Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 6-3-1942 Bee Gee News June 3, 1942 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News June 3, 1942" (1942). BG News (Student Newspaper). 625. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/625 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. MAIL £RY PAY DAV FOR VICTORY Buy BO(ND DAY UNITED STATES DEFENSE JOIN THE HI-MU UV1MS RAN Bee Gee News Student Publication of Bowling Green State University BONDS • STAMPS VOL. XXVI—Z651 BOWLING GREEN, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1942 NO. 32 A Digest Of Dondus Berndt Wins Summa Cum Laude Signs "30" University Plans To Confer The Week's Recognition In Annual Honors Convocation News \ 182 Degrees Here Friday Hannah Blackburn Win* Magna Cum Laude Honor*; Howard Huffman, Jame* Six Graduate Students Will Receive Master's Soviet armies in the Ukraine Ludwick, Ruth Meek, Alma Roach, and Wealtha Wentling Are Cum Laude Winner* Degrees; Grove Patterson To Deliver under the leadership of Majrahal Commencement Address Timoshenko have scored a \ bril- A coed who is working her way through college "stole the show" last week at the liant success in thwarting a N'ezi- The University will confer 182 degrees at Commence- annual Honors Assembly. planned drive upon Rostov, Kate- ment exercises at 4 on Friday in the Amphitheatre, the regis- Blue-eyed, brown-haired Dondus Berndt—a dormitory waitress during the college trar's office announced today. way to the Caucasus, it was an- year and a tea room waitress in the summer—was called to the auditorium platform to In addition to the two degrees of Doctor of Laws to be nounced. The battle of Kharkov receive the Faculty Women's Club scholarship and the citation of summa cum laude for presented to Webb Cook Hayes and Herbert Farrell, six is drawing to a cloae after 19 day* high scholarship. graduate students will receive master's degrees, 133 seniors of violent fighting in which the1 Her grades for four years have* been perfect except for 1 H hours Masque and Mantle, dramatic arts, fraternity. will receive degrees of Bachelor* Germans have lost more than 90,- of Science in Education; 17, Bach- of "B" in educational observa- and University Civic Research Urschel award for best dormi- 000 killed or captured. To indi- elor of Aits in Liberal Arts; two, 180 Seniors Hear tion and 1 hour of "B" in physi- League, political science. tory scholarship—Williams Hall. cate the enormity of this clash, Hachelor of Science in Liberal cal education. No Bowling Green Initiates of Book and Motor in Siebens trophy for best all- the official announcement listed Arts, and 22, Bachelor of Science Dr. MR. Reed On student has done better in recent the last year are: Newton Bates, around senior woman—Rita Sny- Russia's own casualties about in Business Administration. Kharkov at 75,000, including 5,000 years. Esther Bard, Marianne Bell, Phyl- der of Lyons. Self-Development killed and 70,000 missing. After being notified of the two lis Berndt, Robert Bressler, Lois Esther Russell Cup for the best Grove Patterson, editor of the honors, the 21-year-old senior Holtmeyer, Ralph Hone, Elizabeth, sorority scholarship—Seven Sis- Toledo Blade, and a world re- Meanwhile 44 more Czechs, 10 Hornyak, Iola Jolliff, Martha Jor- ters. Richard DunipAcs aignad "30" to nowned newspaperman, will deliver Baccalaureate Services of them women, were executed by from Moline delivered a five- minute talk. She was introduced dan, Kathryn Knisely, Larry Kuhl, Certificate of excellence in de- hU CO.Uf* n*wip«prr t*rrfr last the Commencement address on the Were Held Sunday the Nazis In Bohemia and Mora- Edward Lautner, Leota LeBay, bate—Carl Bartch of Findlay. w««k. Al thr Publication* Ban- subject, "Ready for the Day's via, raising to 62 the number of by Dr. Frank J. Prout, Univer- In Auditorium sity president. Martha Lown, Catherine MacDon- Certificates of excellence in de- qual ha received the only key Work." The University Band victims of frightful Naii ven- awarded a member of the Newt will play. Seniors and faculty members ald. bate and certificates of individual To become indispensable geance for the critical wounding ■taff for bit outstanding work in The order of procession into donned caps and gowns for the Edith Nehousmeyer, Edward Midwest section ranking in debate one must exercise self-devel- of Reinhard Heydrich, the Gesta- journalism. He was sports editor the theatre is as follows: Marshal assembly. Palmer, John Phillips, Eileen Pick- —Larry Kuhl of Cuyahoga Falls po's second in command. All of of last year's paper and editor-in- of the Day, College of Education