Analysis of Landscape Structure in the Southeastern Missouri Ozarks Ming Xu, Sart C. Saunders, and Jiquan Chen 1 Abstract.-We characterized the landscape structure within and surrounding the MOFEP study sites using Landsat TM data and GIS databases. Up to 31 percent of the landscape was within Iiparian zones. Road density was 1.4 km/km2 within the landscape but reached 2.0 km/km2 within 40-m stream buffers. More than 99 percent of the region had a slope <40 percent; about 92 percent of the area had an elevation <300 m. Land was evenly distrtbuted among aspect categortes. Upland forest dominated the landscape. Patch types were differentially distrtbuted by elevation and slope but evenly distrtbuted by aspect. An average of >80 percent of patches existed as edge habitat. Recent research has emphasized the influence consideration. Quantitative charactertzation of of dynamics in spatial pattern on ecological landscape pattern can allow managers to processes as diverse as hydrological activity monitor broad-scale ecological change (Swanson et at 1988), vegetation distrtbution (Hunsaker et al. 1994) and assess accurately (Zobel et al. 1976), species dispersal (Gustafson the impacts of differtng management regimes and Gardner 1996, Schumaker 1996) microcli­ (Baskent and Jordan 1995). Traditionally, matic gradients (Chen et al. 1995), and gene landscape structure has been defined by com­ flow (Futuyma 1986). The development of position (i.e., the types and amounts ofvegeta­ landscape ecology has provided new, interdisci­ tion patches found in the landscape) and rela­ plinary avenues to explore the role of spatial tive distrtbution of patches (i.e., patch-corrtdor­ heterogeneity in controlling ecological processes matrix model; Forman 1995). More generally, at vartous scales (Wiens et al. 1993). Tradi­ structure can be defined by the sizes, shapes, tional, within-patch explanations for ecological numbers, types, and configurations of any phenomena have been found to be inadequate. landscape components (Turner 1989). Natural Both the heterogeneity across an entire land­ features such as streams, rtpartan zones (Gre­ scape and the structure of boundartes within gory et al. 1991, Naiman et al. 1993) or geomor­ the landscape influence ecological processes phic landforms (Swanson et al. 1988) and (Pickett and Cadenasso 1995). Advances in the human-induced features such as roads (Reed et implementation of ecosystem management al. 1996) may be crttical structures influencing require an understanding of landscape struc­ ecological processes in managed landscapes. ture and prtnciples of landscape ecology The relative roles of natural versus human­ (Franklin 1997). induced attrtbutes in defining landscape struc­ ture and affecting landscape functions must be Landscape pattern reflects interacting influ­ considered (Larsen et al. 1997). ences of human-induced and natural distur­ bances over multiple scales of space and time. The Missourt Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project To study the effects of these patterns on ecosys­ (MOFEP), initiated by the Missourt Department tem functions and processes, scientists must be of Conservation in 1990, was designed as a able to quantify those aspects of structure that long-term project to incorporate ecosystem are central to the ecological phenomena under management theortes into forest management practices at the landscape level (Brookshire et 1 Ph.D. Candidate, Ph.D. Candidate, and Assis­ al. 1997, Brookshire and Hauser 1993). Nine tant Professor of Landscape Ecology, respec­ expertmental compartments averaging 400 ha tively, School of Forestry and Wood Products, in size were selected for alternative silvicultural Michigan Technological University, Houghton, treatments for the MOFEP study. To evaluate MI 49931. the impacts of different management practices 41 M©W~~-------------------------------------------------------- when applied at the landscape level, it is vital to 37" 12'N) (Brookshire et a1. 1997). These coun­ determine landscape structure both within the ties are 84 percent forested with large contigu­ study sites and across the Ozark landscape. ous blocks separated only by roads and streams (Brookshire and Hauser 1993, Spencer et al. We assessed landscape structure within the 1992). Agricultural activities are limited to region of the nine MOFEP study sites to: (a) bottomland corridors along primary streams. provide information on structure, such as the The study area consists of mature upland oak­ distributions of roads and streams, and on hickory and oak-pine forest communities. composition, such as patch types, across this Dominant tree species include white oak area and (b) compare the distribution of land­ (Quercus alba L.), black oak (Q. velutina L.