * . f P assemblies, often results * Gamble, who planned and super- X^&S^^tarA the capital in connection with in the absence of many of the vised the work, and to A. A. before the lXr trouble coin- the reconstruction of tlie plant most desirable persons in the Interest^ statistics. Cruickshanki who superintended inenced. antl °Pmitl°n °*t,ie "11Iies' community. Time is money and its execution. one has no right to rob the other A blue book just issued in Lon- . .„- ' _« _ . o g hnll n mpn It is reported that Sir Wilfrid Two new fish hatcheries are to fellow of either. don contains a number of items nd • btT r . Laurier is willing that Canada be established this summer, one President W. A. Rose occupied of curious interest. In the past ?_{„*/" f^i !fnp» ru ™JS should subscribe a million dol- at Babine Lake and another at the chair, and Secretary S. A. ten years it tells us there has ^TinMarcr It h« not been lars forthe London-1 lulifax- Vic- Stuart Lake. A site is also to be Cawley was in his place. Among been a total increase in the pop- t t " k ' " v have SUD tpna-Sydney mail and passenger selected for one on the west (.'oast, others present were W. F. Ferris, ulationofthe principal civilized d . each man has heen service. which will make nine Dominion H. H. Gervan, D. B. Hall, E. W. countries of the world of over di ^ in the emt)iov of tbe Government hatcheries in this Thomas, G. H. W. Ashwell, A. 63,000,000 persons, the total for Gover„ment As before an •Capt, Emil Francke's license province with a capacity of M. Rogers, T. H. Jackson, R. these countries now being estim- nnl]n„„f, ./ _„nnl„ nf (,ar>i" has been suspended for two and 127,000.000. Chadsey, R. Moffat, J. Burtt ated at 570,000,000. Russia has Jj™adei libera? contribution^ a half years because of the loss Morgan, G. P. Chamberlain, E. the highest birth-rate of all these i„ both labor and monev of the Hill liner Dakota on the The convention of the Western W. Thomas,. S. S. Carleton and countries, 49 per thousand of Beginning afthe lower side of coast of Japan in March. Canada firemen to ^ heid in R. G. Rowat. After the approval population per annum, but strange the north end of the bridge a line Winnipeg on July 15 and 16, of the minutes of the previous to say her death-rate is also the of cribbin tenfgetwide at the W. F. Luxton, who founded bids fair to be one of the biggest meeting, Secretary Cawley re- highest, 31 per thousand. Spam, base gix ^ the and the Winnipeg Free Press in 1872, gatherings of the kind ever held ported in behalf of the committee Italy. Austria, Hungary and eighJ. fjMt ^h^has been con- died in Winnipeg on Monday. in Canada. There will be an ex- appointed to wait on the Munici- Japan all have a birth-rate of structed for a ftgtanc(i of He waa one of the best known hibit of fire-fighting applian<!es Pal Council re the silting up of over 32 per thousand of popula- im feet down river Tbja men among Fort Garry pioneers and invitations have been issued the Fraser River, to the effect tion. The population of the chief ^y^ seemg to have been and assisted in laying the foun- to eaetern fire chiefs to be that the Board's request had been nations at the close of 1905 is buil(. -n .^ most BUbBtantjJ,i dation of civic and provincial present. All the principal towns presented to the Council and the givenas follows: Russia, 141,200,- manner jti8 croBg tied every government. and cities between Victoria and latter had promised to take the 000; United States, 83,143,000; fiye fee*t «,d bolted firmly to- Fort WUliam are to send dele- matter up with the other Councils Germany, 60,505,000; Japan, 47,- ^he^th 3-4 inch iron through- Vhebusiness men ofVancou- gates. on the Fraser He had not yet 975^GreatBntain and Ireland, ^ The bottom is covered with ver, Wash., are discussing the been advised of the results. 43,^21,000; France, b»,d00,000, a six_jnch spjit cedar floor and advisability of changing the J. L. Manly of Grand Forks, Communications were read Italy, 33,604,000; Austria, 24,971,- ^ whole .g ]oaded fe ^ name of their city, as the name states that last year there were from the Prov. Secretary and 000; Hungary, 20,114,000; Spain, ^ rock w,|jle ^ bage on ^ Vancouver is misleading to shipped to the Winnipeg market from the Victoria Board of Trade 18.900,00. The most crowded of river si(je is rip-rapped with rock Easterners, who invariably think five cars of Italian prunes, grown and ordered to be filed. the civilized nations is Belgium, tQ ent undermining The of Vancouver, B.C. New Colum- on the Covert estate, bringing Applications for membership which has an average population cribbing ig bui]t in sections of 30 bia may be the name decided over 2 cents per pound on ears were received from the following of 588 persons to the square mile feet each so that an accident at upon. at Grand Forks. He also states persons: B T Malcolm, J. Burtt to its 11,370 square miles of torn- ; be d that this year's crop of prunes Morgan, S. S. Carleton, G. P. tory.
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