opment. Dr. Marshall R. Dr. Prout anounced the names ett, Kathryn Piper, Dorothy Pohl- and Lee Miesle of Fremont. those executed were accused of chief of this year's News. He will candidates, College of Liberal Arts Reed, pastor of the Nardin of members of Book and Motor, man, Florence Shreve, Norma Watch chain and cup for first either failing to register with the receive his Bachelor of Arts de< candidates. College of Business Park Methodist Church in scholarship society, and of Student Stein, Marilyn Traver, Alice Wat- in the first annual Ohio Intercol- police or harboring or aiding un- free Friday. Administration candidates, facul- Detroit, declared Sunday aft- Council, Social Committee, Wom- kins, Mary Crabill Wood, and (Continued on page 3) registered persons accused of anti- ty members—1941 members first, ernoon at Baccalaureate serv- German activities and these lat- en's Athletic Association, and Dorothy Wright. athletic award winners. honorary degree candidates, ad- ices in the University Audi- est victims died before firing In addition to Miss Berndt, He also called attention to the ministrative officials, and the torium. squads immediately after they other high-ranking seniors are: program listing of names of mem- Campus Interest Shifts speaker. He defined as indispensable a were sentenced by a quick-action Hannah Blackburn, Sycamore, bers of the following honorary Following the exercises, the person "who has something to give Nazi court-martial. magna cum laude, and Howard procession will march to the circle that the world needs, whether in groups: Kappa Delta PI, educa- Huffman, Pcmberville; James As the blackest month in United tion; Kappa Mu Epsilon, mathe- From Class-Notes To Key where the senior flag will be low- war time or in peace." Ludwick, Risingsun; Ruth Meek, "No one drifts into indispensa- States history for coastal shipping matics; Phi Sigma >Mu, music; Pi ered. Bucyrus; Alma Roach, Twinsburg, Campus interest today had bility. Colleges may equip a losses drew to a close, the navy Omega Pi, business education; Pi Candidates for master's degrees and Wealtha Wentling, Carey, all shifted from poring over text- graduate with idealism and tech- moved today to strengthen and Kappa Delta, forensics; Sigma Pi Schwyn Declared are Mrs. F.milio L. Gerding, Bowl- cum laude. books and class notes to leafing niques, but he's on his own when increase its weapons to combat Rho, Latin; Sigma Tau Delta, ing Green, education and English; through the 216 pages of the new the game of life begins," Dr. Reed the U-boat in the Gulf of Mexico. Dr. J. R. Overman, dean of the Winner of Hedden Inez E. Gorsuch, Toledo, English English; Beta Pi Theta, French; 1942 Key, just off the presses said. To smother the submarines in the College of Liberal Arts, an- and rushed to Bowling Green via Riding Contest and education; Fano Harris, To- "No greater fallacy can possess Gulf sea frontier, from Jackson- nounced graduate scholarships to ledo, social science and education; the University station wagon. the human mind than the concep- ville on the north coast of Florida George John at Ohio State Uni- James R. Inman, Perrysburg, edu- Alumni Chairman The yearbook is dedicated to Helen Schwyn, daughter of Mr. tion that what we want we will to the coast of Mexico, the navy versity and to Earl McFarren at cation and physical education; Dr. Frank J. Prout in recognition and Mrs. Carl H. Schwyn of Cyg- secure without our own conscious installed an Ohio-born officer, Iowa State College. Mr. John Dale O. Sander, Ney, physical ed- Announces Plans of his heading the University's net, was declared the champion effort. Greatness of living comes Rear Admiral James Lawrence presented the Chemical Journal ucation and social science, and splendid expansion program. Leaf- last week in the horse show* of by the determined development of Kauffman to command the fleet Club award for freshmen to Da- Richard C. Stuckey, Port Clinton, For Annual Picnic ing through the book reveals pic- students of the Hedden School of our capacities." to patrol this area. He is the for- vid Harkness. history and education. tures of four new campus build- Riding. The 180 University seniors, mer commandant of the naval op- Other award winners were: Committees for the annual ings, erected or completed this who will be graduated at 4 p. m. erating base in Iceland, where he Assembly plaque—Commoners' Miss Schwyn, special itndsnt in alumni meeting were announced year chiefly through his efforts. Friday, were told that education battled wolf packs of submarines today by Dr. Walter A.
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