}, post scape features within the study sites to the oak (Q. stellata Wang.). scarlet oak (Q. coccinea distribution of these same features in the region Muenchh.). blac~ack oak (Q. mmilandica as a whole. Specifically, we were interested in Muenchh.), chinkapin oak (Q. muehlenbergii assessing the importance of streams, roads, and Engelm.), shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.). landforms in creating landscape structure. and hickory (Carya spp.). Understory species include dogwood (Comus spp.) and blackgum METHODS (Nyssa sylvatica Marsh). Geologically, this region is underlain mainly by Ordovician age Study Site dolomite with areas of Cambrian age dolomite. Precambrian igneous rocks are also present The MOFEP is made up of nine compartments, (Meinert et a1. 1997, Missouri Geological Survey ranging in size from 260 to 527 ha (fig. 1). 1979). Weathering of the Ordovician and which are located in Carter, Reynolds, and Cambrian age dolomites has resulted in a deep Shannon Counties in the southeastern Missouri mantle of leached, very cherty residuum on the Ozarks (91.01' to 91.13' Wand 37.00' to MOFEP study sites (Gott 1975, Meinert et al. 1997). Soils on this area were formed mostly in residuum. The common series are Viburnum, Midco, Gepp, Eardley, Viraton, Poynor, and Clarksville (Brookshire and Hauser 1993). Mean annual temperature and annual precipi­ tation are 13.3 °C and 1,120 mm, respectively. The MOFEP study sites cover 13 different Ecological Land Types (ELT's); ELT 17 (south­ and west-facing slopes). ELT 18 (north- and east-facing slopes), and ELT 11 (ridge top) make up 90 percent of the total area. Data Analysis We investigated the distribution of two linear features (roads and streams) and four patch N features (vegetation type, slope, aspect, and elevation) relative to each other. For streams and roads, geographic information system (GIS) databases were available from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). These data t were based on five USGS 1:24,000 topographi­ VanBuren cal maps: Powder Mill Ferry, Exchange, Van Buren North, Stegall Mountain, and Fremont. We limited our analysis to the area covered 0 Skm lOkm from 37"15'N, 91.15W at the northwest corner to ::J 37.15'N, 91·oow iii the northeast, 36.15'N, 91.14'W in the southwest and 36.15'N, 91.7W in the southeast. We excluded the area ofVan Figure I.-Location of the Missouri Ozark Forest Buren from 37.2'N, 91.3W to 37.2'N, 91·ow Ecosystem Project (MOFEP) sites within the and south to 37.0'N (fig. 1) to minimize bias in study region, southeastern Missouri. estimates of road density and patch metrics. 42 We used Landsat TM data (band 1,2,3,4,5, and Slope, aspect, and elevation data were gener­ 7; July 10, 1996) to classify major patch types ated in Arc/Info using the MDC's digital eleva­ in the study area using the supervised classifi­ tion model (DEM), which corresponded to the cation technique in ERDAS /Imagine (version USGS contour maps at a 1:24,000 scale. Con­ 8.2). Silvicultural treatments on MOFEP site 7 tour interval was 20 ft for the map sheets of were completed before the July 10, 1996 date of Powder Mill Ferry, Exchange, and Van Buren image capture. Atmospheric correction, sun North. Contour interval was 20 m for the illumination correction, and principal compo­ Stegall Mountain and Fremont maps. All nents analysis (PCA) were applied before classi­ contour data were converted to meters using fication. We eliminated small polygons (area < 1 lattice coverages with a resolution of 30x30 m ha) using the Arc/Info GIS. Initially, eight in Arc/Info GIS. Slope was coded into eight patch types were identified. We merged dry categories (table 2), aspect was coded into 10 river beds, bare ground, and urban areas into categories (table 3), and elevation was coded one category, urban and non-vegetated (U/NV), into six categories (table 4). for this study due to the limited area in each of these categories. We used the resulting seven We buffered all streams and roads with seven patch types (table 1, fig. 2) for all subsequent buffer widths: 10, 20, 40, 50, 60, 80, and 100 analyses. To determine the classification m, and calculated the amount of area in each of accuracy, a total of 161 points were chosen these buffer zones using Arc/Info GIS. We within the study area through a combination of determined road density within each buffer, and stratified random sampling and systematic stream and road densities in the landscape as a sampling techniques (Russin et al. 1991, Lillesand and Kiefer 1994). We located each point using a global positioning system (GPS) Table 2.--Slope categories and codes used for intersection and recorded patch type and topographic with patch types in Arc/Info GIS. information. Sample size in each category was determined by the relative amount of area in Slope range Category the patch type and the importance of the cat­ egory for our objectives. Even a completely Percent random assignment of pixels among patch types :2:0- ::;10 would produce a certain percentage of correct >10- ::;25 2 values in the error matrix. Therefore, the KHAT >25- ::;40 3 statistic was used to measure the difference >40- ::;55 4 between the actual agreement and the chance >55- ::;70 5 agreement between the ground truthed data >70- ::;85 6 and a random classifier (Lillesand and Kieffer >85- ::;100 7 1994).
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